一. B*Tree index
1. The structure of B*Tree index
Root node 0 B1, 500 B2, 1000 B3
B1 B2 B3
Branch node 0 L1, 200 L2, 400 L3 500 L4, 700 L5, 800 L6 1000 L7, 1400 L8
_____|_____ _____|_____ ___|___
Leaf node L1 L2 L3..... L4 L5 L6..... L7 L8 ..... Stored value and pointer to row(rowid)
2. Suitable circumstance
- The cardinality in the column is high, and
- The number of rows in the table is high, and
- The column is used in WHERE clauses or JOIN conditions.
二. Bitmap index
Suitable circumstance
- The cardinality in the column is low, and
- The number of rows in the table is high, and
- The column is used in Boolean algebra operations.