From Goals, Waypoints & Paths To Long Term Human Trajectory Forecasting(二)



1. Y-Net网络结构

Y-Net的网络结构长什么样子呢?Y-Net的网络结构就长下图这样子。看上去我好像在自言自语,其实你仔细揣摩就会发现,我真的是在自言自语。可以看到说,Y-Net网络输入的是一张张的图片,而不是序列。这一点很重要的,因为只有先搞清输入输出是什么,才能进行接下来的工作。那在(一)中的时候说,对于给定的RGB三通道图片I,先通过语义分割网络得到图片I的语义分割图S,于此同时将行人的过去轨迹转化为轨迹热力图H,然后将语义分割图S与轨迹热力图进行concatenate拼接,之后送到我们的编码器U_{e}当中。编码器U_{e}的最终输出H_{M}作为解码器U_{g}U_{t}的输入,U_{e}的中间特征H_{m}(1\leq m\leq M)将与俩解码器的中间层输出进行skip connection,也就是进行特征融合。在Goal & Waypoint decoder中,最后的输出层由一个卷积层后跟一个像素级的sigmoid函数组成,对goalwaypont生成一个概率分布,从这个概率分布中采样我们所需的goalwaypoint,紧接着将采样得到的goal and waypoint转换为goal & waypoint Heatmap,记为H_{g}。最后,对向量H_{g}进行下采样以匹配U_{t}中每个block的空间尺寸(从图中来看是要下采样6次,但是最后一个下采样箭头是不是画错位置了呢?另外,匹配的意思指的是”拼接“,而不是”输入“)

 2. encoder U_{e}

我们知道,编码器要干的事情就是提取图片的深层特征。Y-Net的encoder架构很显然是仿照U-Net encoder所设计的,encoder的输入是Segmentation Map与Trajectory Heatmap所拼接的张量tensor,那这个tensor的维度是多少呢?那我们先给定这个tensor的维度是4 \times 14 \times 416 \times 512 (N \times C \times H \times W ),这在之后的代码解析中会涉及。我们来看看在代码中encoder是怎么实现的:

class YNetEncoder(nn.Module):
	def __init__(self, in_channels, channels=(64, 128, 256, 512, 512)):
		Encoder model
		:param in_channels: int, semantic_classes + obs_len
		:param channels: list, hidden layer channels
		super(YNetEncoder, self).__init__()
		self.stages = nn.ModuleList()

		# First block
			nn.Conv2d(in_channels, channels[0], kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1)),

		# Subsequent blocks, each starting with MaxPool
		for i in range(len(channels)-1):
				nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False),
				nn.Conv2d(channels[i], channels[i+1], kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1)),
				nn.Conv2d(channels[i+1], channels[i+1], kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1)),

		# Last MaxPool layer before passing the features into decoder
		self.stages.append(nn.Sequential(nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False)))

	def forward(self, x):
		# Saves the feature maps Tensor of each layer into a list, as we will later need them again for the decoder
		features = []
		for stage in self.stages:
			x = stage(x)
		return features



2. decoder U_{g}

 解码器实际上就是要恢复原图的大小,并融合深层的特征。那解码器U_{g}是怎么实现该功能的呢?从图中我们可以看到,H_{M}首先会被送到U_{g}的center block当中去,然后再将center block的输出送到接下来的模块。接下来的模块是反卷积——skip connection——卷积的重复操作:

class YNetDecoder(nn.Module):
	def __init__(self, encoder_channels, decoder_channels, output_len, traj=False):
		Decoder models
		:param encoder_channels: list, encoder channels, used for skip connections
		:param decoder_channels: list, decoder channels
		:param output_len: int, pred_len
		:param traj: False or int, if False -> Goal and waypoint predictor, if int -> number of waypoints
		super(YNetDecoder, self).__init__()

		# The trajectory decoder takes in addition the conditioned goal and waypoints as an additional image channel
		if traj:
			encoder_channels = [channel+traj for channel in encoder_channels]  # encoder_channels:[33,33,65,65,65] ; traj = 1
		encoder_channels = encoder_channels[::-1]  # reverse channels to start from head of encoder; encoder_channels:goal[64,64,64,32,32] traj[65,65,65,33,33]
		center_channels = encoder_channels[0]

		decoder_channels = decoder_channels

		# The center layer (the layer with the smallest feature map size) = nn.Sequential(
			nn.Conv2d(center_channels, center_channels*2, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1)),
			nn.Conv2d(center_channels*2, center_channels*2, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1)),

		# Determine the upsample channel dimensions
		upsample_channels_in = [center_channels*2] + decoder_channels[:-1]  # upsample_channels_in:goal[128,64,64,64,32]  traj[130,64,64,64,32]
		upsample_channels_out = [num_channel // 2 for num_channel in upsample_channels_in]  # upsample_channels_out:goal[64,32,32,32,16]  traj[65,32,32,32,16]

		# Upsampling consists of bilinear upsampling + 3x3 Conv, here the 3x3 Conv is defined
		self.upsample_conv = [
			nn.Conv2d(in_channels_, out_channels_, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1))
			for in_channels_, out_channels_ in zip(upsample_channels_in, upsample_channels_out)]  # zip=goal[(128,64),(64,32),(64,32),(64,32),(32,16)]  traj[(130,65),(64,32),(64,32),(64,32),(32,16)]
		self.upsample_conv = nn.ModuleList(self.upsample_conv)

		# Determine the input and output channel dimensions of each layer in the decoder
		# As we concat the encoded feature and decoded features we have to sum both dims
		in_channels = [enc + dec for enc, dec in zip(encoder_channels, upsample_channels_out)]  # zip=goal[(64,64),(64,32),(64,32),(32,32),(32,16)]  traj[(65,65),(65,32),(65,32),(33,32),(33,16)]
		out_channels = decoder_channels  # out_channels:[64,64,64,32,32]  in_channels:goal[128,96,96,64,48]  traj[130,97,97,65,49]

		self.decoder = [nn.Sequential(
			nn.Conv2d(in_channels_, out_channels_, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1)),
			nn.Conv2d(out_channels_, out_channels_, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1)),
			for in_channels_, out_channels_ in zip(in_channels, out_channels)]  # zip=goal[(128,64),(96,64),(96,64),(64,32),(48,32)]  traj[(130,64),(97,64),(97,64),(65,32),(49,32)]
		self.decoder = nn.ModuleList(self.decoder)

		# Final 1x1 Conv prediction to get our heatmap logits (before softmax)
		self.predictor = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=decoder_channels[-1], out_channels=output_len, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0)

	def forward(self, features):
		# Takes in the list of feature maps from the encoder. Trajectory predictor in addition the goal and waypoint heatmaps
		features = features[::-1]  # reverse the order of encoded features, as the decoder starts from the smallest image
		center_feature = features[0]
		x =
		for i, (feature, module, upsample_conv) in enumerate(zip(features[1:], self.decoder, self.upsample_conv)):
			x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)  # bilinear interpolation for upsampling
			x = upsample_conv(x)  # 3x3 conv for upsampling
			x =[x, feature], dim=1)  # concat encoder and decoder features
			x = module(x)  # Conv
		x = self.predictor(x)  # last predictor layer
		return x

我们来看前向传播过程:在encoder的前向传播代码中,会将六层的future特征预存在feature[ ]中,这是为了在decoder中方便进行特征融合。读过U-Net的朋友应该知道,特征融合应该有相同的维度(当然channel数可以不同)。所以在U_{g}的前向传播过程中,首先将encoder保存的特征进行逆排序,然后将feature进行切片——也就是代码中的feature[0]——赋给center_feature。经过两层卷积后以center_feature的输出维度作为后续block的输入x。在for循环当中,enumerate()是枚举函数,zip()函数将对应的元素打包成一个个元组,F.interpolate()对输入的x进行插值,为接下来上采样做准备;将encoder中间层的特征与decoder进行concatenate拼接,拼接好后输入到module()模块,该模块在decoder该类中有所定义,实际上就是decoder架构中反卷积后的两层卷积层。在for循环完之后,有一个self.predictor(),同样得,它在decoder该类中有定义,实际上就是U_{g}的输出层,经过它我们将得到goal $ waypoint heatmap logits.


3.  decoder U_{t} 

 上面说过, 将采样得到的goal and waypoint转换为goal & waypoint Heatmap,记为H_{g}。最后,对向量H_{g}进行下采样以匹配U_{t}中每个block的空间尺寸。采样的过程该怎么用代码实现呢?

gt_waypoints_maps_downsampled = [nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2**i, stride=2**i)(gt_waypoint_map) for i in range(1, len(features))]
			gt_waypoints_maps_downsampled = [gt_waypoint_map] + gt_waypoints_maps_downsampled


traj_input = [[feature, goal], dim=1) for feature, goal in zip(features, gt_waypoints_maps_downsampled)]
pred_traj_map = model.pred_traj(traj_input)



class YNetDecoder(nn.Module):
	def __init__(self, encoder_channels, decoder_channels, output_len, traj=False):
		Decoder models
		:param encoder_channels: list, encoder channels, used for skip connections
		:param decoder_channels: list, decoder channels
		:param output_len: int, pred_len
		:param traj: False or int, if False -> Goal and waypoint predictor, if int -> number of waypoints
		super(YNetDecoder, self).__init__()

		# The trajectory decoder takes in addition the conditioned goal and waypoints as an additional image channel
		if traj:
			encoder_channels = [channel+traj for channel in encoder_channels]  # encoder_channels:[33,33,65,65,65] ; traj = 1
		encoder_channels = encoder_channels[::-1]  # reverse channels to start from head of encoder; encoder_channels:goal[64,64,64,32,32] traj[65,65,65,33,33]
		center_channels = encoder_channels[0]

		decoder_channels = decoder_channels

		# The center layer (the layer with the smallest feature map size) = nn.Sequential(
			nn.Conv2d(center_channels, center_channels*2, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1)),
			nn.Conv2d(center_channels*2, center_channels*2, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1)),

		# Determine the upsample channel dimensions
		upsample_channels_in = [center_channels*2] + decoder_channels[:-1]  # upsample_channels_in:goal[128,64,64,64,32]  traj[130,64,64,64,32]
		upsample_channels_out = [num_channel // 2 for num_channel in upsample_channels_in]  # upsample_channels_out:goal[64,32,32,32,16]  traj[65,32,32,32,16]

		# Upsampling consists of bilinear upsampling + 3x3 Conv, here the 3x3 Conv is defined
		self.upsample_conv = [
			nn.Conv2d(in_channels_, out_channels_, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1))
			for in_channels_, out_channels_ in zip(upsample_channels_in, upsample_channels_out)]  # zip=goal[(128,64),(64,32),(64,32),(64,32),(32,16)]  traj[(130,65),(64,32),(64,32),(64,32),(32,16)]
		self.upsample_conv = nn.ModuleList(self.upsample_conv)

		# Determine the input and output channel dimensions of each layer in the decoder
		# As we concat the encoded feature and decoded features we have to sum both dims
		in_channels = [enc + dec for enc, dec in zip(encoder_channels, upsample_channels_out)]  # zip=goal[(64,64),(64,32),(64,32),(32,32),(32,16)]  traj[(65,65),(65,32),(65,32),(33,32),(33,16)]
		out_channels = decoder_channels  # out_channels:[64,64,64,32,32]  in_channels:goal[128,96,96,64,48]  traj[130,97,97,65,49]

		self.decoder = [nn.Sequential(
			nn.Conv2d(in_channels_, out_channels_, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1)),
			nn.Conv2d(out_channels_, out_channels_, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1)),
			for in_channels_, out_channels_ in zip(in_channels, out_channels)]  # zip=goal[(128,64),(96,64),(96,64),(64,32),(48,32)]  traj[(130,64),(97,64),(97,64),(65,32),(49,32)]
		self.decoder = nn.ModuleList(self.decoder)

		# Final 1x1 Conv prediction to get our heatmap logits (before softmax)
		self.predictor = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=decoder_channels[-1], out_channels=output_len, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0)

	def forward(self, features):
		# Takes in the list of feature maps from the encoder. Trajectory predictor in addition the goal and waypoint heatmaps
		features = features[::-1]  # reverse the order of encoded features, as the decoder starts from the smallest image
		center_feature = features[0]
		x =
		for i, (feature, module, upsample_conv) in enumerate(zip(features[1:], self.decoder, self.upsample_conv)):
			x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)  # bilinear interpolation for upsampling
			x = upsample_conv(x)  # 3x3 conv for upsampling
			x =[x, feature], dim=1)  # concat encoder and decoder features
			x = module(x)  # Conv
		x = self.predictor(x)  # last predictor layer
		return x



评论 4




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