– This works on the assumption the person has no previous knowledge about SCM –
Version Control
What have you done for me lately?
Version control, also known as source control or revision control is an integral part of any development workflow. Why? It is essentially a communication tool, just like email or IM, but it works with code rather than human conversation.
Version control
- allows programmers to easily communicate their work to other programmers
- allows a team to share code
- maintains separate “production” versions of code that are always deployable
- allows simultaneous development of different features on the same codebase
- keeps track of all old versions of files
- prevents work being overwritten
What is version control?
Version control, alternately known as revision control or source code management, is a system that maintains versions of files at progressive stages of development. The version control system is similar in theory to backing up your files, but smarter. Every file in the system has a full history of changes, and can easily be restored to any version in its history. Each version has a unique identifier that looks like a string of letters and numbers (443e63e6..).
There are many different programs for version control. This document is based on git, but you may be aware of Subversion (svn), CVS, darcs, Mercurial or others. Each has a slightly different metaphor for operation.
Repository Structure
The simplest version control system consists of a repository where all the files and their versions live. Quite simply, a repository works like a database; it can return any version of any file within, or a history of changes for any file, or indeed a history of changes across the entire project.
#25 Joe Adjust user profile information
#24 Fred Add login box
#23 Mary Allow user photo uploads
#22 Joe Change the color of the header to yellow
#21 Mary Change the header to blue
The repository’s users can check out a working copy, which is a copy of the latest files to which users can make changes. After making some changes, they can then check in (orcommit) the changes back to the repository, which creates a new version with metadata about the files that were changed and the person who changed them.

While it is simplest to have a canonical source for the repository, this is not strictly necessary. Each user has a full copy of the repository on their local machine. Generally, you will commit changes to your local repository and, once it is complete, push your work to the shared repository for your team. You can also pull changes from other repositories.

Branches fulfill the same role as drafts when writing an email. You work on the draft, saving it frequently until it is complete; then, when it’s done, you send the email, and the draft is deleted. In this case, the outbox is not polluted by your frequent changes, until you hit “send”.
Branching is useful when developing new features, because it allows the master branch – the outbox – to be always working and deployable. There may be any number of drafts – experimental branches – in active development. Branches are easy to create and switch between.
Once the code in a branch is finished and the branch passes its tests, the changes are mergedinto the master branch and the branch is removed, just like the email draft. And if someone commits code to the master branch, it’s easy to update the branch to the latest master code.
Attack of the clones
To get a working copy of your codebase, you need to clone a remote repository to your local machine. Cloning creates the repository and checks out the latest version, which is referred to as HEAD
Let’s clone an open-source project.
$ git clone git://github.com/wycats/jspec.git
Initialized empty Git repository
Congratulations, you just cloned your first repository. The clone command sets up a few convenience items for you; it keeps the address of the original repository, and aliases it asorigin, so you can easily send back changes (if you have authorization) to the remote repository.
You will now have a folder jspec
in the current directory. If you cd
into that directory, you should see the contents of the JSpec source code (it’s just a few files).
Git can run over many protocols, including “git://” as above (most public projects will use git://). By default, git uses the ssh protocol, which requires you have secure access to the remote repository.
$ git clone user@yourserver.com:thing.git
You can specify your authorization details for ssh as above.
Making changes
Now that you have a working copy, you can start making changes. There is nothing magic about editing the files, so all you need to do is edit whatever file you’re working with and then save it. Once the file is saved, you’ll need to add the change to the current revision (or, more typically, you’ll make changes to several files and add them to the current revision all at once). To do so, you need to git add
the changed file. This is also known as “staging”.
$ git add index.html
Or, you can add an entire directory at once, which will
$ git add public/
This will add any files in the public/
directory to the revision. Or, add the current directory:
git add .
If you make any changes to the file after staging (before committing), you’ll need to git add
the file again.
The git status
command shows you the current status of the repository.
ninja-owl:public courtenay$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
# modified: public/index.html
The git diff
command shows you a differential view of what’s changed. By default, it shows changes that haven’t been staged. Adding the flag “–cached” will show you the staged changes only.
ninja-owl:public courtenay$ git diff --cached
diff --git a/public/index.html. b/public/index.html
index a04759f..754492a 100644
--- a/public/index.html
+++ b/public/index.html
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ revision control or source code management, is a system that maintains versions
+ This a line that I added to the file
- This is a line I removed from the file
This output is called a diff
or patch
and can be emailed to co-workers so they can apply your changes to their local codebase. It’s also human-readable: it shows you the filenames, the line numbers within the file, and changes with +
and -
symbols. You can also pipe the diff into a file.
ninja-owl:public courtenay$ git diff --cached > line_modify.patch
Commit to something in your life
When you get your changes just the way you want them added to the current revision, then you need to commit that revision to your local repository. To do this, you’ll need to run git commit
. When you execute this command, a text editor will appear, with a list of files that have changed and some blank space at the top. In that blank space, you need to describe what you’ve changed so your co-workers can tell at a glance what you’ve done. You’ll need to enter something better than “stuff”, but there’s no need to go overboard and do something like:
Changed line 434 in index.html to use spaces rather than tabs.
Changed line 800 in products.html.erb to have two spaces between the tags.
Changed line 343, 133, 203, 59, and 121 to have two spaces at the start rather than 9.
A short description of what you changed will suffice. Concise commit messages are an art form, much like haiku.
Minor formatting changes in the code.
It is accepted custom to write one line of summary (less than 80 characters), a blank line, then a third line describing in more detail. The second and third lines are entirely optional.
Once your commit message is to your liking, then save the file and exit the text editor. It will commit to your local repository, and you can continue to go about your work.
Push back
Once your changes are committed to your local repository, you need to push them to the remote, canonical repository for others to get at. To do that, you need to execute git push
, which will push all the changes from your local repository up to the remote repository.
Git push takes several arguments: git push <repository> <branch>
In this case, we want to push changes back to the original repository, which is aliased as origin
, to the master branch.
$ git push origin master
Fortunately for our fingers, git push (and git pull) will default to pushing, and pulling, all branches common to the origin and the local repository.
When you execute push
, you should see output similar to the following:
your-computer:git_project yourusername$ git push
updating 'refs/heads/master'
from fdbdfe28397738d0d42eaca59c6866a87a0336e2
to 1c9ec11f757c099680336875b825f817a992333e
Also local refs/remotes/origin/master
Generating pack...
Done counting 2 objects.
Deltifying 2 objects...
100% (2/2) done
Writing 2 objects...
100% (2/2) done
Total 2 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
refs/heads/master: fdbdfe28397738d0d42eaca59c6866a87a0336e2 -> 1c9ec11f757c099680336875b825f817a992333e
All this output basically says that you’ve got your files ready to be pushed (Generating pack
) and the remote repository has received your files (Writing 2 objects
). Then the remote repository has updated its head/master
(the “main” branch of the repository) to point to the revision you just committed so that it knows it’s the latest set of changes committed. Now others can update their local copies to be in sync with the changes that you’ve made. But how do you do that?
Get updates from afar
To update your local repository and working copy to the latest revision committed to the remote repository, you need to execute git pull
. This pulls all of the changesets down from the remote repository and merges them with your current changes (if there are any).
When you execute a git pull
, the output should look something like the following:
remote: Generating pack...
remote: Done counting 12 objects.
remote: Result has 8 objects.
remote: Deltifying 8 objects...
remote: 100% (8/8) done
Unpacking 8 objects...
remote: Total 8 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0)
100% (8/8) done
* refs/remotes/origin/master: fast forward to branch 'master' of git@yourco.com:git_project
old..new: 0c793fd..fdbdfe2
Auto-merged file.cpp
Merge made by recursive.
.gitignore | 2 ++
file.cpp | 8 ++++++--
src/things.html | 5 +++--
your_file.txt | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 .gitignore
create mode 100644 your_file.txt
What’s happened is basically push
in reverse. The remote repository has prepared (Generating pack
) and transferred the changes (Unpacking 8 objects
) to your local repository. Your local repository then takes the changes and implements them in the same order as they were committed (e.g., merging them as the example shows for file.cpp
or creating them like.gitignore
or your_file.txt
Aside: .gitignore
The .gitignore
file lets you tell Git to ignore certain files or directories. This setting is useful for things like generated binaries, log files, or files with local passwords in them.
You should always create a branch before starting work on a feature. This way, the master will always be in a working state, and you’ll be able to work in isolation of other’s changes. Creating a branch allows you to take the master
branch, “clone” it, and make commits to that clone. Then when you’re ready, you can merge the branch back into master
; or, if there are changes made to master while you’re working, you can merge those changes. It’s just like pushing and pulling, but it all happens in the same directory. The figure below illustrates this process.

Branching is a great way for two people to work together on something that requires isolation from the main code base. This could be anything from code that will have permanent results, like a really big code refactoring or site redesign, to things that are only temporary, like performance testing.
Creating a branch
To create a branch in Git, you execute git checkout -b <branch name>
. Any modified files will be listed.
$ git checkout -b redesign
M public/index.html
Switched to a new branch "redesign"
You’ve now checked out the redesign branch. To switch back to master,
$ git checkout master
M public/index.html
Switched to a new branch "master"
You’ll find it useful to create the branch on the remote repository, so others can pull your changes
$ git push origin redesign
You can also push your branch to a different branch remotely.
$ git push origin redesign:master
This sets the current working copy to commit and push all changes to the redesign
branch in the local and remote repositories. Now any changes you add and commit will live in this branch rather than master
Aside: What branch am I in? To see your current branch, and a list of all local branches, execute git branch
. To s
If you need to pull changes from master
into your branch (e.g., important code changes, security updates, and so on), then you can do so using git pull
like so:
git pull origin
git merge master
That command tells Git to pull all the changes from the origin
repository (Git’s name for the canonical remote repository) including all branches. Then, you merge the master branch into your branch. When you get ready to merge back with master
, then you need to checkoutmaster
and then merge the branch into it like so:
git checkout master
git merge redesign
Now your changes from the redesign
branch will be merged back into the master
branch. If you’re finished with the branch you created, then you can delete it using the -d
git branch -d redesign
To delete the branch on the remote repository, you hijack the push command (remember you can push a local branch to a different remote branch with git push <remote> <local branch>:<remote branch>
) and send an empty local branch to the remote branch.
git push origin :redesign
More useful tools
Undoing your changes
You can remove a file from staging with git reset HEAD <filename>
If you want to revert a file back to the copy in the repository, just check it out again with git checkout <filename>
To revert a file to an older revision, use git checkout
. You will need to know the revision ID, which you can find with git log
$ git log index.html
commit 86429cd28708e22b643593b7081229017b7f0f8d
Author: joe <joe@example.com>
Date: Sun Feb 17 22:19:21 2008 -0800
build new html files
commit 3607253d20c7a295965f798109f9d4af0fbeedd8
Author: fred <fred@example.com>
Date: Sun Feb 17 21:32:00 2008 -0500
To revert the file back to the older version (360725…) you execute checkout. Git will stage the older version for you, ready for review and commit.
$ git checkout 3607253d20c7a295965f798109f9d4af0fbeedd8 index.html
If you no longer want to restore this older version, you can unstage the file and checkout again
$ git reset HEAD index.html
$ git checkout index.html
Or in one command
$ git checkout HEAD index.html
Have you noticed that HEAD is interchangeable with the revision number? That’s because with git, revisions and branches are effectively the same thing.
Who wrote that line?
Run git blame <file>
to see who changed a file last, and when.
View the complete tree
You can see a detailed history of your working copy with gitk

The gitk application allows you to navigate through the tree of changes, view diffs, search old revisions, and more.
Best Practices
We thought we’d wrap up this section with just a few little hints and tips that can go a long way when working with version control systems.
Commit often
Just like people always say “Save often or you’ll regret it” when working with word processors, you should commit to your local repository as often as possible. Not only does it keep you from possibly losing work (which you shouldn’t if you follow the first piece of advice!), it will give you the security that you can step back at any time if you should need to. Of course, committing commit after commit every commit wocommitrd or lcommitecommittcommittcommitecommitrcommit could be a little excessive, at every “major” (for any or all definitions of major) step you take in your work, you should commit.
Pull often
Conversely, you should also pull often. Pulling often keeps your code up to date and, hopefully, cuts down on duplicated work. It’s always frustrating when you spend hours working on a feature when your co-worker has already implemented it and pushed it to the repository, but you didn’t know anything about it because you pull every 3 weeks.
Use checkout
and reset
with caution
To revert any local changes you’ve made to a specific file since your last commit, you can usegit checkout <filename>
, or you can use git reset
to kill all changes since your last commit. Having the ability to step back is a great tool (especially if you realize you’re going down thetotally wrong path), but it’s definitely a double edged sword. Once your changes are gone, they’re gone, so be careful! It’s terrible when you realize you’ve just wasted a few hour’s work by a wreckless reset
Create your own repository anywhere
If you want to get some version control on a simple local project (i.e., it doesn’t have a big remote repository or anything), then you can simply use git init
to create your own standalone local repository. For example, if you’re working on some design concepts for a new application, then you could do something like the following:
mkdir design_concepts
git init
Now you can add files, commit, branch, and so on, just like a “real” remote Git repository. If you want to push and pull, you’ll need to set up a remote repository.
git remote add <alias> <url>
git pull <alias> master
Ref: http://hoth.entp.com/output/git_for_designers.html