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原创 网友畅谈:柯达 DX6490实际使用感受

柯达DX6490是其旗下EasyShare系列的产品,这款新品数码相机并非柯达EasyShare系列中像素最高的产品,它采用的是400万像素CCD,不过DX6490的杀手锏是其配置的10X光学变焦的德国施耐德镜头,这是全球第二款具备400万像素及10X光学变焦的数码相机。  DX6490采用的是专业品质的施耐德Variogon  10X光学变焦镜头(38-380  mm等值),其最大光圈范围是

2006-08-26 15:44:00 1663

原创 摄影技术入门知识及答疑 zz 强烈推荐

相信很多驴友都喜欢拍照,但是不少人只使用傻瓜挡,拍些到此一游的照片还凑合,要拍再好就不行了为什么?因为摄影技术的教程都太枯燥了,让人看不下去,不愿意学。SO, 俺要用通俗的语言,从菜鸟和已经不那么菜鸟的菜鸟的实际需要出发,写个东西请注意:我是用自己的理解来诠释,所以有些概念会与专业的说法有出入,老鸟们别较真哈~咱不看手段,只看疗效~~~~但是,俺声明,俺要讲的主要是摄影的“技”,而要拍好照片,既需

2006-08-26 15:43:00 6111 3

原创 Working With The File System & Streams (4)

Creating, deleting and checking for the existence of directoriesSome code that demonstrates how to perform the above operations is shown below. private void btnGo_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs

2006-08-19 19:56:00 1561

原创 Working With The File System & Streams (3)

Manipulating Files using System.IO.File and System.IO.FileInfo classesWe can manipulate files and perform different operations on them using the System.IO.File and System.IO.FileInfo classes. The Syst

2006-08-19 19:53:00 1206

原创 Working With The File System & Streams (1)

Working With The File System & Streams If you are new to C# SchoolThis is the final lesson of our C# School. The C# School is a kind of interactive learning platform where those who want to learn .NET

2006-08-19 19:51:00 830

原创 Working With The File System & Streams (2)

Obtaining the paths of various Windows Standard folders – Environment.GetFolderPath()The method Environment.GetFolderPath() can be used to get the complete paths of various windows standard folders on

2006-08-19 19:51:00 792

原创 24.3 Attribute instances

An attribute instance is an instance that represents an attribute at run-time. An attribute is defined with anattribute class, positional arguments, and named arguments. An attribute instance is an in

2006-08-04 22:41:00 824

原创 24.4 Reserved attributes

A small number of attributes affect the language in some way. These attributes include:? System.AttributeUsageAttribute (§24.4.1), which is used to describe the ways in which anattribute class can be

2006-08-04 22:41:00 795

原创 24.1 Attribute classes

A class that derives from the abstract class System.Attribute, whether directly or indirectly, is anattribute class. The declaration of an attribute class defines a new kind of attribute that can be p

2006-08-04 22:40:00 835

原创 24.2 Attribute specification

Attribute specification is the application of a previously defined attribute to a declaration. An attribute is apiece of additional declarative information that is specified for a declaration. Attribu

2006-08-04 22:40:00 897

原创 The following exceptions are thrown by certain C# operations.

The following exceptions are thrown by certain C# operations.System.ArithmeticException      A base class for exceptions that occur during    arithmetic operations, such as    System.DivideByZeroExcep

2006-08-04 22:39:00 1025

原创 24. Attributes

[Note: Much of the C# language enables the programmer to specify declarative information about theentities defined in the program. For example, the accessibility of a method in a class is specified by

2006-08-04 22:39:00 790

原创 23.2 The System.Exception class

The System.Exception class is the base type of all exceptions. This class has a few notable propertiesthat all exceptions share:? Message is a read-only property of type string that contains a human-r

2006-08-04 22:38:00 739

原创 23.3 How exceptions are handled

Exceptions are handled by a try statement (§15.10).When an exception occurs, the system searches for the nearest catch clause that can handle the exception,as determined by the run-time type of the ex

2006-08-04 22:38:00 719

原创 23. Exceptions

Exceptions in C# provide a structured, uniform, and type-safe way of handling both system level andapplication-level error conditions. [Note: The exception mechanism is C# is quite similar to that of

2006-08-04 22:37:00 720

原创 23.1 Causes of exceptions

Exception can be thrown in two different ways.? A throw statement (§15.9.5) throws an exception immediately and unconditionally. Control neverreaches the statement immediately following the throw.? Ce

2006-08-04 22:37:00 752



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