//a example of 2-way insertion sort
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int iList[] = {1, 4, 2, 12, 4, 34, 243, 11, 35};
void TwoWayInsert(int iList[], int iLen)//iLen is the length of iList
int i, j;
int first = 0;//pointer point to the first record
int final = 0;//pointer point to the final record
int *iTemp = NULL;
if((iTemp = (int *) malloc(iLen * sizeof(int))) == NULL)//Dynamic allocation of space
fprintf(stderr, "allocate space error !");
//printf("%d\n", sizeof(iList) / sizeof(iList[0]));because iList is a pointer, so this is wrong
iTemp[0] = iList[0];//copy fisrt element of iList
for(i = 1; i < iLen; i++)//start from the second
if(iList[i] >= iTemp[final])
iTemp[++final] = iList[i];
else if(iList[i] <= iTemp[first])
first = (first - i + iLen) % iLen;//first point to the end of iList firstly
iTemp[first] = iList[i];//copy to iTemp[first]
else//insert when the element is bigger than iList[i] and smaller than iList[final]
{//use binary sort insertion
int iLow, iHigh;
int iMid;
int iFlag;//identify the side of insertion
if(iList[i] < iTemp[0])//make sure the value of low and high
iLow = first;
iHigh = iLen - 1;
iFlag = 1;
iLow = 0;
iHigh = final;
iFlag = 0;
while(iLow <= iHigh)//it must have equal signal
iMid = (iLow + iHigh) / 2;
if(iList[i] <= iTemp[iMid])//Does it must have equal signal?no matter
iHigh = iMid - 1;
iLow = iMid + 1;
//find the location to insert
if(iFlag == 0)
for(j = final; j >= iHigh + 1; --j)//backword the other element
iTemp[j + 1] = iTemp[j];
iTemp[iHigh + 1] = iList[i];
for(j = first; j <= iHigh; j++)//forword the other element
iTemp[j - 1] = iTemp[j];
iTemp[iHigh + 1] = iList[i];
j = 0;
for(i = first; i < iLen; i++)
iList[j++] = iTemp[i];
for(i = 0; i <= final; i++)
iList[j++] = iTemp[i];
int main(void)
int i;
int iLen;
iLen = sizeof(iList) / sizeof(iList[0]);
//printf("%d\n", iLen);
TwoWayInsert(iList , iLen);
for(i = 0; i < iLen; i++)
printf((i == iLen - 1) ? "%d\n" : "%d, ", iList[i]);
return 0;
2-路插入排序 一个简单示例
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