Atcoder Beginner Contest 360

Atcoder Beginner Contest 360 (2/6)

A - A Healthy Breakfast

Problem Statement

Takahashi eats three plates for breakfast: rice, miso soup, and salad.

His table is long and narrow, so he arranged the three plates in a row. The arrangement is given by a string S S S, where the i i i-th plate from the left is rice if S i S_i Si is R, miso soup if S i S_i Si is M, and salad if S i S_i Si is S.

Determine whether the plate of rice is to the left of the plate of miso soup.


  • ∣ S ∣ = 3 |S| = 3 S=3
  • S S S contains one R, one M, and one S.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print Yes if the plate of rice is to the left of the plate of miso soup, and No otherwise.

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1


The plate of rice is at the 1st position from the left, and the plate of miso soup is at the 3rd position from the left. Since the plate of rice is to the left, print Yes.


米饭在味增汤左边时输出Yes,也就是说读取字符串时,若米饭先出现 味增汤后出现,输出Yes,否则输出No。

#define int long long

using namespace std;

string s;

void solve()
    cin >> s;
    bool flag = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i ++ )
        if (s[i] == 'M')
            flag = true;
        if (s[i] == 'R')
            if (flag == false)
                cout << "Yes" << endl;
                cout << "No" << endl;

signed main()

    return 0;

B - Vertical Reading 枚举

Problem Statement

You are given two strings S S S and T T T consisting of lowercase English letters.

Determine if there exists a pair of integers c c c and w w w such that 1 ≤ c ≤ w < ∣ S ∣ 1 \leq c \leq w \lt |S| 1cw<S and the following condition is satisfied. Here, ∣ S ∣ |S| S denotes the length of the string S S S. Note that w w w must be less than ∣ S ∣ |S| S.

  • If S S S is split at every w w w characters from the beginning, the concatenation of the c c c-th characters of the substrings of length at least c c c in order equals T T T.


给你两个由小写英文字母组成的字符串 S S S T T T

请判断是否存在一对整数 c c c w w w ,使得 1 ≤ c ≤ w < ∣ S ∣ 1 \leq c \leq w \lt |S| 1cw<S 和下面的条件都满足。这里, ∣ S ∣ |S| S 表示字符串 S S S 的长度。注意 w w w 必须小于** ∣ S ∣ |S| S

  • 如果从开头开始每隔 w w w 个字符拆分 S S S ,那么长度至少为 c c c 的子串的 第 c c c 个字符依次连接等于 T T T


  • S S S and T T T are strings consisting of lowercase English letters.
  • 1 ≤ ∣ T ∣ 1 \leq |T| 1T $ \leq $ ∣ S ∣ ≤ 100 |S| \leq 100 S100


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$S$ $T$


Print Yes if there exists a pair of integers c c c and w w w such that 1 ≤ c ≤ w < ∣ S ∣ 1 \leq c \leq w \lt |S| 1cw<S and the condition is satisfied, and No otherwise.

Sample Input 1

atcoder toe

Sample Output 1


If S S S is split at every two characters, it looks like this:


Then, the concatenation of the 2nd characters of the substrings of length at least 2 2 2 is toe, which equals T T T. Thus, print Yes.


B题居然没有做出来,我不知道该说这题出的烂还是我审题不仔细,题目要求必须要分割后的字符串 每个字符串内第c个字符串全部加起来与字符串T相等才算匹配成功。

比如T:toe S:atcodere 可以分割成 at co de re ,我以为每个分割后的字符串内第c个字符只要从前向后与T字符串匹配成功就算符合要求,比如举的这个例子里前三个字符里第二个字符加起来就是toe与T字符串匹配,实际上这种情况是不被允许的,这里要求只要用了第二个字符就需要全部加起来,也就是说这里第二个字符构成的字符串就是toee,并不与T匹配,好坑



#define int long long

using namespace std;

string s, t;

void solve()
    cin >> s >> t;
    for (int i = 1; i < s.size(); i ++ )
        for (int j = 0; j < i; j ++ )
            string str;
            for (int k = j, cnt = 0; k < s.size(); k += i)
                str += s[k]; //将每个字符串的第j位元素合并

                // if (s[k] != t[cnt]) break; 刚开始以为只需要选出的前t.size()个元素与T匹配即可
                // else cnt ++ ;
                // if (cnt == t.size())
                // {
                //     cout << "Yes" << endl;
                //     return;
                // }

            if (str == t)
                cout << "Yes" << endl;
    cout << "No" << endl;

signed main()

    return 0;

C - Move It 贪心 最小堆

Problem Statement

There are N N N boxes numbered 1 1 1 to N N N and N N N items numbered 1 1 1 to N N N. Item i i i ( 1 ≤ i ≤ N ) (1 \leq i \leq N) (1iN) is in box A i A_i Ai and has a weight of W i W_i Wi.

You can repeatedly perform the operation of choosing an item and moving it to another box zero or more times. If the weight of the item being moved is w w w, the cost of the operation is w w w.

Find the minimum total cost required to make each box contain exactly one item.


N N N 个编号为 1 1 1 N N N 的箱子和 N N N 个编号为 1 1 1 N N N 的物品。 i i i 号物品 ( 1 ≤ i ≤ N ) (1 \leq i \leq N) (1iN) 装在 A i A_i Ai 箱中,重量为 W i W_i Wi

您可以重复执行选择物品并将其移动到另一个盒子中的操作 0 次或更多次。如果被移动物品的重量为 w w w ,则操作的成本为 w w w



  • $ 1 \leq N \leq 10^{5}$
  • $ 1 \leq A_i \leq N$ ( 1 ≤ i ≤ N ) (1 \leq i \leq N) (1iN)
  • $ 1 \leq W_i \leq 10^{4}$ ( 1 ≤ i ≤ N ) (1 \leq i \leq N) (1iN)
  • All input values are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

A 1 A_1 A1 A 2 A_2 A2 … \ldots A N A_N AN
W 1 W_1 W1 W 2 W_2 W2 … \ldots W N W_N WN


Print the minimum total cost required to make each box contain exactly one item.

Sample Input 1

2 2 3 3 5
33 40 2 12 16

Sample Output 1


With the following two moves, you can make each box contain exactly one item:

  • Move item 1 1 1 from box 2 2 2 to box 1 1 1. The cost is 33 33 33.
  • Move item 3 3 3 from box 3 3 3 to box 4 4 4. The cost is 2 2 2.

The total cost of these two moves is 35 35 35. It is impossible to make each box contain exactly one item with a cost less than 35 35 35, so print 35 35 35.


解释一下题意,有编号1 ~ N的N个箱子,有编号1 ~ N的N个物品,现在这N个物品被装在N个箱子里,有的箱子可能装了很多物品,有的箱子可能没装物品。输入的第二行 A 1 . . . A N A_1 ... A_N A1...AN是指第 i i i号物品被装在第 A i A_i Ai个箱子里,第三行是1~N号物品每个物品的重量,也就是操作成本。


#define int long long

using namespace std;

const int N = 1e5 + 10;
int n, res;
int a[N], w[N];

typedef pair<int, int> PII;

void solve()
    cin >> n;
    map<int, int> mp; //物品和它所在箱子内有几个物品
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++ ) 
        cin >> a[i];
        mp[a[i]] ++ ; //当前箱子存放物品数++

    priority_queue<PII, vector<PII>, greater<PII>> heap; //最小堆存放物品重量和其对应编号 优先利用物品重量排序
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++ ) 
        cin >> w[i];
        heap.push({w[i], i});

    while (heap.size())
        auto t =;
        if (mp[a[t.second]] > 1)
            res += t.first; //操作成本
            mp[a[t.second]] -- ;

    cout << res << endl;

signed main()

    return 0;

D - Ghost Ants 双指针

Problem Statement

There are N N N ants on a number line, labeled 1 1 1 to N N N. Ant i i i ( 1 ≤ i ≤ N ) (1 \leq i \leq N) (1iN) starts at coordinate X i X_i Xi and faces either a positive or negative direction. Initially, all ants are at distinct coordinates. The direction each ant is facing is represented by a binary string S S S of length N N N, where ant i i i is facing the negative direction if S i S_i Si is 0 and the positive direction if S i S_i Si is 1.

Let the current time be 0 0 0, and the ants move in their respective directions at a speed of 1 1 1 unit per unit time for ( T + 0.1 ) (T+0.1) (T+0.1) units of time until time ( T + 0.1 ) (T+0.1) (T+0.1). If multiple ants reach the same coordinate, they pass through each other without changing direction or speed. After ( T + 0.1 ) (T+0.1) (T+0.1) units of time, all ants stop.

Find the number of pairs ( i , j ) (i, j) (i,j) such that 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N 1 \leq i \lt j \leq N 1i<jN and ants i i i and j j j pass each other from now before time ( T + 0.1 ) (T+0.1) (T+0.1).


在一条标有 1 1 1 N N N 的数线上有 N N N 只蚂蚁。蚂蚁 i i i ( 1 ≤ i ≤ N ) (1 \leq i \leq N) (1iN) 从坐标 X i X_i Xi 开始,朝向正方向或负方向。最初,所有蚂蚁都位于不同的坐标上。每只蚂蚁面对的方向由长度为 N N N 的二进制字符串 S S S 表示,如果 S i S_i Si 为 “0”,则蚂蚁 i i i 面对的是负方向;如果 S i S_i Si 为 “1”,则蚂蚁 i i i 面对的是正方向。

假设当前时间为 0 0 0 ,在 ( T + 0.1 ) (T+0.1) (T+0.1) 个单位的时间内,蚂蚁以每单位时间 1 1 1 个单位的速度向各自的方向移动,直到时间 ( T + 0.1 ) (T+0.1) (T+0.1) 。如果有多只蚂蚁到达同一坐标,它们会互相穿过而不会改变方向或速度。经过 ( T + 0.1 ) (T+0.1) (T+0.1) 个单位的时间后,所有蚂蚁停止。

求从现在起到时间 ( T + 0.1 ) (T+0.1) (T+0.1) 之前,蚂蚁 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N 1 \leq i \lt j \leq N 1i<jN 和蚂蚁 i i i j j j 互相通过的蚂蚁对 ( i , j ) (i, j) (i,j)​ 的个数。


  • 2 ≤ N ≤ 2 × 1 0 5 2 \leq N \leq 2 \times 10^{5} 2N2×105
  • 1 ≤ T ≤ 1 0 9 1 \leq T \leq 10^{9} 1T109
  • S S S is a string of length N N N consisting of 0 and 1.
  • − 1 0 9 ≤ X i ≤ 1 0 9 -10^{9} \leq X_i \leq 10^{9} 109Xi109 ( 1 ≤ i ≤ N ) (1 \leq i \leq N) (1iN)
  • X i ≠ X j X_i \neq X_j Xi=Xj ( 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N ) (1 \leq i \lt j \leq N) (1i<jN)
  • N N N, T T T, and X i X_i Xi ( 1 ≤ i ≤ N ) (1 \leq i \leq N) (1iN) are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

X 1 X_1 X1 X 2 X_2 X2 X N X_N XN


Print the answer.

Sample Input 1

6 3
-5 -1 0 1 2 4

Sample Output 1


The following five pairs of ants pass each other:

  • Ant 3 3 3 and ant 4 4 4 pass each other at time 0.5 0.5 0.5.
  • Ant 5 5 5 and ant 6 6 6 pass each other at time 1 1 1.
  • Ant 1 1 1 and ant 2 2 2 pass each other at time 2 2 2.
  • Ant 3 3 3 and ant 6 6 6 pass each other at time 2 2 2.
  • Ant 1 1 1 and ant 4 4 4 pass each other at time 3 3 3.

No other pairs of ants pass each other, so print 5 5 5.






好了,思路分析完了,如果我们直接暴力枚举每一个蚂蚁,去遍历与他方向相反的蚂蚁看符不符合条件 显然会超时。


同理,利用双指针筛去面对面但距离大于2 * t的蚂蚁对数,也是i蚂蚁与j蚂蚁距离大于2 * t必然有i+1蚂蚁与j蚂蚁距离大于2 * t。

#define int long long

using namespace std;

const int N = 2e5 + 10;

int n, t, cnt;
string s;

void solve()
    cin >> n >> t;
    cin >> s;
    vector<int> a, b;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++ ) 
        int pos;
        cin >> pos;

        if (s[i] == '0') 

    sort(a.begin(), a.end());
    sort(b.begin(), b.end());

    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < a.size(); i ++ )
        while (j < b.size() && (a[i] - b[j] > 0)) j ++ ;
        cnt += j;

    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < a.size(); i ++ )
        while (j < b.size() && (a[i] - b[j] > 0) && ((a[i] - b[j]) > 2 * t)) j ++ ;
        cnt -= j;
    cout << cnt << endl;

signed main()

    return 0;

E - Random Swaps of Balls 期望DP

Problem Statement

There are N − 1 N - 1 N1 white balls and one black ball. These N N N balls are arranged in a row, with the black ball initially at the leftmost position.

Takahashi will perform the following operation exactly K K K times.

  • Choose an integer uniformly at random between 1 1 1 and N N N, inclusive, twice. Let a a a and b b b the chosen integers. If a ≠ b a \neq b a=b, swap the a a a-th and b b b-th balls from the left.

After K K K operations, let the black ball be at the x x x-th position from the left. Find the expected value of x x x, modulo 998244353 998244353 998244353.

What is expected value modulo 998244353 998244353 998244353? It can be proved that the sought expected value will always be rational. Additionally, under the constraints of this problem, it can be proved that if this value is expressed as an irreducible fraction P Q \frac{P}{Q} QP, then Q ≢ 0 ( m o d 998244353 ) Q \not \equiv 0 \pmod{998244353} Q0(mod998244353). Therefore, there exists a unique integer R R R such that R × Q ≡ P ( m o d 998244353 ) , 0 ≤ R < 998244353 R \times Q \equiv P \pmod{998244353}, 0 \leq R \lt 998244353 R×QP(mod998244353),0R<998244353. Report this R R R​.


N − 1 N - 1 N1 个白球和一个黑球。这些 N N N 球排列成一排,黑球最初位于最左边的位置。

高桥正好要进行下面的操作 K K K 次。

  • 1 1 1 N N N 之间均匀随机地选择一个整数,包括两次。假设 a a a b b b 是所选的整数。如果是 a ≠ b a \neq b a=b ,从左边开始交换 a a a -th 和 b b b -th 两个球。

经过 K K K 次操作后,让黑球位于左边第 x x x 个位置。求 x x x 的期望值,模为 998244353 998244353 998244353

998244353 998244353 998244353 的期望值是多少?可以证明所求的期望值总是有理数。此外,在本题的限制条件下,还可以证明如果用不可约分数 P Q \frac{P}{Q} QP 表示这个值,那么就是 Q ≢ 0 ( m o d 998244353 ) Q \not \equiv 0 \pmod{998244353} Q0(mod998244353) 。因此,存在一个唯一的整数 R R R ,使得 R × Q ≡ P ( m o d 998244353 ) , 0 ≤ R < 998244353 R \times Q \equiv P \pmod{998244353}, 0 \leq R \lt 998244353 R×QP(mod998244353),0R<998244353 。报告这个 R R R​ .


  • 1 ≤ N ≤ 998244352 1 \leq N \leq 998244352 1N998244352
  • 1 ≤ K ≤ 1 0 5 1 \leq K \leq 10^5 1K105


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$N$ $K$


Print the answer in one line.

Sample Input 1

2 1

Sample Output 1


After one operation, the probabilities that the black ball is at the 1st position and the 2nd position from the left are both 1 2 \displaystyle \frac{1}{2} 21. Thus, the expected value is 3 2 \displaystyle \frac{3}{2} 23.



  • 在三个位置里做两次操作,这里关键就是要一次一次操作分开来看,每次操作我们是选择两个球进行交换,那么能否将位于第一个位置的黑球交换到其他位置其实就在于我们选择的球,由于选择有先后顺序且可以选相同的球,则选择方法共有 n 2 n^2 n2种,这里也就是有9种。
    • 由于黑球本来就在第一个位置,则第一次操作后黑球仍在第一个位置的概率为 选球的时候不选1号位置的概率,也就是 5 9 \frac{5}{9} 95
    • 第一次操作后球在2号位置的概率是,选择2号位置和1号位置进行交换,(1, 2) (2, 1)两种选择顺序,概率为 2 9 \frac{2}{9} 92
    • 黑球位于第三个位置同理,概率为 2 9 \frac{2}{9} 92


  • 若黑球本来就在第一个位置(经过第一次操作后留在第一个位置的概率为 5 9 \frac{5}{9} 95),当前操作就是将球继续留在第一个位置 选择其余两个位置进行交换 概率为 5 9 × 5 9 = 25 81 \frac{5}{9} \times \frac{5}{9} = \frac{25}{81} 95×95=8125,若第一次操作后黑球已不在第一个位置(没有留在第一个位置概率为 1 − 5 9 1-\frac{5}{9} 195),我们需要将黑球挪到该位置,概率为 ( 1 − 5 9 ) × 2 9 = 8 81 (1-\frac{5}{9}) \times \frac{2}{9} = \frac{8}{81} (195)×92=818,则经过两次操作后留在该位置概率为 25 81 + 8 81 = 33 81 \frac{25}{81} + \frac{8}{81}=\frac{33}{81} 8125+818=8133
  • 同理可推第二次操作后黑球在第二个位置概率为 2 9 × 5 9 + ( 1 − 2 9 ) × 2 9 = 24 81 \frac{2}{9}\times\frac{5}{9} + (1-\frac{2}{9})\times\frac{2}{9}=\frac{24}{81} 92×95+(192)×92=8124
  • 同理第二次操作后黑球在第三个位置概率 2 9 × 5 9 + ( 1 − 2 9 ) × 2 9 = 24 81 \frac{2}{9}\times\frac{5}{9} + (1-\frac{2}{9})\times\frac{2}{9}=\frac{24}{81} 92×95+(192)×92=8124


  • 经过一次操作后将黑球保留在原位置的概率为 n 2 − ( 2 n − 2 ) n 2 \frac{n^2 - (2n - 2)}{n^2} n2n2(2n2),(只选择除开当前位置的小球进行交换,当选择当前位置小球和其他位置进行交换的概率为 2 n − 2 n 2 \frac{2n - 2}{n^2} n22n2​)
  • 经过一次操作后需要将黑球移到当前位置的概率为 2 n 2 \frac{2}{n^2} n22​,(即选择黑球所在位置u和当前位置v进行交换,共两种选择方法,先选u再选v,先选v再选u)
  • 不难发现,由于黑球本来所处在第一个位置,其余位置初始时都是相同的,那么经过k次操作后黑球位于其位置上的概率也是相同的,也就是说,我们只需要算出第一个位置的概率p,其余位置概率都是 1 − p n − 1 \frac{1-p}{n-1} n11p

那么我们就可以列出状态方程 f i f_i fi表示进行完i次操作后黑球仍在第一个位置的概率,显然可以分成两种情况

  • 第i次操作之前(也就是进行第i-1次操作后),黑球本来就在第一个位置

    • 将黑球保留在原位置的概率 P 0 = n 2 − ( 2 n − 2 ) n 2 P_0=\frac{n^2 - (2n - 2)}{n^2} P0=n2n2(2n2)
  • 第i次操作之前(也就是进行第i-1次操作后)黑球不在第一个位置了

    • 把黑球挪到第一个位置概率 P 1 = 2 n 2 P_1=\frac{2}{n^2} P1=n22


  • f i = f i − 1 × P 0 + ( 1 − f i − 1 ) × P 1 f_i=f_{i-1}\times P_0+(1-f_{i-1})\times P_1 fi=fi1×P0+(1fi1)×P1递推关键:第i-1次操作后黑球不在第一个位置的概率是 1 − f i − 1 1-f_{i-1} 1fi1​​​

计算出 f k f_k fk后我们就可以利用 f k f_k fk求出剩下n-1个位置的概率均为 ( 1 − f k ) n − 1 \frac{(1 - f_k)}{n-1} n1(1fk),那么他们每个位置的期望就为 ( 1 − f k ) n − 1 × i \frac{(1 - f_k)}{n-1}\times i n1(1fk)×i,从位置2~位置n将期望加和为 ∑ i = 2 n ( 1 − f k ) n − 1 × i = ( 1 − f k ) n − 1 ∑ i = 2 n i \displaystyle\sum_{i=2}^{n}\frac{(1 - f_k)}{n-1}\times i = \frac{(1 - f_k)}{n-1}\displaystyle\sum_{i=2}^{n}i i=2nn1(1fk)×i=n1(1fk)i=2ni,可以直接等差数列求和解决



#define int long long

using namespace std;

const int N = 1e5 + 10;
const int mod = 998244353;

int n, k, ans;
int f[N];

int qmi(int a, int b)
    int res = 1 % mod;
    while (b)
        if (b & 1)
            res = res * a % mod;
        a = a * a % mod;
        b >>= 1;
    return res;

void solve()
    cin >> n >> k;

    int p0 = ((qmi(n, 2) - (2 * n % mod - 2)) * qmi(qmi(n, 2), mod - 2)) % mod;
    int p1 = (2 * qmi(qmi(n, 2), mod - 2)) % mod;
    p0 = (p0 + mod) % mod;
    p1 = (p1 + mod) % mod;

    f[1] = p0;
    //cout << (p0 + mod) % mod << " " << p1 << endl;
    for (int i = 2; i <= k; i ++ )
        f[i] = (f[i - 1] * p0 % mod + (((1 - f[i - 1] + mod) % mod) * p1) % mod) % mod;

    ans = f[k]; //位于第一个位置的期望
    ans = (ans + ((((1 - f[k] + mod) % mod) * qmi(n - 1, mod - 2) % mod) * ((n + 2) * (n - 1) / 2 % mod))) % mod; //剩下n-1个位置的期望
    ans %= mod;
    cout << ans << endl;

signed main()

    return 0;
  • 25
  • 21
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  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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