关于INFA的Update Strategy 设置

Specifying an Operation for All Rows

When you configure a session, you can select a single database operation for all rows using the Treat Source Rows As setting.

The following table displays the options for the Treat Source Rows As setting:




Treat all rows as inserts. If inserting the row violates a primary or foreign key constraint in the database, the Integration Service rejects the row.


Treat all rows as deletes. For each row, if the Integration Service finds a corresponding row in the target table (based on the primary key value), the Integration Service deletes it. Note that the primary key constraint must exist in the target definition in the repository.


Treat all rows as updates. For each row, the Integration Service looks for a matching primary key value in the target table. If it exists, the Integration Service updates the row. The primary key constraint must exist in the target definition.

Data Driven

Integration Service follows instructions coded into Update Strategy and Custom transformations within the session mapping to determine how to flag rows for insert, delete, update, or reject.

If the mapping for the session contains an Update Strategy transformation, this field is marked Data Driven by default.

If you do not choose Data Driven when a mapping contains an Update Strategy or Custom transformation, the Workflow Manager displays a warning. When you run the session, the Integration Service does not follow instructions in the Update Strategy or Custom transformation in the mapping to determine how to flag rows.

The following table describes the update strategy for each setting:


Use To


Populate the target tables for the first time, or maintain a historical data warehouse. In the latter case, you must set this strategy for the entire data warehouse, not just a select group of target tables.


Clear target tables.


Update target tables. You might choose this setting whether the data warehouse contains historical data or a snapshot. Later, when you configure how to update individual target tables, you can determine whether to insert updated rows as new rows or use the updated information to modify existing rows in the target.

Data Driven

Exert finer control over how you flag rows for insert, delete, update, or reject. Choose this setting if rows destined for the same table need to be flagged on occasion for one operation (for example, update), or for a different operation (for example, reject). In addition, this setting provides the only way you can flag rows for reject.

Specifying Operations for Individual Target Tables

Once you determine how to treat all rows in the session, you also need to set update strategy options for individual targets. Define the update strategy options in the Transformations view on Mapping tab of the session properties.

You can set the following update strategy options:

Insert. Select this option to insert a row into a target table.

Delete. Select this option to delete a row from a table.

Update. You have the following options in this situation:

Update as Update. Update each row flagged for update if it exists in the target table.

Update as Insert. Insert each row flagged for update.

Update else Insert. Update the row if it exists. Otherwise, insert it.

Truncate table. Select this option to truncate the target table before loading data.

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UpdateStrategy(更新策略)是一个在软件开发中常用的术语,指的是在发布新版本或修复现有版本时,为保证系统的稳定性和安全性而采取的一系列方法和策略。 首先,UpdateStrategy的目标是确保用户获得最新功能和修复bug,同时尽量减少对系统稳定性和用户使用的不利影响。对于软件开发者而言,通过更新软件,可以提供给用户更好的用户体验和功能。 常见的UpdateStrategy包括以下几种: 1. 灰度发布(Canary release):即将新版本或修复版本先发布给部分用户进行测试。这样可以通过收集用户反馈和观察系统反应来评估新版本的稳定性和性能,进而确定是否需要进一步推广。 2. 渐进式发布(Progressive rollout):将新版本逐步部署到系统的不同组件或区域,以确保整个系统平稳过渡。这种策略可以在问题出现时,及时回滚到旧版本,以降低风险。 3. 自动化测试(Automated testing):在发布新版本之前,进行全面的自动化测试,确保新版本在各种场景下的功能正常。这样可以最大程度减少潜在的问题和不稳定性。 4. 安全修复(Security patches):对于涉及到安全漏洞的修复,及时发布安全补丁并通知用户进行更新。保护用户的数据和系统免受潜在风险。 总而言之,UpdateStrategy是为了平衡软件升级和用户体验之间的权衡而设计的一系列方法和策略。它们旨在确保软件系统的稳定性、安全性和功能完整性的同时,最大化提供给用户全新的功能和修复bug的机会。


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