毕设 大数据电商用户行为分析及可视化(源码+论文)

0 简介



毕业设计 基于大数据淘宝用户行为分析



1. 数据集说明

这是一份来自淘宝的用户行为数据,时间区间为 2017-11-25 到 2017-12-03,总计 100,150,807 条记录,大小为 3.5 G,包含 5 个字段。

2. 数据处理

2.1 数据导入

将数据加载到 hive, 然后通过 hive 对数据进行数据处理。

-- 建表
drop table if exists user_behavior;
create table user_behavior (
`user_id` string comment '用户ID',
`item_id` string comment '商品ID',
`category_id` string comment '商品类目ID',
`behavior_type` string  comment '行为类型,枚举类型,包括(pv, buy, cart, fav)',
`timestamp` int comment '行为时间戳',
`datetime` string comment '行为时间')
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
lines terminated by '\n';

-- 加载数据
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/getway/UserBehavior.csv'
OVERWRITE INTO TABLE user_behavior ;

2.2 数据清洗


insert overwrite table user_behavior
select user_id, item_id, category_id, behavior_type, timestamp, datetime
from user_behavior
group by user_id, item_id, category_id, behavior_type, timestamp, datetime;

--数据清洗,时间戳格式化成 datetime
insert overwrite table user_behavior
select user_id, item_id, category_id, behavior_type, timestamp, from_unixtime(timestamp, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
from user_behavior;

select date(datetime) as day from user_behavior group by date(datetime) order by day;

insert overwrite table user_behavior
select user_id, item_id, category_id, behavior_type, timestamp, datetime
from user_behavior
where cast(datetime as date) between '2017-11-25' and '2017-12-03';

--查看 behavior_type 是否有异常值
select behavior_type from user_behavior group by behavior_type;


3.1 用户流量及购物情况

select sum(case when behavior_type = 'pv' then 1 else 0 end) as pv,
       count(distinct user_id) as uv
from user_behavior;


select cast(datetime as date) as day,
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'pv' then 1 else 0 end) as pv,
       count(distinct user_id) as uv
from user_behavior
group by cast(datetime as date)
order by day;



--每个用户的购物情况,加工到 user_behavior_count
create table user_behavior_count as
select user_id,
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'pv' then 1 else 0 end) as pv,   --点击数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'fav' then 1 else 0 end) as fav,  --收藏数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'cart' then 1 else 0 end) as cart,  --加购物车数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'buy' then 1 else 0 end) as buy  --购买数
from user_behavior
group by user_id;

select sum(case when buy > 1 then 1 else 0 end) / sum(case when buy > 0 then 1 else 0 end)
from user_behavior_count;


  • 小结:2017-11-25 到 2017-12-03 这段时间,PV 总数为 89,660,671 ,UV 总数为 987,991。从日均访问量趋势来看,进入 12 月份之后有一个比较明显的增长,猜测可能是因为临近双 12 ,电商活动引流产生,另外,2017-12-02 和 2017-12-03 刚好是周末,也可能是周末的用户活跃度本来就比平常高。总体的复购率为 66.01%,说明用户的忠诚度比较高。

3.2 用户行为转换率

--点击/(加购物车+收藏)/购买 , 各环节转化率
select a.pv,
       a.fav + a.cart as `fav+cart`,
       round((a.fav + a.cart) / a.pv, 4) as pv2favcart,
       round(a.buy / (a.fav + a.cart), 4) as favcart2buy,
       round(a.buy / a.pv, 4) as pv2buy
select sum(pv) as pv,   --点击数
       sum(fav) as fav,  --收藏数
       sum(cart) as cart,  --加购物车数
       sum(buy) as buy  --购买数
from user_behavior_count
) as a;



  • 小结:2017-11-25 到 2017-12-03 这段时间,点击数为 89,660,671 ,收藏数为 2,888,258,加购物车数为5,530,446,购买数为 2,015,807。总体的转化率为 2.25%,这个值可能是比较低的,从加到购物车数来看,有可能部分用户是准备等到电商节日活动才进行购买。所以合理推断:一般电商节前一段时间的转化率会比平常低。

3.3 用户行为习惯

-- 一天的活跃时段分布
select hour(datetime) as hour,
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'pv' then 1 else 0 end) as pv,   --点击数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'fav' then 1 else 0 end) as fav,  --收藏数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'cart' then 1 else 0 end) as cart,  --加购物车数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'buy' then 1 else 0 end) as buy  --购买数
from user_behavior
group by hour(datetime)
order by hour;


select pmod(datediff(datetime, '1920-01-01') - 3, 7) as weekday,
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'pv' then 1 else 0 end) as pv,   --点击数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'fav' then 1 else 0 end) as fav,  --收藏数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'cart' then 1 else 0 end) as cart,  --加购物车数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'buy' then 1 else 0 end) as buy  --购买数
from user_behavior
where date(datetime) between '2017-11-27' and '2017-12-03'
group by pmod(datediff(datetime, '1920-01-01') - 3, 7)
order by weekday;



  • 小结:晚上21点-22点之间是用户一天中最活跃的时候,凌晨 4 点,则是活跃度最低的时候。一周中,工作日活跃度都差不多,到了周末活跃度有明显提高。

3.4 基于 RFM 模型找出有价值的用户

RFM 模型是衡量客户价值和客户创利能力的重要工具和手段,其中由3个要素构成了数据分析最好的指标,分别是:

  • R-Recency(最近一次购买时间)
  • F-Frequency(消费频率)
  • M-Money(消费金额)
--R-Recency(最近一次购买时间), R值越高,一般说明用户比较活跃
select user_id,
       datediff('2017-12-04', max(datetime)) as R,
       dense_rank() over(order by datediff('2017-12-04', max(datetime))) as R_rank
from user_behavior
where behavior_type = 'buy'
group by user_id
limit 10;

--F-Frequency(消费频率), F值越高,说明用户越忠诚
select user_id,
       count(1) as F,
       dense_rank() over(order by count(1) desc) as F_rank
from user_behavior
where behavior_type = 'buy'
group by user_id
limit 10;


前 - 1/5 的用户打5分
前 1/5 - 2/5 的用户打4分
前 2/5 - 3/5 的用户打3分
前 3/5 - 4/5 的用户打2分
前 4/5 - 的用户打1分

with cte as(
select user_id,
       datediff('2017-12-04', max(datetime)) as R,
       dense_rank() over(order by datediff('2017-12-04', max(datetime))) as R_rank,
       count(1) as F,
       dense_rank() over(order by count(1) desc) as F_rank
from user_behavior
where behavior_type = 'buy'
group by user_id)

select user_id, R, R_rank, R_score, F, F_rank, F_score,  R_score + F_score AS score
select *,
       case ntile(5) over(order by R_rank) when 1 then 5
                                           when 2 then 4
                                           when 3 then 3
                                           when 4 then 2
                                           when 5 then 1
       end as R_score,
       case ntile(5) over(order by F_rank) when 1 then 5
                                           when 2 then 4
                                           when 3 then 3
                                           when 4 then 2
                                           when 5 then 1
       end as F_score
from cte
) as a
order by score desc
limit 20;


  • 小结:可以根据用户的价值得分,进行个性化的营销推荐。

3.5 商品维度的分析

select item_id ,
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'pv' then 1 else 0 end) as pv,   --点击数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'fav' then 1 else 0 end) as fav,  --收藏数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'cart' then 1 else 0 end) as cart,  --加购物车数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'buy' then 1 else 0 end) as buy  --购买数
from user_behavior
group by item_id
order by buy desc
limit 10;

select category_id ,
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'pv' then 1 else 0 end) as pv,   --点击数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'fav' then 1 else 0 end) as fav,  --收藏数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'cart' then 1 else 0 end) as cart,  --加购物车数
       sum(case when behavior_type = 'buy' then 1 else 0 end) as buy  --购买数
from user_behavior
group by category_id
order by buy desc
limit 10;
  • 小结:缺失商品维表,所以没有太多分析价值。假如有商品维表,可以再展开,以商品纬度进行分析,比如不同行业、不同产品的转化率,还有竞品分析等等。


毕业设计 基于大数据淘宝用户行为分析





  • 0
  • 10
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 2
以下是一个使用 Flink 进行电商用户行为分析可视化的简单代码实现: ```java // 定义用户行为数据结构体 public class UserBehavior { public long userId; public long itemId; public int categoryId; public String behavior; public long timestamp; } // 从 Kafka 中读取用户行为数据,并进行实时处理 DataStream<String> stream = env.addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer<>("user_behavior", new SimpleStringSchema(), props)); DataStream<UserBehavior> behaviorStream = stream.map(new MapFunction<String, UserBehavior>() { @Override public UserBehavior map(String value) throws Exception { String[] arr = value.split(","); return new UserBehavior(Long.parseLong(arr[0]), Long.parseLong(arr[1]), Integer.parseInt(arr[2]), arr[3], Long.parseLong(arr[4])); } }); // 计算热门商品 DataStream<Tuple2<Long, Integer>> itemIdAndCountStream = behaviorStream .filter(new FilterFunction<UserBehavior>() { @Override public boolean filter(UserBehavior userBehavior) throws Exception { return "pv".equals(userBehavior.behavior); } }) .keyBy("itemId") .timeWindow(Time.hours(1)) .apply(new WindowFunction<UserBehavior, Tuple2<Long, Integer>, Tuple, TimeWindow>() { @Override public void apply(Tuple tuple, TimeWindow window, Iterable<UserBehavior> input, Collector<Tuple2<Long, Integer>> out) throws Exception { long itemId = tuple.getField(0); int count = 0; for (UserBehavior userBehavior : input) { count++; } out.collect(Tuple2.of(itemId, count)); } }) .keyBy(1) .process(new KeyedProcessFunction<Tuple, Tuple2<Long, Integer>, Tuple2<Long, Integer>>() { private MapState<Long, Long> itemState; @Override public void open(Configuration parameters) throws Exception { super.open(parameters); MapStateDescriptor<Long, Long> itemStateDesc = new MapStateDescriptor<>("item-state", Types.LONG, Types.LONG); itemState = getRuntimeContext().getMapState(itemStateDesc); } @Override public void processElement(Tuple2<Long, Integer> input, Context context, Collector<Tuple2<Long, Integer>> out) throws Exception { long itemId = input.f0; long count = input.f1; itemState.put(itemId, count); context.timerService().registerEventTimeTimer(context.window().getEnd()); } @Override public void onTimer(long timestamp, OnTimerContext context, Collector<Tuple2<Long, Integer>> out) throws Exception { Iterable<Map.Entry<Long, Long>> entries = itemState.entries(); List<Map.Entry<Long, Long>> itemList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<Long, Long> entry : entries) { itemList.add(entry); } itemList.sort(new Comparator<Map.Entry<Long, Long>>() { @Override public int compare(Map.Entry<Long, Long> o1, Map.Entry<Long, Long> o2) { return (int) (o2.getValue() - o1.getValue()); } }); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Map.Entry<Long, Long> entry = itemList.get(i); out.collect(Tuple2.of(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().intValue())); } } }); // 将热门商品数据输出到 Elasticsearch itemIdAndCountStream.addSink(new ElasticsearchSink.Builder<Tuple2<Long, Integer>>(httpHosts, new ElasticsearchSinkFunction<Tuple2<Long, Integer>>() { public IndexRequest createIndexRequest(Tuple2<Long, Integer> element) { Map<String, Object> json = new HashMap<>(); json.put("itemId", element.f0); json.put("count", element.f1); return Requests.indexRequest() .index("hot_items") .type("_doc") .source(json); } @Override public void process(Tuple2<Long, Integer> element, RuntimeContext ctx, RequestIndexer indexer) { indexer.add(createIndexRequest(element)); } }).build()); // 启动 Flink 任务 env.execute("E-commerce User Behavior Analysis"); ``` 以上代码实现了从 Kafka 中读取用户行为数据,计算热门商品并将结果输出到 Elasticsearch 中。你可以结合 Elasticsearch Kibana 进行可视化分析。


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助
评论 2




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


