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原创 14.3.1 Base types

For purposes of member lookup, a type T is considered to have the following base types:?If T is object, then T has no base type.?If T is an enum-type, the base types of T are the class types System.En

2005-12-11 23:52:00 1075

原创 Binary numeric promotions

This clause is informative.Binary numeric promotion occurs for the operands of the predefined +, ?, *, /, %, &, |, ^, ==, !=, >, =,and operands to a common typewhich, in case of the non-relational ope

2005-12-11 23:51:00 1007

原创 14.3 Member lookup

A member lookup is the process whereby the meaning of a name in the context of a type is determined. Amember lookup may occur as part of evaluating a simple-name (?4.5.2) or a member-access (?4.5.4) i

2005-12-11 23:51:00 927

原创 14.2.5 Candidate user-defined operators

Given a type T and an operation operator op(A), where op is an overloadable operator and A is anargument list, the set of candidate user-defined operators provided by T for operator op(A) is determine

2005-12-11 23:50:00 941

原创 14.2.6 Numeric promotions

This clause is informative.Numeric promotion consists of automatically performing certain implicit conversions of the operands of thepredefined unary and binary numeric operators. Numeric promotion is

2005-12-11 23:50:00 1028

原创 Unary numeric promotions

This clause is informative.Unary numeric promotion occurs for the operands of the predefined +, ?, and ~ unary operators. Unarynumeric promotion simply consists of converting operands of type sbyte, b

2005-12-11 23:50:00 983

原创 14.2.2 Operator overloading

All unary and binary operators have predefined implementations that are automatically available in anyexpression. In addition to the predefined implementations, user-defined implementations can be int

2005-12-11 23:49:00 1132

原创 14.2.3 Unary operator overload resolution

An operation of the form op x or x op, where op is an overloadable unary operator, and x is an expression oftype X, is processed as follows:?The set of candidate user-defined operators provided by X f

2005-12-11 23:49:00 1077

原创 14.2.4 Binary operator overload resolution

An operation of the form x op y, where op is an overloadable binary operator, x is an expression of type X,and y is an expression of type Y, is processed as follows:?The set of candidate user-defined

2005-12-11 23:49:00 989

原创 14.2.1 Operator precedence and associativity

When an expression contains multiple operators, the precedence of the operators controls the order in whichthe individual operators are evaluated. [Note: For example, the expression x + y * z is evalu

2005-12-11 23:48:00 1125

原创 14.2 Operators

Expressions are constructed from operands and operators. The operators of an expression indicate whichoperations to apply to the operands. [Example: Examples of operators include +, -, *, /, and new.

2005-12-11 23:43:00 868

原创 14. Expressions

An expression is a sequence of operators and operands. This chapter defines the syntax, order of evaluationof operands and operators, and meaning of expressions.

2005-12-11 23:42:00 897

原创 14.1 Expression classifications

An expression is classified as one of the following:?A value. Every value has an associated type.?A variable. Every variable has an associated type, namely the declared type of the variable.?A namespa

2005-12-11 23:42:00 977

原创 13.3 Standard conversions

The standard conversions are those pre-defined conversions that can occur as part of a user-definedconversion.13.3.1 Standard implicit conversionsThe following implicit conversions are classified as s

2005-12-11 23:41:00 894

原创 13.4 User-defined conversions

C# allows the pre-defined implicit and explicit conversions to be augmented by user-defined conversions.User-defined conversions are introduced by declaring conversion operators (?7.9.3) in class and

2005-12-11 23:41:00 941

原创 13.1 Implicit conversions

13.1 Implicit conversionsThe following conversions are classified as implicit conversions:?Identity conversions?Implicit numeric conversions?Implicit enumeration conversions.?Implicit reference conver

2005-12-11 23:40:00 1384

原创 13.2 Explicit conversions

The following conversions are classified as explicit conversions:?All implicit conversions.?Explicit numeric conversions.?Explicit enumeration conversions.?Explicit reference conversions.?Explicit int

2005-12-11 23:40:00 1082

原创 13. Conversions

13. Conversionsexplicit, and this determines whether an explicit cast is required. [Example: For instance, the conversionfrom type int to type long is implicit, so expressions of type int can implicit

2005-12-11 23:39:00 865

原创 12.5 Atomicity of variable references

uint, int, float, and reference types. In addition, reads and writes of enum types with an underlying typein the previous list shall also be atomic. Reads and writes of other types, including long, ul

2005-12-09 21:11:00 886

原创 12.4 Variable references

A variable-reference is an expression that is classified as a variable. A variable-reference denotes a storagelocation that can be accessed both to fetch the current value and to store a new value.var

2005-12-09 21:08:00 978

原创 ! expressions ! expressionsFor an expression expr of the form ! expr-operand:?The definite assignment state of v before expr-operand is the same as the definite assignment stateof v before expr.?The defin

2005-12-09 21:07:00 819

原创 ?: expressions ?: expressionsFor an expression expr of the form expr-cond ? expr-true : expr-false:?The definite assignment state of v before expr-cond is the same as the state of v before expr.?The defini

2005-12-09 21:07:00 722

原创 && expressions && expressionsFor an expression expr of the form expr-first && expr-second:?The definite assignment state of v before expr-first is the same as the definite assignment state of vbefore expr.

2005-12-09 21:06:00 829

原创 || expressions || expressionsFor an expression expr of the form expr-first || expr-second:?The definite assignment state of v before expr-first is the same as the definite assignment state of vbefore expr.

2005-12-09 21:06:00 787

原创 Simple assignment expressions Simple assignment expressionsFor an expression expr of the form w = expr-rhs:?The definite assignment state of v before expr-rhs is the same as the definite assignment state of vbefore expr.

2005-12-09 20:46:00 929

原创 General rules for expressions with embedded expressions General rules for expressions with embedded expressionsThe following rules apply to these kinds of expressions: parenthesized expressions (?4.5.3), element accessexpressions (?4.5.6), base a

2005-12-09 20:45:00 796

原创 Invocation expressions and object creation expressions Invocation expressions and object creation expressionsFor an invocation expression expr of the form:primary-expression (arg1, arg2, ? argn)or an object creation expression of the form:new ty

2005-12-09 20:45:00 788

原创 General rules for simple expression General rules for simple expressionsThe following rule applies to these kinds of expressions: literals (?4.5.1), simple names (?4.5.2), memberaccess expressions (?4.5.4), non-indexed base ac

2005-12-09 20:44:00 827

原创 Lock statements Lock statementsFor a lock statement stmt of the form:lock (expr) embedded-statement?The definite assignment state of v at the beginning of expr is the same as the state of v at thebeginning

2005-12-09 20:43:00 777

原创 Foreach statements Foreach statementsFor a foreach statement stmt of the form:foreach (type identifier in expr) embedded-statement?The definite assignment state of v at the beginning of expr is the same as the

2005-12-09 20:42:00 823

原创 Using statements Using statementsFor a using statement stmt of the form:using (resource-acquisition) embedded-statement?The definite assignment state of v at the beginning of resource-acquisition is the same

2005-12-09 20:42:00 787

原创 Try-catch-finally statements Try-catch-finally statementsDefinite assignment analysis for a try-catch-finally statement of the form:try try-blockcatch(.) catch-block-1.catch(.) catch-block-nfinally finally-blockis done

2005-12-09 20:41:00 976

原创 Try-catch statements Try-catch statementsFor a statement stmt of the form:try try-blockcatch(.) catch-block-1.catch(.) catch-block-n. The definite assignment state of v at the beginning of try-block is the same

2005-12-09 20:40:00 1052 1

原创 Try-finally statements Try-finally statementsFor a try statement stmt of the form:try try-block finally finally-blockChapter 12 Variables107?The definite assignment state of v at the beginning of try-block is the

2005-12-09 20:40:00 796

原创 Throw statements Throw statementsFor a statement stmt of the formthrow expr ;the definite assignment state of v at the beginning of expr is the same as the definite assignment state of v atthe beginning of s

2005-12-09 20:39:00 758

原创 Return statements Return statementsFor a statement stmt of the formreturn expr ;?The definite assignment state of v at the beginning of expr is the same as the definite assignmentstate of v at the beginning o

2005-12-09 20:39:00 780

原创 Break, continue, goto statement Break, continue, and goto statementsThe definite assignment state of v on the control flow transfer caused by a break, continue, or gotostatement is the same as the definite assignment state

2005-12-08 04:53:00 963

原创 Do statements Do statementsFor a do statement stmt of the form:do do-body while (expr);?v has the same definite assignment state on the control flow transfer from the beginning of stmt todo-body as at the

2005-12-08 04:51:00 880

原创 For statements For statementsDefinite assignment checking for a for statement of the form:for (for-initializer; for-condition; for-iterator) embedded-statementis done as if the statement were written:{for-i

2005-12-08 04:51:00 912

原创 Switch statements Switch statementsIn a switch statement stmt with controlling expression expr:?The definite assignment state of v at the beginning of expr is the same as the state of v at thebeginning of stmt

2005-12-08 04:50:00 885



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