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原创 Devops之CICD基础环境安装配置
阿里云安装java8 安装JDK yum list java* yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk* java -version 配置环境变量 打开 vim /etc/profile 添加一下内容 export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 1:1.8.0...
2019-02-25 11:57:42 1331
原创 Elasticsearch性能优化总结
Elasticsearch是目前大数据领域最热门的技术栈之一,经过近8年的发展,已从0.0.X版升级至6.X版本,虽然增加了很多的特性和功能,但是在主体架构上,还是没有太多的变化。下面就把我对于ES使用实践的一些经验总结一下,供大家参考;也请大家拍砖。 一、 硬件环境选择: 如果有条件,尽可能使用SSD硬盘, 不错的CPU。ES的厉害之处在于ES本身的分布式架构以及lucene的特性。IO的提...
2018-08-31 15:30:23 5453
原创 Partition index solution.
<br />There are six types of maintenance operations that mark index partitions INDEX <br />UNUSABLE (IU). Solution Explanation: <br /> <br />Maintenance operations causing index partitions to become INDEX UNUSABLE (IU): <br /> <br /> 1. IMPORT PA
2011-03-17 09:25:00 326
转载 Java Programming with Oracle JDBC
<br /><br />Performance is usually considered an issue at the end of a development cycle when it should really be considered from the start. Often, a task called "performance tuning" is done after the coding is complete, and the end user of a program compl
2010-12-30 13:36:00 512
原创 struts2 filter configuration sequence
<br />struts 2、sitemesh、urlrewrite configuration sequence should be like below:<br />1>struts-cleanup:<br />2>sitemesh<br />3>UrlRewriteFilter This should be after sitemesh,or the pages after rewrote can not be renderred by sitemesh.<br />4>struts2 Filter
2010-11-25 15:05:00 425
原创 when love's passing by...
You know that beauty may not be the point that knocks your heart strongly.What turns you on ,maybe something special when class that she makes out ,maybe it was a sudden meet you and her,and you may e
2008-04-22 20:41:00 478
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