tendermint, local & remote client

Tendermint supports both local and remote clients. Local client means using tendermint as a library, thus we will only hvae a single os process running and there is no RPC at all.

Remote client is the opposite where ABCI is invoked via RPC, socket or grpc depending on which remote client is implemented.


The point is how to create tendermint node. It must be provided to tendermint a clientCreator which is an interface with method NewABCIClient(). This method will be used by tendermit to create the proxy client later.

// NewABCIClient returns newly connected client
type ClientCreator interface {
	NewABCIClient() (abcicli.Client, error)

There are two kinds of clientCreator implemented in tendermint:

// local proxy uses a mutex on an in-proc app

type localClientCreator struct {
	mtx *sync.Mutex
	app types.Application

func NewLocalClientCreator(app types.Application) ClientCreator {
	return &localClientCreator{
		mtx: new(sync.Mutex),
		app: app,

func (l *localClientCreator) NewABCIClient() (abcicli.Client, error) {
	return abcicli.NewLocalClient(l.mtx, l.app), nil

// remote proxy opens new connections to an external app process

type remoteClientCreator struct {
	addr        string
	transport   string
	mustConnect bool

func NewRemoteClientCreator(addr, transport string, mustConnect bool) ClientCreator {
	return &remoteClientCreator{
		addr:        addr,
		transport:   transport,
		mustConnect: mustConnect,

func (r *remoteClientCreator) NewABCIClient() (abcicli.Client, error) {
	remoteApp, err := abcicli.NewClient(r.addr, r.transport, r.mustConnect)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to connect to proxy")
	return remoteApp, nil


NewNode() will create the app using createAndStartProxyAppConns(). This will create a NewMultiAppConn as a service to be started later.

func createAndStartProxyAppConns(clientCreator proxy.ClientCreator, logger log.Logger) (proxy.AppConns, error) {
	proxyApp := proxy.NewAppConns(clientCreator)
	proxyApp.SetLogger(logger.With("module", "proxy"))
	if err := proxyApp.Start(); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error starting proxy app connections: %v", err)
	return proxyApp, nil
func NewAppConns(clientCreator ClientCreator) AppConns {
	return NewMultiAppConn(clientCreator)
// Make all necessary abci connections to the application
func NewMultiAppConn(clientCreator ClientCreator) *multiAppConn {
	multiAppConn := &multiAppConn{
		clientCreator: clientCreator,
	multiAppConn.BaseService = *service.NewBaseService(nil, "multiAppConn", multiAppConn)
	return multiAppConn


It actually hold the appMempoolConn, appConnConsensus and queryConn for communicating between tendermint and app.

// multiAppConn implements AppConns

// a multiAppConn is made of a few appConns (mempool, consensus, query)
// and manages their underlying abci clients
// TODO: on app restart, clients must reboot together
type multiAppConn struct {

	mempoolConn   *appConnMempool
	consensusConn *appConnConsensus
	queryConn     *appConnQuery

	clientCreator ClientCreator

When multiAppConn is started, multiAppConn will create all 3 connections to App. Here it is going to use clientCreator.NewABCIClient() to set up the connection.

func (app *multiAppConn) OnStart() error {
	// query connection
	querycli, err := app.clientCreator.NewABCIClient()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "Error creating ABCI client (query connection)")
	querycli.SetLogger(app.Logger.With("module", "abci-client", "connection", "query"))
	if err := querycli.Start(); err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "Error starting ABCI client (query connection)")
	app.queryConn = NewAppConnQuery(querycli)

	// mempool connection
	memcli, err := app.clientCreator.NewABCIClient()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "Error creating ABCI client (mempool connection)")
	memcli.SetLogger(app.Logger.With("module", "abci-client", "connection", "mempool"))
	if err := memcli.Start(); err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "Error starting ABCI client (mempool connection)")
	app.mempoolConn = NewAppConnMempool(memcli)

	// consensus connection
	concli, err := app.clientCreator.NewABCIClient()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "Error creating ABCI client (consensus connection)")
	concli.SetLogger(app.Logger.With("module", "abci-client", "connection", "consensus"))
	if err := concli.Start(); err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "Error starting ABCI client (consensus connection)")
	app.consensusConn = NewAppConnConsensus(concli)

	return nil

Local Client

Simple as the code shown:

func (l *localClientCreator) NewABCIClient() (abcicli.Client, error) {
	return abcicli.NewLocalClient(l.mtx, l.app), nil
func NewLocalClient(mtx *sync.Mutex, app types.Application) *localClient {
	if mtx == nil {
		mtx = new(sync.Mutex)
	cli := &localClient{
		mtx:         mtx,
		Application: app,
	cli.BaseService = *service.NewBaseService(nil, "localClient", cli)
	return cli

Taking Burrow as an example:

github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/client.NewLocalClient at local_client.go:25
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proxy.(*localClientCreator).NewABCIClient at client.go:35
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proxy.(*multiAppConn).OnStart at multi_app_conn.go:66
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/service.(*BaseService).Start at service.go:139
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/node.createAndStartProxyAppConns at node.go:224
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/node.NewNode at node.go:574
github.com/hyperledger/burrow/consensus/tendermint.NewNode at tendermint.go:69
github.com/hyperledger/burrow/core.(*Kernel).LoadTendermintFromConfig at config.go:112
github.com/hyperledger/burrow/core.LoadKernelFromConfig at config.go:155
github.com/hyperledger/burrow/cmd/burrow/commands.Start.func1.1 at start.go:26
github.com/jawher/mow.cli/internal/flow.(*Step).callDo at flow.go:55
github.com/jawher/mow.cli/internal/flow.(*Step).Run at flow.go:25
github.com/jawher/mow.cli/internal/flow.(*Step).Run at flow.go:29
github.com/jawher/mow.cli/internal/flow.(*Step).Run at flow.go:29
github.com/jawher/mow.cli/internal/flow.(*Step).Run at flow.go:29
github.com/jawher/mow%2ecli.(*Cmd).parse at commands.go:681
github.com/jawher/mow%2ecli.(*Cmd).parse at commands.go:695
github.com/jawher/mow%2ecli.(*Cli).parse at cli.go:76
github.com/jawher/mow%2ecli.(*Cli).Run at cli.go:105
main.main at main.go:15
runtime.main at proc.go:203
runtime.goexit at asm_amd64.s:1357
 - Async stack trace
runtime.rt0_go at asm_amd64.s:220

Remote Client

It will actually create RPC connection towards App.

func (r *remoteClientCreator) NewABCIClient() (abcicli.Client, error) {
	remoteApp, err := abcicli.NewClient(r.addr, r.transport, r.mustConnect)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to connect to proxy")
	return remoteApp, nil

// NewClient returns a new ABCI client of the specified transport type.
// It returns an error if the transport is not "socket" or "grpc"
func NewClient(addr, transport string, mustConnect bool) (client Client, err error) {
	switch transport {
	case "socket":
		client = NewSocketClient(addr, mustConnect)
	case "grpc":
		client = NewGRPCClient(addr, mustConnect)
		err = fmt.Errorf("unknown abci transport %s", transport)

Call stack:

github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/client.NewSocketClient at socket_client.go:46
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/client.NewClient at client.go:59
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proxy.(*remoteClientCreator).NewABCIClient at client.go:56
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proxy.(*multiAppConn).OnStart at multi_app_conn.go:88
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/service.(*BaseService).Start at service.go:139
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/node.createAndStartProxyAppConns at node.go:226
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/node.NewNode at node.go:583
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/node.DefaultNewNode at node.go:114
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/cmd/tendermint/commands.NewRunNodeCmd.func1 at run_node.go:106
github.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).execute at command.go:838
github.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).ExecuteC at command.go:943
github.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).Execute at command.go:883
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/cli.Executor.Execute at setup.go:89
main.main at main.go:48
runtime.main at proc.go:203
runtime.goexit at asm_amd64.s:1357
 - Async stack trace
runtime.rt0_go at asm_amd64.s:220




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