[Udemy] Notes on "The Web Developer Bootcamp"

  • Section 3: HTML Basics
  • Section 4: HTML Intermediate
  • Section 5: CSS Basics
    • 5.41 selector { property: value}
    • 5.42 http://www.csszengarden.com/
    • 5.45 Color in CSS
      • colorpicker.com
      • color system
        • Hexadecimal (#000000:black; #FF0000:red; #00FF00:green; #FFFFFF:white);
        • RGB: (rgb(0, 255, 0));
        • RGBA
    • 5.46 Background and Border
      • Background and color
      • Background and image
        • background: url();
        • background-repeat: no-repeat;
        • background-size: cover;
      • Border
        • border-color: purple.
        • border-width: 5px;
        • border-style: solid/dashed/…;
        • OR border: 5px solid purple;
    • 5.48 Selectors Basic Todo List
      - Element Selector; ID Selector; Class Selector
    • 5.49 Introduction to Chrome Inspector
    • 5.50 More Advanced Selectors
      • 30 css selectors you must memorize
        • star selector; descendant selector; adjacent selector; attribute selector; nth-of-type; …;
    • 5.52 Specificity and Cascade
  • Section 6: Intermediate CSS
  • Section 7: Bootstrap (Useful CSS Library)
  • Section 8: Bootstrap 4!
    • 8.88 A History of Bootstrap 4
    • 8.89 The Bootstrap 4 Documentation
    • 8.90 Changes from Bootstrap 3 to 4
    • 8.91 Bootstrap 4 Code/Solutions Download
    • 8.92 Getting Started With Bootstrap 4
    • 8.93 Bootstrap 4 Colors and Backgrounds
    • 8.94 Typography
    • 8.95 New Fancy Spacing Utilities
    • 8.96 Responsive Breakpoints
    • 8.97 Bootstrap4 Navbars
    • 8.98 The New Display Utility
  • Section 9: Flexbox and Layout
    • 9.99 Bootstrap 4: Flexbox
    • 9.100 Flexbox Utilities Part 2
      • Direction
    • 9.101 Navs and Flexbox
    • 9.102 The Bootstrap 4 Grid
    • 9.103 PATTERN PROJECT Part 1
    • 9.104 PATTERN PROJECT Part 2
    • 9.105 The Grid + Flexbox
    • 9.106-9.111 Museum of Candy Project Part 1-5
  • Section 10: Introduction to Javascript
    • 10.113 The JavaScript Console
    • 10.114 Primitives
      • Numbers, Strings, Booleans, null and undefined
    • 10.115 Primitives Exercises
      • "hello"length % “h1\”.length
      • The answer is 2.
    • 10.116 Variables
      • JavaScript variables should be camel case.
    • 10.117 Null and Undefined
    • 10.118 Useful Built-In Methods
    • 10.119 Writing JavaScript in a Separate File
    • 10.120 JS Stalker Exercise
    • 10.121 JS Stalker Exercise: SOLUTION
    • 10.122 Aga Calculator Exercise
    • 10.123 Age Calculator Exercise: SOLUTION
  • Section 11: Javascript Basics: Control Flow
    • 11.125 Boolean Logic
      • null == undefined //true
      • 对于JavaScript中比较运算符,可能大家用的比较多的是==、对于 ===”很多人可能很陌生。 表示恒等,首先比较两边的变量数据类型是否相等,其次比较两边的变量的数值是否相等; 表示相等即仅仅比较两边变量的数值是否相等。
      • “===”首先计算其操作数的值,然后比较这两个值,比较过程没有任何类型转换
      • 相等运算符“==”如果两个操作数不是同一类型,那么相等运算符会尝试一些类型转换,然后进行比较
    • 11.127 Logical Operators
      • &&, ||, !
    • 11.128 Conditions
    • 11.130 Guessing Game Code Along
    • 11.132 Introduction to Loops
    • 11.133 While Loop Exercises
    • 11.134 While Loops Problem Set
    • 11.136 Annoy-O-Matic Code Along
    • 11.138 Intro to For Loops
  • Section 12: Javascript Basics: Functions
    • 12.143 Introduction to Functions
    • 12.144 Arguments
    • 12.146 The Return Keyword
    • 12.147 Quiz
    • 12.150 Scope Code Along
    • 12.152 Higher Order Functions Code Along
  • Section 13: Javascript Basics: Arrays
    • 13.154 Introduction to Arrays
    • 13.155 Arrays Methods
      • push and pop
      • shift and unshift
      • indexOf
      • slice
    • 13.159 Array Iteration
      • arr.forEach(someFunction)
    • 13.162 Todo List Code Along
  • Section 14: Javascript Basics: Objects
    • 14.166 Introduction to Objects
      • you cannot use dot notation if the property starts with a number
      • you can lookup using a variable with bracket notation
      • you cannot use dot notation for property names with spaces
    • 14.167 Comparing Objects and Arrays
    • 14.168 Nested Objects and Arrays
    • 14.170 Movie Database Exercise
    • 14.171 Adding Methods to Objects
    • 14.172 The Keyword This
  • Section 15: DOM Manipulation (DOM: Document Object Model)
    • 15.175 Defining the DOM
    • 15.176 Select and Manipulate
    • 15.177 Note about UI changes in new versions of Chrome
    • 15.178 Important Selector Methods
    • 15.179 Selector Exercise
    • 15.180 Note about next lecture (Manipulating Style)
    • 15.181 Manipulating Style
    • 15.182 Manipulating Text and Content
    • 15.183 Manipulating Attributes
    • 15.184 Note about changing in the Google logo in the next lecture
    • 15.185 Playing With Google Code Along
  • Section 16: Advanced DOM Manipulation
    • 16.186 Introduction to Events
    • 16.187 Color Toggle Exercise
    • 16.188 Score Keeper Project Part 1
    • 16.189 Note about Score Keeper Project Part 2
    • 16.190 Score Keeper Project Part 2
    • 16.191 Other Types of Events: Todo List
    • 16.192 Note regarding counting events exercise
    • 16.193 Counting Events Exercise
  • Section 17: Color Game Project
  • Section 18:Introduction to jQuery (though Lot’s of people are moving away from jQuery)
    • 18.2 youmightnotneedjquery.com
    • 18.3 Linking To jQuery
    • 18.4 jQuery Selectors
      • select elements with $(selector)
      • use .css(property, value) to style
    • 18.6,7,8 Methods Text and HTML
      • val(); text(); attr(); html(); addClass(); removeClass(); toggleClass();
  • Section 19: Advanced jQuery
    • 19.1,2,3 click(); keypress(); on();
    • 19.4 effects: fadeOut(); fadeIn(); fadeToggle(); slideDown(); slideUp; slideToggle;
  • Section 20: Todo List
  • Section 21: Project
  • Section 22: Backend Basics
  • Section 25: Server Side Framework
    • 25.4 Route Parameters
      • app.get("/r/:subredditName", function(req, res) {console.log(req); console.log(req.params); var subreddit = req.params.subredditName; res.send(“WELCOME TO THE” + subreddit.toUpperCase() + “SUBREDDIT!”); res.send(“WELCOME TO A SUBREDDIT!”)};
      • Summary:
        • Show the * route matcher
        • Write routes containing route parameters
        • Discuss route order
  • Section 26: Express Intermediate
    • 26.1 Intro to EJS
      • #Rendering HTML and Templates
        • Using res.render() to render HTML(from an EJS file)
        • Explain what EJS is and why we use it
        • Pass variables to EJS templates
    • 26.2 Logic in EJS (EJS Control Flow)
      • <%= %>: to display
      • <% %>: pure logit
      • Show examples of control flow in EJS templates
      • Write if statements in an EJS file
      • Write loops in an EJS file
    • 26.3 Styles and Partials
      • Show how to properly include public assets
      • Properly configure our app to use EJS
      • Use partials to dry up our code
    • 26.4 Post Request
      • Write post routes, and test them with Postman
      • Use a form to send a post request
      • Use body parser to get form data
  • Section 27: Working with API’s
    • 27.1 Intro to API(Application Programming Interface)
      • programmableWeb
    • 27.2 Data Formats
      • xml(extended markup language)
      • json(javascript object notation)
  • Section 28: YelpCamp Basics
    • 28.1 YelpCamp Initial Setup
      • Add Landing Page
      • Add Campgrounds Page that lists all campgrounds (Each Campground has Name and Image)
    • 28.2 Layout and Basic Styling
      • Create out header and footer partials
      • Add in Bootstrap
    • 28.3 Creating New Campgrounds
      • Setup new campground POST route
      • Add in body-parser
      • Setup route to show form
      • Add basic unstyled form
    • 28.4 Style the campgrounds page
      • Add a better header/title
      • Make campgrounds display in a grid
    • 28.5 Style the Navbar and Form
      • Add a navbar to all templates
      • Style the new campground form
  • Section 29: Databases
  • Section 30: Data Persistence
    • 30.1 YelpCamp Add Mongoose
      • Install and configure mongoose
      • Setup campground model
      • Use campground model inside of our routes
    • 30.2 Update Deprecation WARNING
    • 30.3/30.4 YelpCamp Show Page
      • Review the RESTful routes we’ve seen so far
      • Add description to our campground model
      • Show db.collection.drop()
      • Add a show route/template
NameUrl/PathHTTP VerbDescriptionMongoose Method
Index/dogsGETDisplay a list of all dogDog.find()
New/dogs/newGETDisplay form to make a new dogN/A
Create/dogsPOSTAdd new dog to DBDog.create()
Show/dogs/:idGETShows info about one dogDog.findById()
Edit/dogs/:id/editGETShow edit form for one dogDog.findById()
Update/dogs/:idPUTUpdate a particular dog, then redirect somewhereDog.findByIdAndUpdate()
Destroy/dogs/:idDELETEDelete a particular dog, then redirect somewhereDog.findByIdAndRemove()
  • Section 31: RESTful Routing (Representational state transfer)
    • 31.1 Intro to REST - a mapping between HTTP routes CRUD(create read update destroy)
      • 7 restful routes
    • 31.2 Index
      • Setup the Blog App
      • Create the Blog model
      • Add INDEX route and template
    • 31.3 Basic Layout
      • Add Header and Footer Partials
      • Include Semantic UI
      • Add Simple Nav
    • 31.4 New and Create
      • Add NEW route
      • Add NEW template
      • Add CREATE route
      • Add CREATE template
    • 31.5 Show
      • Add Show route
      • Add Show template
      • Add links to show page
      • Style show template
    • 31.6 Edit/Update
      • Add Edit Route
      • Add Edit Form
      • Add Update Route
      • Add Update Form
      • Add Method-Override
    • 31.7 Destroy
      • Add Destroy Route
      • Add Edit and Destroy Links
    • 31.8 Final Updates
      • Sanitize blog body
      • Style Index
      • Update REST Table
  • Section 32: Data Associations
    • 32.1 Intro to Associations
      • Define associations
      • Discuss one: one, one:many, and many: many relationships
    • 32.2 Embedding Data
      • Example: Post, User;
    • 32.3 Referencing Date
      • create; retrieve
    • 32.4 Module.Exports(clean up)
  • Section 33: YelpCamp: Comments
    • 33.1 Refactor Mongoose Code
      • Create a models directory
      • Use module.exports
      • Require everything correctly
    • 33.2 Seeds file
      • Add a seeds.js file
      • Run the seeds file every time the server starts
    • 33.3 Add comment model and display the comments in the show page
    • 33.4 Comment New/Create
      • Discuss the nested routes
      • Add the comment new and create routes
      • Add the new comment form
    • 33.5 Style Show Page
      • Add sidebar to show page
      • Display comments nicely
  • Section 34: Authentication
    • 34.1 Intro to Authentication
      • What tools are we using? (Passport, Passport local, Passport local mongoose)
      • Walk through auth flow
      • Discuss sessions (Express-Session)
    • 34.2 Auth Code Along Part 1
      • Set up folder structure
      • Install needed packages
      • Add root route and template
      • Add secret route and template
    • 34.3 Auth CodeAlong Part 2
      • Create User model
      • Configure passport
    • 34.4 Auth CodeAlong Part 3
      • Add Register routes
      • Add Register form
    • 34.5 Auth CodeAlong Part 4
      • Add Login routes
      • Add Login form
    • 34.6 Auth CodeAlong Part 5
  • 35 YelpCamp: Authentication
    • 35.1 Add User Model
      • Install all packages needed for auth
      • Define User model
    • 35.2 Register
      • Configure Passport
      • Add register routes
      • Add register template
    • 35.3 Login
      • Add login routes
      • Add login template
    • 35.4 Logout/Navbar
      • Add logout route
      • Prevent user from adding a comment if not signed in
      • Add links to navbar
      • Show/hide auth link correctly
    • 35.5 Show/Hide Links
      • Show/hide auth links in navbar correctly
  • 36 YelpCamp: Cleaning Up
    • 36.1 Refactor The Routes
      • Use Express router to reorganize all routes
    • 36.2 Users + Comments
      • Associate users and comments
      • Save author’s name to a comment automatically
    • 36.3 Users + Campgrounds
      • Prevent an unauthenticated user from creating a campground
      • Save username+id to newly created campground




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