Case Statement
- Write a query to display for each order, the account ID, total amount of the order, and the level of the order - ‘Large’ or ’Small’ - depending on if the order is $3000 or more, or smaller than $3000.
select account_id, total_amt_usd,
case when total_amt_usd > 3000 then 'Large'
else 'Small'
end as order
from orders;
- Write a query to display the number of orders in each of three categories, based on the total number of items in each order. The three categories are: ‘At Least 2000’, ‘Between 1000 and 2000’ and ‘Less than 1000’.
SELECT CASE WHEN total >= 2000 THEN 'At Least 2000'
WHEN total >= 1000 AND total < 2000 THEN 'Between 1000 and 2000'
ELSE 'Less than 1000' END AS order_category,
COUNT(total) AS order_count
FROM orders
3. We would like to understand 3 different branches of customers based on the amount associated with their purchases. The top branch includes anyone with a Lifetime Value (total sales of all orders) greater than 200,000 usd. The second branch is between 200,000 and 100,000 usd. The lowest branch is anyone under 100,000 usd. Provide a table that includes the level associated with each account. You should provide the account name, the total sales of all orders for the customer, and the level. Order with the top spending customers listed first.
SELECT, SUM(total_amt_usd) total_spent,
CASE WHEN SUM(total_amt_usd