Always known for being quite tech-savy, Farmer John is testing out his new automated drone-mounted cow locator camera, which supposedly can take a picture of his field and automatically figure out the location of cows. Unfortunately, the camera does not include a very good algorithm for finding cows, so FJ needs your help developing a better one.
The overhead image of his farm taken by the camera is described by an N×NN×N grid of characters, each in the range A…ZA…Z, representing one of 26 possible colors. Farmer John figures the best way to define a potential cow location (PCL) is as follows: A PCL is a rectangular sub-grid (possibly the entire image) with sides parallel to the image sides, not contained within any other PCL (so no smaller subset of a PCL is also a PCL). Furthermore, a PCL must satisfy the following property: focusing on just the contents of the rectangle and ignoring the rest of the image, exactly two colors must be present, one forming a contiguous region and one forming two or more contiguous regions.
For example, a rectangle with contents
AAAAA ABABA AAABBwould constitute a PCL, since the A's form a single contiguous region and the B's form more than one contiguous region. The interpretation is a cow of color A with spots of color B.
A region is