

2.函数的结尾处理方式(善后处理 如:栈的恢复由谁恢复? 函数内恢复/还是调用后恢复)


__cdecl 由调用者平栈,参数从右到左依次入栈 是C和C++程序的缺省调用方式。每一个调用它的函数都包含清空堆栈的代码,
__stdcall ,WINAPI,CALLBACK ,PASCAL 由被调用者平栈,参数从右到左依次入栈 ._stdcall是Pascal程序的缺省调用方式,
通常用于Win32 Api中,函数采用从右到左的压栈方式,自己在退出时清空堆栈。VC将函数编译后会在函数名前面加上下划

__fastcall 由被调用者平栈,参数先赋值给寄存器,然后入栈 “人”如其名,它的主要特点就是快,因为它是通过寄存器来传送参数的

__thiscall 由被调用者平栈,参数入栈,this 指针赋给 ecx 寄存器 仅仅应用于“C++”成员函数。this指针存放于CX寄存器,参数从右

__declspec(naked) 这是一个很少见的调用约定,一般程序设计者建议不要使用。编译器不会给这种函数增加初始化和清理代码,


int __stdcall test_stdcall(char para1, char para2)
para1 = para2;
return 0;
int __cdecl test_cdecl(char para, )
char p = '/n';
va_list marker;
va_start( marker, para );
while( p != '/0' )
p = va_arg( marker, char);
printf("%c/n", p);
va_end( marker );
return 0;

int pascal test_pascal(char para1, char para2)
return 0;

int __fastcall test_fastcall(char para1, char para2, char para3, char para4)
para1 = (char)1;
para2 = (char)2;
para3 = (char)3;
para4 = (char)4;
return 0;
__declspec(naked) void __stdcall test_naked(char para1, char para2)
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push eax
mov al,byte ptr [ebp + 0Ch]
xchg byte ptr [ebp + 8],al
pop eax
pop ebp
ret 8
// return ;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
test_stdcall( 'a', 'b' );
test_cdecl( 'c','d','e','f','g' ,'h' ,'/0');
test_pascal( 'e', 'f' );
test_fastcall( 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j' );
test_naked( 'k', 'l');
return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
00411350 push ebp
00411351 mov ebp,esp
00411353 sub esp,0C0h
00411359 push ebx
0041135A push esi
0041135B push edi
0041135C lea edi,[ebp-0C0h]
00411362 mov ecx,30h
00411367 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
0041136C rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
test_stdcall( 'a', 'b' );
0041136E push 62h
00411370 push 61h
00411372 call _test_stdcall@8
test_cdecl( 'c','d','e','f','g' ,'h' ,'/0');
00411377 push 0
00411379 push 68h
0041137B push 67h
0041137D push 66h
0041137F push 65h
00411381 push 64h
00411383 push 63h
00411385 call _test_cdecl
0041138A add esp,1Ch ;恢复_test_cdecl参数压入前的堆栈指令是: add esp,n*4 n=参数的数量
test_fastcall( 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j' );
0041138D push 6Ah
0041138F push 69h
00411391 mov dl,68h
00411393 mov cl,67h
00411395 call test_fastcall
test_naked( 'k', 'l');
0041139A push 6Ch
0041139C push 6Bh
0041139E call _test_naked
return 0;
004113A3 xor eax,eax

int __stdcall test_stdcall(char para1, char para2)
004111F0 push ebp
004111F1 mov ebp,esp
004111F3 sub esp,0C0h
004111F9 push ebx
004111FA push esi
004111FB push edi
004111FC lea edi,[ebp-0C0h]
00411202 mov ecx,30h
00411207 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
0041120C rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] ;初始edi
para1 = para2;
0041120E mov al,byte ptr [para2] ;mov al,byte ptr[ebp+c]
00411211 mov byte ptr [para1],al ;mov byte ptr[ebp+8],al
return 0;
00411214 xor eax,eax
00411216 pop edi
00411217 pop esi
00411218 pop ebx
00411219 mov esp,ebp
0041121B pop ebp
0041121C ret 8 ;恢复到压入函数参数前堆栈,由于有两个参数所以ret 8 相当于 pop eip 然后esp+8
int __cdecl test_cdecl(char para,... )
00411230 push ebp
00411231 mov ebp,esp
00411233 sub esp,0D8h
0041123C lea edi,[ebp-0D8h]
00411242 mov ecx,36h
00411247 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
0041124C rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
char p = '/n';
0041124E mov byte ptr [p],0Ah
va_list marker;
va_start( marker, para );
00411252 lea eax,[ebp+0Ch]
00411255 mov dword ptr [marker],eax
while( p != '/0' )
00411258 movsx eax,byte ptr [p]
0041125C test eax,eax
0041125E je test_cdecl+60h (411290h)
p = va_arg( marker, char);
00411260 mov eax,dword ptr [marker]
00411263 add eax,4
00411266 mov dword ptr [marker],eax
00411269 mov ecx,dword ptr [marker]
0041126C mov dl,byte ptr [ecx-4]
0041126F mov byte ptr [p],dl
printf("%c/n", p);
00411272 movsx eax,byte ptr [p]
00411276 mov esi,esp
00411278 push eax
00411279 push offset string "%c/n" (41401Ch)
0041127E call dword ptr [__imp__printf (416180h)]
00411284 add esp,8
0041128E jmp test_cdecl+28h (411258h)
va_end( marker );
00411290 mov dword ptr [marker],0
return 0;
00411297 xor eax,eax
004112A9 mov esp,ebp
004112AB pop ebp
004112AC ret

int __fastcall test_fastcall(char para1, char para2, char para3, char para4)
004112D0 push ebp
004112D1 mov ebp,esp
004112D3 sub esp,0D8h
004112DD lea edi,[ebp-0D8h]
004112E3 mov ecx,36h
004112E8 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
004112ED rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
004112EF pop ecx
004112F0 mov byte ptr [ebp-14h],dl
004112F3 mov byte ptr [ebp-8],cl
para1 = (char)1;
004112F6 mov byte ptr [para1],1
para2 = (char)2;
004112FA mov byte ptr [para2],2
para3 = (char)3;
004112FE mov byte ptr [para3],3
para4 = (char)4;
00411302 mov byte ptr [para4],4
return 0;
00411306 xor eax,eax
0041130B mov esp,ebp
0041130D pop ebp
0041130E ret 8 ;由于使用了ecx ,edx 传递参数 本来4个参数只使用两push 所以这里是 ret 4*2

__declspec(naked) void __stdcall test_naked(char para1, char para2)
00411330 push ebp ;这里编译器没加入任何初始化和清栈的指令,你代码如何写它就复制过来
00411331 mov ebp,esp
00411333 push eax
00411334 mov al,byte ptr [para2]
00411337 xchg al,byte ptr [para1]
0041133A pop eax
0041133B pop ebp
0041133C ret 8

hello, I'm trying to port a Windows app to Linux. This appplication marks some functions with the __stdcall attribute. However, i was told by a friend that stdcall is used only on windows and has no meaning in linux (but DOES exist in Windows GCC). I tried to search Google about that, and got some results state that there IS stdacll in Linux.

So... ??

Besides, for GCC I saw 2 implementations for that: __attribute__((__stdcall__)) and __attribute__((stdcall)) (without the underscores near stdcall). Which one is preferred (If applied to Linux at all)?


It's only used to call WinAPI functions. To port such a Windows application to Linux, you need much more than just defining __stdcall to nothing:

#ifndef WIN32 // or something like that...
#define __stdcall

You would also need to call the Linux-specific API functions instead of Win32 API ones. Depending on the particular part of Win32 API and the size of the application (amount of code), it can be anywhere between moderately difficult and daunting.

Which specific functions are marked by the app as __stdcall?

Indeed, Windows port of GCC has to have __stdcall, because it's supposed to be able to generate conforming code for the Win32 platform. But since under Linux there is only one standard calling convention and it coincides with the default compiler output, this statement is not needed.

The reason your application is not compiling under Linux is almost certainly due to the fact, that it references Win32 API functions that are not defined under Linux -- you need to find appropriate Linux counterparts. Win32 API and Linux GLibc API-s are very much different and cannot be substituted easily.

Probably the easiest way to port your app to Linux would be to use Wine, i.e. modifying the Windows code in such a way, that it runs smoothly under Wine in Linux. This is the way even the most complex applications, like modern computer games, have been made to run under Linux.

Of course, if you really want it to be running natively under Linux, then porting is the only way to go.

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