
Active Learning

Two Faces of Active Learning250, Dasgupta, 2011

Active Learning Literature Survey63, Settles, 2010


A Survey of Emerging Approaches to Spam Filtering58, Caruana, 2012

Ambient Intelligence: A Survey18, Sadri, 2011

A Survey of Online Failure Prediction Methods23, Salfner, 2010

Anomaly Detection: A Survey11, Chandola, 2009

Mining Data Streams: A Review14, Gaber, 2005

Workflow Mining: A Survey of Issues and Approaches9, Aalst, 2003


Support Vector Machines in Bioinformatics: a Survey43, Chicco, 2012

Computational Epigenetics: The New Scientific Paradigm 6, Lim, 2010

Automated Protein Structure Classification: A Survey10, Hassanzadeh, 2009

Chemoinformatics - An Introduction for Computer Scientists6, Brown, 2009

Computational Challenges in Systems Biology4, Heath, 2009

Computational Epigenetics 6, Bock, 2008

Progress and Challenges in Protein Structure Prediction5, Zhang, 2008

A Review of Feature Selection in Bioinformatics6, Saeys, 2007

Machine Learning in Bioinformatics: A Brief Survey and Recommendations for Practitioners13, Bhaskar, 2006

Bioinformatics - An Introduction for Computer Scientists2, Cohen, 2004

Computational Systems Biology2, Kitano, 2002

Protein Structure Prediction and Structural Genomics4, Baker, 2001

Recent Developments and Future Directions in Computational Genomics2, Tsoka, 2000

Molecular Biology for Computer Scientists1, Hunter, 1993


Supervised Machine Learning: A Review of Classification Techniques99, Kotsiantis, 2007


XML Data Clustering: An Overview18, Algergawy, 2011

Data Clustering: 50 Years Beyond K-Means21, Jain, 2010

Clustering Stability: An Overview9, Luxburg, 2010

Parallel Clustering Algorithms: A Survey7, Kim, 2009

A Survey: Clustering Ensembles Techniques3, Ghaemi, 2009

A Tutorial on Spectral Clustering9, Luxburg, 2007

Survey of Clustering Data Mining Techniques4, Berkhin, 2006

Survey of Clustering Algorithms7, Xu, 2005

Clustering of Time Series Data - A Survey4, Liao, 2005

Clustering Methods7, Rokach, 2005

Recent Advances in Clustering: A Brief Survey4, Kotsiantis, 2004

Subspace Clustering for High Dimensional Data: A Review2, Parsons, 2004

Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Clustering: a Brief Survey4, Grira, 2004

Clustering in Life Sciences3, Zhao, 2002

On Clustering Validation Techniques2, Halkidi, 2001

Data Clustering: A Review4, Jain, 1999

A Survey of Fuzzy Clustering5, Yang, 1993

Computer Vision

Pedestrian Detection: An Evaluation of the State of the Art26, Dollar, 2012

A Comparative Study of Palmprint Recognition Algorithms10, Zhang, 2012

Human Activity Analysis: A Review6, Aggarwal, 2011

Subspace Methods for Face Recognition7, Rao, 2010

Context Based Object Categorization: A Critical Survey5, Galleguillos, 2010

Object tracking: A Survey11, Yilmaz, 2006

Detecting Faces in Images: A Survey8, Yang, 2002


Data Fusion10, Bleiholder, 2008

Duplicate Record Detection: A Survey2, Elmagarmid, 2007

Overview of Record Linkage and Current Research Directions2, Winkler, 2006

A Survey of Schema-based Matching Approaches3, Shvaiko, 2005

Deep Learning

Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives84, Bengio, 2012

Dimension Reduction

Dimensionality Reduction: A Comparative Review12, Maaten, 2009

Dimension Reduction: A Guided Tour5, Burges, 2009

A Survey of Manifold-Based Learning Methods2, Huo, 2007

Toward Integrating Feature Selection Algorithms for Classification and Clustering4, Liu, 2005

An Introduction to Variable and Feature Selection4, Guyon, 2003

A Survey of Dimension Reduction Techniques3, Fodor, 2002


Auctions and Bidding: A Guide for Computer Scientists8, Parsons, 2011

Computational Sustainability2, Gomes, 2009

Computational Finance5, Tsang, 2004

Game Theory

Computer Poker: A Review14, Rubin, 2011

Graphical Models

An Introduction to Variational Methods for Graphical Models12, Jordan, 1999

Kernel Methods

Kernels for Vector-Valued Functions: a Review16, Alvarez, 2012

Learning Theory

Introduction to Statistical Learning Theory21, Bousquet, 2004

Machine Learning

A Few Useful Things to Know about Machine Learning35, Domingos, 2012

A Tutorial on Bayesian Nonparametric Models11, Blei, 2011

Decision Forests for Classification, Regression, Density Estimation, Manifold Learning and Semi-Supervised Learning7, Criminisi, 2011

Top 10 Algorithms in Data Mining24, Wu, 2008

Semi-Supervised Learning Literature Survey2, Zhu, 2007

Interestingness Measures for Data Mining: A Survey1, Geng, 2006

A Survey of Interestingness Measures for Knowledge Discovery3, McGarry, 2005

A Tutorial on the Cross-Entropy Method, Boer, 2005

A Survey of Kernels for Structured Data1, Gartner, 2003

Survey on Frequent Pattern Mining, Goethals, 2003

The Boosting Approach to Machine Learning: An Overview3, Schapire, 2003

A Survey on Wavelet Applications in Data Mining, Li, 2002


Topology and Data18, Carlsson, 2009

Multi-armed Bandit

Regret Analysis of Stochastic and Nonstochastic Multi-armed Bandit Problems9, Bubeck, 2012

Natural Computing

Reservoir Computing Approaches to Recurrent Neural Network Training, Jaeger, 2009

Artificial Immune Systems, Aickelin, 2005

A Survey of Evolutionary Algorithms for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery1, Freitas?? , 2003

Data Mining in Soft Computing Framework: A Survey2, Mitra, 2002

Neural Networks for Classification: A Survey3, Zhang, 2000

Natural Language Processing

Probabilistic Topic Models8, Blei, 2012

Ontology Learning From Text: A Look Back And Into The Future2, Wong, 2012

Machine Transliteration Survey1, Karimi, 2011

Translation Techniques in Cross-Language Information Retrieval, Zhou, 2011

Comprehensive Review of Opinion Summarization1, Kim, 2011

A Survey on Sentiment Detection of Reviews, Tang, 2009

Word Sense Desambiguation: A Survey, Navigli, 2009

Topic Models3, Blei, 2009

Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis, Pang, 2008

Information Extraction2, Sarawagi, 2008

Statistical Machine Translation, Lopez, 2008

A Survey of Named Entity Recognition and Classification2, Nadeau, 2007

Adaptive Information Extraction, Turmo, 2006

Survey of Text Clustering1, Jing, 2005

Machine Learning in Automated Text Categorization, Sebastiani, 2002

Web Mining Research: A Survey, Kosala, 2000


Community Detection in Graphs2, Fortunato, 2010

A Survey of Statistical Network Models1, Goldenberg, 2010

Communities in Networks1, Porter, 2009

Graph Clustering2, Schaeffer, 2007

Graph Mining: Laws, Generators, and Algorithms4, Chakrabarti, 2006

Comparing Community Structure Identification2, Danon, 2005

Link Mining: A Survey3, Getoor, 2005

Detecting Community Structure in Networks1, Newman, 2004

Link Mining: A New Data Mining Challenge1, Getoor, 2003

On-Line Learning

On-Line Algorithms in Machine Learning8, Blum, 1998


A Survey of Very Large-Scale Neighborhood Search Techniques, Ahuja, 2001

Planning and Scheduling

A Review of Machine Learning for Automated Planning3, Jimenez, 2009


Approximate Policy Iteration: A Survey and Some New Methods1, Bertsekas, 2011

An Introduction to MCMC for Machine Learning1, Andrieu, 2003

Probabilistic Models

An Introduction to Conditional Random Fields7, Sutton, 2010

Randomized Algorithms

Randomized Algorithms for Matrices and Data2, Mahoney, 2011

Recommender Systems

Recent advances in Personalized Recommender Systems4, Liu, 2009

Matrix Factorization Techniques for Recommender Systems3, Koren, 2009

A Survey of Collaborative Filtering Techniques3, Su, 2009


Ensemble Approaches for Regression: a Survey12, Moreira, 2012

Reinforcement Learning

A Survey of Reinforcement Learning in Relational Domains9, Otterlo, 2005

Reinforcement Learning: A Survey4, Kaelbling, 1996

Rule Learning

Association Mining1, Ceglar, 2006

Algorithms for Association Rule Mining - A General Survey and Comparison1, Hipp, 2000


Controlled Experiments on the Web: Survey and Practical Guide, Kohavi, 2009

Time Series

Time-Series Data Mining9, Esling, 2012

A Review on Time Series Data Mining6, Fu, 2011

Discrete Wavelet Transform-Based Time Series Analysis and Mining2, Chaovalit, 2011

Transfer Learning

A Survey on Transfer Learning5, Pan, 2010

Web Mining

A Taxonomy of Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithms1, Mabroukeh, 2010

A Survey of Web Clustering Engines, Carpineto, 2009

Web Page Classification: Features and Algorithms2, Qi, 2009

Mining Interesting Knowledge from Weblogs: A Survey, Facca, 2005

An Overview of Web Data Clustering Practices, Vakali, 2005

A Survey of Web Metrics1, Dhyani, 2002

Data Mining for Hypertext: A Tutorial Survey5, Chakrabarti, 2000

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