Lucene in action——JAVA搜索引擎指南

Lucene in action
A guide to the java search engine  JAVA搜索引擎指南
Lucene started as a self-serving project. In late 1997,my job uncertain, I sought something of my own to market. Java was the hot new programming language, and I needed an excuse to learn it. I already knew how to write search software, and thought I might fill a niche by writing search software in I wrote Lucene.
A few years later,in 2000,I realized that I didin’t like to market stuff.I had no interest in negotiating licenses and contracts, and I didn’t want to hire people and build a company. I liked writing software,not selling it. So I tossed Lucene up on sourceForge,to see if open source might let me keep doing what I liked.
A few folks started using Lucene right away. Around a year later,in 2001,folks at Apache offered to adopt LLucene. The number of daily messages on the lucene mailing lists grew steadily. Code contributions started to trickle in. Most were additions around the edges of Lucene: I was still the only active developer who fully grokked its core. Still,Lucene was on the road to becoming a real collaborative project.
Now,in 2004,Lucene has a pool of active developers with deep understandings of its core. I’m no longer involved in most day-to-day development;substantial additions and improvements are regularly made by this strong team.
Through the years,Lucene has been translated into several other programming languages,including c++,c#,perl,and python.In the original Java, and in these other incarnations,Lucene is used much more widely than I ever would have dreamed. It powers search in diverse applications like discussion groups at Fortune 100 companies, commercial bug trackers, email search supplied by Microsoft, and a web search engine that scales to billions of pages. When, at industry events, I am introduced to someone as the “Lucene guy,”more often than not folks tell me how they’ve used Lucene in a project. I still figure I’ve only heard about a small fraction of all lucene applications.
这些年,Lucene已经用许多语言实现了,包括c++,c#,perl和python.Lucene在许多方面的广泛使用已经远远超过我最初设想。强大的搜索功能已经运用在各个领域,例如:讨论世界前100个财富公司,电子邮件搜索和应用,一个搜索引擎能够检测数以万计的页面。当他运用在工业领域的时候,我把这个称作“Lucene guy (Lucence 孩子)”,时常有人告诉我他们是如何在一个项目中使用Lucene。我想我所知道的仅仅是Lucence应用中的一小部分。
Lucene is much more widely used than it ever would have been if I had tried to sell it. Application developers seem to prefer open source. Instead of having to contact technical support when they have a problem (and then wait for an anser,hoping they were correctly understood),they can frequently just look at the source code to diagnose their problems. If that’s not enough, the free support provided by peers on the mailing lists is beeter than most commercial support. A functioning open-source project like Lucence makes application developers more efficient and productive.
Lucene,through open source,has become something much greater than I everimagined it would . I set it going,but it took the combined efforts of the Lucence community to make it thrive.
So what’s next for lucene? I can’t tell you. Armed with with this book,you are now a member of the Lucene community, and it’s up to you to take Lucene to new places. Bon voyage!
                                                                                                         DOUG CUTTING
                                                                                  Creator of Lucene and Nutch




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