


 public static class ExposeBean {
        public String firstName;
        public String lastName;

        public String emailAddress;

        public String password;

        public ExposeBean(String firstName, String lastName, String emailAddress, String password) {
            this.firstName = firstName;
            this.lastName = lastName;
            this.emailAddress = emailAddress;
            this.password = password;

        public String toString() {
            return "ExposeBean{" +
                    "firstName='" + firstName + '\'' +
                    ", lastName='" + lastName + '\'' +
                    ", emailAddress='" + emailAddress + '\'' +
                    ", password='" + password + '\'' +

         public static void main(String[] args) {

			   val data= GsonAnnotation.ExposeBean("v1", "v2", "email","密码");
		        val gson= Gson();
		        val json= gson.toJson(data);



{  "emailAddress":"email",  "firstName":"v1", "lastName":"v2",


	  public static class ExposeBean {
	        public String firstName;
	        //参与序列化 但不参与反序列化
	        @Expose(serialize = true, deserialize = true)
	        public String lastName;
	        @Expose(serialize = false, deserialize = true)
	        public String emailAddress;
	        public String password;
	        public ExposeBean(String firstName, String lastName, String emailAddress, String password) {
	            this.firstName = firstName;
	            this.lastName = lastName;
	            this.emailAddress = emailAddress;
	            this.password = password;
	        public String toString() {
	            return "ExposeBean{" +
	                    "firstName='" + firstName + '\'' +
	                    ", lastName='" + lastName + '\'' +
	                    ", emailAddress='" + emailAddress + '\'' +
	                    ", password='" + password + '\'' +

         public static void main(String[] args) {

			   val data= GsonAnnotation.ExposeBean("v1", "v2", "email","密码");
		        val gson= GsonBuilder()
                .excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation()//启动Expose注解的使用 若需要使用expose注解 需要调用该方法才能生效
		        val json= gson.toJson(data);






	public final class GsonBuilder {
	  private Excluder excluder = Excluder.DEFAULT;
	  private LongSerializationPolicy longSerializationPolicy = LongSerializationPolicy.DEFAULT;
	  private FieldNamingStrategy fieldNamingPolicy = FieldNamingPolicy.IDENTITY;
	  //map集合 key:class对应的type value:InstanceCreator 用于根据type来创建java bean
	  private final Map<Type, InstanceCreator<?>> instanceCreators
	      = new HashMap<Type, InstanceCreator<?>>();
	  private final List<TypeAdapterFactory> factories = new ArrayList<TypeAdapterFactory>();
	  /** 样式层次工厂。这些都是继工厂之后的向后兼容性 */
	  private final List<TypeAdapterFactory> hierarchyFactories = new ArrayList<TypeAdapterFactory>();
	  //标识符  null值是否要序列化
	  private boolean serializeNulls = DEFAULT_SERIALIZE_NULLS;
	  private String datePattern;
	  private int dateStyle = DateFormat.DEFAULT;
	  private int timeStyle = DateFormat.DEFAULT;
	  private boolean complexMapKeySerialization = DEFAULT_COMPLEX_MAP_KEYS;
	  private boolean serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues = DEFAULT_SPECIALIZE_FLOAT_VALUES;
	  //是否使用Gson转义HTML字符 默认为true
	  private boolean escapeHtmlChars = DEFAULT_ESCAPE_HTML;
	  //标识符 是否需要格式化打印
	  private boolean prettyPrinting = DEFAULT_PRETTY_PRINT;
	  //标识符 是否不执行过滤  默认false
	  private boolean generateNonExecutableJson = DEFAULT_JSON_NON_EXECUTABLE;
	  //标识符  是否是宽容政策  默认false
	  private boolean lenient = DEFAULT_LENIENT;
	   * Creates a GsonBuilder instance that can be used to build Gson with various configuration
	   * settings. GsonBuilder follows the builder pattern, and it is typically used by first
	   * invoking various configuration methods to set desired options, and finally calling
	   * {@link #create()}.
	  public GsonBuilder() {
	   * Constructs a GsonBuilder instance from a Gson instance. The newly constructed GsonBuilder
	   * has the same configuration as the previously built Gson instance.
	   * @param gson the gson instance whose configuration should by applied to a new GsonBuilder.
	  GsonBuilder(Gson gson) {
	    this.excluder = gson.excluder;
	    this.fieldNamingPolicy = gson.fieldNamingStrategy;
	    this.serializeNulls = gson.serializeNulls;
	    this.complexMapKeySerialization = gson.complexMapKeySerialization;
	    this.generateNonExecutableJson = gson.generateNonExecutableJson;
	    this.escapeHtmlChars = gson.htmlSafe;
	    this.prettyPrinting = gson.prettyPrinting;
	    this.lenient = gson.lenient;
	    this.serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues = gson.serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues;
	    this.longSerializationPolicy = gson.longSerializationPolicy;
	    this.datePattern = gson.datePattern;
	    this.dateStyle = gson.dateStyle;
	    this.timeStyle = gson.timeStyle;
	   * 配置Gson以启用版本支持
	   * 当我们设置了版本后  它会和since/until注解上设置的版本进行比较,若不符合将会被忽略,不被进行序列化和反序列化
	   * @param ignoreVersionsAfter
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder setVersion(double ignoreVersionsAfter) {
	    excluder = excluder.withVersion(ignoreVersionsAfter);
	    return this;
	   * 配置Gson排除所有具有指定修饰符的类字段。默认情况下,Gson将排除所有标记为transient或static的字段。此方法将覆盖该行为
	   * @param modifiers
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder excludeFieldsWithModifiers(int... modifiers) {
	    excluder = excluder.withModifiers(modifiers);
	    return this;
	   * 通过在生成的JSON前面加上一些特殊的文本,使输出JSON在Javascript中不可执行。这可以防止第三方网站通过脚本来源进行攻击
	   * <a href="">
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder generateNonExecutableJson() {
	    this.generateNonExecutableJson = true;
	    return this;
	   * 允许属性执行Expose注解  默认是不允许的  当Java bean使用了Expose注解需要调用该方法
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation() {
	    excluder = excluder.excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation();
	    return this;
	   * 是否允许序列化空值
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder serializeNulls() {
	    this.serializeNulls = true;
	    return this;
	   * Enabling this feature will only change the serialized form if the map key is
	   * a complex type (i.e. non-primitive) in its <strong>serialized</strong> JSON
	   * form. The default implementation of map serialization uses {@code toString()}
	   * on the key; however, when this is called then one of the following cases
	   * apply:
	   * <h3>Maps as JSON objects</h3>
	   * For this case, assume that a type adapter is registered to serialize and
	   * deserialize some {@code Point} class, which contains an x and y coordinate,
	   * to/from the JSON Primitive string value {@code "(x,y)"}. The Java map would
	   * then be serialized as a {@link JsonObject}.
	   * <p>Below is an example:
	   * <pre>  {@code
	   *   Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
	   *       .register(Point.class, new MyPointTypeAdapter())
	   *       .enableComplexMapKeySerialization()
	   *       .create();
	   *   Map<Point, String> original = new LinkedHashMap<Point, String>();
	   *   original.put(new Point(5, 6), "a");
	   *   original.put(new Point(8, 8), "b");
	   *   System.out.println(gson.toJson(original, type));
	   * }</pre>
	   * The above code prints this JSON object:<pre>  {@code
	   *   {
	   *     "(5,6)": "a",
	   *     "(8,8)": "b"
	   *   }
	   * }</pre>
	   * <h3>Maps as JSON arrays</h3>
	   * For this case, assume that a type adapter was NOT registered for some
	   * {@code Point} class, but rather the default Gson serialization is applied.
	   * In this case, some {@code new Point(2,3)} would serialize as {@code
	   * {"x":2,"y":5}}.
	   * <p>Given the assumption above, a {@code Map<Point, String>} will be
	   * serialize as an array of arrays (can be viewed as an entry set of pairs).
	   * <p>Below is an example of serializing complex types as JSON arrays:
	   * <pre> {@code
	   *   Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
	   *       .enableComplexMapKeySerialization()
	   *       .create();
	   *   Map<Point, String> original = new LinkedHashMap<Point, String>();
	   *   original.put(new Point(5, 6), "a");
	   *   original.put(new Point(8, 8), "b");
	   *   System.out.println(gson.toJson(original, type));
	   * }
	   * The JSON output would look as follows:
	   * <pre>   {@code
	   *   [
	   *     [
	   *       {
	   *         "x": 5,
	   *         "y": 6
	   *       },
	   *       "a"
	   *     ],
	   *     [
	   *       {
	   *         "x": 8,
	   *         "y": 8
	   *       },
	   *       "b"
	   *     ]
	   *   ]
	   * }</pre>
	   * @return a reference to this {@code GsonBuilder} object to fulfill the "Builder" pattern
	   * @since 1.7
	   * 如果map key是一个serialized JSON形式的复杂类型(即非原始类型),启用该功能将只会改变序列化的形式。
	   * 映射序列化的默认实现在键上使用{@code toString()};然而,当这被调用时,下列情况之一适用:
	   * 映射为JSON对象
	   * *对于本例,假设类型适配器已注册为序列化和
	   * 反序列化某个包含x和y坐标的{@code Point}类,
	   * 从JSON原始字符串值{@code "(x,y)"}。Java映射
	   * 然后序列化为{@link JsonObject}
	   * *
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder enableComplexMapKeySerialization() {
	    complexMapKeySerialization = true;
	    return this;
	   * Configures Gson to exclude inner classes during serialization.
	   * @return a reference to this {@code GsonBuilder} object to fulfill the "Builder" pattern
	   * @since 1.3
	  public GsonBuilder disableInnerClassSerialization() {
	    excluder = excluder.disableInnerClassSerialization();
	    return this;
	   * Configures Gson to apply a specific serialization policy for {@code Long} and {@code long}
	   * objects.
	   * @param serializationPolicy the particular policy to use for serializing longs.
	   * @return a reference to this {@code GsonBuilder} object to fulfill the "Builder" pattern
	   * @since 1.3
	  public GsonBuilder setLongSerializationPolicy(LongSerializationPolicy serializationPolicy) {
	    this.longSerializationPolicy = serializationPolicy;
	    return this;
	   * 配置Gson在序列化和反序列化过程中对对象的字段应用特定的命名策略。
	   * @param namingConvention
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder setFieldNamingPolicy(FieldNamingPolicy namingConvention) {
	    this.fieldNamingPolicy = namingConvention;
	    return this;
	   * 配置Gson在序列化和反序列化过程中对对象的字段应用特定的命名策略
	   * @param fieldNamingStrategy
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder setFieldNamingStrategy(FieldNamingStrategy fieldNamingStrategy) {
	    this.fieldNamingPolicy = fieldNamingStrategy;
	    return this;
	   * 设置自定义的过滤策略
	   * @param strategies
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder setExclusionStrategies(ExclusionStrategy... strategies) {
	    for (ExclusionStrategy strategy : strategies) {
	      excluder = excluder.withExclusionStrategy(strategy, true, true);
	    return this;
	   * 配置Gson应用在序列化过程中传递的过滤策略
	   * @param strategy
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder addSerializationExclusionStrategy(ExclusionStrategy strategy) {
	    excluder = excluder.withExclusionStrategy(strategy, true, false);
	    return this;
	   * 配置Gson应用在反序列化过程中传递的过滤策略
	   * @param strategy
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder addDeserializationExclusionStrategy(ExclusionStrategy strategy) {
	    excluder = excluder.withExclusionStrategy(strategy, false, true);
	    return this;
	   * 是否启动格式化打印信息
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder setPrettyPrinting() {
	    prettyPrinting = true;
	    return this;
	   * By default, Gson is strict and only accepts JSON as specified by
	   * <a href="">RFC 4627</a>. This option makes the parser
	   * liberal in what it accepts.
	   * @return a reference to this {@code GsonBuilder} object to fulfill the "Builder" pattern
	   * @see JsonReader#setLenient(boolean)
	  public GsonBuilder setLenient() {
	    lenient = true;
	    return this;
	   *   是否禁用Gson转义HTML字符    默认为true:Gson转义HTML字符  false:禁止Gson转义HTML字符
	   *  @return
	  public GsonBuilder disableHtmlEscaping() {
	    this.escapeHtmlChars = false;
	    return this;
	   * Configures Gson to serialize {@code Date} objects according to the pattern provided. You can
	   * call this method or {@link #setDateFormat(int)} multiple times, but only the last invocation
	   * will be used to decide the serialization format.
	   * <p>The date format will be used to serialize and deserialize {@link java.util.Date}, {@link
	   * java.sql.Timestamp} and {@link java.sql.Date}.
	   * <p>Note that this pattern must abide by the convention provided by {@code SimpleDateFormat}
	   * class. See the documentation in {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat} for more information on
	   * valid date and time patterns.</p>
	   * @param pattern the pattern that dates will be serialized/deserialized to/from
	   * @return a reference to this {@code GsonBuilder} object to fulfill the "Builder" pattern
	   * @since 1.2
	  public GsonBuilder setDateFormat(String pattern) {
	    // TODO(Joel): Make this fail fast if it is an invalid date format
	    this.datePattern = pattern;
	    return this;
	   * 设置时间格式  用于确定日期适配器的格式
	   * @param style   日期样式
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder setDateFormat(int style) {
	    this.dateStyle = style;
	    this.datePattern = null;
	    return this;
	   * 设置时间格式  用于确定日期适配器的格式
	   * @param dateStyle   日期样式
	   * @param timeStyle   时间样式
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder setDateFormat(int dateStyle, int timeStyle) {
	    this.dateStyle = dateStyle;
	    this.timeStyle = timeStyle;
	    this.datePattern = null;
	    return this;
	   * 配置Gson自定义序列化或反序列化
	   * @param type              java bean的class对象
	   * @param typeAdapter       可以是typeAdapter/InstanceCreator/JsonSerializer/JsonDeserializer
	   * @return
	  @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
	  public GsonBuilder registerTypeAdapter(Type type, Object typeAdapter) {
	    $Gson$Preconditions.checkArgument(typeAdapter instanceof JsonSerializer<?>
	        || typeAdapter instanceof JsonDeserializer<?>
	        || typeAdapter instanceof InstanceCreator<?>
	        || typeAdapter instanceof TypeAdapter<?>);
	    if (typeAdapter instanceof InstanceCreator<?>) {
	      instanceCreators.put(type, (InstanceCreator) typeAdapter);
	    if (typeAdapter instanceof JsonSerializer<?> || typeAdapter instanceof JsonDeserializer<?>) {
	      TypeToken<?> typeToken = TypeToken.get(type);
	      factories.add(TreeTypeAdapter.newFactoryWithMatchRawType(typeToken, typeAdapter));
	    if (typeAdapter instanceof TypeAdapter<?>) {
	      factories.add(TypeAdapters.newFactory(TypeToken.get(type), (TypeAdapter)typeAdapter));
	    return this;
	   * 为java bean或者java bean中的属性添加一个自定义TypeAdapter解析器工厂
	   * @param factory
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder registerTypeAdapterFactory(TypeAdapterFactory factory) {
	    return this;
	   * 配置Gson用于继承类型层次结构的自定义序列化或反序列化。
	   * 这个方法结合了{@link TypeAdapter}、{@link JsonSerializer}和{@link JsonDeserializer}的注册。
	   * 如果先前已为指定的类型层次结构注册了类型适配器,则会覆盖该适配器。如果类型适配器是为类型层次结构中的特定类型注册的,
	   * 那么将调用它,而不是为类型层次结构注册的适配器。
	   * @param baseType          java bean的class对象
	   * @param typeAdapter       可以是typeAdapter/JsonSerializer/JsonDeserializer
	   * @return
	   @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
	  public GsonBuilder registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(Class<?> baseType, Object typeAdapter) {
	    $Gson$Preconditions.checkArgument(typeAdapter instanceof JsonSerializer<?>
	        || typeAdapter instanceof JsonDeserializer<?>
	        || typeAdapter instanceof TypeAdapter<?>);
	    if (typeAdapter instanceof JsonDeserializer || typeAdapter instanceof JsonSerializer) {
	      hierarchyFactories.add(TreeTypeAdapter.newTypeHierarchyFactory(baseType, typeAdapter));
	    if (typeAdapter instanceof TypeAdapter<?>) {
	      factories.add(TypeAdapters.newTypeHierarchyFactory(baseType, (TypeAdapter)typeAdapter));
	    return this;
	   * 是否允许序列化双精度值(NaN, Infinity, -Infinity)
	   * 默认是不允许的序列化双进度值的 若是false,在解析json的过程中出现了会抛异常
	   * @return
	  public GsonBuilder serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues() {
	    this.serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues = true;
	    return this;
	   * 1.根据当前配置创建一个gson实例  可以多次调用
	   * 2.将注册的TypeAdapterFactory做为参数传递给Gson
	   * @return
	  public Gson create() {
	    List<TypeAdapterFactory> factories = new ArrayList<TypeAdapterFactory>(this.factories.size() + this.hierarchyFactories.size() + 3);
	    List<TypeAdapterFactory> hierarchyFactories = new ArrayList<TypeAdapterFactory>(this.hierarchyFactories);
	    addTypeAdaptersForDate(datePattern, dateStyle, timeStyle, factories);
	    return new Gson(excluder, fieldNamingPolicy, instanceCreators,
	        serializeNulls, complexMapKeySerialization,
	        generateNonExecutableJson, escapeHtmlChars, prettyPrinting, lenient,
	        serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues, longSerializationPolicy,
	        datePattern, dateStyle, timeStyle,
	        this.factories, this.hierarchyFactories, factories);
	  private void addTypeAdaptersForDate(String datePattern, int dateStyle, int timeStyle,
	      List<TypeAdapterFactory> factories) {
	    DefaultDateTypeAdapter dateTypeAdapter;
	    TypeAdapter<Timestamp> timestampTypeAdapter;
	    TypeAdapter<java.sql.Date> javaSqlDateTypeAdapter;
	    if (datePattern != null && !"".equals(datePattern.trim())) {
	      dateTypeAdapter = new DefaultDateTypeAdapter(Date.class, datePattern);
	      timestampTypeAdapter = (TypeAdapter) new DefaultDateTypeAdapter(Timestamp.class, datePattern);
	      javaSqlDateTypeAdapter = (TypeAdapter) new DefaultDateTypeAdapter(java.sql.Date.class, datePattern);
	    } else if (dateStyle != DateFormat.DEFAULT && timeStyle != DateFormat.DEFAULT) {
	      dateTypeAdapter = new DefaultDateTypeAdapter(Date.class, dateStyle, timeStyle);
	      timestampTypeAdapter = (TypeAdapter) new DefaultDateTypeAdapter(Timestamp.class, dateStyle, timeStyle);
	      javaSqlDateTypeAdapter = (TypeAdapter) new DefaultDateTypeAdapter(java.sql.Date.class, dateStyle, timeStyle);
	    } else {
	    factories.add(TypeAdapters.newFactory(Date.class, dateTypeAdapter));
	    factories.add(TypeAdapters.newFactory(Timestamp.class, timestampTypeAdapter));
	    factories.add(TypeAdapters.newFactory(java.sql.Date.class, javaSqlDateTypeAdapter));




GsonBuilder(Gson gson)




setVersion(double ignoreVersionsAfter)


excludeFieldsWithModifiers(int… modifiers)





	允许属性执行Expose注解  默认是不允许的  当Java bean使用了Expose注解需要调用该方法才会生效


 是否允许对null进行序列化,默认是不允许的。false:不允许   true:允许

setFieldNamingPolicy(FieldNamingPolicy namingConvention)


setFieldNamingStrategy(FieldNamingStrategy fieldNamingStrategy)


setExclusionStrategies(ExclusionStrategy… strategies)


addSerializationExclusionStrategy(ExclusionStrategy strategy)


addDeserializationExclusionStrategy(ExclusionStrategy strategy)





	是否禁用Gson转义HTML字符    默认为true:Gson转义HTML字符  false:禁止Gson转义HTML字符

**registerTypeAdapter(Type type, Object typeAdapter) **

    配置Gson自定义序列化或反序列化. 参数type :java bean的class对象.参数typeAdapter :可以是typeAdapter/InstanceCreator/JsonSerializer/JsonDeserializer

registerTypeAdapterFactory(TypeAdapterFactory factory)

    为java bean或者java bean中的属性添加一个自定义TypeAdapter解析器工厂.     

registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(Class<?> baseType, Object typeAdapter)

   * 配置Gson用于继承类型层次结构的自定义序列化或反序列化。
   * 这个方法结合了{@link TypeAdapter}、{@link JsonSerializer}和{@link JsonDeserializer}的注册。
   * 如果先前已为指定的类型层次结构注册了类型适配器,则会覆盖该适配器。如果类型适配器是为类型层次结构中的特定类型注册的,
   * 那么将调用它,而不是为类型层次结构注册的适配器。
   * @param baseType          java bean的class对象
   * @param typeAdapter       可以是typeAdapter/JsonSerializer/JsonDeserializer


	 是否允许序列化双精度值(NaN, Infinity, -Infinity) 默认是不允许的序列化双进度值的 若是false,在解析json的过程中出现了会抛异常

setDateFormat(int dateStyle, int timeStyle)

   * 设置时间格式  用于确定日期适配器的格式
   * @param dateStyle   日期样式
   * @param timeStyle   时间样式
  • 0
  • 6
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


