示例: 创建 C++ Windows 运行时组件并从 C# 中使用它
假设有一个使用 XAML 和 C# 的应用,可用它来定义 UI 和 C++ Windows 运行时组件以执行计算密集型操作。 在此示例中,C++ 组件会计算给定范围中的哪些数字是质数。 若要阐释四个 Windows 运行时异步任务接口之间的差异,首先在 Visual Studio 中创建一个“空白解决方案”并将其命名为 Primes。 然后在解决方案中添加一个“Windows 运行时组件” 项目并命名为 PrimesLibrary。 将以下代码添加到生成的 C++ 标头文件中(本示例将 Class1.h 重命名为 Primes.h)。 每个 public 方法定义四个异步接口之一。 返回一个值的方法将返回一个 Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<int> 对象。 报告进度的方法生成 double 值,这些值定义了已完成的整体工作的百分比。
#pragma once
namespace PrimesLibrary
public ref class Primes sealed
// Computes the numbers that are prime in the provided range and stores them in an internal variable.
Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction^ ComputePrimesAsync(int first, int last);
// Computes the numbers that are prime in the provided range and stores them in an internal variable.
// This version also reports progress messages.
Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionWithProgress<double>^ ComputePrimesWithProgressAsync(int first, int last);
// Gets the numbers that are prime in the provided range.
Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<int>^>^ GetPrimesAsync(int first, int last);
// Gets the numbers that are prime in the provided range. This version also reports progress messages.
Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<int>^, double>^ GetPrimesWithProgressAsync(int first, int last);
按照约定,Windows 运行时中的异步方法名称通常以“Async”结尾。
将以下代码添加到生成的 C++ 头文件中(本示例将 Class1.cpp 重命名为 Primes.cpp)。 is_prime 函数将确定其输入是否为质数。 剩余方法实现 Primes 类。 对 create_async 的每次调用将使用一个与调用它的方法兼容的签名。 例如,因为 Primes::ComputePrimesAsync 返回 IAsyncAction,提供给 create_async 的工作函数不返回值并且不采用 progress_reporter 对象作为其参数。
// PrimesLibrary.cpp
#include "pch.h"
#include "Primes.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <collection.h>
#include <ppltasks.h>
#include <concurrent_vector.h>
using namespace concurrency;
using namespace std;
using namespace Platform;
using namespace Platform::Collections;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace PrimesLibrary;
// Determines whether the input value is prime.
bool is_prime(int n)
if (n < 2)
return false;
for (int i = 2; i < n; ++i)
if ((n % i) == 0)
return false;
return true;
// Adds the numbers that are prime in the provided range
// to the primes global variable.
IAsyncAction^ Primes::ComputePrimesAsync(int first, int last)
return create_async([this, first, last]
// Ensure that the input values are in range.
if (first < 0 || last < 0)
throw ref new InvalidArgumentException();
// Perform the computation in parallel.
parallel_for(first, last + 1, [this](int n)
if (is_prime(n))
// Perhaps store the value somewhere...
IAsyncActionWithProgress<double>^ Primes::ComputePrimesWithProgressAsync(int first, int last)
return create_async([first, last](progress_reporter<double> reporter)
// Ensure that the input values are in range.
if (first < 0 || last < 0)
throw ref new InvalidArgumentException();
// Perform the computation in parallel.
atomic<long> operation = 0;
long range = last - first + 1;
double lastPercent = 0.0;
parallel_for(first, last + 1, [&operation, range, &lastPercent, reporter](int n)
// Report progress message.
double progress = 100.0 * (++operation) / range;
if (progress >= lastPercent)
lastPercent += 1.0;
if (is_prime(n))
// Perhaps store the value somewhere...
IAsyncOperation<IVector<int>^>^ Primes::GetPrimesAsync(int first, int last)
return create_async([this, first, last]() -> IVector<int>^
// Ensure that the input values are in range.
if (first < 0 || last < 0)
throw ref new InvalidArgumentException();
// Perform the computation in parallel.
concurrent_vector<int> primes;
parallel_for(first, last + 1, [this, &primes](int n)
// If the value is prime, add it to the global vector.
if (is_prime(n))
// Sort the results.
sort(begin(primes), end(primes), less<int>());
// Copy the results to an IVector object. The IVector
// interface makes collections of data available to other
// Windows Runtime components.
auto results = ref new Vector<int>();
for (int prime : primes)
return results;
IAsyncOperationWithProgress<IVector<int>^, double>^ Primes::GetPrimesWithProgressAsync(int first, int last)
return create_async([this, first, last](progress_reporter<double> reporter) -> IVector<int>^
// Ensure that the input values are in range.
if (first < 0 || last < 0)
throw ref new InvalidArgumentException();
// Perform the computation in parallel.
concurrent_vector<int> primes;
long operation = 0;
long range = last - first + 1;
double lastPercent = 0.0;
parallel_for(first, last + 1, [&primes, &operation, range, &lastPercent, reporter](int n)
// Report progress message.
double progress = 100.0 * (++operation) / range;
if (progress >= lastPercent)
lastPercent += 1.0;
// If the value is prime, add it to the local vector.
if (is_prime(n))
// Sort the results.
sort(begin(primes), end(primes), less<int>());
// Copy the results to an IVector object. The IVector
// interface makes collections of data available to other
// Windows Runtime components.
auto results = ref new Vector<int>();
for (int prime : primes)
return results;
每个方法会首先执行验证以确保输入参数为非负值。 如果输入值为负,则方法会引发 Platform::InvalidArgumentException。 本节后面部分会对错误处理进行说明。
若要在 UWP 应用中使用这些方法,请使用 Visual C#“空白应用程序(XAML)”模板将另一个项目添加到 Visual Studio 解决方案中。 此示例将项目命名为 Primes。 然后,从 Primes 项目中将一个引用添加到 PrimesLibrary 项目中。
将以下代码添加到 MainPage.xaml。 此代码定义了 UI,因此可以调用 C++ 组件并显示结果。
<Grid Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<ColumnDefinition Width="300"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="300"/>
<RowDefinition Height="125"/>
<RowDefinition Height="125"/>
<RowDefinition Height="125"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0">
<Button Name="b1" Click="computePrimes">Compute Primes</Button>
<TextBlock Name="tb1"></TextBlock>
<StackPanel Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0">
<Button Name="b2" Click="computePrimesWithProgress">Compute Primes with Progress</Button>
<ProgressBar Name="pb1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="100"></ProgressBar>
<TextBlock Name="tb2"></TextBlock>
<StackPanel Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1">
<Button Name="b3" Click="getPrimes">Get Primes</Button>
<TextBlock Name="tb3"></TextBlock>
<StackPanel Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1">
<Button Name="b4" Click="getPrimesWithProgress">Get Primes with Progress</Button>
<ProgressBar Name="pb4" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="100"></ProgressBar>
<TextBlock Name="tb4"></TextBlock>
<StackPanel Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="2">
<Button Name="b5" Click="getPrimesHandleErrors">Get Primes and Handle Errors</Button>
<ProgressBar Name="pb5" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="100"></ProgressBar>
<TextBlock Name="tb5"></TextBlock>
<StackPanel Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="2">
<Button Name="b6" Click="getPrimesCancellation">Get Primes with Cancellation</Button>
<Button Name="cancelButton" Click="cancelGetPrimes" IsEnabled="false">Cancel</Button>
<ProgressBar Name="pb6" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="100"></ProgressBar>
<TextBlock Name="tb6"></TextBlock>
将以下代码添加到 MainPage.xaml 中的 MainPage 类中。 此代码定义了一个 Primes 对象和按钮事件处理程序。
private PrimesLibrary.Primes primesLib = new PrimesLibrary.Primes();
private async void computePrimes(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
b1.IsEnabled = false;
tb1.Text = "Working...";
var asyncAction = primesLib.ComputePrimesAsync(0, 100000);
await asyncAction;
tb1.Text = "Done";
b1.IsEnabled = true;
private async void computePrimesWithProgress(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
b2.IsEnabled = false;
tb2.Text = "Working...";
var asyncAction = primesLib.ComputePrimesWithProgressAsync(0, 100000);
asyncAction.Progress = new AsyncActionProgressHandler<double>((action, progress) =>
pb1.Value = progress;
await asyncAction;
tb2.Text = "Done";
b2.IsEnabled = true;
private async void getPrimes(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
b3.IsEnabled = false;
tb3.Text = "Working...";
var asyncOperation = primesLib.GetPrimesAsync(0, 100000);
await asyncOperation;
tb3.Text = "Found " + asyncOperation.GetResults().Count + " primes";
b3.IsEnabled = true;
private async void getPrimesWithProgress(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
b4.IsEnabled = false;
tb4.Text = "Working...";
var asyncOperation = primesLib.GetPrimesWithProgressAsync(0, 100000);
asyncOperation.Progress = new AsyncOperationProgressHandler<IList<int>, double>((operation, progress) =>
pb4.Value = progress;
await asyncOperation;
tb4.Text = "Found " + asyncOperation.GetResults().Count + " primes";
b4.IsEnabled = true;
private async void getPrimesHandleErrors(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
b5.IsEnabled = false;
tb5.Text = "Working...";
var asyncOperation = primesLib.GetPrimesWithProgressAsync(-1000, 100000);
asyncOperation.Progress = new AsyncOperationProgressHandler<IList<int>, double>((operation, progress) =>
pb5.Value = progress;
await asyncOperation;
tb5.Text = "Found " + asyncOperation.GetResults().Count + " primes";
catch (ArgumentException ex)
tb5.Text = "ERROR: " + ex.Message;
b5.IsEnabled = true;
private IAsyncOperationWithProgress<IList<int>, double> asyncCancelableOperation;
private async void getPrimesCancellation(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
b6.IsEnabled = false;
cancelButton.IsEnabled = true;
tb6.Text = "Working...";
asyncCancelableOperation = primesLib.GetPrimesWithProgressAsync(0, 200000);
asyncCancelableOperation.Progress = new AsyncOperationProgressHandler<IList<int>, double>((operation, progress) =>
pb6.Value = progress;
await asyncCancelableOperation;
tb6.Text = "Found " + asyncCancelableOperation.GetResults().Count + " primes";
catch (System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException)
tb6.Text = "Operation canceled";
b6.IsEnabled = true;
cancelButton.IsEnabled = false;
private void cancelGetPrimes(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
cancelButton.IsEnabled = false;
这些方法使用 async 和 await 关键字在异步操作完成后更新 UI。
getPrimesCancellation 和 cancelGetPrimes 方法协同工作以使用户能够取消操作。 当用户选择“取消”按钮时,cancelGetPrimes 方法会调用 IAsyncOperationWithProgress<TResult, TProgress>::Cancel 来取消操作。 管理基础异步操作的并发运行时会引发内部异常类型,该内部异常类型由 Windows 运行时捕捉以传达取消已完成的消息。
为了使 PPL 能够向 Windows 运行时正确地报告其已取消操作,请不要捕捉此内部异常类型。 这意味着也不应捕捉所有异常 (catch (...))。 如果必须捕捉所有异常,请重新引发异常以确保 Windows 运行时能够完成取消操作。
下图显示了选定每个选项后的 Primes 应用。