

遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)是通过模拟自然界生物进化过程来求解优化问题的一类自组织、自适应的人工智能技术。它主要基于达尔文的自然进化论和孟德尔的遗传变异理论。多数遗传算法的应用是处理一个由许多个体组成的群体,其中每个个体表示问题的一个潜在解。对个体存在一个评估函数来评判其对环境的适应度。为反映适者生存的思想,算法中设计一个选择机制,使得适应度好的个体有更多的机会生存。在种群的进化过程中,主要存在两种类型的遗传算子:杂交和变异。这些算子作用于个体对应的染色体,产生新的染色体,从而构成下一代种群中的个体。该过程不断进行,直到找到满足精度要求的解,或者达到设定的进化代数。显然,这样的思想适合于现实世界中的一大类问题,因而具有广泛的应用价值。遗传算法的每一次进化过程中的,各个体之间的操作大多可以并列进行,因此,一个非常自然的想法就是将遗传算法并行化,以提高计算速度。









if (rand() % 1000 / 1000 < (1 - SPAD) || fabs(SPAD - SPAD0) < 0.00000001)
			dis_p[ipass] = tempdis;
			for (j1 = 0; j1 < xCity; j1++)
				colony[ipass][j1] = tempcol[j1];






#include "mpi.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#define NPROC 16                         //进程数量(主从各一个宏定义)
#define N_COLONY   100                   // N_COLONY>=xColony300
#define CITY 431
#define TWOGRP 20                        //组间交换和漫游比例是19:1这个问题值得考虑修改?!!实际是20:1!!
#define GRPSCALE 8                       //组的规模
#define grpnum (NPROC/GRPSCALE)          //组的个数

double  sumTemp, sumbest;
int     xColony = N_COLONY;              //个体数
int     xCity = CITY;                    //城市数量
double  edgeSpeed = 5000;                //临界速度
double  PROBAB1 = 0.02;                  //变异概率
double  PROBAB2 = 0.05;                  //映射概率 //0.04(80) 0.03(50) 0.015(80)  0.05(50)
long    Ni, NOCHANGE = 200000;           //最大停止改变代数

long    loopcounter = 0;
long    MAXGEN = 1000000;                //5
long    INTERVAL = 5000;

int     colony[N_COLONY][CITY];          //所有个体的染色体
double  cityXY[CITY][2];                 //城市坐标
double  city_dis[CITY][CITY];            //城市间距离
double  dis_p[N_COLONY];                 //所有个体的评估值
double  tempdis;                         //传回的个体的评估值
int     tempcol[CITY];                   //传回的个体的染色体
double  speed;
int     temp[CITY];
int     ibest, iworst;
int     ipass;

clock_t timeStart, timeNow, timeTemp;
char    filepath[100], filepath2[100];
void 	initm();
void    init();
int     position(int* tmp, int C);
void    invert(int pos_start, int pos_end);
void    printBest(long GenNum, long Ni);
void    tempTest(int i);
void    mapped();
void    LastCP();
double  path(int tmp[], int k1, int k2);
double  SPAD_compute();
int** mat = NULL;
int** matlocalbest = NULL;
//mpiexec -n 17 TSP.exe
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	mat = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*) * CITY);
	matlocalbest = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*) * CITY);

	for (int i = 0; i < CITY; ++i) {
		mat[i] = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * CITY);
		matlocalbest[i] = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * CITY);
	int mytid, numprocs;
	MPI_Status status;
	int sign = 1, i, i1, j1;
	double result;

	double  data[NPROC], dt;        //存放交换适应值的数组
	double* ptrdata[NPROC];        //指针
	double  tempdata;

	int  chrom[NPROC][CITY];       //存储所有进程的交换标本的数组
	int* ptrchrom[NPROC];          //指针
	int  tempchr[CITY];

	int j, k, m, x;                //用于交换,m用来做记录组别的变量
	int times = 0;//times是提交的次数
	double best = 0.0;
	FILE* fpme;
	double t, probab1 = PROBAB1, probab2 = PROBAB2;
	register int C1, js, ks, pos_C, pos_C1;
	int k1, k2, l1, l2, pos_flag;
	register double disChange;
	static int is = 0;
	char mname[30];
	int r;
	FILE* fppp;
	float SPAD0 = 1.0, SPAD = 1.0;     //aveSPAD;
	MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);            /*程序初始化*/
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mytid);/**//*得到当前进程号*/
	MPI_Get_processor_name(mname, &r);
	srand((unsigned)time(NULL) + mytid);
	strcpy_s(filepath, "E:\\gr431.tsp");
	//strcpy_s(filepath, argv[1]);

	if (mytid == 0)  //主进程
		//strcpy(filepath2, argv[2]);
		strcpy(filepath2, "E:\\结果.txt");

		for (i = 0; i < NPROC; i++)
			ptrdata[i] = &data[i];
			ptrchrom[i] = chrom[i];
		//cout << mytid << endl;
		for (i = 1; i <= NPROC; i++) {
			MPI_Send(cityXY, CITY * 2, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		cout << "初始数据接收完成" << endl;
		MPI_Recv(cityXY, CITY * 2, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
		cout << to_string(mytid) + "接收初始数据" << endl;

	for (loopcounter = 0; loopcounter <= MAXGEN; loopcounter++) {
		if (loopcounter % INTERVAL == 0 && loopcounter != 0) {

		if (mytid == 0) {
			if (loopcounter % INTERVAL == 0 && loopcounter != 0) {
				cout << endl;
				cout << "Time(s)=" << times << "代数是" << loopcounter << endl;
				cout << "0号进程接收到:";
				for (i = 1; i <= NPROC; i++)
					MPI_Recv(&data[i - 1], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
					MPI_Recv(chrom[i - 1], CITY, MPI_INT, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
					cout << data[i - 1] << " ";
					//cout << to_string(loopcounter / INTERVAL)+"  " + to_string(i) << endl;
				best = data[0];
				for (i = 1; i < NPROC; i++)  //获取本次提交最好的个体
					if (data[i] < best)
						best = data[i];
				cout << endl;
				cout << "最好个体:" << best << endl;
				for (m = 0; m < grpnum; m++) {       //指针数组顺推交换
					tempdata = *ptrdata[GRPSCALE * m];      //tempdata暂留ptrdata每组最后一个数据
					for (k = 0; k < CITY; k++)              //tempchr暂留ptrchrom每组最后一个数据
						tempchr[k] = ptrchrom[GRPSCALE * m][k];

					for (j = GRPSCALE * m; j < GRPSCALE + GRPSCALE * m - 1; j++) {   //除本组最后一个数据之外,其他全部前移一位
						*ptrdata[j] = *ptrdata[j + 1];
						for (k = 0; k < CITY; k++)
							ptrchrom[j][k] = ptrchrom[j + 1][k];

					*ptrdata[GRPSCALE + GRPSCALE * m - 1] = tempdata;     //本组的最后一个数据等于0号数据
					for (k = 0; k < CITY; k++)
						ptrchrom[GRPSCALE + GRPSCALE * m - 1][k] = tempchr[k];

				for (i = 1; i <= NPROC; i++) {     //原本来自2号进程的数据发送至1号,如此类推,原本来自1号进程的数据发送至16号
					MPI_Send(&data[i - 1], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
					MPI_Send(chrom[i - 1], CITY, MPI_INT, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
					//printf("I send %f to %d\n",data[i],i+1);

			iworst = 0;   //用于存放最差个体
			ibest = 0;    //用于存放最好个体

			if (loopcounter % INTERVAL == 0 && loopcounter != 0) {

				ipass = rand() % xColony;   //天选之子(送出)
				MPI_Send(&dis_p[ipass], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
				MPI_Send(colony[ipass], CITY, MPI_INT, 0, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

				//在这里把主进程的内容要回  这里是每次迁移都要做的接受主进程
				MPI_Recv(&tempdis, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
				MPI_Recv(tempcol, CITY, MPI_INT, 0, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
				SPAD0 = SPAD;
				SPAD = SPAD_compute();

				if (rand() % 1000 / 1000 < (1 - SPAD) || fabs(SPAD - SPAD0) < 0.00000001)
					dis_p[ipass] = tempdis;
					for (j1 = 0; j1 < xCity; j1++)
						colony[ipass][j1] = tempcol[j1];

			for (js = 0; js < xCity; js++)
				temp[js] = colony[is][js];
			disChange = 0; pos_flag = 0;
			pos_C = rand() % xCity;
			for (;;) {
				if ((rand() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX) < probab1) {     //内变异算子

					do pos_C1 = rand() % xCity; while (pos_C1 == pos_C);
					C1 = colony[is][pos_C1];
				else {
					do js = rand() % xColony; while (js == is);
					ks = position(colony[js], temp[pos_C]);
					C1 = colony[js][(ks + 1) % xCity];
					pos_C1 = position(temp, C1);

				if (speed > edgeSpeed && pos_C1 < pos_C + 2)
				if ((pos_C + 1) % xCity == pos_C1 || (pos_C - 1 + xCity) % xCity == pos_C1)

				k1 = temp[pos_C]; k2 = temp[(pos_C + 1) % xCity];
				l1 = temp[pos_C1]; l2 = temp[(pos_C1 + 1) % xCity];
				disChange += city_dis[k1][l1] + city_dis[k2][l2] - city_dis[k1][k2] - city_dis[l1][l2];

				invert(pos_C, pos_C1);
				if (pos_flag > xCity - 1)
				if (pos_C >= xCity)
					pos_C = 0;
				if (speed < edgeSpeed && disChange < 0) {     //每有改变就计算
					dis_p[is] += disChange; disChange = 0;
			if (speed >= edgeSpeed && disChange < 0) { dis_p[is] += disChange; disChange = 0; tempTest(is); }  /speed>=1500 &&
			if (is >= xColony) {
				is = 0;
				//check();                    //此处增加一个函数,完成第一个功能,正确!!!!
				probab1 = PROBAB1 * (1 - loopcounter * 0.5 / MAXGEN);        //内逆转概率逐渐减小
				if ((rand() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX < probab2))   // speed<edgeSpeed &&
					probab2 = PROBAB2 * (loopcounter * 2.0 / MAXGEN + 1);    //部分交换概率逐渐增大

	cout << to_string(mytid) + "号进程完成交流" << endl;

	if (mytid == 0)
		fpme = fopen(filepath2, "a");
		fprintf(fpme, "This is a result of %d:%lf\n", CITY, best);
	for (i = 0; i < CITY; i++) {
	return 0;
double SPAD_compute()
	int ibest2 = 0;
	int xx, yy, zz;
	//int mat[CITY][CITY], matlocalbest[CITY][CITY];
	int best_i, count_of_1;
	float D[N_COLONY], STD, lD[N_COLONY], lSTD;
	for (xx = 0; xx < N_COLONY; xx++)
		if (dis_p[ibest2] > dis_p[xx])
			ibest2 = xx;
	for (xx = 0; xx < xCity; xx++)
		for (yy = 0; yy < xCity; yy++)
			matlocalbest[xx][yy] = 0;
	for (xx = 0; xx < xCity; xx++)     //本地最好解之邻接矩阵建立
		matlocalbest[colony[ibest2][xx]][colony[ibest2][(xx + 1) % xCity]] = 1;
	lSTD = 0;
	for (zz = 0; zz < N_COLONY; zz++)
		for (xx = 0; xx < CITY; xx++)   //ci chu gui 0
			for (yy = 0; yy < CITY; yy++)
				mat[xx][yy] = 0;
		for (xx = 0; xx < xCity; xx++)
			mat[colony[zz][xx]][colony[zz][(xx + 1) % xCity]] = 1;     //全部解矩阵建立
		count_of_1 = 0;
		for (xx = 0; xx < xCity; xx++)
			for (yy = 0; yy < xCity; yy++)
				if (matlocalbest[xx][yy] == 1 && mat[xx][yy] == 1)
			if (yy < xCity)
		lD[zz] = 1.0 * (xCity - count_of_1) / xCity;      //求出了一个个体与本地最好个体的差异
		lSTD += lD[zz];                                   //累加差异
	return lSTD / N_COLONY;

void invert(int pos_start, int pos_end)
	int j, k, t;
	if (pos_start < pos_end)
		j = pos_start + 1; k = pos_end;
		for (; j <= k; j++, k--)
			t = temp[j]; temp[j] = temp[k]; temp[k] = t;
		if (xCity - 1 - pos_start <= pos_end + 1)
			j = pos_end; k = pos_start + 1;
			for (; k < xCity; j--, k++)
				t = temp[j]; temp[j] = temp[k]; temp[k] = t;
			k = 0;
			for (; k <= j; k++, j--)
				t = temp[j]; temp[j] = temp[k]; temp[k] = t;
			j = pos_end; k = pos_start + 1;
			for (; j >= 0; j--, k++)
				t = temp[j]; temp[j] = temp[k]; temp[k] = t;
			j = xCity - 1;
			for (; k <= j; k++, j--)
				t = temp[j]; temp[j] = temp[k]; temp[k] = t;

int position(int* tmp, int C)
	int j;
	for (j = 0; j < xCity; j++)
		if (*(tmp + j) == C)break;

void tempTest(int i)
	int j; double dt;
	for (j = 0; j < xCity; j++)colony[i][j] = temp[j];
	if ((int)sumbest > (int)dis_p[i])
		sumbest = dis_p[i]; ibest = i; Ni = 0;
		timeNow = clock();
		dt = (double)(timeNow - timeTemp) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;;
		if (dt > 0.1)
			speed = (sumTemp - sumbest) / dt;
			sumTemp = sumbest;
			timeTemp = timeNow;
		//printf("\n%f   %4.2f  %10.1f",sumbest,(double)(timeNow-timeStart)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC,speed);

void printBest(long GenNum, long Ni)
	int i;
	printf("\n   CITY      %d\t\tN_COLONY  %d", CITY, N_COLONY);
	printf("\n   maxGen    %d\t\ttime      %4.2f  seconds", MAXGEN, (double)(timeNow - timeStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
	printf("\n   GenNum    %d\t\tNo change %Ld\n\n", GenNum, Ni);
	for (i = 0; i < xCity; i++)
		if (i % 10 == 0 && i != 0) { printf("\n"); }
		printf("%5d", colony[ibest][i] + 1);

void mapped()
	int start, end, i, j, k, kt, t, disPlace, kDC, kC;
	double temp_dis = 0;
	i = rand() % xColony;
	j = rand() % xColony;
	if (i == j)return;
	if (dis_p[i] < dis_p[j])
		t = i; i = j; j = t;
	for (k = 0; k < xCity; k++)temp[k] = colony[i][k];

	start = rand() % xCity;
	end = (start + rand() % 180 + 20) % xCity; //rand()%xCity;
	kt = position(temp, colony[j][start]);                //部分映射一二位同
	disPlace = kt - start;
	if (temp[(kt + 1) % xCity] == colony[j][(start + 1) % xCity])
		if (start < end)
			for (k = start; k <= end; k++)
				kDC = (k + disPlace) % xCity;
				if (temp[kDC] == colony[j][k])continue;
				t = position(temp, colony[j][k]);
				temp[t] = temp[kDC];
				temp[kDC] = colony[j][k];
			for (k = start; k <= xCity + end; k++)
				kDC = (k + disPlace) % xCity; kC = k % xCity;
				if (temp[kDC] == colony[j][kC])continue;
				t = position(temp, colony[j][kC]);
				temp[t] = temp[kDC];
				temp[kDC] = colony[j][kC];
		if (temp[(kt - 1 + xCity) % xCity] == colony[j][(start + 1) % xCity])
			if (start < end)
				for (k = kt = start; k <= end; k++, kt--)
					kDC = (kt + xCity + disPlace) % xCity;
					if (temp[kDC] == colony[j][k])continue;
					t = position(temp, colony[j][k]);
					temp[t] = temp[kDC];
					temp[kDC] = colony[j][k];
				for (k = kt = start; k <= end + xCity; k++, kt--)
					kDC = (kt + xCity + disPlace) % xCity; kC = k % xCity;
					if (temp[kDC] == colony[j][kC])continue;
					t = position(temp, colony[j][kC]);
					temp[t] = temp[kDC];
					temp[kDC] = colony[j][kC];
		else return;
	start=rand()%xCity;  end=rand()%xCity;             //部分映射找第一位同
	{ if(temp[(k+disPlace)%xCity]==colony[j][k])continue;

	start=rand()%(xCity/2);                         //部分映射  
	{ if(temp[k]==colony[j][k])continue;
	for (j = 0; j < xCity - 1; j++)
		temp_dis = temp_dis + city_dis[temp[j]][temp[j + 1]];
	temp_dis = temp_dis + city_dis[temp[0]][temp[xCity - 1]];
	dis_p[i] = temp_dis;

void LastCP()
	int i, k, j1, j2, k1, k2, turn, length, sign[CITY]; double dc, temp_dis = 0, change = 0;
	for (k = 0; k < xCity; k++)temp[k] = colony[ibest][k];
	for (turn = 0; turn < xCity / 10; turn++)      //可改
		for (k1 = 0; k1 < xCity - 1; k1 += rand() % 4 + 1)     // rand()%9+1可改
			for (i = 1; i < xColony; i++)
				if (i == ibest)continue;
				for (k = 0; k < xCity; k++)sign[k] = 0;
				j1 = position(colony[i], temp[k1]);
				k2 = k1; j2 = j1;
				for (length = 0; length < xCity / 2; length++)    // 70 xCity/3+10可改
					k2 = (++k2) % xCity; j2 = (++j2) % xCity;
					sign[temp[k2]] = 1;
					if (temp[k2] == colony[i][j2] && length > 1)break;  // 5 xCity/10可改
				if (temp[k2] != colony[i][j2])continue;
				k = j1;
				do k = (k + 1) % xCity;
				while (sign[colony[i][k]] == 1);
				if ((j1 < j2 && k < j2) || (j1 > j2 && (k > j1 || k < j2)))continue;
				temp_dis = path(temp, k1, k2);
				dc = path(colony[i], j1, j2);
				if (temp_dis > dc)
					for (k = 1; k <= length; k++)
						temp[(k1 + k) % xCity] = colony[i][(j1 + k) % xCity];
					change += dc - temp_dis;
	if (change < 0)
		for (k = 0; k < xCity; k++)colony[ibest][k] = temp[k];
		dis_p[ibest] += change;
		sumbest = dis_p[ibest];
		printf("\n%f  O K !!!", sumbest);

double path(int tmp[], int k1, int k2)
	int j, t1, t2; double temp_dis = 0;
	if (k2 > k1)
		for (j = k1; j < k2; j++)
			temp_dis += city_dis[tmp[j]][tmp[j + 1]];
		for (j = k1; j < k2 + xCity; j++)
			t1 = j % xCity; t2 = (j + 1) % xCity;
			temp_dis += city_dis[tmp[t1]][tmp[t2]];
	return temp_dis;

// 读取城市坐标
void initm() {
	int i;
	FILE* fp;
	float ffff, eeee;
	if ((fp = fopen(filepath, "r")) == NULL) {

	fscanf(fp, "%d", &xCity);
	for (i = 0; i < xCity; i++)      /*  init cityXY[][]  */
		fscanf(fp, "%*d%f%f", &ffff, &eeee);
		//printf("\nffff=%f eeee=%f", ffff, eeee);
		cityXY[i][0] = ffff;
		cityXY[i][1] = eeee;
	cout << "读取成功" << endl;
// 初始化一个种群的染色体
void init() {
	int i, j, t, sign, mod, array[CITY];
	double d;
	for (i = 0; i < xCity; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < xCity; j++) {
			if (j > i) {
				d = (cityXY[i][0] - cityXY[j][0]) * (cityXY[i][0] - cityXY[j][0]) * 1.0 +
					(cityXY[i][1] - cityXY[j][1]) * (cityXY[i][1] - cityXY[j][1]) * 1.0;
				city_dis[i][j] = (int)(sqrt(d) + 0.5);
			if (j == i) {
				city_dis[i][j] = 0;
			if (j < i)
				city_dis[i][j] = city_dis[j][i];
	mod = xCity;
	for (i = 0; i < xCity; i++)
		array[i] = i;     //    init colony[][]
	for (i = 0; i < xColony; i++, mod = xCity) {
		for (j = 0; j < xCity; j++) {
			sign = rand() % mod;
			colony[i][j] = array[sign];
			t = array[mod - 1];
			array[mod - 1] = array[sign];
			array[sign] = t;
			if (mod == 1) colony[i][++j] = array[0];
		//for (j = 0; j < xCity; j++) {
		//	printf("%d ", colony[i][j]);

	for (i = 0; i < xColony; i++) {		    /*    init dis_p[]       */
		dis_p[i] = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < xCity - 1; j++)
			dis_p[i] = dis_p[i] + city_dis[*(*(colony + i) + j)][*(*(colony + i) + j + 1)];
		dis_p[i] = dis_p[i] + city_dis[**(colony + i)][*(*(colony + i) + xCity - 1)];

	ibest = 0; sumbest = dis_p[0];	    /*  init ibest & sumbest */
	sumTemp = sumbest * 5;
	speed = 100000000;
	loopcounter = 0;	Ni = 0;               /*   initialize GunNum & Ni    */

											  //printf("init success!!!\n");




			iworst = 0;   //用于存放最差个体
			ibest = 0;    //用于存放最好个体

			if (loopcounter % INTERVAL == 0 && loopcounter != 0) {

				double best = 0;
				for (int p = 0; p < 100; p++)
					if (best > dis_p[p])
						best = dis_p[p];   //选出群体中最好的个体
						ibest = p;
				MPI_Send(&dis_p[ibest], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);  //将最好个体发送出去
				MPI_Send(colony[ibest], CITY, MPI_INT, 0, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

				//在这里把主进程的内容要回  这里是每次迁移都要做的接受主进程
				MPI_Recv(&tempdis, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
				MPI_Recv(tempcol, CITY, MPI_INT, 0, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
				SPAD0 = SPAD;
				SPAD = SPAD_compute();

				if (rand() % 1000 / 1000 < (1 - SPAD) || fabs(SPAD - SPAD0) < 0.00000001)
					double worst = 0;
					for (int p = 0; p < 100; p++)
						if (worst < dis_p[p])
							worst = dis_p[p];  //该群体中最差的个体选出来
							worst = p;
					dis_p[iworst] = tempdis;   //将最差的个体替换
					for (j1 = 0; j1 < xCity; j1++)
						colony[iworst][j1] = tempcol[j1];






				for (i = 1; i < NPROC; i++)  //修改处 ,将<=改为<
					MPI_Recv(&data[i], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);     //修改处,data[i-1]改为i,1号进程接受data[1]
					MPI_Recv(chrom[i], CITY, MPI_INT, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);      //修改处,chrom[i-1]改为i,1号进程接受chrom[1]





#include "mpi.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#define NPROC 16                         //进程数量(主从各一个宏定义)
#define N_COLONY   100                   // N_COLONY>=xColony300
#define CITY 431
#define TWOGRP 20                        //组间交换和漫游比例是19:1这个问题值得考虑修改?!!实际是20:1!!
#define GRPSCALE 8                       //组的规模
#define grpnum (NPROC/GRPSCALE)          //组的个数

double  sumTemp, sumbest;
int     xColony = N_COLONY;              //个体数
int     xCity = CITY;                    //城市数量
double  edgeSpeed = 5000;                //临界速度
double  PROBAB1 = 0.02;                  //变异概率
double  PROBAB2 = 0.05;                  //映射概率 //0.04(80) 0.03(50) 0.015(80)  0.05(50)
long    Ni, NOCHANGE = 200000;           //最大停止改变代数

long    loopcounter = 0;
long    MAXGEN = 1000000;                //5
long    INTERVAL = 5000;

int     colony[N_COLONY][CITY];          //所有个体的染色体
double  cityXY[CITY][2];                 //城市坐标
double  city_dis[CITY][CITY];            //城市间距离
double  dis_p[N_COLONY];                 //所有个体的评估值
double  tempdis;                         //传回的个体的评估值
int     tempcol[CITY];                   //传回的个体的染色体
double  speed;
int     temp[CITY];
int     ibest, iworst;
int     ipass;

clock_t timeStart, timeNow, timeTemp;
char    filepath[100], filepath2[100];
void 	initm();
void    init();
int     position(int* tmp, int C);
void    invert(int pos_start, int pos_end);
void    printBest(long GenNum, long Ni);
void    tempTest(int i);
void    mapped();
void    LastCP();
double  path(int tmp[], int k1, int k2);
double  SPAD_compute();
int** mat = NULL;
int** matlocalbest = NULL;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	mat = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*) * CITY);
	matlocalbest = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*) * CITY);

	for (int i = 0; i < CITY; ++i) {
		mat[i] = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * CITY);
		matlocalbest[i] = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * CITY);
	int mytid, numprocs;
	MPI_Status status;
	int sign = 1, i, i1, j1;
	double result;

	double  data[NPROC], dt;        //存放交换适应值的数组
	double* ptrdata[NPROC];        //指针
	double  tempdata;

	int  chrom[NPROC][CITY];       //存储所有进程的交换标本的数组
	int* ptrchrom[NPROC];          //指针
	int  tempchr[CITY];

	int j, k, m, x;                //用于交换,m用来做记录组别的变量
	int times = 0;//times是提交的次数
	double best = 0.0;
	FILE* fpme;
	double t, probab1 = PROBAB1, probab2 = PROBAB2;
	register int C1, js, ks, pos_C, pos_C1;
	int k1, k2, l1, l2, pos_flag;
	register double disChange;
	static int is = 0;
	char mname[30];
	int r;
	FILE* fppp;
	float SPAD0 = 1.0, SPAD = 1.0;     //aveSPAD;
	MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);            /*程序初始化*/
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mytid);/*得到当前进程号*/
	MPI_Get_processor_name(mname, &r);
	srand((unsigned)time(NULL) + mytid);
	strcpy_s(filepath, "E:\\gr431.tsp");
	//strcpy_s(filepath, argv[1]);

	if (mytid == 0)  //主进程
		//strcpy(filepath2, argv[2]);
		strcpy(filepath2, "E:\\结果.txt");

		for (i = 0; i < NPROC; i++)
			ptrdata[i] = &data[i];
			ptrchrom[i] = chrom[i];
		for (i = 1; i < NPROC; i++) {
			//修改处,将<=变为<  给剩下的15个进程分配数据
			MPI_Send(cityXY, CITY * 2, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		init();   //给0号进程初始化一个种群
		data[0] = dis_p[ipass];
		for (int i = 0; i < xCity; i++)
			chrom[0][i] = colony[ipass][i];
		cout << "初始数据接收完成" << endl;
		MPI_Recv(cityXY, CITY * 2, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);    //其他进程接收来自
		cout << to_string(mytid) + "接收初始数据" << endl;

	for (loopcounter = 0; loopcounter <= MAXGEN; loopcounter++) {
		if (loopcounter % INTERVAL == 0 && loopcounter != 0) {

		if (mytid == 0) {
			if (loopcounter % INTERVAL == 0 && loopcounter != 0) {
				cout << endl;
				/*iworst = 0;   //用于存放最差个体
				ibest = 0;    //用于存放最好个体*/
				ipass = rand() % xColony;
				double temp_disp = dis_p[ipass];
				int* temp_col = colony[ipass];


				cout << "Time(s)=" << times << "代数是" << loopcounter << endl;
				for (i = 1; i < NPROC; i++)  //修改处  将<=改为<
					MPI_Recv(&data[i], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);     //修改处,data[i-1]改为i,1号进程接受data[1]
					MPI_Recv(chrom[i], CITY, MPI_INT, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);      //修改处,如上
					if (i == 1)
						SPAD0 = SPAD;
						SPAD = SPAD_compute();
						if (rand() % 1000 / 1000 < (1 - SPAD) || fabs(SPAD - SPAD0) < 0.00000001)
							dis_p[ipass] = data[i];
							for (j1 = 0; j1 < xCity; j1++)
								colony[ipass][j1] = chrom[i][j1];

						for (js = 0; js < xCity; js++)
							temp[js] = colony[is][js];
						disChange = 0; pos_flag = 0;
						pos_C = rand() % xCity;
						for (;;) {
							if ((rand() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX) < probab1) {     //内变异算子

								do pos_C1 = rand() % xCity; while (pos_C1 == pos_C);
								C1 = colony[is][pos_C1];
							else {
								do js = rand() % xColony; while (js == is);
								ks = position(colony[js], temp[pos_C]);
								C1 = colony[js][(ks + 1) % xCity];
								pos_C1 = position(temp, C1);

							if (speed > edgeSpeed && pos_C1 < pos_C + 2)
							if ((pos_C + 1) % xCity == pos_C1 || (pos_C - 1 + xCity) % xCity == pos_C1)

							k1 = temp[pos_C]; k2 = temp[(pos_C + 1) % xCity];
							l1 = temp[pos_C1]; l2 = temp[(pos_C1 + 1) % xCity];
							disChange += city_dis[k1][l1] + city_dis[k2][l2] - city_dis[k1][k2] - city_dis[l1][l2];

							invert(pos_C, pos_C1);
							if (pos_flag > xCity - 1)
							if (pos_C >= xCity)
								pos_C = 0;
							if (speed < edgeSpeed && disChange < 0) {     //每有改变就计算
								dis_p[is] += disChange; disChange = 0;
						if (speed >= edgeSpeed && disChange < 0) { dis_p[is] += disChange; disChange = 0; tempTest(is); }  /speed>=1500 &&
						if (is >= xColony) {
							is = 0;
							//check();                    //此处增加一个函数,完成第一个功能,正确!!!!
							probab1 = PROBAB1 * (1 - loopcounter * 0.5 / MAXGEN);        //内逆转概率逐渐减小
							if ((rand() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX < probab2))   // speed<edgeSpeed &&
								probab2 = PROBAB2 * (loopcounter * 2.0 / MAXGEN + 1);    //部分交换概率逐渐增大

				best = data[0];
				cout << "0号进程中的数据:";
				cout << data[0] << " ";
				for (i = 1; i < NPROC; i++)  //获取本次提交最好的个体
					cout << data[i] << " ";
				for (i = 1; i < NPROC; i++)  //获取本次提交最好的个体
					if (data[i] < best)
						best = data[i];
				cout << endl;
				cout << "最好个体:" << best << endl;
				for (m = 0; m < grpnum; m++) {       //指针数组顺推交换
					tempdata = *ptrdata[GRPSCALE * m];      //tempdata暂留ptrdata每组最后一个数据
					for (k = 0; k < CITY; k++)              //tempchr暂留ptrchrom每组最后一个数据
						tempchr[k] = ptrchrom[GRPSCALE * m][k];

					for (j = GRPSCALE * m; j < GRPSCALE + GRPSCALE * m - 1; j++) {   //除本组最后一个数据之外,其他全部前移一位
						*ptrdata[j] = *ptrdata[j + 1];
						for (k = 0; k < CITY; k++)
							ptrchrom[j][k] = ptrchrom[j + 1][k];

					*ptrdata[GRPSCALE + GRPSCALE * m - 1] = tempdata;     //本组的最后一个数据等于0号数据
					for (k = 0; k < CITY; k++)
						ptrchrom[GRPSCALE + GRPSCALE * m - 1][k] = tempchr[k];

				for (i = 1; i < NPROC; i++) {     //原本来自2号进程的数据发送至1号,如此类推,原本来自0号进程的数据发送至15号
					if (i == NPROC - 1)
						MPI_Send(&temp_disp, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
						MPI_Send(temp_col, CITY, MPI_INT, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
					MPI_Send(&data[i], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
					MPI_Send(chrom[i], CITY, MPI_INT, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			iworst = 0;   //用于存放最差个体
			ibest = INT_MAX;    //用于存放最好个体

			if (loopcounter % INTERVAL == 0 && loopcounter != 0) {

				ipass = rand() % xColony;   //生成一个随机数
				MPI_Send(&dis_p[ipass], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);  //将随机个体发送出去
				MPI_Send(colony[ipass], CITY, MPI_INT, 0, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

				//在这里把主进程的内容要回  这里是每次迁移都要做的接受主进程
				MPI_Recv(&tempdis, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
				MPI_Recv(tempcol, CITY, MPI_INT, 0, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

				SPAD0 = SPAD;
				SPAD = SPAD_compute();
				if (rand() % 1000 / 1000 < (1 - SPAD) || fabs(SPAD - SPAD0) < 0.00000001)
					dis_p[ipass] = tempdis;   //将群体中随机的个体替换
					for (j1 = 0; j1 < xCity; j1++)
						colony[ipass][j1] = tempcol[j1];

			for (js = 0; js < xCity; js++)
				temp[js] = colony[is][js];
			disChange = 0; pos_flag = 0;
			pos_C = rand() % xCity;
			for (;;) {
				if ((rand() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX) < probab1) {     //内变异算子

					do pos_C1 = rand() % xCity; while (pos_C1 == pos_C);
					C1 = colony[is][pos_C1];
				else {
					do js = rand() % xColony; while (js == is);
					ks = position(colony[js], temp[pos_C]);
					C1 = colony[js][(ks + 1) % xCity];
					pos_C1 = position(temp, C1);

				if (speed > edgeSpeed && pos_C1 < pos_C + 2)
				if ((pos_C + 1) % xCity == pos_C1 || (pos_C - 1 + xCity) % xCity == pos_C1)

				k1 = temp[pos_C]; k2 = temp[(pos_C + 1) % xCity];
				l1 = temp[pos_C1]; l2 = temp[(pos_C1 + 1) % xCity];
				disChange += city_dis[k1][l1] + city_dis[k2][l2] - city_dis[k1][k2] - city_dis[l1][l2];

				invert(pos_C, pos_C1);
				if (pos_flag > xCity - 1)
				if (pos_C >= xCity)
					pos_C = 0;
				if (speed < edgeSpeed && disChange < 0) {     //每有改变就计算
					dis_p[is] += disChange; disChange = 0;
			if (speed >= edgeSpeed && disChange < 0) { dis_p[is] += disChange; disChange = 0; tempTest(is); }  /speed>=1500 &&
			if (is >= xColony) {
				is = 0;
				probab1 = PROBAB1 * (1 - loopcounter * 0.5 / MAXGEN);        //内逆转概率逐渐减小
				if ((rand() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX < probab2))   // speed<edgeSpeed &&
					probab2 = PROBAB2 * (loopcounter * 2.0 / MAXGEN + 1);    //部分交换概率逐渐增大

	cout << to_string(mytid) + "号进程完成交流" << endl;

	if (mytid == 0)
		fpme = fopen(filepath2, "a");
		fprintf(fpme, "富农-长工模式下 %d个城市的结果:%lf\n", CITY, best);
	for (i = 0; i < CITY; i++) {
	return 0;
double SPAD_compute()
	int ibest2 = 0;
	int xx, yy, zz;
	//int mat[CITY][CITY], matlocalbest[CITY][CITY];
	int best_i, count_of_1;
	float D[N_COLONY], STD, lD[N_COLONY], lSTD;
	for (xx = 0; xx < N_COLONY; xx++)
		if (dis_p[ibest2] > dis_p[xx])
			ibest2 = xx;
	for (xx = 0; xx < xCity; xx++)
		for (yy = 0; yy < xCity; yy++)
			matlocalbest[xx][yy] = 0;
	for (xx = 0; xx < xCity; xx++)     //本地最好解之邻接矩阵建立
		matlocalbest[colony[ibest2][xx]][colony[ibest2][(xx + 1) % xCity]] = 1;
	lSTD = 0;
	for (zz = 0; zz < N_COLONY; zz++)
		for (xx = 0; xx < CITY; xx++)   //ci chu gui 0
			for (yy = 0; yy < CITY; yy++)
				mat[xx][yy] = 0;
		for (xx = 0; xx < xCity; xx++)
			mat[colony[zz][xx]][colony[zz][(xx + 1) % xCity]] = 1;     //全部解矩阵建立
		count_of_1 = 0;
		for (xx = 0; xx < xCity; xx++)
			for (yy = 0; yy < xCity; yy++)
				if (matlocalbest[xx][yy] == 1 && mat[xx][yy] == 1)
			if (yy < xCity)
		lD[zz] = 1.0 * (xCity - count_of_1) / xCity;      //求出了一个个体与本地最好个体的差异
		lSTD += lD[zz];                                   //累加差异
	return lSTD / N_COLONY;

void invert(int pos_start, int pos_end)
	int j, k, t;
	if (pos_start < pos_end)
		j = pos_start + 1; k = pos_end;
		for (; j <= k; j++, k--)
			t = temp[j]; temp[j] = temp[k]; temp[k] = t;
		if (xCity - 1 - pos_start <= pos_end + 1)
			j = pos_end; k = pos_start + 1;
			for (; k < xCity; j--, k++)
				t = temp[j]; temp[j] = temp[k]; temp[k] = t;
			k = 0;
			for (; k <= j; k++, j--)
				t = temp[j]; temp[j] = temp[k]; temp[k] = t;
			j = pos_end; k = pos_start + 1;
			for (; j >= 0; j--, k++)
				t = temp[j]; temp[j] = temp[k]; temp[k] = t;
			j = xCity - 1;
			for (; k <= j; k++, j--)
				t = temp[j]; temp[j] = temp[k]; temp[k] = t;

int position(int* tmp, int C)
	int j;
	for (j = 0; j < xCity; j++)
		if (*(tmp + j) == C)break;

void tempTest(int i)
	int j; double dt;
	for (j = 0; j < xCity; j++)colony[i][j] = temp[j];
	if ((int)sumbest > (int)dis_p[i])
		sumbest = dis_p[i]; ibest = i; Ni = 0;
		timeNow = clock();
		dt = (double)(timeNow - timeTemp) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;;
		if (dt > 0.1)
			speed = (sumTemp - sumbest) / dt;
			sumTemp = sumbest;
			timeTemp = timeNow;
		//printf("\n%f   %4.2f  %10.1f",sumbest,(double)(timeNow-timeStart)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC,speed);

void printBest(long GenNum, long Ni)
	int i;
	printf("\n   CITY      %d\t\tN_COLONY  %d", CITY, N_COLONY);
	printf("\n   maxGen    %d\t\ttime      %4.2f  seconds", MAXGEN, (double)(timeNow - timeStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
	printf("\n   GenNum    %d\t\tNo change %Ld\n\n", GenNum, Ni);
	for (i = 0; i < xCity; i++)
		if (i % 10 == 0 && i != 0) { printf("\n"); }
		printf("%5d", colony[ibest][i] + 1);

void mapped()
	int start, end, i, j, k, kt, t, disPlace, kDC, kC;
	double temp_dis = 0;
	i = rand() % xColony;
	j = rand() % xColony;
	if (i == j)return;
	if (dis_p[i] < dis_p[j])
		t = i; i = j; j = t;
	for (k = 0; k < xCity; k++)temp[k] = colony[i][k];

	start = rand() % xCity;
	end = (start + rand() % 180 + 20) % xCity; //rand()%xCity;
	kt = position(temp, colony[j][start]);                //部分映射一二位同
	disPlace = kt - start;
	if (temp[(kt + 1) % xCity] == colony[j][(start + 1) % xCity])
		if (start < end)
			for (k = start; k <= end; k++)
				kDC = (k + disPlace) % xCity;
				if (temp[kDC] == colony[j][k])continue;
				t = position(temp, colony[j][k]);
				temp[t] = temp[kDC];
				temp[kDC] = colony[j][k];
			for (k = start; k <= xCity + end; k++)
				kDC = (k + disPlace) % xCity; kC = k % xCity;
				if (temp[kDC] == colony[j][kC])continue;
				t = position(temp, colony[j][kC]);
				temp[t] = temp[kDC];
				temp[kDC] = colony[j][kC];
		if (temp[(kt - 1 + xCity) % xCity] == colony[j][(start + 1) % xCity])
			if (start < end)
				for (k = kt = start; k <= end; k++, kt--)
					kDC = (kt + xCity + disPlace) % xCity;
					if (temp[kDC] == colony[j][k])continue;
					t = position(temp, colony[j][k]);
					temp[t] = temp[kDC];
					temp[kDC] = colony[j][k];
				for (k = kt = start; k <= end + xCity; k++, kt--)
					kDC = (kt + xCity + disPlace) % xCity; kC = k % xCity;
					if (temp[kDC] == colony[j][kC])continue;
					t = position(temp, colony[j][kC]);
					temp[t] = temp[kDC];
					temp[kDC] = colony[j][kC];
		else return;
	for (j = 0; j < xCity - 1; j++)
		temp_dis = temp_dis + city_dis[temp[j]][temp[j + 1]];
	temp_dis = temp_dis + city_dis[temp[0]][temp[xCity - 1]];
	dis_p[i] = temp_dis;

void LastCP()
	int i, k, j1, j2, k1, k2, turn, length, sign[CITY]; double dc, temp_dis = 0, change = 0;
	for (k = 0; k < xCity; k++)temp[k] = colony[ibest][k];
	for (turn = 0; turn < xCity / 10; turn++)      //可改
		for (k1 = 0; k1 < xCity - 1; k1 += rand() % 4 + 1)     // rand()%9+1可改
			for (i = 1; i < xColony; i++)
				if (i == ibest)continue;
				for (k = 0; k < xCity; k++)sign[k] = 0;
				j1 = position(colony[i], temp[k1]);
				k2 = k1; j2 = j1;
				for (length = 0; length < xCity / 2; length++)    // 70 xCity/3+10可改
					k2 = (++k2) % xCity; j2 = (++j2) % xCity;
					sign[temp[k2]] = 1;
					if (temp[k2] == colony[i][j2] && length > 1)break;  // 5 xCity/10可改
				if (temp[k2] != colony[i][j2])continue;
				k = j1;
				do k = (k + 1) % xCity;
				while (sign[colony[i][k]] == 1);
				if ((j1 < j2 && k < j2) || (j1 > j2 && (k > j1 || k < j2)))continue;
				temp_dis = path(temp, k1, k2);
				dc = path(colony[i], j1, j2);
				if (temp_dis > dc)
					for (k = 1; k <= length; k++)
						temp[(k1 + k) % xCity] = colony[i][(j1 + k) % xCity];
					change += dc - temp_dis;
	if (change < 0)
		for (k = 0; k < xCity; k++)colony[ibest][k] = temp[k];
		dis_p[ibest] += change;
		sumbest = dis_p[ibest];
		printf("\n%f  O K !!!", sumbest);

double path(int tmp[], int k1, int k2)
	int j, t1, t2; double temp_dis = 0;
	if (k2 > k1)
		for (j = k1; j < k2; j++)
			temp_dis += city_dis[tmp[j]][tmp[j + 1]];
		for (j = k1; j < k2 + xCity; j++)
			t1 = j % xCity; t2 = (j + 1) % xCity;
			temp_dis += city_dis[tmp[t1]][tmp[t2]];
	return temp_dis;

// 读取城市坐标
void initm() {
	int i;
	FILE* fp;
	float ffff, eeee;
	if ((fp = fopen(filepath, "r")) == NULL) {

	fscanf(fp, "%d", &xCity);
	for (i = 0; i < xCity; i++)      /*  init cityXY[][]  */
		fscanf(fp, "%*d%f%f", &ffff, &eeee);
		//printf("\nffff=%f eeee=%f", ffff, eeee);
		cityXY[i][0] = ffff;
		cityXY[i][1] = eeee;
	cout << "读取成功" << endl;
// 初始化一个种群的染色体
void init() {
	int i, j, t, sign, mod, array[CITY];
	double d;
	for (i = 0; i < xCity; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < xCity; j++) {
			if (j > i) {
				d = (cityXY[i][0] - cityXY[j][0]) * (cityXY[i][0] - cityXY[j][0]) * 1.0 +
					(cityXY[i][1] - cityXY[j][1]) * (cityXY[i][1] - cityXY[j][1]) * 1.0;
				city_dis[i][j] = (int)(sqrt(d) + 0.5);
			if (j == i) {
				city_dis[i][j] = 0;
			if (j < i)
				city_dis[i][j] = city_dis[j][i];
	mod = xCity;
	for (i = 0; i < xCity; i++)
		array[i] = i;     //    init colony[][]
	for (i = 0; i < xColony; i++, mod = xCity) {
		for (j = 0; j < xCity; j++) {
			sign = rand() % mod;
			colony[i][j] = array[sign];
			t = array[mod - 1];
			array[mod - 1] = array[sign];
			array[sign] = t;
			if (mod == 1) colony[i][++j] = array[0];

	for (i = 0; i < xColony; i++) {		    /*    init dis_p[]       */
		dis_p[i] = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < xCity - 1; j++)
			dis_p[i] = dis_p[i] + city_dis[*(*(colony + i) + j)][*(*(colony + i) + j + 1)];
		dis_p[i] = dis_p[i] + city_dis[**(colony + i)][*(*(colony + i) + xCity - 1)];

	ibest = 0; sumbest = dis_p[0];	    /*  init ibest & sumbest */
	sumTemp = sumbest * 5;
	speed = 100000000;
	loopcounter = 0;	Ni = 0;               /*   initialize GunNum & Ni    */

											  //printf("init success!!!\n");


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并行遗传算法是一种基于群体智能的优化算法,它可以在多个处理器或计算机之间并行运行,从而加速优化过程。下面是一个使用Python实现并行遗传算法的简单示例: ``` import multiprocessing import random def evaluate_fitness(individual): # 计算个体的适应度值 return sum(individual) def generate_individual(): # 生成随机个体 return [random.randint(0, 1) for _ in range(10)] def mutate(individual): # 对个体进行变异 index = random.randint(0, len(individual) - 1) individual[index] = 1 - individual[index] return individual def crossover(individual1, individual2): # 对两个个体进行交叉 index = random.randint(1, len(individual1) - 1) return individual1[:index] + individual2[index:], individual2[:index] + individual1[index:] def genetic_algorithm(population_size, num_generations): # 初始化种群 population = [generate_individual() for _ in range(population_size)] # 进行多进程并行计算 pool = multiprocessing.Pool() for generation in range(num_generations): # 计算每个个体的适应度值 fitness_values = pool.map(evaluate_fitness, population) # 选择最优个体 elite_index = fitness_values.index(max(fitness_values)) elite = population[elite_index] # 生成下一代种群 next_generation = [elite] for _ in range(population_size - 1): # 选择两个个体进行交叉和变异 parents = random.choices(population, weights=fitness_values, k=2) child = crossover(*parents) child = mutate(child) next_generation.append(child) population = next_generation pool.close() pool.join() return elite if __name__ == '__main__': elite = genetic_algorithm(population_size=50, num_generations=100) print(elite) ``` 在这个示例中,我们使用了Python的`multiprocessing`模块来实现并行计算。通过创建一个进程池,我们可以将种群中每个个体的适应度值的计算分配给不同的处理器或计算机,并行地执行。除此之外,这个示例的遗传算法实现与普通的遗传算法实现类似,包括生成随机个体、计算适应度值、选择最优个体、交叉和变异等步骤。最终,我们返回最优个体作为算法的输出。


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