
  1. 管理机制
  2. 数据类型
    1. int类型:细分种类更多
    2. 大文件类型
    3. 日期格式:时间和日期分开!更详细!多一点!但是对于日期的计算比较麻烦!
  3. 可以先按照Oracle数据库里面的几张表,创建MySQL下的表进行试验,创建过程参考脚本文件!!!

连接MYSQL服务器:mysql -uroot -proot

    mysql -uroot -p --default_character_set=gbk; (影响数据的输入和输出)
    show variables like 'character%';

* 创建:

            create database mydb1;
            create database mydb2 character set utf8;
            create database mydb3 character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
  • 查看:
            show databases;
            show create database mydb2;
  • 修改:
            alter database mydb1 character set utf8;
  • 删除:
            drop database mydb1;

* 创建:

            Person {
                int id;
                String name;
            create table person(
                id int,
                name varchar(20)


bit1位 但可以指定位数,如:bit<3>
int2字节 可以指定最大位数,如:int<4> 最大为4位的整数
float2个字节 可以指定最大的位数和最大的小数位数,如:float<5,2> 最大为一个5位的数,小数位最多2位
double4个字节 可以指定最大的位数和最大的小数位数,如:double<6,4> 最大为一个6位的数,小数位最多4位
char必须指定字符数,如char(5) 为不可变字符 即使存储的内容为’ab’,也是用5个字符的空间存储这个数据
varchar必须指定字符数,如varchar(5) 为可变字符 如果存储的内容为’ab’,占用2个字符的空间;如果为’abc’,则占用3个字符的空间
blob二进制大数据 如图片,音频文件,视频文件
date日期 如:’1921-01-02’
datetime:日期时间 如:’1921-01-02 12:23:43’


            create table employee(id int,name varchar(20),sex bit,birthday date,salary double,entry_date date,resume text);
--* 查看:
            show tables;
            show create table employee;
            --mysql表 名称区分大小写
            desc employee;
--* 删除:
        drop table employee;
--* 修改表:
        --增加一个字段:alter table worker add column height double;
        --修改一个字段:alter table worker modify column height float;
        --删除一个字段:alter table worker drop column height;
        --更改表名:rename table employee to worker;
        --修改表的字符集:alter table worker character set gbk;

    --*C(create增加数据) Insert语句 
create table employee(
id int,
name varchar(20),
sex bit,
birthday date,
salary double,
entry_date date,
resume text
        create table employee(id int, name varchar(20),sex bit,birthday date,salary double,entry_date date,resume text);

            insert into employee(id,name,sex,birthday,salary,entry_date,resume) values(1,'张三',1,'1983-09-21',15000,'2012-06-24','一个大牛');
            insert into employee(id,name,sex,birthday,salary,entry_date,resume) values(2,'李四',1,'1984-09-21',10000,'2012-07-24','一个中牛');
        insert into employee(id,name,sex,birthday,salary,entry_date,resume) values(3,'王五',0,'1985-09-21',7000,'2012-08-24','一个小牛');

insert into employee(id,name,sex,birthday,salary,entry_date,resume) values(5,'王五5',0,'1985-09-21',7000,'2012-08-24','一个小小牛');

delete from employee where id=1 

        create table employee(  id int,name varchar(20),sex bit,birthday date,salary double,entry_date date,resume text);

--* U(update更新数据) Update语句 
            update employee set salary=salary+500;
            update employee set salary=10000,resume='也是一个中牛' where name='王五';
* D(drop删除数据) Delete语句 
            delete from employee where name='王五';
            delete from employee; --可以有条件,但删除所有记录差了一点
            truncate employee;--无条件 效率高

* R(Retrieve查找数据) Select语句  
create table student(
id int,
name varchar(20),
chinese int,
english int,
math int

            insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(1,'何东',80,85,90);
            insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(2,'权筝',90,95,95);
            insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(3,'何南',80,96,96);
            insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(4,'叶坦',81,97,85);
            insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(5,'何西',85,84,90);
            insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(6,'丁香',92,85,87);
            insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(7,'何北',75,81,80);
            insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(8,'唐娇',77,80,79);
            insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(9,'任知了',95,85,85);
            insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(10,'王越',94,85,84);

            select * from student;
            select name,english from student;
            select english from student;
            select DISTINCT english from student;
            select DISTINCT english,name from student;

            select english+chinese+math from student;
            select english+chinese+math as 总分 from student;
            select name,english+chinese+math as 总分 from student;

            select name,english+10 from student;
            select english+chinese+math from student;
            select name,english+chinese+math as 总分 from student;
            select name,english+chinese+math 总分 from student;

            select * from student where name='何东';
            select * from student where english>90;
            select * from student where english+chinese+math>250;

        --查询英语分数在 85-95之间的同学。
            select * from student where english>=85 and english<=95;
            select * from student where english between 85 and 95;
            select * from student where math=84 or math=90 or math=91;
            select * from student where math in(84,90,91);
            select * from student where name like '何%';
            select * from student where math>85 and chinese>90;

            select * from student order by math;
            select * from student order by math+chinese+english desc;
            select * from student where name like '何%' order by math+chinese+english desc;
            select name, math+chinese+english from student where name like '何%' order by math+chinese+english desc;

            select count(*) from student;
            select count(*) from student where math>90;
            select count(*) from student where math+chinese+english>250;

            select sum(math) from student;
            select sum(math), sum(chinese), sum(english) from student;
            select sum(math+chinese+english)from student;
            select sum(math)+sum(chinese)+sum(english) from student;

            select avg(math) from student;
            select avg(math+chinese+english)from student;
            select avg(math)+avg(chinese)+avg(english) from student;

            select max(math+chinese+english),min(math+chinese+english) from student;

                --给表添加一个字段:alter table student add column class_id int;
                    update student set class_id=1 where id<=5;
                    update student set class_id=2 where id>5;
            select sum(math+chinese+english),max(math+chinese+english) from student group by class_id;

            select class_id from student group by class_id having sum(math+chinese+english)>1300;
            select class_id from student where sum(math+chinese+english)>1300 group by class_id ;
        note:where和group区别: --在wehre子句中不能使用分组函数


mysql> select year (now()), month(now()), day(now()) , date(now());
| year (now()) | month(now()) | day(now()) | date(now()) |
|         2014 |            9 |          7 | 2014-09-07  |

select date_add(now(), INTERVAL 2 year) from dual;//增加两年
select charset('name')  employee;
select date_add(now(), INTERVAL -1 day) 昨天, now() 今天, date_add(now(), INTERVAL +1 day) 明天; 

select concat( charset(‘name’), ‘aaaa’) 自定义 from dual;



  • 定义主键约束 primary key:不允许为空,不允许重复
  • 定义主键自动增长 auto_increment
  • 定义唯一约束 unique
  • 定义非空约束 not null
  • 定义外键约束 constraint ordersid_FK foreign key(ordersid) references orders(id)
  • 删除主键:alter table tablename drop primary key ;

    create table myclass
    id INT(11) primary key auto_increment,
    name varchar(20) unique

    create table student(
    id INT(11) primary key auto_increment,
    name varchar(20) unique,
    passwd varchar(15) not null,
    classid INT(11), #注意这个地方不要少逗号
    constraint stu_classid_FK foreign key(classid) references myclass(id)

* 准备数据:

        create database mydb1;
        use mydb1;
        create table user(
            id int,
            name varchar(20)
        insert into user(id,name) values(1,'Tom');
        select * from user;
  • 备份:
        mysqldump -uroot -p mydb1>d:\test.sql;--备份数据库里的数据
  • 恢复;
        mysql -uroot -p mydb1<d:\test.sql
        source d:\test.sql(在mysql客户端上执行)


               department_id int primary key auto_increment,       
               name varchar
               location_id int PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,       
               name varchar
               employee_id int PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,       
               department_id int,       
               location_id int,       
               first_name varchar,       
               last_name varchar,       
               salary double,
               hire_date date     


            insert into department(name) values ('人事');
            insert into department(name) values ('财务');
            insert into department(name) values ('后勤');
            insert into department(name) values ('公关');
            insert into department(name) values ('研发');


            insert into location(name) values ('总经理');
            insert into location(name) values ('经理');
            insert into location(name) values ('主管');
            insert into location(name) values ('组长');
            insert into location(name) values ('职员');


            insert into employees(department_id,location_id , first_name, last_name, salary,hire_date)
                   values (1,1, 'A', 'z', 50000, '2005-02-21');       
            insert into employees(department_id,location_id, first_name, last_name, salary,hire_date)
                   values (1,2, 'B', 'x', 20000, '2009-03-21');       
            insert into employees(department_id,location_id , first_name, last_name, salary,hire_date)
                   values (2,3, 'C', 'v', 10000, '2009-08-23');       
            insert into employees(department_id,location_id, first_name, last_name, salary,hire_date)
                   values (4,2, 'D', 'n', 30000, '2004-09-28');       
            insert into employees(department_id,location_id, first_name, last_name, salary,hire_date)
                   values (3,5, 'E', 'm', 3000, '2009-04-11');       
            insert into employees(department_id,location_id, first_name, last_name, salary,hire_date)
                   values (5,5, 'F', 'l', 5000, '2008-03-11');       
            insert into employees(department_id,location_id, first_name, last_name, salary,hire_date)
                   values (5,3, 'G', 'p', 20000, '2005-05-09');       
            insert into employees(department_id,location_id, first_name, last_name, salary,hire_date)
                   values (5,4, 'H', 'o', 8000, '2006-07-21');       
            insert into employees(department_id,location_id, first_name, last_name, salary,hire_date)
                   values (5,5, 'I', 'u', 6000, '2006-09-21');       
            insert into employees(department_id,location_id, first_name, last_name, salary,hire_date)
                   values (5,5, 'J', 'y', 5500, '2007-08-21');       
            insert into employees(department_id,location_id, first_name, last_name, salary,hire_date)
                   values (5,5, 'K', 't', 6500, '2006-12-21');       
            insert into employees(department_id,location_id, first_name, last_name, salary,hire_date)
                   values (5,1, 'L', 'r', 100000, '2001-05-21'); 


        select * from employees e, department d, location l 
            where e.[department_id]=d.[department_id] and e.[location_id]=l.[location_id] and e.[last_name]='z';
    --单行子查询: 查出所有工资大于平均工资的员工信息 
        select * from employees where salary >(select avg(salary) from employees) 
    --多行子查询: 查出所有所有姓z的部门名称 
        select name from department where department_id in (select department_id from employees where last_name='z');


mysql有六处使用了字符集,分别为:client 、connection、database、results、server 、system。

  • client是客户端使用的字符集。
  • connection是连接数据库的字符集设置类型,如果程序没有指明* 连接数据库使用的字符集类型就按照服务器端默认的字符集设置。
  • database是数据库服务器中某个库使用的字符集设定,如果建库时没有指明,将使用服务器安装时指定的字符集设置。
  • results是数据库给客户端返回时使用的字符集设定,如果没有指明,使用服务器默认的字符集。
  • server是服务器安装时指定的默认字符集设定。
  • system是数据库系统使用的字符集设定。

mysql> show variables like ‘character%’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| character_set_client | utf8 |
| character_set_connection | utf8 |
| character_set_database | utf8 |
| character_set_filesystem | binary |
| character_set_results | utf8 |
| character_set_server | latin1 |
| character_set_system | utf8 |
| character_sets_dir | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ |


        mysql> select empno, ename, sal, (sal+ ifnull(comm, 0))  from emp;
        | empno | ename | sal  | (sal+ ifnull(comm, 0)) |
        |  7369 | SMITH |  800 |                    800 |
        |  7499 | ALLEN | 1600 |                   1600 |


    select empno, ename, sal, d.dname
    from emp e, dept d
    where e.deptno=d.deptno

    select empno, ename, sal, d.dname
    from emp e inner join dept d
    on e.deptno=d.deptno    


eg:查询员工信息,员工号,姓名,月薪, 薪水级别

        select empno, ename, sal, s.grade
        from emp e, salgrade s
        where  e.sal >= s.losal and e.sal<=s.hisal

        select empno, ename, sal, s.grade
        from emp e, salgrade s
        where  e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal;
select empno, ename, sal, s.grade
from emp e inner join salgrade s
on  e.sal >= s.losal and e.sal<=s.hisal


eg:按部门统计员工人数: 部门号 部门名称 各部门人数

select d.deptno, d.dname, count(e.empno)
from dept d, emp e
where d.detpno=e.detpno
group by d.deptno , d.dname;

select d.deptno, d.dname, count(e.empno)–左连接


    from dept d, emp e
    where d.deptno=e.deptno(+)
    group by d.deptno , d.dname;


select d.deptno, d.dname, count(e.empno)
from dept d left outer join  emp e
on d.deptno=e.deptno
group by d.deptno , d.dname;

====>mysql不支持oralce的外连接 语法。。。。


        select e.*, d.*
        from emp e
        inner join dept d
        on e.deptno=d.deptno
        -- 也可以省略inner关键字。
    select e.*, d.*
    from emp e inner join dept d
    on e.deptno=d.deptno
        select e.*, d.*
        from emp e
        left outer join dept d
        on e.deptno=d.deptno
        -- 也可以省略outer关键字

        select e.*, d.*
        from emp e      
        right outer join dept d
        on e.deptno=d.deptno
        -- 也可以省略outer关键字

        select e.*, d.*
        from emp e
        full outer join dept d      
        on e.deptno=d.deptno
        -- 也可以省略outer关键字

        select e.*, d.*
        from emp e
        cross join dept d
        -- 没有连接条件

自连接:显示: *的老板是*

—–员工表 老板表
===员工表的老板 是 老板表的员工

select e.ename, b.ename
from  emp e, emp b
where e.mgr = b.empno

====我们希望 员工的表的king在不满足等值条件的情况下,也要显示出来

            select e.ename, b.ename
            from  emp e left outer join emp b
            on e.mgr = b.empno;


            select e.ename, nvl(b.ename, '他自己')
            from  emp e left outer join emp b
            on e.mgr = b.empno;
mysql> select e.ename, nvl(b.ename, '他自己')
    -> from  emp e left outer join emp b
    -> on e.mgr = b.empno;
ERROR 1305 (42000): FUNCTION mydb61.nvl does not exist

select e.ename, ifnull(b.ename, '他自己')
from  emp e left outer join emp b
on e.mgr = b.empno;


            select e.ename || '的老板是' || ifnull(b.ename, '他自己')
            from  emp e left outer join emp b
            on e.mgr = b.empno;


        CONCAT (string2? [,... ])

        select CONCAT('111', 'bbbb', 'ccccc');

        select  CONCAT( e.ename, '的老板是', ifnull(b.ename, '他自己') )
        from  emp e left outer join emp b
        on e.mgr = b.empno;
            | CONCAT( e.ename, '的老板是', ifnull(b.ename, '他自己') )        |
            | ALLEN的老板是BLAKE                                              |
            | WARD的老板是BLAKE                                               |
            | JONES的老板是KING                                               |
            | MARTIN的老板是BLAKE                                             |
            | BLAKE的老板是KING                                               |
            | CLARK的老板是KING                                               |
            | SCOTT的老板是JONES                                              |
            | KING的老板是他自己                                              |
            | TURNER的老板是BLAKE                                             |
            | ADAMS的老板是SCOTT                                              |
            | JAMES的老板是BLAKE                                              |
            | FORD的老板是JONES                                               |
            | MILLER的老板是CLARK                                             |
            13 rows in set (0.00 sec)




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


