linux -UniX文件系统结构标准&常用命令英文全称



/bin = binary  //二进制数

/dev = device  //设备

/etc = etcetera  //等等

/lib = library  //图书馆,函数库文件

/proc = process //进程

/sbin = superuser binary   //用于管理员使用的存储二进制系统程序文件

/tmp = temporary //临时的,/tmp文件是linux运行时产生的缓存文件,用于加速二次打开文件的速  度。/tmp文件在linux关机时会被系统预设指令删除的

/usr = unix shared resources  //UNIX共享资源

/var = variable ///var是储存各种变化的文件,比如log等等

FIFO = First In, First Out

GRUB = Grand Unified Bootloader  //多重操作系统启动管理器

IFS = Internal Field Seperators  //内场分离器

LILO = Linux Loader  //Linux加载程序

MySQL = My是最初作者女儿的名字,SQL = Structured Query Language  // 结构式查询语言

PHP = Personal Home Page Tools = PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

PS = Prompt String  //提示字符串

Perl = "Pratical Extraction and Report Language" = "Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister"  //实用报表提取语言

Python 得名于电视剧Monty Python's Flying Circus

Tcl = Tool Command Language  

Tk = ToolKit

VT = Video Terminal

YaST = Yet Another Setup Tool

apache = "a patchy" server

apt = Advanced Packaging Tool  //高级安装工具

ar = archiver

as = assembler  //归档;档案库存储器

awk = "Aho Weiberger and Kernighan" 三个作者的姓的第一个字母

bash = Bourne Again Shell

bc = basic (Better) Calculator

bg = background

biff = 作者Heidi Stettner在U.C.Berkely养的一条狗,喜欢对邮递员汪汪叫。

cal = calendar

cat = catenate

cd = Change Directory

chgrp = CHange GRouP

chmod = CHange MODe

chown = change owner

chsh = change shell

cmp = compare

cobra = Common Object Request Broker Architecture

comm = common

cp = copy

cpio = copy in and out

cpp = C Pre Processor

cron = Chronos 希腊文时间

cups = Common Unix Printing System

cvs = current version system

daemon = disk and execution monitor

dc = desk calculator

dd = disk dump

df = disk free

diff = difference

dmesg = diagnostic message

du = disk usage

ed = editor

egrep = extended grep

elf = extensible linking format

elm = electronic mail

emacs = editor macros

eval = evaluate

ex = extended

exec = execute

fd = file descriptors

fg = foreground

fgrep = fixed grep

fmt = format

fsck = file system check

fstab = file system table

fvwm = F*** Virtual Window Manager

gawk = GNU AWK

gpg = GNU Privacy Guard

groff = GNU troff

hal = hardware abstraction layer

joe = Joe's Own Editor

ksh = korn shell

lame = lame ain't an MP3 encoder

lex = lexical analyser

lisp = LISt Processing = Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses

ln = link

lpr = Line print

ls = list

lsof = list open files

m4 = Macro processor Version 4

man = manual pages  //手册页

mawk = Mike Brennan's AWK

mc = midnight commander  //可视文件管理器

mkfs = make filesystem

mknod = make node

motd = message of the day

mozilla = mosaic godzilla

mtab = mount table

mv = move

nano = nano's another editor

nawk = new awk

nl = Number of Lines

nm = names

nohup = no hangup

nroff = New ROFF

od = octal dump

passwd = password

pg = pager

pico = pIne's message composition editor

pine = "Program for Internet News & Email" = "Pine is not Elm"

ping = 拟声 又 = Packet InterNet Grouper

pirntcap = PRINTer CAPability

popd = pop directory

pr = pre

printf = print formatted

ps = processes status

pty = pseudo tty

pushd = push directory

pwd = print working directory

rc = runcom = run command, rc还是plan9的shell

rev = reverse

rm = remove

rn = read news

roff = runoff

rpm = RPM package manager = redhat package manager

rsh, rlogin, rvim中的r = Remote

rxvt = our xvt

seamoneky = 我

sed = stream editor

seq = sequence

shar = shell archive

slrn = S-Lang rn

ssh = secure shell

ssl = secure sockets layer

stty = set tty

su = substitute user

svn = SubVersioN

tar = Tape ARchive

tcsh = tenex c shell

tee = T (T形水管接口)

telnet = teminaL over network

termcap = terminal capability

terminfo = terminal information

tex = τ?χνη的缩写,希腊文art

tr = traslate

troff = typesetter new roff

tsort = topological sort

tty = tele typewriter

twm = tom's window manager

tz = timezone

udev = userspace dev

ulimit = user's limit

umask = user's mask

uniq = unique

vi = visual = very Inconvenient

vim = vi improved

wall = write all

wc = word count

wine = wine is not an emulator

xargs = extended arguments

xdm = x display manager

xlfd = x logical font description

xmms = x multimedia system

xrdb = x resources database

xwd = x window dump

yacc = yet another compiler compiler

File/Directory Basics

ls    //list files

cp   //copy files

mv   //rename files

rm   //delete files

ln     //Link files

cd    //change directory

pwd  //print current directory


mkdir //create directory

rmdir  //delete directory

File Viewing

cat    // view files

less   //page through files

head  //view file beginning

tail View file ending

nl     //number lines

od   //view binary data

xxd  //view binary data

gv //view postscript/PDF files

xdvi //view tex dviI files

File Creation and Editing

emacs //text editor

vim //text editor

umask //set default file protections

soffice //Edit Word/Excel/

PowerPoint docs

abiword  // Edit Word documents

gnumeric  // Edit Excel documents

File Properties

stat //Display file attributes

wc //count bytes/words/lines

du //Measure disk usage

file Identify file types

touch //Change file timestamps

chown //Change file owner

chgrp //Change file group

chmod //Change file protections

chattr //Change advanced file attributes

lsattr //List advanced file attributes

File Location

find //Locate files

slocate //Locate files via index

which //Locate commands

whereis //Locate standard files

File Text Manipulation

grep  //Search text for matching lines

cut  //Extract columns

paste // Append columns

tr   //Translate characters

sort //Sort lines

uniq //Locate identical lines

tee //Copy stdin to a file and

to //stdout simultaneously

File Compression

gzip //Compress files(GNU Zip)

compress //Compress files (Unix)

bzip2 //Compress files (BZip2)

zip //Compress files(Windows Zip)

File Comparison

diff //Compare files line by line

comm //Compare sorted files

cmp //Compare files byte by byte

md5sum //Compute checksums

Disks and Filesystems

df  // Show free disk space

mount //Make a disk accessible

fsck //Check a disk for errors

sync //Flush disk caches

Backups and Remote Storage

mt //Control a tape drive

dump //Back up a disk

restore //Restore a dump

tar //Read/write tape archives

cdrecord //Burn a CD

rsync //Mirror a set of files





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