On ubuntu:
I have to install autoconf package.
sudo apt-get install autoconf
Get a copy of source code
svn checkout http://google-breakpad.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ google-breakpad-read-only
then the build steps are same as building other projects
sudo make install
The nice feature of breakpad is that, the client can work with or without out of process server, so I don't need to worry in case the server is not running.
const MINIDUMP_TYPE dumptype = (MINIDUMP_TYPE) (MiniDumpWithFullMemory
| MiniDumpWithHandleData | MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules | MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData);
ExceptionHandler* handler = new ExceptionHandler( dump_file_folder,
NULL/*void* callback_context*/,
dumptype/*MiniDumpNormal MINIDUMP_TYPE dump_type*/,
kPipeName/*const wchar_t* pipe_name*/,
NULL/*const CustomClientInfo* custom_info*/);
On Windows:
D:/src/breakpad>set path=%path%;c:/Python27
D:/src/breakpad>src/tools/gyp/gyp.bat src/client/windows/breakpad_client.gyp
then open D:/src/breakpad/src/client/windows/breakpad_client.sln
add the following preprocessor to VC++ projects (gtest, gmock and client_tests) when building with VC++ 2010
refer to http://code.google.com/p/googletest/issues/detail?id=217#makechanges
Change C/C++ "Output Files" "Program Database File Name" to
$(OutDir)lib/$(TargetName).pdb (old value: $(IntDir)$(ProjectName)/vc80.pdb)