
--原题目https://blog.csdn.net/tu451953337/article/details/45147757 https://blog.csdn.net/tu451953337/article/details/45147757

--create table t_student(stuid int primary key,name varchar(20), age int, sex char(1));

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of t_student
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `t_student` VALUES ('1', 'bili', '25', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_student` VALUES ('2', 'mary', '22', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_student` VALUES ('3', 'lilei', '18', '0');
INSERT INTO `t_student` VALUES ('4', 'huaye', '23', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_student` VALUES ('5', 'zhangye', '23', '0');

--create table t_course(cid int primary key, name varchar(20), teacherid int);
--alter table t_course
--add constraint tcourse_fk foreign key (teacherid) references t_teacher(tid);

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of t_course
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `t_course` VALUES ('1', 'chinese', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_course` VALUES ('2', 'math', '3');
INSERT INTO `t_course` VALUES ('3', 'english', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_course` VALUES ('4', 'music', '2');
INSERT INTO `t_course` VALUES ('5', 'computer', '4');

--create table t_sc(stuid int, cid int, score int);
--alter table t_sc 
--add constraint t_sc_pk primary key (stuid, cid);
--alter table t_sc
--add constraint t_sc_stuid_fk foreign key (stuid) references t_student(stuid);
--alter table t_sc
--add constraint t_sc_cid_fk foreign key (cid) references t_course(cid);

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of t_sc
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('1', '1', '80.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('1', '1', '80.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('1', '2', '75.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('1', '3', '68.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('1', '4', '70.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('1', '5', '90.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('2', '1', '65.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('2', '2', '40.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('2', '3', '90.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('2', '4', '74.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('2', '5', '72.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('3', '1', '64.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('3', '2', '94.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('3', '3', '63.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('3', '4', '72.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('3', '5', '64.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('4', '1', '64.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('4', '2', '28.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('4', '3', '97.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('4', '4', '68.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('4', '5', '71.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('5', '1', '36.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('5', '2', '68.50');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('5', '3', '84.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('5', '4', '79.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('5', '5', '80.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('6', '1', '81.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('6', '2', '78.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('6', '3', '79.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('6', '4', '84.00');
INSERT INTO `t_sc` VALUES ('6', '5', '82.60');

--create table t_teacher(tid int primary key, tname varchar(20));

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of t_teacher
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `t_teacher` VALUES ('1', 'Mr.mao');
INSERT INTO `t_teacher` VALUES ('2', 'Mr.li');
INSERT INTO `t_teacher` VALUES ('3', 'Mr.kay');
INSERT INTO `t_teacher` VALUES ('4', 'Mr.zhu');

select * from t_student for update;
select * from t_course for update;
select * from t_sc for update;
select * from t_teacher for update;

select a.stuid
  from (select * from t_sc s where s.cid = 1) a,
       (select * from t_sc s where s.cid = 2) b
 where a.stuid = b.stuid
   and a.score > b.score;
select a.S#
  from (select s#, score from SC where C# = '001') a,
       (select s#, score from SC where C# = '002')
 where a.score > b.score
   and a.s# = b.s#;
select stuid, avg(score) from t_sc group by stuid having avg(score)>80;

select s.stuid, s.name, c.xks, c.zcj
  from t_student s left outer join
       (select stuid, count(cid) xks, sum(score) zcj
          from t_sc
         group by stuid) c
 on s.stuid = c.stuid;

select s.stuid, s.name, count(c.cid), sum(c.score)
  from t_student s
  left Outer join t_sc c
    on s.stuid = c.stuid
 group by s.stuid, s.name;
select count(tid) from t_teacher where tname like '李%';

select s.stuid,s.name from t_student s, t_course c, t_teacher t, t_sc sc where s.stuid=sc.stuid and c.cid=sc.cid and c.teacherid=t.tid and t.tname!='叶平';
 select Student.S#, Student.Sname
   from Student
  where S# not in
        (select distinct (SC.S#) from SC,
                         Teacher where SC.C# = Course.C#and Teacher.T# = Course.T# andTeacher.Tname = '叶平');

select s.stuid,s.name from t_student s, t_sc c where c.cid=1 and s.stuid=c.stuid and exists (select * from t_sc sc where sc.stuid=s.stuid and sc.cid=2);

-- select Student.S#,Student.Sname fromStudent,SC where Student.S#=SC.S# andSC.C#='001'and exists( Select * from SC as SC_2 where SC_2.S#=SC.S# and SC_2.C#='002');

select s.stuid,s.name from t_student s, t_sc sc where s.stuid = sc.stuid and sc.cid in(
select c.cid from t_teacher t, t_course c where t.tid=c.teacherid and t.tname='Mr.kay');

 select S#, Sname
   from Student
  where S# in
        (select S#
           from SC, Course, Teacher
          where SC.C# = Course.C# andTeacher.T# = Course.T#
            and Teacher.Tname = '叶平'
          group by S#
         having count(SC.C#) = (select count(C#) from Course,
                                      Teacher where Teacher.T# = Course.T# and Tname = '叶平'));

Select S#, Sname
  from (select Student.S#,
               (select score
                  from SC SC_2
                 where SC_2.S# = Student.S#and SC_2.C# = '002') score2
          from Student, SC
         where Student.S# = SC.S# andC# = '001') S_2
 where score2 < score;
select s.stuid, s.name from t_student s where s.stuid not in (select sc.stuid from t_student s, t_sc sc where sc.score>=60 and s.stuid=sc.stuid);
select s.stuid, s.name from t_student s where not exists (select * from t_sc sc where sc.stuid=s.stuid and sc.score>=60);

select s.stuid, s.name from t_student s,t_sc sc where s.stuid=sc.stuid group by s.stuid,s.name having count(sc.cid) != (select count(cid) from t_course);

 select Student.S#, Student.Sname
   from Student, SC whereStudent.S# = SC.S#
  group by Student.S#, Student.Sname
 having count(C#) < (select count(C#) from Course);

select distinct s.stuid,s.name from t_student s, t_sc sc where s.stuid=sc.stuid and s.stuid!=1 and  sc.cid in (select cid from t_sc where stuid=1)
--select s.stuid,s.name from t_Student s, t_SC sc where s.stuid=SC.Stuid and sc.cid in (select Cid from t_SC where stuid='1');

update t_sc sc1 set sc1.score = 
(select avg(score) from t_sc group by cid having cid in (select cid from t_teacher t, t_course c where t.tid=c.teacherid and t.tname='Mr.mao') and cid=sc1.cid);
update t_sc sc_1
   set sc_1.score =
       (select avg(sc_2.score) from t_sc sc_2 where sc_2.cid = sc_1.cid)
       from t_course,
 where t_course.Cid = t_sc.cid and t_course.tid = t_teacher.tid
   and t_teacher.tname = 'Mr.mao');
select * from t_sc sc, t_course c, t_teacher t where sc.cid=c.cid and c.teacherid=t.tid and t.tname='Mr.mao'

select * from t_sc where stuid in(
select stuid
  from t_sc
 group by stuid
having count(*) = (select count(*) from t_sc where stuid = 6)
and cid in (select cid from t_sc where stuid=6);

delete t_sc where cid in(
select cid from t_course c, t_teacher t where c.teacherid=t.tid and t.tname='Mr.mao');

insert into t_sc 
select stuid, '5' cid, (select avg(score) from t_sc sc where sc.cid=2) score
 from t_student s where not exists
(select * from t_sc sc where sc.cid=5 and sc.stuid=s.stuid);

--如下形式显示: 学生ID,,数据库,企业管理,英语,有效课程数,有效平均分

select t.stuid,
       max(case t.cname when 'Chinese' then t.score end) Chinese,
       max(case t.cname when 'Math' then t.score end) Math,
       max(case t.cname when 'English' then t.score end) English,
       round(avg(t.score), 2) avgscore,
       count(t.cid) kcs
  from (select s.stuid, s.name stuname, sc.cid, sc.score, c.name cname
          from t_student s, t_sc sc, t_course c
         where s.stuid = sc.stuid
           and sc.cid = c.cid
           and c.name in ('Chinese', 'Math', 'English')) t
 group by t.stuid
 order by avgscore desc;
select sc.stuid,
       (select score from t_sc where cid=1 and stuid=sc.stuid) Chinese,
       (select score from t_sc where cid=2 and stuid=sc.stuid) Math,
       (select score from t_sc where cid=3 and stuid=sc.stuid) English,
       round(avg(sc.score),2) avgscore,
       count(c.cid) kcs
 from t_sc sc, t_course c where sc.cid=c.cid and c.name in ('Chinese', 'Math', 'English')
 group by sc.stuid
 order by avgscore desc;

select cid, max(score) maxscore, min(score) minscore from t_sc group by cid order by cid;
 SELECT L.Cid As 课程ID, L.score AS 最高分, R.score AS 最低分
   FROM t_SC  L, t_SC  R
  WHERE L.Cid = R.Cid
    and L.score = (SELECT MAX(IL.score)
                     FROM t_SC  IL, t_Student  IM
                    WHERE L.Cid = IL.Cid
                      and IM.Stuid = IL.Stuid
                    GROUP BY IL.Cid)
    AND R.Score =
        (SELECT MIN(IR.score) FROM t_SC  IR WHERE R.Cid = IR.Cid GROUP BY IR.Cid);

select sc.cid, (select name from t_course where cid=sc.cid) cname,
       round(avg(sc.score),2) avgscore,
       round((select count(*) from t_sc where cid = sc.cid and score>=70)/
       (select count(*) from t_sc where cid = sc.cid)*100,2)||'%' jgl
  from t_sc sc
 group by sc.cid
 order by avgscore, jgl desc;
  SELECT t.C# AS 课程号,max(course.Cname)AS 课程名,isnull(AVG(score),0) AS平均成绩
        ,100 * SUM(CASE WHEN  isnull(score,0)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/COUNT(*) AS 及格百分数
    FROM SC T,Course
    where t.C#=course.C#
    GROUP BY t.C#
    ORDER BY 100* SUM(CASE WHEN  isnull(score,0)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/COUNT(*) DESC

--企业管理(001),马克思(002),OO&UML (003),数据库(004) 
select * from t_sc sc group by sc.cid

select sc.cid, (select name from t_course where cid=sc.cid) cname,
       case sc.cid when 1 then round(avg(sc.score),2) end chinese_avgscore,
       case sc.cid when 1 then
       round((select count(*) from t_sc where cid = sc.cid and score>=70)/
       (select count(*) from t_sc where cid = sc.cid)*100,2)||'%' end chinese_jgl       
  from t_sc sc
 group by sc.cid

select sc.cid,
       round(avg(sc.score),2) avg_score,
  from t_sc sc, t_course c, t_teacher t
  where sc.cid=c.cid and t.tid=c.teacherid
 group by sc.cid, c.name, t.tname
 order by avg_score desc;

--22、查询如下语文成绩第 2 名到第 5 名的学生成绩单:
--[学生ID],[学生姓名],语文成绩, 排名
select * from (
select t.*, rownum tn from (
select s.stuid, s.name,
       min(case c.name when 'Chinese' then sc.score end) chinese_score
  from t_student s, t_sc sc, t_course c
 where s.stuid = sc.stuid
   and sc.cid = c.cid
  group by s.stuid, s.name
  order by chinese_score desc) t where rownum <=5) where tn>1
--23、统计列印各科成绩,各分数段人数:课程ID,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60] 

select sc.cid, c.name,
(select count(*) from t_sc where cid=sc.cid and score>=85 and score<=100) a,
(select count(*) from t_sc where cid=sc.cid and score>=70 and score<85) b,
(select count(*) from t_sc where cid=sc.cid and score>=60 and score<70) c,
(select count(*) from t_sc where cid=sc.cid and score<60) d
  from t_sc sc, t_course c
 where sc.cid = c.cid
 group by sc.cid, c.name;
 SELECT SC.Cid as 课程ID, c.name as 课程名称 
        ,SUM(CASE WHEN sc.score BETWEEN 85 AND 100 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS a
        ,SUM(CASE WHEN sc.score BETWEEN 70 AND 85 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS b
        ,SUM(CASE WHEN sc.score BETWEEN 60 AND 70 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS c
        ,SUM(CASE WHEN sc.score < 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS d
    FROM t_SC sc,t_Course c
    where SC.Cid=C.Cid 
    GROUP BY SC.Cid,c.name; 

select t.*, rownum rn from (
select s.stuid, s.name, avg(sc.score) avg_score from t_student s, t_sc sc where s.stuid=sc.stuid
group by s.stuid, s.name
order by avg_score desc)  t;

select t.*, row_number() over(order by avg_score desc) pm from (
select s.stuid, s.name, avg(sc.score) avg_score
 from t_student s, t_sc sc where s.stuid=sc.stuid
group by s.stuid, s.name
)  t;

select * from (
select sc.cid, c.name, sc.score, row_number() over(partition by sc.cid,c.name order by sc.score desc) pm
from t_sc sc, t_course c where sc.cid=c.cid ) where pm <=3;

SELECT t1.S# as 学生ID,t1.C# as 课程ID,Score as 分数 
      FROM SC t1 
      WHERE score IN (SELECT TOP 3 score 
              FROM SC 
              WHERE t1.C#= C# 
            ORDER BY score DESC 
      ORDER BY t1.C#; 

select cid, count(*) rs, (select name from t_course where cid=t_sc.cid) cname from t_sc group by cid;

select sc.stuid, s.name from t_sc sc, t_student s where sc.stuid = s.stuid group by sc.stuid,s.name having count(*) =3;

select case when sex='1' then 'Man' else 'Woman' end sex, count(*) rs from t_student group by sex;

select * from t_student where name like 'w%';

select name, count(*) rs from t_student group by name having count(*)>1;

select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy') year from dual;

select cid, round(avg(score),2) avg_score from t_sc group by cid order by avg_score, cid desc;

select s.stuid, s.name, round(avg(sc.score), 2) avg_score from t_student s, t_sc sc where s.stuid=sc.stuid group by s.stuid, s.name having avg(sc.score)>80;

select s.stuid, s.name stuname, sc.score from t_student s, t_sc sc, t_course c where s.stuid=sc.stuid and sc.cid=c.cid and c.name='Computer' and sc.score<70;

select s.stuid, s.name stuname, c.cid, c.name coursename from t_student s, t_sc sc, t_course c where s.stuid=sc.stuid and sc.cid=c.cid;

select s.stuid, s.name stuname, c.cid, c.name coursename, sc.score from t_student s, t_sc sc, t_course c where s.stuid=sc.stuid and sc.cid=c.cid and sc.score>70;

select c.cid, c.name from t_sc sc, t_course c where sc.cid=c.cid group by c.cid,c.name,sc.score having sc.score<70 order by c.cid desc;

select s.stuid, s.name, sc.score from t_student s,t_sc sc where s.stuid=sc.stuid and sc.cid=3 and sc.score>80;

select count(*) rs from (select stuid from t_sc group by stuid);

select s.stuid, s.name stuname, t.max_score from t_student s, t_sc sc,
(select c.cid, max(sc.score) max_score from t_sc sc, t_course c, t_teacher t where sc.cid=c.cid and c.teacherid=t.tid
and t.tname='Mr.mao' group by c.cid) t 
where s.stuid=sc.stuid and sc.cid=t.cid and sc.score=t.max_score;
select S.name stuname, sc.score
  from t_Student s, t_SC sc, t_Course C, t_Teacher t
 where S.Stuid = SC.Stuid
   and SC.Cid = C.Cid
   and C.Teacherid = T.tid
   and T.Tname = 'Mr.mao'
   and SC.score = (select max(score) from t_SC where Cid = C.Cid);*/

select cid, count(*) rs from t_sc group by cid order by cid;

select * from t_sc sc where exists (select * from t_sc where stuid!=sc.stuid and cid!=sc.cid and score=sc.score);
select distinct  A.Stuid,B.score from t_SC A  ,t_SC B where A.Score=B.Score and A.Cid <>B.Cid ; 

select * from (select stuid, cid ,score, row_number() over(partition by cid order by score desc) pm from t_sc) where pm<3;
 SELECT t1.S# as 学生ID, t1.C# as 课程ID, Score as 分数
   FROM SC t1
  WHERE score IN
        (SELECT TOP 2 score FROM SC WHERE t1.C# = C# ORDER BY score DESC)
  ORDER BY t1.C#;

select cid, count(*) rs from t_sc group by cid having count(*) > 5 order by rs desc, cid;

select stuid ,count(*) from t_sc group by stuid having count(*) > 2;

select c.cid, c.name from t_course c where exists (
select cid, count(*) rs from t_sc where cid=c.cid group by cid having count(*) = (select count(*) from t_student)

select * from t_student where stuid not in(
select s.stuid from t_student s, t_sc sc where s.stuid=sc.stuid and  sc.cid in (select cid from t_course c, t_teacher t where c.teacherid=t.tid and t.tname='Mr.zhu'));

select * from t_Student s where s.stuid not in (select sc.stuid from t_Course c,t_Teacher t,t_SC sc where c.teacherid=T.Tid and SC.Cid=c.Cid and t.Tname='Mr.zhu'); 

select stuid, avg(score) avg_score from t_sc group by stuid having stuid in(
select stuid from t_sc where score<70 group by stuid having count(*) >1);

select S#,avg(isnull(score,0)) from SC where S# in (select S# from SC where score <60 group by S# having count(*)>1)group by S#;

select stuid from t_sc where cid=5 and score<70 order by score desc;

delete from t_sc where stuid=2 and cid=1;






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