2020.04.09-intermediates-dir-for shell function analyze

define intermediates-dir-for

 define intermediates-dir-for
 $(strip \
     //用 eval 定义 _idfClass 是去除空格后的$(1)
     $(eval _idfClass := $(strip $(1))) \
     //若 _idfClass 没定义则报错
     $(if $(_idfClass),, \
         $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): Class not defined in call to intermediates-dir-for)) \
     //用 eval 定义 _idfName 是去除空格后的$(2)
     $(eval _idfName := $(strip $(2))) \
     //若 _idfName 没定义则报错
     $(if $(_idfName),, \
         $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): Name not defined in call to intermediates-dir-for)) \
     $(eval _idfPrefix := $(if $(strip $(3)),HOST,TARGET)) \
     $(if $(filter $(_idfPrefix)-$(_idfClass),$(COMMON_MODULE_CLASSES))$(4), \
         $(eval _idfIntBase := $($(_idfPrefix)_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)) \
       , \
         $(eval _idfIntBase := $($(_idfPrefix)_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)) \
      ) \
     $(_idfIntBase)/$(_idfClass)/$(_idfName)_intermediates \

相关shell function 介绍:

strip function:

Removes leading and trailing whitespace from string and replaces each internal sequence of one or more whitespace characters with a single space. Thus, ‘$(strip a b c )’ results in ‘a b c’.
The function strip can be very useful when used in conjunction with conditionals. When comparing something with the empty string ‘’ using ifeq or ifneq, you usually want a string of just whitespace to match the empty string (see Conditionals).

Thus, the following may fail to have the desired results:

.PHONY: all
ifneq   "$(needs_made)" ""
all: $(needs_made)
all:;@echo 'Nothing to make!'

Replacing the variable reference ‘ ( n e e d s m a d e ) ’ w i t h t h e f u n c t i o n c a l l ‘ (needs_made)’ with the function call ‘ (needsmade)withthefunctioncall(strip $(needs_made))’ in the ifneq directive would make it more robust.

eval function:

The eval function is very special: it allows you to define new makefile constructs that are not constant; which are the result of evaluating other variables and functions. The argument to the eval function is expanded, then the results of that expansion are parsed as makefile syntax. The expanded results can define new make variables, targets, implicit or explicit rules, etc.

The result of the eval function is always the empty string; thus, it can be placed virtually anywhere in a makefile without causing syntax errors.

It’s important to realize that the eval argument is expanded twice; first by the eval function, then the results of that expansion are expanded again when they are parsed as makefile syntax. This means you may need to provide extra levels of escaping for “$” characters when using eval. The value function (see Value Function) can sometimes be useful in these situations, to circumvent unwanted expansions.

Here is an example of how eval can be used; this example combines a number of concepts and other functions. Although it might seem overly complex to use eval in this example, rather than just writing out the rules, consider two things: first, the template definition (in PROGRAM_template) could need to be much more complex than it is here; and second, you might put the complex, “generic” part of this example into another makefile, then include it in all the individual makefiles. Now your individual makefiles are quite straightforward.

PROGRAMS    = server client
server_OBJS = server.o server_priv.o server_access.o
server_LIBS = priv protocol
client_OBJS = client.o client_api.o client_mem.o
client_LIBS = protocol
#Everything after this is generic
.PHONY: all
all: $(PROGRAMS)
define PROGRAM_template =
 $(1): $$($(1)_OBJS) $$($(1)_LIBS:%=-l%)
 ALL_OBJS   += $$($(1)_OBJS)
$(foreach prog,$(PROGRAMS),$(eval $(call PROGRAM_template,$(prog))))
        $(LINK.o) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $@
        rm -f $(ALL_OBJS) $(PROGRAMS)

Functions That Control Make

These functions control the way make runs. Generally, they are used to provide information to the user of the makefile or to cause make to stop if some sort of environmental error is detected.

$(error text…)
Generates a fatal error where the message is text. Note that the error is generated whenever this function is evaluated. So, if you put it inside a recipe or on the right side of a recursive variable assignment, it won’t be evaluated until later. The text will be expanded before the error is generated.

For example,

ifdef ERROR1
$(error error is $(ERROR1))

will generate a fatal error during the read of the makefile if the make variable ERROR1 is defined. Or,

ERR = $(error found an error!)

.PHONY: err
err: ; $(ERR)

will generate a fatal error while make is running, if the err target is invoked.

$(warning text…)
This function works similarly to the error function, above, except that make doesn’t exit. Instead, text is expanded and the resulting message is displayed, but processing of the makefile continues.

The result of the expansion of this function is the empty string.

$(info text…)
This function does nothing more than print its (expanded) argument(s) to standard output. No makefile name or line number is added. The result of the expansion of this function is the empty string.

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