
1 / Your apartment is very ___ .


2 / ___ is my brother.



3 / It's lunchtime. Are you ___ ?



4 / Does he like to play soccer? Yes, he ___ .



5 / There are a lot of people outside my office. Hey! What's ___ ?



6 / My sister ___ at home now, but she usually ___ in San Francisco.
 lives / lived
 is living / lives
 is living / is living
 lives / is living



7 / My family likes to watch the ___ on television in the evenings.



8 / There's ___ coffee in the pot.
 plenty of
 a few



9 / Which response is similar in meaning to "fortune"?



10 / Tina was ___ girl in town.
 the smartest
 a most smart
 most smart



11 / Many European countries have the same ___ .



12 / After our recent experience, I was hoping there would be no ___ problems with the supplier.
 more far



13 / The technicians have developed a new computer ___ which allows us to view all customer orders and accounts at the same time.



14 / We've been working together ___ eighteen months ___ .
 for / ago
 since / ago
 since / Ø
 for / Ø



15 / I've been walking all day. My feet are starting to ___ !



16 / After all the planning that had gone into the project, I really resented them for ___ the proposal.
 have refused
 to refuse



17 / If the company's spending continues to ___ its income, it will eventually go bankrupt.



18 / What do you think? ___ we hold the conference on the 11th at two o'clock?



19 / Who takes care of ___ the terms of the new contract?
 doing up
 settling for
 drawing up
 setting in



20 / It's ___ that the interest rates for mortgages have skyrocketed; we'll have to save up for a larger down payment.
 a shame



21 / A businessman often ___ a suit and tie to go to work.



22 / You have received ___ about special offers on renting villas.
 an advertisement
 an account
 a diary
 an appointment



23 / Good evening. I ___ a few days ago to reserve a table.
 am calling
 have called



24 / This refrigerator belongs to us. It's ___ .



25 / I would like to ___ an apartment in Madrid for two weeks this summer.



26 / I am going to L.A. to work for a ___ which makes video games.



27 / Aren't you ___ buy some fresh vegetables?
 going to
 will go



28 / It was a ___ tennis match.



29 / Is there anything on tonight's menu you would ___ ?



30 / It's a special ___ ! You get a 10% discount if you buy today, and you don't have to pay until next year.



31 / You ___ understand the consequences of your actions.
 have to not



32 / ___ I need it, I can't find it.



33 / Which response is similar in meaning to "to book"?
 to deserve
 to reserve
 to serve
 to conserve



34 / Which response is similar in meaning to "to need"?
 to require
 to spare
 to insist
 to consider



35 / The colleague ___ car broke down wanted to go faster.



36 / We ___ for six hours now.
 have been driving
 been driving
 are driving



37 / What is the opposite of "unimpressive"?



38 / Which response is similar in meaning to "exciting"?



39 / The price ___ tomorrow.
 is confirmed
 will confirm
 is to be confirmed



40 / The seat belt ___ the flight attendant before the plane took off.
 has been fastened by
 was fastening
 was fastened by
 was fastened



41 / We don't want that ___ . Their products are too expensive and unreliable.



42 / We have no food in the fridge; it looks like we'll have to go to a restaurant ___ .



43 / I'm ___ eating very little breakfast in the morning.
 to use
 use to
 used to



44 / In the last twenty years there have been a number of positive developments in this field.
 In the last twenty years there have been a number of movements in this field.
 In the last twenty years there has been stability in this field.
 In the last twenty years there have been many floods in this field.
 In the last twenty years there has been a lot of progress in this field.



45 / I look forward ___ you on Monday.
 to see
 to seeing



46 / The team with the ___ score will be eliminated.



47 / If you take the bus on a regular basis, you ___ buy a weekly pass.
 should have
 ought to have



48 / They didn't listen to the music and didn't watch the performance ___ .



49 / According to the text, airplanes are considered to be…
 an overrated means of transportation.
 a poor means of transportation.
 a popular, yet unreliable means of transportation.
 a widespread, reliable means of transportation.



50 / What is the opposite of "destruction"?



51 / When tankers sink, the oil spilled ___ the environment tremendously.



52 / The general economic situation in this country is poor, particularly in this rural ___ , where they have no industry to rely on.



53 / If I ___ it today, you ___ it by Monday morning.
 sent / receive
 will send / will receive
 would send / would receive
 sent / would receive



54 / We ___ to hurry, because we ___ be there until 3 p.m.
 mustn't / don't need to
 haven't / needn't
 don't need / don't have to
 needn't / don't have to



55 / He looks ___ me, don't you think?
 same as



56 / She expected him ___ with her.
 to leave



57 / Which response is similar in meaning to "costly"?



58 / Nothing else works, but the photocopier is still fully ___ .



59 / With the new laws on machinery, many factories are revising their safety ___ .



60 / Which response is similar in meaning to "to request"?
 to cancel
 to search
 to question
 to demand



61 / The businessman ___ the accident, had he traveled by plane.
 might avoid
 may avoid
 might have avoided
 may be avoiding



62 / If she ___ at the map, she ___ gotten lost.
 looked / wouldn't
 had looked / haven't
 would have looked / wouldn't have
 had looked / wouldn't have



63 / He confirmed, "I'll deliver it tomorrow."
 He confirmed he'd deliver it the following day.
 He confirmed he would have delivered it tomorrow.
 He confirmed he had delivered it the following day.
 He confirmed he delivers it tomorrow.



64 / ___ the CEO, I thank you for your hard work and congratulate you on your achievements.
 According to
 Given that
 On behalf of
 Based on




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CVSS(Common Vulnerability Scoring System)是一种常用的漏洞评分系统,用于评估计算机系统的漏洞严重程度和危害程度,并提供给相关方便于采取相应的应对措施。 CVSS打分定级标准主要包括以下几个方面: 1. 基本指标:基于漏洞的特性和易受攻击的程度来对漏洞进行打分。包括漏洞的攻击向量(Attack Vector)、攻击复杂度(Attack Complexity)、攻击向量的身份验证(Privileges Required)、对受影响的组件的冲击(User Interaction)和漏洞的机密性、完整性和可用性冲击(Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability Impact)等。 2. 环境指标:用于评估漏洞对系统环境的影响程度。包括攻击向量所需要的权限(Privileges Required)、对用户交互的要求(User Interaction Required)和系统组件所在的用户界面(Scope)等。 3. 通用指标:针对指标1和指标2的评分结果进行综合计算,得出最终的CVSS分数。 CVSS分数的的等级标准主要有以下几个级别: 1. 严重(Critical):CVSS分数为9.0 - 10.0,对系统的影响非常大,可能导致系统完全受控或敏感信息泄露。需要立即采取行动进行修复。 2. 高危(High):CVSS分数为7.0 - 8.9,对系统的影响比较大,可能导致系统受控或敏感信息部分泄露。需要尽快采取行动进行修复。 3. 中危(Medium):CVSS分数为4.0 - 6.9,对系统的影响一般,可能导致系统资源的非关键性泄露或中断。需要在合理的时间内进行修复。 4. 低危(Low):CVSS分数为0.1 - 3.9,对系统的影响较小,可能导致系统性能或功能上的一些缺陷。可以在适当的时间内进行修复。 通过CVSS的打分定级标准,系统管理员和安全团队可以快速了解漏洞的严重程度,并优先采取相应的应对措施,以保护系统的安全性和稳定性。


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