
final View view = createView(context, name, sClassPrefixList[i]);

if (view != null) {

return view;



return null;

} else {

return createView(context, name, null);


} catch (Exception e) {

// We do not want to catch these, lets return null and let the actual LayoutInflater

// try

return null;

} finally {

// Don’t retain references on context.

mConstructorArgs[0] = null;

mConstructorArgs[1] = null;




  • android:onClick doesn’t handle views with a ContextWrapper context. This method

  • backports new framework functionality to traverse the Context wrappers to find a

  • suitable target.


private void checkOnClickListener(View view, AttributeSet attrs) {

final Context context = view.getContext();

if (!(context instanceof ContextWrapper) ||

(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 15 && !ViewCompat.hasOnClickListeners(view))) {

// Skip our compat functionality if: the Context isn’t a ContextWrapper, or

// the view doesn’t have an OnClickListener (we can only rely on this on API 15+ so

// always use our compat code on older devices)



final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, sOnClickAttrs);

final String handlerName = a.getString(0);

if (handlerName != null) {

view.setOnClickListener(new SkinAppCompatViewInflater.DeclaredOnClickListener(view, handlerName));




private View createView(Context context, String name, String prefix)

throws ClassNotFoundException, InflateException {

Constructor<? extends View> constructor = sConstructorMap.get(name);

try {

if (constructor == null) {

// Class not found in the cache, see if it’s real, and try to add it

Class<? extends View> clazz = context.getClassLoader().loadClass(

prefix != null ? (prefix + name) : name).asSubclass(View.class);

constructor = clazz.getConstructor(sConstructorSignature);

sConstructorMap.put(name, constructor);



return constructor.newInstance(mConstructorArgs);

} catch (Exception e) {

// We do not want to catch these, lets return null and let the actual LayoutInflater

// try

return null;




  • Allows us to emulate the {@code android:theme} attribute for devices before L.


private static Context themifyContext(Context context, AttributeSet attrs,

boolean useAndroidTheme, boolean useAppTheme) {

final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.View, 0, 0);

int themeId = 0;

if (useAndroidTheme) {

// First try reading android:theme if enabled

themeId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.View_android_theme, 0);


if (useAppTheme && themeId == 0) {

// …if that didn’t work, try reading app:theme (for legacy reasons) if enabled

themeId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.View_theme, 0);

if (themeId != 0) {

Log.i(LOG_TAG, "app:theme is now deprecated. "

  • “Please move to using android:theme instead.”);




if (themeId != 0 && (!(context instanceof ContextThemeWrapper)

|| ((ContextThemeWrapper) context).getThemeResId() != themeId)) {

// If the context isn’t a ContextThemeWrapper, or it is but does not have

// the same theme as we need, wrap it in a new wrapper

context = new ContextThemeWrapper(context, themeId);


return context;



  • An implementation of OnClickListener that attempts to lazily load a

  • named click handling method from a parent or ancestor context.


private static class DeclaredOnClickListener implements View.OnClickListener {

private final View mHostView;

private final String mMethodName;

private Method mResolvedMethod;

private Context mResolvedContext;

public DeclaredOnClickListener(@NonNull View hostView, @NonNull String methodName) {

mHostView = hostView;

mMethodName = methodName;



public void onClick(@NonNull View v) {

if (mResolvedMethod == null) {

resolveMethod(mHostView.getContext(), mMethodName);


try {

mResolvedMethod.invoke(mResolvedContext, v);

} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {

throw new IllegalStateException(

“Could not execute non-public method for android:onClick”, e);

} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {

throw new IllegalStateException(

“Could not execute method for android:onClick”, e);




private void resolveMethod(@Nullable Context context, @NonNull String name) {

while (context != null) {

try {

if (!context.isRestricted()) {

final Method method = context.getClass().getMethod(mMethodName, View.class);

if (method != null) {

mResolvedMethod = method;

mResolvedContext = context;




} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {

// Failed to find method, keep searching up the hierarchy.


if (context instanceof ContextWrapper) {

context = ((ContextWrapper) context).getBaseContext();

} else {

// Can’t search up the hierarchy, null out and fail.

context = null;



final int id = mHostView.getId();

final String idText = id == View.NO_ID ? “” : " with id '"

  • mHostView.getContext().getResources().getResourceEntryName(id) + “’”;

throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find method " + mMethodName

  • "(View) in a parent or ancestor Context for android:onClick "

  • "attribute defined on view " + mHostView.getClass() + idText);




  • 解析属性


public View onCreateView(View parent, String name, Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {

//拦截到View的创建 获取View之后要去解析


View view = createView(parent, name, context, attrs);

//2.解析属性 src textColor background 自定义属性

Log.d(“huangxiaoguo”, view + “----------”);

if (view != null) {

List skinAttrs = SkinAttrSupport.getSkinAttrs(context, attrs);


return view;


  • 皮肤属性解析的支持类


  • Created by Administrator on 2018/8/3 0003.

  • 皮肤属性解析的支持类


public class SkinAttrSupport {


  • 获取SkinAttr的属性

  • @param context

  • @param attrs

  • @return


public static List getSkinAttrs(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {

// background src textColor

ArrayList skinAttrs = new ArrayList<>();

int attributeCount = attrs.getAttributeCount();

for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) {


String attrName = attrs.getAttributeName(i);

String attrValue = attrs.getAttributeValue(i);

Log.d(“huangxiaoguo”, “attrName—>” + attrName);

Log.d(“huangxiaoguo”, “attriValue—>” + attrValue);


SkinType skinType = getSkinType(attrName);

if (skinType != null) {


String resName = geteResName(context, attrValue);

if (TextUtils.isEmpty(resName)) {



SkinAttr skinAttr = new SkinAttr(resName, skinType);




return skinAttrs;



  • 获取资源名称

  • @param context

  • @param attrValue

  • @return


private static String geteResName(Context context, String attrValue) {

if (attrValue.startsWith("@")) {

attrValue = attrValue.substring(1);

int resId = Integer.parseInt(attrValue);

return context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(resId);


return null;



  • 通过名称获取SkinType

  • @param attrName

  • @return


private static SkinType getSkinType(String attrName) {

SkinType[] skinTypes = SkinType.values();

for (SkinType skinType : skinTypes) {

if (skinType.getResName().equals(attrName)) {

return skinType;



return null;



  • SkinManager管理


public View onCreateView(View parent, String name, Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {

//拦截到View的创建 获取View之后要去解析


View view = createView(parent, name, context, attrs);

//2.解析属性 src textColor background 自定义属性

Log.d(“huangxiaoguo”, view + “----------”);

if (view != null) {

List skinAttrs = SkinAttrSupport.getSkinAttrs(context, attrs);

SkinView skinView = new SkinView(view, skinAttrs);




return view;



  • 统一管理SkinView

  • @param skinView


protected void managerSkinView(SkinView skinView) {

List skinViews = SkinManager.getInstance().getSkinViews(this);

if (skinViews == null) {

skinViews = new ArrayList<>();

SkinManager.getInstance().register(this, skinViews);




  • 皮肤管理类


  • Created by Administrator on 2018/8/3 0003.

  • 皮肤管理类


public class SkinManager {

private static SkinManager mInstance;

private Context mContext;

private Map<Activity, List> mSkinViews = new HashMap<>();

private SkinResource mSkinResource;

static {

mInstance = new SkinManager();


public static SkinManager getInstance() {

return mInstance;


public void init(Context context) {

this.mContext = context.getApplicationContext();



  • 加载皮肤

  • @param skinPath

  • @return


public int loadSkin(String skinPath) {


mSkinResource = new SkinResource(mContext, skinPath);


Set keys = mSkinViews.keySet();

for (Activity key : keys) {

List skinViews =


【】 完整内容开源分享


for (SkinView skinView : skinViews) {;



return 0;



  • 恢复默认

  • @return


public int restoreDefault() {

return 0;



  • 获取SkinView

  • @param activity

  • @return


public List getSkinViews(Activity activity) {

return mSkinViews.get(activity);



  • 注册

  • @param activity

  • @param skinViews


public void register(Activity activity, List skinViews) {

mSkinViews.put(activity, skinViews);



  • 获取当前皮肤资源

  • @return


public SkinResource getSkinResource() {

return mSkinResource;



  • 皮肤资源管理


  • Created by Administrator on 2018/8/3 0003.

  • 皮肤资源管理


public class SkinResource {


private Resources mSkinResource;

private String mPackageName;

public SkinResource(Context context, String skinPath) {

try {


Resources superRes = context.getResources();


AssetManager asset = AssetManager.class.newInstance();

//添加本地下载好的资源皮肤 Native层

Method method = AssetManager.class.getDeclaredMethod(“addAssetPath”, String.class);




method.invoke(asset, Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() +

File.separator + “”);

mSkinResource = new Resources(asset, superRes.getDisplayMetrics(), superRes.getConfiguration());


mPackageName = context.getPackageManager().getPackageArchiveInfo(skinPath, PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES)


Log.d(“huangxiaoguo”, “mPackageName===>” + mPackageName);

} catch (Exception e) {





  • 通过名字获取Drawable

  • @param resName

  • @return


public Drawable getDrawableByName(String resName) {

try {

int resId = mSkinResource.getIdentifier(resName, “drawable”, mPackageName);

Log.d(“huangxiaoguo”, “drawable===>” + resId);

Drawable drawable = mSkinResource.getDrawable(resId);

return drawable;

} catch (Exception e) {


return null;




  • 通过名字获取颜色

  • @param resName

  • @return


public ColorStateList getColorByName(String resName) {

try {

int resId = mSkinResource.getIdentifier(resName, “color”, mPackageName);

Log.d(“huangxiaoguo”, “color===>” + resId);

ColorStateList color = mSkinResource.getColorStateList(resId);

return color;

} catch (Exception e) {


return null;




  • 封装View和属性bean

public class SkinView {

private View mView;

private List mAttrs;

public SkinView(View view, List attrs) {

this.mView = view;

this.mAttrs = attrs;


public void skin() {

for (SkinAttr attr : mAttrs) {;




  • 封装包名和要替换的内容

public class SkinAttr {

private String mResName;

private SkinType mType;

public SkinAttr(String resName, SkinType skinType) {




public void skin(View view) {, mResName);



  • 获取想要的资源


  • Created by Administrator on 2018/8/3 0003.

  • 获取想要的资源


public enum SkinType {

TEXT_COLOR(“textColor”) {


public void skin(View view, String resName) {

SkinResource skinResource = getSkinResource();

ColorStateList color = skinResource.getColorByName(resName);

if (color == null) {



TextView textView = (TextView) view;




BACKGROUND(“background”) {



public void skin(View view, String resName) {


SkinResource skinResource = getSkinResource();

Drawable drawable = skinResource.getDrawableByName(resName);

if (drawable != null) {





ColorStateList color = skinResource.getColorByName(resName);

if (color != null) {





SRC(“src”) {


public void skin(View view, String resName) {


SkinResource skinResource = getSkinResource();

Log.d(“huangxiaoguo”, “srcName—>” + resName);

Drawable drawable = skinResource.getDrawableByName(resName);

if (drawable != null) {

ImageView imageView = (ImageView) view;







private String mResName;

SkinType(String resName) {

this.mResName = resName;


public abstract void skin(View view, String resName);

public String getResName() {

return mResName;


public SkinResource getSkinResource() {

return SkinManager.getInstance().getSkinResource();



  • 点击换肤


  • 点击换肤


public void skin(View view) {

String skinPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath()

  • File.separator + “”;

int result = SkinManager.getInstance().loadSkin(skinPath);




  • 如何拦截布局(以LinearLayout为例)

在SkinAppCompatViewInflater中 createView添加

case “LinearLayout”:

view = new LinearLayout(context, attrs);

  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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