


Certainly! Here's a sample essay that addresses the statement "Partial shortage in big cities can have severe consequences. Only government action can solve this problem":

Title: Tackling Urban Shortages: Beyond Government Intervention

Urban areas are the epicenters of cultural and economic activities, but they are also prone to various shortages, such as housing, water, or infrastructure. While these shortages can indeed lead to severe consequences, the statement that only government action can solve these problems is a view that I partly disagree with.

First and foremost, government intervention is undoubtedly crucial in managing urban shortages. Effective policies and regulations can ensure equitable distribution of resources and proper urban planning. Government initiatives can also fund and develop necessary infrastructures, like public housing or transportation systems, to mitigate shortages. However, relying solely on government action can sometimes lead to bureaucratic delays and one-size-fits-all solutions that may not effectively address local nuances.

On the other hand, the private sector can play a significant role in complementing government efforts. With its efficiency, innovation, and resources, the private sector can offer unique solutions to urban shortages. For instance, private companies can contribute to developing affordable housing projects or introduce technology-driven solutions to manage water and energy resources more efficiently.

Moreover, community involvement is essential in addressing urban shortages. Local communities have a better understanding of their specific needs and challenges. Community-led initiatives and local non-governmental organizations can provide targeted and sustainable solutions, often overlooked by broader government strategies.

Collaborative efforts that involve government, private sector, and community groups can lead to more holistic and effective resolutions. Such a multi-stakeholder approach ensures that various perspectives and expertise are considered, leading to innovative and practical solutions tailored to specific urban challenges.

In conclusion, while government action is fundamental in addressing shortages in big cities, the involvement of private enterprises and local communities is equally crucial. A combined effort that leverages the strengths of each sector is likely to be more effective in tackling the complex challenges faced in urban areas.

This essay presents a balanced viewpoint, acknowledging the importance of government intervention while also highlighting the roles of the private sector and community involvement. It demonstrates critical thinking and the ability to discuss a multifaceted issue, skills that are valued in language proficiency tests like IELTS.


  1. 论点

    • 政府干预的重要性:政府在管理城市短缺问题中的关键作用。

    • 私营部门的补充作用:私营部门在提供创新解决方案和资源方面的潜力。

    • 社区参与的必要性:本地社区对特定需求的理解和应对。

    • 多方合作的效果:政府、私营部门和社区合作的重要性。

  2. 重难点短语及词汇

    • Urban areas (城市地区):指大城市及其周边地区。

    • Bureaucratic delays (官僚延误):指政府行动中常见的效率低下和推迟决策。

    • One-size-fits-all solutions (万能解决方案):泛指那些没有针对性、适用于所有情况的解决方案。

    • Multi-stakeholder approach (多方利益相关者的方法):指在解决问题时涉及多个不同群体或组织的参与。

    • Equitable distribution (公平分配):公正地分配资源或权利。



For an English language proficiency test like IELTS, you might respond to the prompt about funding for road systems as follows:

The debate over whether the government or car users should bear the cost of expanding road systems is a complex issue. On one hand, some argue that the government should be responsible for road infrastructure as it is a public utility. They contend that good road networks benefit the entire society, not just car owners, by boosting the economy and providing access to essential services. Furthermore, funding through government means the cost is spread over the entire tax-paying population, making it more equitable.

On the other hand, there is a viewpoint that car users should pay for the costs, especially given the environmental impact of increased car usage. Advocates of this view suggest implementing measures like tolls or increased vehicle taxes. This user-pays principle is seen as fairer, as those who use the roads more will contribute more to their upkeep and expansion. Additionally, this approach could encourage people to seek alternative, more sustainable modes of transportation, thereby reducing traffic congestion and pollution.

In my opinion, a balanced approach is necessary. While the government should oversee and fund basic road infrastructure, additional costs for expansions due to increased car usage might be more equitably shared with car users. This approach can ensure that roads are maintained and developed without placing an undue burden on those who may not use them as frequently.

This response provides a balanced overview of both perspectives, acknowledging the merits of each argument, and concludes with a personal opinion that synthesizes the two views. This approach demonstrates critical thinking and the ability to discuss a complex issue, both important skills for language proficiency exams.


  1. 论点

    • 政府资助论点:认为道路作为公共设施应由政府通过税收来维护和扩建。

    • 用户支付论点:主张使用道路的人(尤其是车主)应该为道路维护和扩建付费。

  2. 重难点短语及词汇

    • Public utility (公共设施):指对公众提供服务的设施,如道路、水电等。

    • Facilitate economic activity (促进经济活动):指通过提供必要的基础设施来支持经济的发展。

    • Equitable (公平的):意味着对所有人都是公正的,没有偏袒。

    • User-pay system (用户支付制度):指使用服务的人支付相关费用的制度。

    • Environmental impact (环境影响):指车辆使用对环境造成的影响,如空气污染和碳排放。



Sure! Here's a sample essay on the topic of government spending priorities, particularly focusing on whether funds should be directed to theaters and sports stadiums or to medical care and education:

Title: Prioritizing Government Spending: Infrastructure vs. Essential Services

The allocation of government funds has always been a subject of public debate, especially when it comes to the choice between investing in cultural and recreational infrastructure like theaters and sports stadiums, and essential services like medical care and education. Some argue that the government should prioritize healthcare and education over building recreational facilities. In my opinion, while healthcare and education are undoubtedly crucial, a balanced approach is essential.

Supporters of the view that government funds should primarily be allocated to medical care and education point to the fundamental role these sectors play in society. Quality healthcare ensures a healthy workforce and prevents diseases from hampering the economy's productivity. Similarly, investment in education equips the younger generation with skills and knowledge, laying the foundation for a more informed and competent society. Given these critical contributions, it's argued that these areas should take precedence in government budgets.

However, it's also important to consider the value that cultural and recreational facilities bring to a community. Theaters and sports stadiums are not just buildings; they are places where culture is celebrated, talents are nurtured, and communities are brought together. These facilities contribute to the cultural richness and social health of a society. Furthermore, they can also have economic benefits, such as boosting local tourism and creating jobs.

In my view, the ideal approach is not about choosing one over the other, but rather finding a balance. Governments should ensure that sufficient funds are allocated to healthcare and education, as these are vital services. However, this shouldn't come at the expense of completely neglecting cultural and recreational infrastructure. A society thrives when it is not only healthy and educated but also culturally vibrant and engaged.

In conclusion, while the importance of medical care and education cannot be overstated, dismissing the value of theaters and sports stadiums would be an oversight. Balanced government spending that recognizes the significance of both essential services and cultural infrastructure is crucial for the holistic development of society.

This essay presents a balanced view, acknowledging the importance of both essential services like healthcare and education, and cultural infrastructure like theaters and sports stadiums. It demonstrates an understanding of the complexities involved in government spending and the need for a holistic approach, which is a key skill in writing proficiency exams like IELTS.


  1. 论点

    • 医疗和教育的重要性:强调政府应优先投资于医疗保健和教育,因为这些是社会的基础。

    • 文化和娱乐设施的价值:指出剧院和体育场对社会文化和社区团结的重要性。

    • 平衡支出的必要性:主张政府应在基本服务和文化设施之间寻找平衡点。

  2. 重难点短语及词汇

    • Allocation of government funds (政府资金分配):指政府如何分配其预算和资源。

    • Cultural richness (文化丰富性):指一个社会在文化方面的多样性和深度。

    • Laying the foundation (奠定基础):比喻为未来的发展或进步做准备。

    • Holistic development (全面发展):指在多个方面(如经济、文化、教育等)均衡发展。

    • At the expense of (以...为代价):指为了获得某样东西而牺牲或忽略其他东西。



Certainly! Here is a sample essay discussing the allocation of national resources between defense and social issues:

Title: National Priorities: Defense Spending vs. Addressing Social Issues

The allocation of a nation's resources has always been a critical topic of debate. Many countries allocate substantial funds to armaments under the banner of national security, while critics argue that these resources could be better spent on social issues like poverty reduction. Personally, I lean towards the latter view, advocating for a more balanced allocation of resources.

The argument in favor of heavy defense spending typically revolves around the notion of self-preservation and security. In an increasingly unpredictable global landscape, nations often feel the need to maintain a strong military presence as a deterrent against potential threats. Proponents of this approach argue that without a secure environment, efforts towards social development are futile.

However, this focus on military might often comes at the cost of addressing pressing social issues. Poverty, lack of education, and healthcare deficiencies continue to plague many societies. Investing in these areas not only improves the quality of life for citizens but also fosters a stable and productive society in the long term. Reducing poverty and improving education can lead to a more informed and engaged populace, which is itself a pillar of national security.

Moreover, excessive defense spending can sometimes escalate regional tensions, leading to an arms race rather than genuine security. The resources spent on acquiring advanced weaponry could be redirected towards international cooperation in areas like poverty reduction, healthcare, and education, fostering global stability.

In conclusion, while national defense is undoubtedly important, it should not overshadow the pressing need to address internal social challenges. A nation is truly strong when its citizens are healthy, educated, and free from poverty. Balanced spending, with a focus on both defense and social development, is crucial for the sustainable progress of any country.


  1. 论点

    • 国防开支的必要性:论证国家安全的重要性及维持强大军力的必要。

    • 社会问题的紧迫性:强调国家资源应用于解决贫困、教育不足和医疗问题。

    • 资源平衡分配的重要性:主张国家资源应在国防和社会福利间平衡分配。

  2. 重难点短语及词汇

    • Armaments (军备):指国家为军事目的而购买和维护的武器和装备。

    • Self-preservation (自我保护):指一个国家为了保护自身安全和利益所采取的措施。

    • Global landscape (全球格局):指国际政治、经济和安全环境。

    • Military might (军事力量):指一个国家的军事实力和能力。

    • Arms race (军备竞赛):指两个或多个国家间为了军事优势而相互竞争增强军事力量。


Sure, here's an IELTS essay on the topic of international aid, along with explanations for some of the more complex phrases and collocations used:

Title: The Dilemma of International Aid: A Moral Obligation or a Misused Resource?

The debate over whether developed countries should provide international aid to developing nations is a complex and multifaceted issue. On one hand, many argue that it is a moral duty for wealthier nations to assist poorer ones. On the other hand, concerns about the misuse of these funds by the governments of recipient countries raise questions about the efficacy of such aid.

Proponents of international aid believe that it is a moral imperative for developed countries to help those less fortunate. This assistance can take various forms, such as financial aid, medical supplies, or educational resources, and is seen as vital for addressing global inequalities. The notion of a 'moral obligation' implies a responsibility that goes beyond legal or contractual duties, suggesting that more prosperous nations have an ethical duty to support others.

However, skeptics of international aid point out the potential for misuse of these funds. The term 'misuse' here refers to the diversion of aid away from its intended purpose, often due to corruption within the governments of developing countries. This misuse can lead to aid not reaching those who need it most, thereby failing to improve the living standards of the poor.

In my opinion, while the intention behind international aid is commendable, its execution requires careful oversight. Developed countries should continue to provide aid, but with stringent measures in place to ensure that the assistance is used effectively. This might involve closer monitoring of how funds are spent or collaborating with local NGOs that have a better understanding of the community's needs.

In conclusion, international aid is a complex but necessary endeavor. It embodies a moral responsibility of the affluent to assist the less fortunate, but it also demands accountability and transparency to ensure that the aid truly benefits those in need.

Difficult Phrases and Collocations Explained:

  1. Moral imperative: A duty that is seen as ethically necessary, regardless of laws or agreements.

  2. Addressing global inequalities: Taking actions to reduce the disparities in wealth and living conditions between different countries.

  3. Efficacy of such aid: The effectiveness or ability of the international aid to achieve its intended purpose.

  4. Stringent measures: Strict and precise rules or methods.

  5. Collaborating with local NGOs: Working jointly with non-governmental organizations that operate within the recipient country.

  6. Accountability and transparency: The obligation to report, explain, and be answerable for one's actions, and being open and honest in all dealings.


    1. Multifaceted (多方面的): 指涉及或影响多个不同方面或层面的事物。

    2. Proponents (支持者): 支持某个想法、计划或变化的人。

    3. Imperative (必要的): 表示非常重要且紧急的事物。

    4. Efficacy (效力): 指事物达到预期目标的能力。

    5. Skeptics (怀疑者): 对某些事物持有疑问或不信任的人。

    6. Misuse (滥用): 不正确或不恰当的使用,尤指滥用权力或资金。

    7. Stringent (严格的): 严格的、严厉的,强调控制和限制。

    8. Accountability (责任): 对自己的行为负责,尤指在职业或公共事务中。

    9. Transparency (透明性): 开放和诚实地分享信息,使行为和决策过程对外界清晰可见。


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