Create a "collaborative ecosystem" with blockchain


According to a press release, PICC has partnered with blockchain information tracking and management systems company VeChain to achieve a digital transformation of the insurance industry.

China's push for blockchain

Although the Chinese government continues to maintain a strict position on cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology companies that provide disruptive solutions in this area continue to align with the long-term plans set by China's superpower.

The application of blockchain in China is limited to financial products and management tracking. In other words, the distributed system used to transform the traditional paper insurance industry represents another first.

PICC is a state-owned company that provides insurance for accidents and commercial contracts through its three subsidiaries.

The insurance industry relies heavily on manual legacy claims management systems to generate paper records of individuals or businesses. However, this practice leads to inefficiencies in the process of data collation, verification and auditing, which makes the insurance process involving all parties expensive and time consuming.

VeChain joins the battle

Under the terms of the agreement, PICC will adopt the VeChain enterprise blockchain solution to mitigate illegal activities such as insurance fraud and inaccurate underwriting.

The insurance giant believes that leveraging blockchain technology will bring "digital transformation" to the broader insurance industry, providing faster processing times, accurate KYC assessments, mitigating fraud, and improving the overall customer experience.

PICC also intends to use VeChain's IoT strength to provide “instant compensation” to affected parties and increase the former's annual income.

The blockchain solution was developed in collaboration with Shanghai-based VeChain and DNV GL, a Nordic company providing technical solutions for a wide range of industries including food, beverage, energy, oil and gas, and marine.

PICC will not teach blockchain technology to customers. However, its goal is to seamlessly integrate a robust blockchain network into its existing infrastructure.

VET is becoming more and more attractive

VeChain has previously worked with DNV GL on projects in multiple industries – DNV GL holds a small stake in VeChain after a private transaction in May 2008 – to drive its focus on building blockchain-based governance And the business ecosystem.

VeChainThor is VeChain's public chain, running on VET tokens, supporting the development of security and government frameworks, allowing organizations to control assets, information and revenue through robust distributed systems.

Sunny Lu, co-founder of VeChain coin, expressed his thoughts:

“Working with PICC has expanded our business in the insurance industry. We are confident that we will work with DNV GL to provide quality services and products to PICC.

For the pilot, PICC will first test VeChain's solution for a specific use case, then fully expand the blockchain system to create a “collaboration ecosystem” for customers and even competitors.

And this will make a big deal in VeChain history.

VET Info

The VeChain price is at $0.019323, rose 10.14%. The VET to USDT is still at the top of the VeChian market.




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协同捆绑推荐是一种通过深度学习算法将用户与物品集进行匹配的方法。这种方法可以为用户提供个性化的捆绑推荐,准确地满足用户的需求与兴趣。 在这种方法中,使用者的行为数据被采集并存储,例如购买记录、浏览历史、评分等。利用这些数据,可以建立一个用户-物品矩阵,其中行表示用户,列表示物品,矩阵元素则表示用户对物品的行为。通过分析用户-物品矩阵的模式与关联,可以预测用户对未来物品的偏好。 深度学习模型通常由多个层次的神经网络组成,通过学习和分类大量数据样本,能够提取出潜在的用户和物品特征。这些特征可以捕捉到更多的信息,用于计算用户与物品之间的相似度或相关度。通过比较用户特征与物品特征的差异,可以得出最合适的捆绑推荐。 协同捆绑推荐算法具有以下优点: 1. 个性化推荐:该算法可以根据用户的兴趣和偏好,为每个用户提供个性化的捆绑推荐,增加用户的满意度和体验。 2. 精准的匹配:通过深度学习算法,可以准确地计算用户与每个物品之间的匹配度,从而找到最佳的匹配项。 3. 时间效率:深度学习算法能够快速处理大规模的用户-物品矩阵,实现实时的捆绑推荐。 然而,协同捆绑推荐算法也存在一些挑战: 1. 数据稀疏性:用户对物品的行为数据通常是稀疏的,某些物品可能没有足够的数据支持,导致推荐的准确性有所降低。 2. 冷启动问题:当新用户或新物品加入系统时,缺乏充分的数据进行推荐,需要设计特殊的策略来解决这个问题。 3. 模型可解释性:深度学习算法在推荐过程中产生的结果往往难以解释,这可能对用户产生疑虑,影响用户的信任度。 综上所述,协同捆绑推荐算法通过深度学习模型实现用户与物品集之间的匹配,能够提供个性化且精准的捆绑推荐。然而,需要克服数据稀疏性、冷启动问题和模型可解释性等挑战,以进一步提高算法的效果和用户的满意度。




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