UVa Prolbem 10099 The Tourist Guide (导游)

// The Tourist Guide (导游)
// PC/UVa IDs: 110903/10099, Popularity: B, Success rate: average Level: 3
// Verdict: Accepted
// Submission Date: 2011-09-27
// UVa Run Time: 0.020s
// 版权所有(C)2011,邱秋。metaphysis # yeah dot net
// [问题描述]
// Mr. G. 在孟加拉国的一家旅游公司工作。他当前的任务是带一些游客去一个遥远的城市。和所有国家一样,
// 一些城市之间有双向道路。每对相邻城市之间都有一条公交线路,每条线路都规定了自己最大乘客数目。Mr.
// G. 有一份包含城市间道路状况和公交车最大载客容量的地图。
// 往往无法一次性地将所有乘客带往目的地。例如,在下面 7 个城市的地图中,边代表道路,每条边上的数字
// 代表这条道路上公交车的最大载客量。
//                   60
//            [2]--------[5]
//           /   \          \
//       30/      \25        \20
//       /    10   \    35    \
//     [1]--------[4]--------[7]
//      \         /          /
//     15\      / 40       /30
//        \   /          /
//         [3]--------[6]
//               20
// 如果 Mr. G. 要将 99 位乘客从城市 1 带到城市 7,则至少需要往返 5 次(他必须陪同每一群游客)。
// 最佳路线是 1 - 2 - 4 - 7。
// 帮助 Mr. G. 找出将所有游客带到目的地,且往返次数最少的线路。
// [输入]
// 输入包含若干组数据。每组数据的第一行有两个整数 N (N <= 100) 和 R,分别表示城市的数量和道路
// 的数量。接下来的 R 行有 3 个整数 (C1,C2,P),其中 C1 和 C2 为城市编号,P(P > 1) 是该
// 道路上公交车的最大载客量。各城市编号为 1 ~ N 的连续整数。第 R + 1 行包含 3 个整数 (S,D,
// T),分别表示出发城市,目的城市的编号和游客的数量。N = R = 0 时输入结束。
// [输出]
// 对于每组输入数据,按照样例格式先输出一行数据编号,接下来在单独的一行中输出最少的往返次数。在每组
// 数据的输出后打印一个空行。
// [样例输入]
// 7 10
// 1 2 30
// 1 3 15
// 1 4 10
// 2 4 25
// 2 5 60
// 3 4 40
// 3 6 20
// 4 7 35
// 5 7 20
// 6 7 30
// 1 7 99
// 0 0
// [样例输出]
// Scenario #1
// Minimum Number of Trips = 5
// [解题方法]
// 应用 Floyd-Warshall 算法可以方便的计算 Maxmin 距离从而可以容易的解决本题。注意导游必须陪同
// 每一群游客的意思是假设公交线路载客量为 C,则一次能载游客为 C - 1,因为包括了导游,则往返的次数
// 应该是 P / (C - 1) + (P % (C - 1) ? 1 : 0),同时不要忘了在每次输出后加空行。
// 有关 Floyd-Warshall 算法的更多应用,可参考网页:
// http://aduni.org/courses/algorithms/courseware/handouts/Reciation_07.html#25504。

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#define MAXV 101
#define INT_MAX (-1)

#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))

// 邻接矩阵。
struct graph
	int weight[MAXV][MAXV];
	int nvertices;

// 利用 Floyd-Warshall 算法计算 Maxmin 距离。
int floyd_warshall(graph * g, int cstart, int cend)
	int vertices = g->nvertices;

	for (int i = 1; i <= vertices; i++)
		g->weight[i][i] = 0;

	for (int k = 1; k <= vertices; k++)
		for (int i = 1; i <= vertices; i++)
			for (int j = 1; j <= vertices; j++)
				g->weight[i][j] =
					min(g->weight[i][k], g->weight[k][j]));

	return g->weight[cstart][cend];

// 读入图的数据,cities 为城市数,roads 为公交路线数。
void read_graph(graph * g, int cities, int roads)
	int cfirst, csecond, passengers;

	for (int i = 1; i < MAXV; i++)
		for (int j = 1; j < MAXV; j++)
			g->weight[i][j] = INT_MAX;

	g->nvertices = cities;

	for (int r = 0; r < roads; r++)
		cin >> cfirst >> csecond >> passengers;

		g->weight[cfirst][csecond] = passengers;
		g->weight[csecond][cfirst] = passengers;

int main(int ac, char *av[])
	int cities, roads;
	int cstart, cend, tourists;
	int trips, cases = 1;
	graph g;

	while (cin >> cities >> roads, cities || roads)
		// 读入图的数据。
		read_graph(&g, cities, roads);

		// 读入起始城市和终点城市及游客数量。
		cin >> cstart >> cend >> tourists;

		// 利用 Floyd-Warshall 算法计算 Maxmin 距离。
		int maxmin = floyd_warshall(&g, cstart, cend);

		maxmin = maxmin - 1;

		// 若不能整除,则需要多一次往返。
		trips = tourists / maxmin + (tourists % maxmin ? 1 : 0);

		// 注意输出空行。
		cout << "Scenario #" << cases++ << endl;
		cout << "Minimum Number of Trips = " << trips << endl << endl;

	return 0;

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Beijing, the capital city of China, is a fascinating place with a rich history and culture. It's a city that has something to offer for everyone, from foodies and shoppers to history buffs and nature lovers. However, there is one place in Beijing that stands out as the most interesting and captivating: The Forbidden City. The Forbidden City is a magnificent palace complex located in the heart of Beijing. It was once the home of the imperial family during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and today it's one of the most popular tourist attractions in China. The complex covers an area of 720,000 square meters and consists of more than 800 buildings, making it the largest palace complex in the world. The Forbidden City is surrounded by a moat and a 10-meter-high wall, which adds to its grandeur and mystique. The main entrance to the palace complex is through the Meridian Gate, which is guarded by two lion statues. Once inside, visitors are transported back in time to a world of imperial splendor and opulence. The palace complex is divided into two main sections, the Outer Court and the Inner Court. The Outer Court was used for ceremonial purposes and is where the emperor would receive officials and hold important ceremonies. The Inner Court was the private residence of the imperial family and is where the emperor and his family would live. One of the most impressive buildings in the Forbidden City is the Hall of Supreme Harmony, which is located in the Outer Court. This magnificent hall was used for important ceremonies such as the coronation of emperors and the proclamation of military victories. The hall is supported by 72 wooden columns, each made from a single tree, and the roof is adorned with intricate dragon and phoenix designs. Another must-see attraction in the Forbidden City is the Palace Museum, which is located in the Inner Court. The museum houses a vast collection of imperial treasures, including jade carvings, porcelain, and ancient calligraphy. Visitors can also see the living quarters of the imperial family, including the bedrooms, living rooms, and study rooms. Overall, the Forbidden City is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Beijing. It's a place that captures the essence of imperial China and offers a glimpse into the ancient world of the Ming and Qing dynasties. With its grandeur, history, and cultural significance, the Forbidden City is truly the most interesting place in Beijing.


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