


const ExcelJS = require('exceljs')
function exportExcelFront(luckysheet, name, excelType ,isprintImg=true) {
  // 1.创建工作簿,可以为工作簿添加属性
  const workbook = new ExcelJS.Workbook()
  // 2.创建表格,第二个参数可以配置创建什么样的工作表
  luckysheet.forEach(function (table) {
    if ( === 0) return true
    const worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet(
    const merge = (table.config && table.config.merge) || {}        //合并单元格
    const borderInfo = (table.config && table.config.borderInfo) || {}      //边框
    const columnWidth = (table.config && table.config.columnlen) || {}    //列宽
    const rowHeight = (table.config && table.config.rowlen) || {}      //行高
    const frozen = table.frozen || {}       //冻结
    const rowhidden = (table.config && table.config.rowhidden) || {}    //行隐藏
    const colhidden = (table.config && table.config.colhidden) || {}    //列隐藏
    const filterSelect = table.filter_select || {}    //筛选
    const images = table.images || {}   //图片
    // console.log(table)
    const hide = table.hide;    //工作表 sheet 1隐藏
    if (hide === 1) {
      // 隐藏工作表
      worksheet.state = 'hidden';

    setStyleAndValue(, worksheet)
    if(isprintImg){ //是否打印图片(签字签章)
      setImages(images, worksheet, workbook)
    setColumnWidth(columnWidth, worksheet)
    setRowHeight(rowHeight, worksheet, excelType)
    setFrozen(frozen, worksheet)
    setRowHidden(rowhidden, worksheet)
    setColHidden(colhidden, worksheet)
    setFilter(filterSelect, worksheet)
    setBorder(table, worksheet)
    setMerge(merge, worksheet)
    return true

  // 4.写入 buffer
  const buffer = workbook.xlsx.writeBuffer().then(data => {
    const blob = new Blob([data], {
      type: 'application/;charset=utf-8'
    saveAs(blob, `${name}.xlsx`)
  return buffer

* 列宽
* @param columnWidth
* @param worksheet
var setColumnWidth = function (columnWidth, worksheet) {
  for (let key in columnWidth) {
    worksheet.getColumn(parseInt(key) + 1).width = (columnWidth[key] / 7.5) == 0 ? 0.1 : columnWidth[key] / 7.5

* 行高
* @param rowHeight
* @param worksheet
* @param excelType
var setRowHeight = function (rowHeight, worksheet, excelType) {
  if (excelType == "wps") {
    for (let key in rowHeight) {
      worksheet.getRow(parseInt(key) + 1).height = rowHeight[key] * 0.7
  if (excelType == "office" || excelType == undefined) {
    for (let key in rowHeight) {
      worksheet.getRow(parseInt(key) + 1).height = rowHeight[key] * 1.5

* 合并单元格
* @param luckyMerge
* @param worksheet
var setMerge = function (luckyMerge = {}, worksheet) {
  const mergearr = Object.values(luckyMerge)
  mergearr.forEach(function (elem) {
    // elem格式:{r: 0, c: 0, rs: 1, cs: 2}
    // 按开始行,开始列,结束行,结束列合并(相当于 K10:M12)
      elem.r + 1,
      elem.c + 1,
      elem.r +,
      elem.c + elem.cs
  // mergearr.forEach(function (elem) {
  //   const startCell = `${createCol(elem.c)}${elem.r + 1}`
  //   const endCell = `${createCol(elem.c + elem.cs - 1)}${elem.r +}`
  //   const end_border = worksheet.getCell(`${endCell}`).border
  //   const start_border = worksheet.getCell(`${startCell}`).border
  //   const border = {}
  //   if (start_border) {
  // =
  //     border.left = start_border.left
  //   }
  //   if (end_border) {
  //     border.bottom = end_border.bottom
  //     border.right = end_border.right
  //   }
  //   worksheet.mergeCells(`${startCell}:${endCell}`);
  //   worksheet.getCell(`${startCell}:${endCell}`).border = border
  // })

* 设置边框
* @param luckyBorderInfo
* @param worksheet
var setBorder = function (lucksheetfile, worksheet) {
  if (!lucksheetfile) return;
  const luckyToExcel = {
    style: {
      0: 'none',
      1: 'thin',
      2: 'hair',
      3: 'dotted',
      4: 'dashDot', // 'Dashed',
      5: 'dashDot',
      6: 'dashDotDot',
      7: 'double',
      8: 'medium',
      9: 'mediumDashed',
      10: 'mediumDashDot',
      11: 'mediumDashDotDot',
      12: 'slantDashDot',
      13: 'thick'
  const borderInfoCompute = getBorderInfo(lucksheetfile);

  for (let x in borderInfoCompute) {
    let border = {};
    let info = borderInfoCompute[x];
    let row = parseInt(x.substr(0, x.indexOf('_')));
    let column = parseInt(x.substr(x.indexOf('_') + 1));
    if (info.t != undefined) {
      const tcolor = info.t.color.indexOf('rgb') > -1 ? rgb2hex(info.t.color) : info.t.color;
      border['top'] = { style:[], color: { argb: tcolor.replace('#', '') } };
    if (info.r != undefined) {
      const rcolor = info.r.color.indexOf('rgb') > -1 ? rgb2hex(info.r.color) : info.r.color;
      border['right'] = { style:[], color: { argb: rcolor.replace('#', '') } };
    if (info.b != undefined) {
      const bcolor = info.b.color.indexOf('rgb') > -1 ? rgb2hex(info.b.color) : info.b.color;
      border['bottom'] = { style:[], color: { argb: bcolor.replace('#', '') } };
    if (info.l != undefined) {
      const lcolor = info.l.color.indexOf('rgb') > -1 ? rgb2hex(info.l.color) : info.l.color;
      border['left'] = { style:[], color: { argb: lcolor.replace('#', '') } };
    worksheet.getCell(row + 1, column + 1).border = border;

var getBorderInfo = function (luckysheetfile) {
  let borderInfoCompute = {};
  let cfg = luckysheetfile.config;
  let data =;
  let borderInfo = cfg["borderInfo"];
  let dataset_row_st = 0, dataset_row_ed = data.length, dataset_col_st = 0, dataset_col_ed = data[0].length;
  if (borderInfo != null && borderInfo.length > 0) {
    for (let i = 0; i < borderInfo.length; i++) {
      let rangeType = borderInfo[i].rangeType;

      if (rangeType == "range") {
        let borderType = borderInfo[i].borderType;
        let borderColor = borderInfo[i].color;
        let borderStyle = borderInfo[i].style;

        let borderRange = borderInfo[i].range;

        for (let j = 0; j < borderRange.length; j++) {
          let bd_r1 = borderRange[j].row[0], bd_r2 = borderRange[j].row[1];
          let bd_c1 = borderRange[j].column[0], bd_c2 = borderRange[j].column[1];

          if (bd_r1 < dataset_row_st) {
            bd_r1 = dataset_row_st;

          if (bd_r2 > dataset_row_ed) {
            bd_r2 = dataset_row_ed;

          if (bd_c1 < dataset_col_st) {
            bd_c1 = dataset_col_st;

          if (bd_c2 > dataset_col_ed) {
            bd_c2 = dataset_col_ed;

          if (borderType == "border-left") {
            for (let bd_r = bd_r1; bd_r <= bd_r2; bd_r++) {
              if (cfg["rowhidden"] != null && cfg["rowhidden"][bd_r] != null) {

              if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c1] == null) {
                borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c1] = {};

              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c1].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

              let bd_c_left = bd_c1 - 1;

              if (bd_c_left >= 0 && borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left]) {
                if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c_left]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c_left].mc != null) {
                  let cell_left = data[bd_r][bd_c_left];

                  let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                  if (mc.c + mc.cs - 1 == bd_c_left) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

              let mc = cfg["merge"] || {};
              for (const key in mc) {
                let { c, r, cs, rs } = mc[key];
                if (bd_c1 <= c + cs - 1 && bd_c1 > c && bd_r >= r && bd_r <= r + rs - 1) {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c1].l = null;
          else if (borderType == "border-right") {
            for (let bd_r = bd_r1; bd_r <= bd_r2; bd_r++) {
              if (cfg["rowhidden"] != null && cfg["rowhidden"][bd_r] != null) {

              if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c2] == null) {
                borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c2] = {};

              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c2].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

              let bd_c_right = bd_c2 + 1;

              if (bd_c_right < data[0].length && borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right]) {
                if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c_right]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c_right].mc != null) {
                  let cell_right = data[bd_r][bd_c_right];

                  let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                  if (mc.c == bd_c_right) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
              let mc = cfg["merge"] || {};
              for (const key in mc) {
                let { c, r, cs, rs } = mc[key];
                if (bd_c2 < c + cs - 1 && bd_c2 >= c && bd_r >= r && bd_r <= r + rs - 1) {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c2].r = null;
          else if (borderType == "border-top") {
            if (cfg["rowhidden"] != null && cfg["rowhidden"][bd_r1] != null) {

            for (let bd_c = bd_c1; bd_c <= bd_c2; bd_c++) {
              if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r1 + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                borderInfoCompute[bd_r1 + "_" + bd_c] = {};

              borderInfoCompute[bd_r1 + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

              let bd_r_top = bd_r1 - 1;

              if (bd_r_top >= 0 && borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c]) {
                if (data[bd_r_top] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r_top][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r_top][bd_c].mc != null) {
                  let cell_top = data[bd_r_top][bd_c];

                  let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                  if (mc.r + - 1 == bd_r_top) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

              let mc = cfg["merge"] || {};
              for (const key in mc) {
                let { c, r, cs, rs } = mc[key];
                if (bd_r1 <= r + rs - 1 && bd_r1 > r && bd_c >= c && bd_c <= c + cs - 1) {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r1 + "_" + bd_c].t = null;
          else if (borderType == "border-bottom") {
            if (cfg["rowhidden"] != null && cfg["rowhidden"][bd_r2] != null) {

            for (let bd_c = bd_c1; bd_c <= bd_c2; bd_c++) {
              if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r2 + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                borderInfoCompute[bd_r2 + "_" + bd_c] = {};

              borderInfoCompute[bd_r2 + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

              let bd_r_bottom = bd_r2 + 1;

              if (bd_r_bottom < data.length && borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c]) {
                if (data[bd_r_bottom] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c].mc != null) {
                  let cell_bottom = data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c];

                  let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                  if (mc.r == bd_r_bottom) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

              let mc = cfg["merge"] || {};
              for (const key in mc) {
                let { c, r, cs, rs } = mc[key];
                if (bd_r2 < r + rs - 1 && bd_r2 >= r && bd_c >= c && bd_c <= c + cs - 1) {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r2 + "_" + bd_c].b = null;
          else if (borderType == "border-all") {
            for (let bd_r = bd_r1; bd_r <= bd_r2; bd_r++) {
              if (cfg["rowhidden"] != null && cfg["rowhidden"][bd_r] != null) {

              for (let bd_c = bd_c1; bd_c <= bd_c2; bd_c++) {
                if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {
                  let cell = data[bd_r][bd_c];

                  let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];
                  if (mc == undefined || mc == null) {
                  if (mc.r == bd_r) {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                  if (mc.r + - 1 == bd_r) {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                  if (mc.c == bd_c) {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                  if (mc.c + mc.cs - 1 == bd_c) {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else {
                  if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                if (bd_r == bd_r1) {
                  let bd_r_top = bd_r1 - 1;

                  if (bd_r_top >= 0 && borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c]) {
                    if (data[bd_r_top] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r_top][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r_top][bd_c].mc != null) {
                      let cell_top = data[bd_r_top][bd_c];

                      let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                      if (mc.r + - 1 == bd_r_top) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                if (bd_r == bd_r2) {
                  let bd_r_bottom = bd_r2 + 1;

                  if (bd_r_bottom < data.length && borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c]) {
                    if (data[bd_r_bottom] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c].mc != null) {
                      let cell_bottom = data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c];

                      let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                      if (mc.r == bd_r_bottom) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                if (bd_c == bd_c1) {
                  let bd_c_left = bd_c1 - 1;

                  if (bd_c_left >= 0 && borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left]) {
                    if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c_left]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c_left].mc != null) {
                      let cell_left = data[bd_r][bd_c_left];

                      let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                      if (mc.c + mc.cs - 1 == bd_c_left) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                if (bd_c == bd_c2) {
                  let bd_c_right = bd_c2 + 1;

                  if (bd_c_right < data[0].length && borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right]) {
                    if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c_right]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c_right].mc != null) {
                      let cell_right = data[bd_r][bd_c_right];

                      let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                      if (mc.c == bd_c_right) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
          else if (borderType == "border-outside") {
            for (let bd_r = bd_r1; bd_r <= bd_r2; bd_r++) {
              if (cfg["rowhidden"] != null && cfg["rowhidden"][bd_r] != null) {

              for (let bd_c = bd_c1; bd_c <= bd_c2; bd_c++) {
                if (!(bd_r == bd_r1 || bd_r == bd_r2 || bd_c == bd_c1 || bd_c == bd_c2)) {

                if (bd_r == bd_r1) {
                  if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                  let bd_r_top = bd_r1 - 1;

                  if (bd_r_top >= 0 && borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c]) {
                    if (data[bd_r_top] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r_top][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r_top][bd_c].mc != null) {
                      let cell_top = data[bd_r_top][bd_c];

                      let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                      if (mc.r + - 1 == bd_r_top) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                if (bd_r == bd_r2) {
                  if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                  let bd_r_bottom = bd_r2 + 1;

                  if (bd_r_bottom < data.length && borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c]) {
                    if (data[bd_r_bottom] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c].mc != null) {
                      let cell_bottom = data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c];

                      let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                      if (mc.r == bd_r_bottom) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                if (bd_c == bd_c1) {
                  if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                  let bd_c_left = bd_c1 - 1;

                  if (bd_c_left >= 0 && borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left]) {
                    if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c_left]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c_left].mc != null) {
                      let cell_left = data[bd_r][bd_c_left];

                      let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                      if (mc.c + mc.cs - 1 == bd_c_left) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                if (bd_c == bd_c2) {
                  if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                  let bd_c_right = bd_c2 + 1;

                  if (bd_c_right < data[0].length && borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right]) {
                    if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c_right]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c_right].mc != null) {
                      let cell_right = data[bd_r][bd_c_right];

                      let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                      if (mc.c == bd_c_right) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
          else if (borderType == "border-inside") {
            for (let bd_r = bd_r1; bd_r <= bd_r2; bd_r++) {
              if (cfg["rowhidden"] != null && cfg["rowhidden"][bd_r] != null) {

              for (let bd_c = bd_c1; bd_c <= bd_c2; bd_c++) {
                if (bd_r == bd_r1 && bd_c == bd_c1) {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {

                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else if (bd_r == bd_r2 && bd_c == bd_c1) {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {

                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else if (bd_r == bd_r1 && bd_c == bd_c2) {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {

                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else if (bd_r == bd_r2 && bd_c == bd_c2) {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {

                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else if (bd_r == bd_r1) {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {
                    let cell = data[bd_r][bd_c];

                    let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                    if (mc.c == bd_c) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else if (mc.c + mc.cs - 1 == bd_c) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else if (bd_r == bd_r2) {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {
                    let cell = data[bd_r][bd_c];

                    let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                    if (mc.c == bd_c) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else if (mc.c + mc.cs - 1 == bd_c) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else if (bd_c == bd_c1) {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {
                    let cell = data[bd_r][bd_c];

                    let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                    if (mc.r == bd_r) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else if (mc.r + - 1 == bd_r) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else if (bd_c == bd_c2) {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {
                    let cell = data[bd_r][bd_c];

                    let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                    if (mc.r == bd_r) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else if (mc.r + - 1 == bd_r) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {
                    let cell = data[bd_r][bd_c];

                    let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                    if (mc.r == bd_r) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else if (mc.r + - 1 == bd_r) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };

                    if (mc.c == bd_c) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else if (mc.c + mc.cs - 1 == bd_c) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
          else if (borderType == "border-horizontal") {
            for (let bd_r = bd_r1; bd_r <= bd_r2; bd_r++) {
              if (cfg["rowhidden"] != null && cfg["rowhidden"][bd_r] != null) {

              for (let bd_c = bd_c1; bd_c <= bd_c2; bd_c++) {
                if (bd_r == bd_r1) {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {

                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else if (bd_r == bd_r2) {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {

                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {
                    let cell = data[bd_r][bd_c];

                    let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                    if (mc.r == bd_r) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else if (mc.r + - 1 == bd_r) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
          else if (borderType == "border-vertical") {
            for (let bd_r = bd_r1; bd_r <= bd_r2; bd_r++) {
              if (cfg["rowhidden"] != null && cfg["rowhidden"][bd_r] != null) {

              for (let bd_c = bd_c1; bd_c <= bd_c2; bd_c++) {
                if (bd_c == bd_c1) {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {

                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else if (bd_c == bd_c2) {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {

                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                else {
                  if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {
                    let cell = data[bd_r][bd_c];

                    let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +] || {};

                    if (mc.c == bd_c) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    else if (mc.c + mc.cs - 1 == bd_c) {
                      if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                        borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                  else {
                    if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
                      borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": borderColor, "style": borderStyle };
          else if (borderType == "border-none") {
            for (let bd_r = bd_r1; bd_r <= bd_r2; bd_r++) {
              if (cfg["rowhidden"] != null && cfg["rowhidden"][bd_r] != null) {

              for (let bd_c = bd_c1; bd_c <= bd_c2; bd_c++) {
                if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] != null) {
                  delete borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c];

                if (bd_r == bd_r1) {
                  let bd_r_top = bd_r1 - 1;

                  if (bd_r_top >= 0 && borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c]) {
                    delete borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c].b;

                if (bd_r == bd_r2) {
                  let bd_r_bottom = bd_r2 + 1;

                  if (bd_r_bottom < data.length && borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c]) {
                    delete borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c].t;

                if (bd_c == bd_c1) {
                  let bd_c_left = bd_c1 - 1;

                  if (bd_c_left >= 0 && borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left]) {
                    delete borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left].r;

                if (bd_c == bd_c2) {
                  let bd_c_right = bd_c2 + 1;

                  if (bd_c_right < data[0].length && borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right]) {
                    delete borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right].l;
      else if (rangeType == "cell") {
        let value = borderInfo[i].value;

        let bd_r = value.row_index, bd_c = value.col_index;

        if (bd_r < dataset_row_st || bd_r > dataset_row_ed || bd_c < dataset_col_st || bd_c > dataset_col_ed) {

        if (cfg["rowhidden"] != null && cfg["rowhidden"][bd_r] != null) {

        if (value.l != null || value.r != null || value.t != null || value.b != null) {
          if (borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] == null) {
            borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c] = {};

          if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c].mc != null) {
            let cell = data[bd_r][bd_c];
            let mc = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +] || {};

            if (value.l != null && bd_c == mc.c) { //左边框
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": value.l.color, "style": };

              let bd_c_left = bd_c - 1;

              if (bd_c_left >= 0 && borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left]) {
                if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c_left]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c_left].mc != null) {
                  let cell_left = data[bd_r][bd_c_left];

                  let mc_l = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                  if (mc_l.c + mc_l.cs - 1 == bd_c_left) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left].r = { "color": value.l.color, "style": };
                else {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left].r = { "color": value.l.color, "style": };
            else {
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = null;

            if (value.r != null && bd_c == mc.c + mc.cs - 1) { //右边框
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": value.r.color, "style": };

              let bd_c_right = bd_c + 1;

              if (bd_c_right < data[0].length && borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right]) {
                if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c_right]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c_right].mc != null) {
                  let cell_right = data[bd_r][bd_c_right];

                  let mc_r = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                  if (mc_r.c == bd_c_right) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right].l = { "color": value.r.color, "style": };
                else {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right].l = { "color": value.r.color, "style": };
            else {
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = null;

            if (value.t != null && bd_r == mc.r) { //上边框
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": value.t.color, "style": };

              let bd_r_top = bd_r - 1;

              if (bd_r_top >= 0 && borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c]) {
                if (data[bd_r_top] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r_top][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r_top][bd_c].mc != null) {
                  let cell_top = data[bd_r_top][bd_c];

                  let mc_t = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                  if (mc_t.r + - 1 == bd_r_top) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": value.t.color, "style": };
                else {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": value.t.color, "style": };
            else {
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = null;

            if (value.b != null && bd_r == mc.r + - 1) { //下边框
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": value.b.color, "style": };

              let bd_r_bottom = bd_r + 1;

              if (bd_r_bottom < data.length && borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c]) {
                if (data[bd_r_bottom] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c].mc != null) {
                  let cell_bottom = data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c];

                  let mc_b = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                  if (mc_b.r == bd_r_bottom) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": value.b.color, "style": };
                else {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": value.b.color, "style": };
            else {
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = null;
          else {
            if (value.l != null) { //左边框
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = { "color": value.l.color, "style": };

              let bd_c_left = bd_c - 1;

              if (bd_c_left >= 0 && borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left]) {
                if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c_left]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c_left].mc != null) {
                  let cell_left = data[bd_r][bd_c_left];

                  let mc_l = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                  if (mc_l.c + mc_l.cs - 1 == bd_c_left) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left].r = { "color": value.l.color, "style": };
                else {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_left].r = { "color": value.l.color, "style": };
            else {
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].l = null;

            if (value.r != null) { //右边框
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = { "color": value.r.color, "style": };

              let bd_c_right = bd_c + 1;

              if (bd_c_right < data[0].length && borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right]) {
                if (data[bd_r] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r][bd_c_right]) == "object" && data[bd_r][bd_c_right].mc != null) {
                  let cell_right = data[bd_r][bd_c_right];

                  let mc_r = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                  if (mc_r.c == bd_c_right) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right].l = { "color": value.r.color, "style": };
                else {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c_right].l = { "color": value.r.color, "style": };
            else {
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].r = null;

            if (value.t != null) { //上边框
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": value.t.color, "style": };

              let bd_r_top = bd_r - 1;

              if (bd_r_top >= 0 && borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c]) {
                if (data[bd_r_top] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r_top][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r_top][bd_c].mc != null) {
                  let cell_top = data[bd_r_top][bd_c];

                  let mc_t = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                  if (mc_t.r + - 1 == bd_r_top) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": value.t.color, "style": };
                else {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r_top + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": value.t.color, "style": };
            else {
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].t = null;

            if (value.b != null) { //下边框
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = { "color": value.b.color, "style": };

              let bd_r_bottom = bd_r + 1;

              if (bd_r_bottom < data.length && borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c]) {
                if (data[bd_r_bottom] != null && getObjType(data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c]) == "object" && data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c].mc != null) {
                  let cell_bottom = data[bd_r_bottom][bd_c];

                  let mc_b = cfg["merge"][ + "_" +];

                  if (mc_b.r == bd_r_bottom) {
                    borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": value.b.color, "style": };
                else {
                  borderInfoCompute[bd_r_bottom + "_" + bd_c].t = { "color": value.b.color, "style": };
            else {
              borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c].b = null;
        else {
          delete borderInfoCompute[bd_r + "_" + bd_c];
  return borderInfoCompute;
var getObjType = function (obj) {
  let toString = Object.prototype.toString;

  let map = {
    '[object Boolean]': 'boolean',
    '[object Number]': 'number',
    '[object String]': 'string',
    '[object Function]': 'function',
    '[object Array]': 'array',
    '[object Date]': 'date',
    '[object RegExp]': 'regExp',
    '[object Undefined]': 'undefined',
    '[object Null]': 'null',
    '[object Object]': 'object'
  return map[];

* 设置带样式的值
* @param cellArr
* @param worksheet
var setStyleAndValue = function (cellArr, worksheet) {
  if (!Array.isArray(cellArr)) return
  cellArr.forEach(function (row, rowid) {
    row.every(function (cell, columnid) {
      if (!cell) return true
      let fill = fillConvert(

      let font = fontConvert(
      let alignment = alignmentConvert(cell.vt,, cell.tb,
      let value = ''

      if (cell.f) {
        value = { formula: cell.f, result: cell.v }
      } else if (!cell.v && cell.ct && cell.ct.s) {
        // xls转为xlsx之后,内部存在不同的格式,都会进到富文本里,即值不存在与cell.v,而是存在于cell.ct.s之后
        let richText = [];
        let cts = cell.ct.s
        for (let i = 0; i < cts.length; i++) {
          let rt = {
            text: cts[i].v,
            font: fontConvert(cts[i].ff, cts[i].fc, cts[i].bl, cts[i].it, cts[i].fs, cts[i].cl, cts[i].un)
        value = {
          richText: richText

      } else {
        if (cell.v !== undefined && cell.v !== '') {
          var v = +cell.v;
          if (isNaN(v)) v = cell.v
          value = v
      //  style 填入到_value中可以实现填充色
      let letter = createCellPos(columnid)
      let target = worksheet.getCell(letter + (rowid + 1))
      // console.log('1233', letter + (rowid + 1))
      for (const key in fill) {
        target.fill = fill
      target.font = font
      target.alignment = alignment
      target.value = value

      try {
        target.numFmt = cell.ct.fa;
      } catch (e) {

      return true

* 设置图片
* @param images
* @param worksheet
* @param workbook
var setImages = function (images, worksheet, workbook) {
  // debugger
  if (typeof images != "object") return;
  for (let key in images) {
    // console.log(images[key]);
    // "..."
    // 通过 base64  将图像添加到工作簿

    const myBase64Image = images[key].src;
    const tl = { col: images[key].default.left / 72, row: images[key] / 19 }
    // 大小
    const ext = { width: images[key].default.width, height: images[key].default.height }
    const imageId = workbook.addImage({
      base64: myBase64Image,
      //extension: 'png',
    worksheet.addImage(imageId, {
      tl: tl,
      ext: ext

* 冻结行列
* @param frozen
* @param worksheet
var setFrozen = function (frozen = {}, worksheet) {
  switch (frozen.type) {
    // 冻结首行
    case 'row': {
      worksheet.views = [
        { state: 'frozen', xSplit: 0, ySplit: 1 }
    // 冻结首列
    case 'column': {
      worksheet.views = [
        { state: 'frozen', xSplit: 1, ySplit: 0 }
    // 冻结行列
    case 'both': {
      worksheet.views = [
        { state: 'frozen', xSplit: 1, ySplit: 1 }
    // 冻结行到选区
    case 'rangeRow': {
      let row = frozen.range.row_focus + 1
      worksheet.views = [
        { state: 'frozen', xSplit: 0, ySplit: row }
    // 冻结列到选区
    case 'rangeColumn': {
      let column = frozen.range.column_focus + 1
      worksheet.views = [
        { state: 'frozen', xSplit: column, ySplit: 0 }
    // 冻结行列到选区
    case 'rangeBoth': {
      let row = frozen.range.row_focus + 1
      let column = frozen.range.column_focus + 1
      worksheet.views = [
        { state: 'frozen', xSplit: column, ySplit: row }



* 行隐藏
* @param rowhidden
* @param worksheet
var setRowHidden = function (rowhidden = {}, worksheet) {
  for (const key in rowhidden) {
    const row = worksheet.getRow(parseInt(key) + 1)
    row.hidden = true;

* 列隐藏
* @param colhidden
* @param worksheet
var setColHidden = function (colhidden = {}, worksheet) {
  for (const key in colhidden) {
    const column = worksheet.getColumn(parseInt(key) + 1)
    column.hidden = true;

* 自动筛选器
* @param filter
* @param worksheet
var setFilter = function (filter = {}, worksheet) {
  if (Object.keys(filter).length === 0) return
  const from = {
    row: filter.row[0] + 1,
    column: filter.column[0] + 1

  const to = {
    row: filter.row[1] + 1,
    column: filter.column[1] + 1

  worksheet.autoFilter = {
    from: from,
    to: to


var fillConvert = function (bg) {
  if (!bg) {
    return {}
  // const bgc = bg.replace('#', '')
  let fill = {
    type: 'pattern',
    pattern: 'solid',
    fgColor: { argb: bg.startsWith("#") ? bg.replace('#', '') : colorRGBtoHex(bg).replace("#", "") },
  return fill;

var fontConvert = function (
  ff = 0,
  fc = '#000000',
  bl = 0,
  it = 0,
  fs = 10,
  cl = 0,
  ul = 0
) {
  // luckysheet:ff(样式), fc(颜色), bl(粗体), it(斜体), fs(大小), cl(删除线), ul(下划线)
  const luckyToExcel = {
    0: '微软雅黑',
    1: '宋体(Song)',
    2: '黑体(ST Heiti)',
    3: '楷体(ST Kaiti)',
    4: '仿宋(ST FangSong)',
    5: '新宋体(ST Song)',
    6: '华文新魏',
    7: '华文行楷',
    8: '华文隶书',
    9: 'Arial',
    10: 'Times New Roman ',
    11: 'Tahoma ',
    12: 'Verdana',
    num2bl: function (num) {
      return num !== 0
  // 出现Bug,导入的时候ff为luckyToExcel的val

  let font = {
    name: typeof ff === 'number' ? luckyToExcel[ff] : ff,
    family: 1,
    size: fs,
    color: { argb: fc.startsWith("#") ? fc.replace('#', '') : colorRGBtoHex(fc).replace("#", "") },
    bold: luckyToExcel.num2bl(bl),
    italic: luckyToExcel.num2bl(it),
    underline: luckyToExcel.num2bl(ul),
    strike: luckyToExcel.num2bl(cl)

  return font

var alignmentConvert = function (
  vt = 'default',
  ht = 'default',
  tb = 'default',
  tr = 'default'
) {
  // luckysheet:vt(垂直), ht(水平), tb(换行), tr(旋转)
  const luckyToExcel = {
    vertical: {
      0: 'middle',
      1: 'top',
      2: 'bottom',
      default: 'middle'
    horizontal: {
      0: 'center',
      1: 'left',
      2: 'right',
      default: 'center'
    wrapText: {
      0: false,
      1: false,
      2: true,
      default: false
    textRotation: {
      0: 0,
      1: 45,
      2: -45,
      3: 'vertical',
      4: 90,
      5: -90,
      default: 0

  let alignment = {
    vertical: luckyToExcel.vertical[vt],
    horizontal: luckyToExcel.horizontal[ht],
    wrapText: luckyToExcel.wrapText[tb],
    textRotation: luckyToExcel.textRotation[tr]
  return alignment

var borderConvert = function (borderType, style = 1, color = '#000') {
  // 对应luckysheet的config中borderinfo的的参数
  if (!borderType) {
    return {}
  const luckyToExcel = {
    type: {
      'border-all': 'all',
      'border-top': 'top',
      'border-right': 'right',
      'border-bottom': 'bottom',
      'border-left': 'left',
      'border-outside': 'outside',
      'border-inside': 'inside',
      'border-horizontal': 'horizontal',
      'border-vertical': 'vertical',
      'border-none': 'none',
    style: {
      0: 'none',
      1: 'thin',
      2: 'hair',
      3: 'dotted',
      4: 'dashDot', // 'Dashed',
      5: 'dashDot',
      6: 'dashDotDot',
      7: 'double',
      8: 'medium',
      9: 'mediumDashed',
      10: 'mediumDashDot',
      11: 'mediumDashDotDot',
      12: 'slantDashDot',
      13: 'thick'
  let border = {}
  border[luckyToExcel.type[borderType]] = {
    color: { argb: color.replace('#', '') }
  return border

function addborderToCell(borders, row_index, col_index) {
  let border = {}
  const luckyExcel = {
    type: {
      l: 'left',
      r: 'right',
      b: 'bottom',
      t: 'top'
    style: {
      0: 'none',
      1: 'thin',
      2: 'hair',
      3: 'dotted',
      4: 'dashDot', // 'Dashed',
      5: 'dashDot',
      6: 'dashDotDot',
      7: 'double',
      8: 'medium',
      9: 'mediumDashed',
      10: 'mediumDashDot',
      11: 'mediumDashDotDot',
      12: 'slantDashDot',
      13: 'thick'
  // console.log('borders', borders)
  for (const bor in borders) {
    // console.log(bor)
    if (borders[bor].color.indexOf('rgb') === -1) {
      border[luckyExcel.type[bor]] = {
        color: { argb: borders[bor].color.replace('#', '') }
    } else {
      border[luckyExcel.type[bor]] = {
        color: { argb: borders[bor].color }

  return border

function createCellPos(n) {
  let ordA = 'A'.charCodeAt(0)

  let ordZ = 'Z'.charCodeAt(0)
  let len = ordZ - ordA + 1
  let s = ''
  while (n >= 0) {
    s = String.fromCharCode((n % len) + ordA) + s

    n = Math.floor(n / len) - 1
  return s

//rgb(255,255,255)转16进制 #ffffff
function colorRGBtoHex(color) {
  color = color.replace("rgb", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
  var rgb = color.split(',');
  var r = parseInt(rgb[0]);
  var g = parseInt(rgb[1]);
  var b = parseInt(rgb[2]);
  return "#" + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1);

export {

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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


