
这篇博客提供了谷歌助理云工程师(ACE)认证考试的21至40题及答案,涵盖了多个Google Cloud Platform服务的使用场景和最佳实践,包括Compute Engine实例管理、Deployment Manager模板验证、App Engine应用部署、IAM权限配置、Cloud Storage权限管理、BigQuery审计日志和Kubernetes集群版本管理等。内容详细且实用,旨在帮助考生熟悉考试题型和提升云平台操作技能。

Question 21

You have one GCP account running in your default region and zone and another account running in a non-default region and zone. You want to start a new Compute Engine instance in these two Google Cloud Platform accounts using the command line interface. What should you do?

A. Create two configurations using gcloud config configurations create [NAME]. Run gcloud config configurations activate [NAME] to switch between accounts when running the commands to start the Compute Engine instances.

B. Create two configurations using gcloud config configurations create [NAME]. Run gcloud configurations list to start the Compute Engine instances.

C. Activate two configurations using gcloud configurations activate [NAME]. Run gcloud config list to start the Compute Engine instances.

D. Activate two configurations using gcloud configurations activate [NAME]. Run gcloud configurations list to start the Compute Engine instances.

你有一个 GCP 账号在你的默认 region 和 zone 运行,另一个账号在一个非默认 region 和 zone 运行。你想使用 CLI 在这两个 Google Cloud Platform 账号中启动一个新的 Compute Engine 实例。你应该怎么做?

A. 使用 gcloud config configurations create [NAME] 创建两个配置。运行 gcloud config configurations activate [NAME],以便在运行启动 Compute Engine 实例的命令时在账号之间切换。

B. 使用 gcloud config configurations create [NAME] 创建两个配置。运行 gcloud configurations list 以启动 Compute Engine 实例。

C. 使用 gcloud configurations activate [NAME] 激活两个配置。运行 gcloud config list 以启动 Compute Engine 实例。

D. 使用 gcloud configurations activate [NAME] 激活两个配置。运行 gcloud configurations list 以启动 Compute Engine 实例。



Question 22

You significantly changed a complex Deployment Manager template and want to confirm that the dependencies of all defined resources are properly met before committing it to the project. You want the most rapid feedback on your changes. What should you do?

A. Use granular logging statements within a Deployment Manager template authored in Python.

B. Monitor activity of the Deployment Manager execution on the Stackdriver Logging page of the GCP Console.

C. Execute the Deployment Manager template against a separate project with the same configuration, and monitor for failures.

D. Execute the Deployment Manager template using the "-preview option in the same project, and observe the state of interdependent resources.

你对一个复杂的 Deployment Manager 模板进行了重大更改,并希望在将其提交给项目之前确认所有定义的资源的依赖性得到适当满足。你希望对你的改动得到最快速的反馈。你应该怎么做?

A. 在用 Python 编写的 Deployment Manager 模板中使用细化的日志记录语句。

B. 在 GCP 控制台的 Stackdriver Logging 页面上监控 Deployment Manager 的执行活动。

C. 对具有相同配置的单独项目执行 Deployment Manager 模板,并监测故障。

D. 在同一项目中使用 "--preview" 选项执行 Deployment Manager 模板,并观察相互依赖的资源的状态。




Question 23

You are building a pipeline to process time-series data. Which Google Cloud Platform services should you put in boxes 1,2,3, and 4?

A. Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Dataflow, Cloud Datastore, BigQuery

B. Firebase Messages, Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Spanner, BigQuery

C. Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, BigQuery, Cloud Bigtable

D. Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Dataflow, Cloud Bigtable, BigQuery

你正在建立一个管道来处理时间序列数据。你应该把哪些 Google Cloud Platform 服务放在盒子 1, 2, 3, 4 里? 

A. Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Dataflow, Cloud Datastore, BigQuery

B. Firebase 消息, Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Spanner, BigQuery

C. Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, BigQuery, Cloud Bigtable

D. Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Dataflow, Cloud Bigtable, BigQuery




Question 24

You have a project for your App Engine application that serves a development environment. The required testing has succeeded and you want to create a new project to serve as your production environment. What should you do?

A. Use gcloud to create the new project, and then deploy your application to the new project.

B. Use gcloud to create the new project and to copy the deployed application to the new project.

C. Create a Deployment Manager configuration file that copies the current App Engine deployment into a new project.

D. Deploy your application again using gcloud and specify the project parameter with the new project name to create the new project.

你有一个为开发环境服务的 App Engine 应用程序的项目。所需的测试已经成功,你想创建一个新的项目来作为你的生产环境。你应该怎么做?

A. 使用 gcloud 创建新项目,然后将你的应用程序部署到新项目中。

B. 使用 gcloud 创建新项目,并将已部署的应用程序复制到新项目中。

C. 创建一个 Deployment Manager 配置文件,将当前 App Engine 部署复制到新项目中。

D. 使用 gcloud 再次部

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