0. 变量和赋值:
x = 5
name = “John”
1. 数据类型:
2. 注释:
# 这是单行注释``"""``这是``多行注释``"""
3. 算术运算:
a + b # 加法``a - b # 减法``a * b # 乘法``a / b # 除法``a % b # 取余``a ** b # 幂运算
4. 比较运算:
a == b # 等于``a != b # 不等于``a > b # 大于``a < b # 小于``a >= b # 大于等于``a <= b # 小于等于
5. 逻辑运算:
a and b``a or b``not a
6. 条件语句:
if condition:` `# do something``elif another_condition:` `# do something else``else:` `# do something different
7. 循环:
for i in range(5):` `print(i)`` ``while condition:` `# do something
8. 列表:
my_list = [1, 2, 3]``my_list.append(4)``my_list[0] # 访问元素
9. 元组:
my_tuple = (1, 2, 3)
10. 字典:
my_dict = {"name": "John", "age": 30}``my_dict["name"] # 访问键值
11. 集合:
my_set = {1, 2, 3}``my_set.add(4)
12. 字符串操作:
s = "hello"``s.upper()``s.lower()``s.split(" ")``s.replace("h", "j")
13. 字符串格式化:
name = "John"``age = 30``f"Hello, {name}. You are {age}."
14. 列表解析:
squares = [x**2 for x in range(10)]
15. 函数定义:
def my_function(param1, param2):` `return param1 + param2
16. 默认参数:
def my_function(param1, param2=5):` `return param1 + param2
17. 关键字参数:
def my_function(param1, param2):` `return param1 + param2``my_function(param2=10, param1=5)
18. 可变参数:
def my_function(*args):` `for arg in args:` `print(arg)`` ``my_function(1, 2, 3)
19. 关键字可变参数:
def my_function(**kwargs):` `for key, value in kwargs.items():` `print(f"{key}: {value}")`` ``my_function(name="John", age=30)
20. lambda表达式:
f = lambda x: x**2``f(5)
21. map函数:
list(map(lambda x: x**2, range(10)))
22. filter函数:
list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, range(10)))
23. reduce函数:
from functools import reduce``reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, range(10))
24. 异常处理:
try:` `# do something``except Exception as e:` `print(e)``finally:` `# cleanup
25. 文件读取:
with open("file.txt", "r") as file:` `content =
26. 文件写入:
with open("file.txt", "w") as file:` `file.write("Hello, World!")
27. 类定义:
class MyClass:` `def __init__(self, param1):` `self.param1 = param1`` ` `def my_method(self):` `return self.param1
28. 类继承:
class MyBaseClass:` `def __init__(self, param1):` `self.param1 = param1`` ``class MyDerivedClass(MyBaseClass):` `def __init__(self, param1, param2):` `super().__init__(param1)` `self.param2 = param2
29. 魔法方法:
class MyClass:` `def __init__(self, param1):` `self.param1 = param1`` ` `def __str__(self):` `return f"MyClass with param1={self.param1}"
30. 属性和装饰器:
class MyClass:` `def __init__(self, value):` `self._value = value`` ` `@property` `def value(self):` `return self._value`` ` `@value.setter` `def value(self, new_value):` `self._value = new_value
31. 生成器:
def my_generator():` `yield 1` `yield 2` `yield 3`` ``for value in my_generator():` `print(value)
32. 列表解析和生成器表达式:
[x**2 for x in range(10)]``(x**2 for x in range(10))
33. 集合解析:
{x**2 for x in range(10)}
34. 字典解析:
{x: x**2 for x in range(10)}
35. 上下文管理器:
with open("file.txt", "r") as file:` `content =
36. 装饰器:
def my_decorator(func):` `def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):` `print("Before function call")` `result = func(*args, **kwargs)` `print("After function call")` `return result` `return wrapper`` `` ``@my_decorator``def my_function():` `print("Function call")`` `` ``my_function()
37. 类型注解:
def my_function(param1: int, param2: str) -> str:` `return param2 * param1
38. 枚举:
from enum import Enum`` ``class Color(Enum):` `RED = 1` `GREEN = 2` `BLUE = 3
39. 迭代器:
class MyIterator:` `def __init__(self, start, end):` `self.current = start` `self.end = end`` `` ` `def __iter__(self):` `return self`` `` ` `def __next__(self):` `if self.current >= self.end:` `raise StopIteration` `else:` `self.current += 1` `return self.current - 1
40. JSON解析:
import json`` `` ``json_str = '{"name": "John", "age": 30}'``data = json.loads(json_str)
41. 日期和时间:
from datetime import datetime``now =
42. 随机数生成:
import random`` `` ``random_number = random.randint(1, 10)
43. 数学运算:
import math`` `` ``math.sqrt(16)
44. 模块和包:
#``def my_function():` `return "Hello"`` `` ``#``import my_module``my_module.my_function()
45. 命名空间:
global_var = 5`` `` ``def my_function():` `local_var = 10` `global global_var` `global_var = 20
46. 继承和多态:
class Animal:` `def speak(self):` `pass`` `` ``class Dog(Animal):` `def speak(self):` `return "Woof"`` `` ``class Cat(Animal):` `def speak(self):` `return "Meow"
47. 操作系统交互:
import os`` `` ``os.getcwd()``os.listdir(".")
48. 命令行参数:
import sys`` `` ``for arg in sys.argv:` `print(arg)
49. 正则表达式:
import re`` `` ``pattern = r"\d+"``re.findall(pattern, "There are 2 apples and 5 bananas.")
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