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原创 leetcode 109: Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree

Use the fast slow method to find the mid point of the list and make it the root. Then do it recursively on both sides. /** * Definition for singly-linked list. * struct ListNode { * int val;

2015-09-22 09:51:44 411

原创 leetcode 57: Insert Interval

Loop the array once and merge the newInterval with every intervals. If it cannot be merged into any interval, just insert. /** * Definition for an interval. * struct Interval { * int start; *

2015-09-15 08:04:52 238

原创 leetcode 9: Palindrome Number

Reverse the number and compare it with the original one. class Solution { public: bool isPalindrome(int x) { int old_x=x; int new_x=0; while(x>0) { if(

2015-09-02 21:00:20 209

原创 leetcode 8: Sting to Integer (atoi)

class Solution { public: int myAtoi(string str) { int len=str.length(); int i=0; while(i<len&&str[i]==' ') i++; str=str.substr(i);//erase all white spac

2015-09-02 20:41:12 408

原创 leetcode 7: Reverse Integer

class Solution { public: int reverse(int x) { int sign=1; if(x<0) { sign=-1; x=-x; } string s; while(x) {

2015-09-02 12:34:45 229

原创 leetcode 6: ZigZag Conversion

In one line, the first character is s[i], the second is s[i+2*numRows-2-2*i] and the third is s[i+2*numRows-2]. Just be careful with the test cases that numRows==1 and numRows>len. class Solution { p

2015-09-02 12:05:19 259

原创 leetcode 5: Longest Palindrome Substring

Use DP. dp[i][j] means whether the substring i to j is a palindrome. class Solution { public: string longestPalindrome(string s) { int len=s.length(); bool dp[len][len]; i

2015-09-01 22:57:23 315

原创 leetcode 4: Median of Two Sorted Arrays

Use the idea of merge sort. class Solution { public: double findMedianSortedArrays(vector& nums1, vector& nums2) { int m=nums1.size(); int n=nums2.size(); int i=0,j=0,curr

2015-09-01 22:20:55 266

原创 leetcode 3: Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Use a window to get a substring. The end of the window keeps forward and once it meets a character that is already in the window, update the start of the window. The unordered map can be replaced by a

2015-09-01 19:04:06 228

原创 leetcode 2: Add Two Numbers

/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * struct ListNode { * int val; * ListNode *next; * ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {} * }; */ class Solution { public: ListNode* ad

2015-09-01 18:41:42 243

原创 leetcode 1: Two Sum

Use a unordered map to save all visited number. While scan the array, find out whether target-nums[i] is already visited. class Solution { public: vector twoSum(vector& nums, int target) {

2015-09-01 18:00:47 227

原创 leetcode 241: Different Ways to Add Parentheses

Learn from https://leetcode.com/discuss/48488/c-4ms-recursive-%26-dp-solution-with-brief-explanation. Recursion method, find every operation character and divide the string according to them. class

2015-09-01 13:37:49 218

原创 leetcode 240: Search a 2D Matirx II

Use binary search for those rows that might contains the target. class Solution { public: bool searchMatrix(vector>& matrix, int target) { if(matrix.empty()) return false;

2015-09-01 11:24:56 271

原创 leetcode 239: Sliding Window Maximum

Use the a deque to save numbers like a waitlist. If the window size equals to k, start the pop operation of the deque and push the front number into the res vector. If nums[i-k] equals to the front nu

2015-09-01 00:19:17 230



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