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原创 Lodash

LodashLodash 中文文档Lodash通过降低 array、number、objects、string 等等的使用难度从而让 JavaScript 变得更简单。 Lodash 的模块化方法 非常适用于:遍历 array、object 和 string对值进行操作和检测创建符合功能的函数Array方法_.cancat_.indexOf_.lastIndexOf_.slice…用法示例 _.concat(array, [values]) 创建一个新数组,

2021-11-28 13:35:47 220

原创 numerify

numerifynumerify用来格式化值的一个工具,官方介绍This is a formatted value tool that makes formatting easier and more convenient to extend.可以转数值类型,比如NumberFormatString10000‘0,0.0000’10,000.000010000.23‘0,0’10,00010000.23‘+0,0’+10,000-10000‘0,

2021-11-28 13:33:22 482

原创 Xstate

XstateUsage with VueXSTATEimport { assign, createMachine } from 'xstate';const fetchMachine = createMachine<{ retries: number }>({ id: 'fetch', initial: 'idle', context: { retries: 0 }, states: { idle: { on: { F.

2021-11-28 13:32:02 218

原创 prettier

prettierprettier官方Prettier is an opinionated code formatter with support for:JavaScript (including experimental features)JSXAngularVueFlowTypeScriptCSS, Less, and SCSSHTMLJSONGraphQLMarkdown, including GFM and MDXYAML调用prettier的方法let apiM

2021-11-28 13:26:05 324

原创 HTTP 请求中的Header 参数(set-cookie, Authorization)

1.Responses Header | Http HeaderSet-Cookie:设置Http Cookie2. Requests Header | Http HeaderAuthorization:HTTP授权的授权证书Cookie:HTTP请求发送时,会把保存在该请求域名下的所有cookie值一起发送给web服务器。参考链接:HTTP请求中的Header参数...

2021-11-28 13:16:46 9234

原创 域名相关概念

域名(Domain Name)域名是由一串用点分隔的名字组成的Internet上某一台计算机或计算机组的名称,用于在数据传输时标识计算机的电子方位(有时也指地理位置)。由于IP地址具有不方便记忆并且不能显示地址组织的名称和性质等缺点,人们设计出了域名,并通过网域名称系统(DNS,Domain Name System)来将域名和IP地址相互映射,使人更方便地访问互联网,而不用去记住能够被机器直接读取的IP地址数串。顶级域名、二级域名与三级域名互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)负责管理和协调

2021-10-29 15:31:24 671

原创 HTTP request 方法

GET描述 包含 request 中有 body No response 成功时有 body Yes 安全(safe) Yes 幂等(idempotent) Yes 可缓存(cacheable) Yes 允许 HTML 表单 Yes POST描述 包含 request 中有 body Yes response 成功时有 body Yes 安全(safe) No 幂等(idempotent)

2021-10-26 18:16:06 362

原创 谷歌助理云工程师(ACE)考试真题(101-120)

Question 101You need to host an application on a Compute Engine instance in a project shared with other teams. You want to prevent the other teams from accidentally causing downtime on that application. Which feature should you use?A.Use a Shielded VM.

2021-10-20 11:57:41 672

原创 谷歌助理云工程师(ACE)考试真题(81-100)

Question 81You are operating a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster for your company where different teams can run non-production workloads. Your Machine Learning(ML) team needs access to Nvidia Tesla P100 GPUs to train their models. You want to minim

2021-10-18 18:26:32 552

原创 谷歌助理云工程师(ACE)考试真题(61-80)

Question 61Your organization is a financial company that needs to store audit log files for 3 years. Your organization has hundreds of Google Cloud projects. You need to implement a cost-effective approach for log file retention. What should you do?A..

2021-10-16 14:50:31 622

原创 谷歌助理云工程师(ACE)考试真题(41-60)

Question 41You have 32 GB of data in a single file that you need to upload to a Nearline Storage bucket. The WAN connection you are using is rated at 1 Gbps, and you are the only one on the connection. You want to use as much of the rated 1 Gbps as possi

2021-10-14 18:39:35 131

原创 谷歌助理云工程师(ACE)考试真题(21-40)

Question 21You have one GCP account running in your default region and zone and another account running in a non-default region and zone. You want to start a new Compute Engine instance in these two Google Cloud Platform accounts using the command line i

2021-10-14 08:43:04 732

原创 谷歌助理云工程师(ACE)考试真题(1-20)

主题 1 - 单一题目.问题 001 主题你公司的每个员工都有一个谷歌账号。你的运维团队需要管理 Compute Engine 上的大量实例。这个团队的每个成员只需要对 server 进行管理访问。你的安全团队希望确保凭证的部署在操作上是有效的,并且必须能够确定谁访问了一个特定的实例。你应该怎么做? A. 生成一个新的SSH密钥对。把私钥给你的团队的每个成员。在每个实例的元数据中配置公钥。 B. 要求团队的每个成员生成一个新的SSH密钥对,并把他们的公钥发给你。使用配置管理工具,在每

2021-10-10 13:35:49 872



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