Unit 1 Shopping

1. listen to the recording,read aloud and learn by heart the following ten sentences
1> Good morning, can i help you?
2> What kind do you have in mind?
3> How about this one?
4> Aren't this painting wonderful?
5> Would you like to have a closer look at it?
6> What size do you take
7> How much would you like?
8> I'm glad you like it
9> Will there be anything else?
10> You are welcome

2. Listen to the recording and read the passage below. Pay special attention to the bold words and expression
Shopping is a delight for both customers and shop assistants in big cities such as BeiJing and shanghai. Department stores and shopping centers are opne most days of the week from 9A.M to 9 P.M. Some stores and supermarks stay open even logger.Large shopping plazas are usually surrounded by spacious parking lots.Many foreign visitors like to visit large souvenir shoppings. They are curious about traditional Chinese articals such as Chinese calligraphy,paintings, ceramics, jade carving. And sometimes there are big shoppers of these artifacts

Test1. Listen to the dialog and read it after recording
Assistent: Welcome to shop, Can i help you, sir?
Customer:  Good afternoon, I'm just looking around
A: I see. I'll be happy to show you around and explain some articals to you if you like
C: That'll be nice. Do you sell toys? I want to buy one for my son's birthday.
A: Oh,We have good one around here. What kind do you like?
C: I guess something moderate in size and color
A: How about this one?

A: Good morning, May I help you?
C: yes,I'm looking for a light bule sport jacket
A: what's your size,sir
C: I think the medium size fits me all right
A: A moment pls, while I'll get it for you.
C: Thank you.perhaps the large size will aslo do
A: yes, let's see.here might be right one, medium size, I think the color is right for you
C: oh, I like light blue. I'll try it on. It's to fit.How much is it?
A: 35
C: All right, I'll take it

A: Welcome madam. anything i can do for you
C: oh,yes, I'm interesting in cloisonne vases
A: I see, there is a souvenir counter on the second floor.
C: Is there a lift here, please?
A: yes, there's one near the stairs over there.But I think I can take you there
C: That's very kind of you
A: that's a least I can do for you.

A: good morning sir,what can i do for?
C: You've got a lot of jade articles here, haven't you?
A: yes,we are the largest jade article dealer in the city.What kind do you like?
C: well, I like to see a medium-size one with traditional chinese patterns on it
A: How do you like this one with birds and flowers.
C: I guess it looks like most chinese.
A: I'm glad you like it

task5.speak yourself. listen to the recording and read the passage below.pay special attention to the bold words and the expression
More and more foreign visitors are interesting in going to shopping at free markets in Beijing.There the prices of goods are not fixed by government.People can bargain with the sallers.This is because many shops often quote the prices of their goods well above thire expected amount.They believe nearly everybody coming to free market will bargain. So if you don't bargain, you surely pay more than necessary

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