OD plugin - PhantOm.dll

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PhantOm V1.25 修正 [PhantOm plugin 1.25 ] by Hellsp @ wn & Archer / / spring aggravation: / / IHA! PEOPLE WITH ALL DAY! SPRING WALKS! BEER begins! GULYAYTE DEVUSHKAMI X! / / ZHIVITE FULL LIFE! | Privety fly to: | Bronco, kioresk, RSI, lord_Phoenix, HoBleen, Grim Fandango, | Guru.eXe, vad8787, PE_Kill. ————————————————– ————————— The plug to hide OllyDbg (with driver). Helps detection of the following methods: / / driver - extremehide.sys [+] NtQueryInformationProcess. [+] SetUnhandledExceptionFilter. [+] OpenProcess. [+] Invalid Handle. [+] NtSetInformationThread. [+] RDTSC. [+] NtYieldExecution. [+] NtQueryObject. [+] NtQuerySystemInformation. [+] Windows hide. [+] GetProcessTimes. [+] NtSetContextThread. / / plug - PhantOm.dll [+] PEB BeingDebugged. [+] PEB NtGlobalFlag. [+] GetStartupInfo. [+] Process Heaps. [+] GetTickCount. [!] Protect DRx. [!] Hide DRx. [!] Fake Windows version. [!] Custom Handler. [+] BlockInput What’s New - 1.25 You may now ask the very name services HIDENAME and RDTSCNAME. Some minor bugs. Fixed bug with memory breakpoints. What’s New - 1.20 Added own processing exceptions (C0000005). Added the title change of the main window. Added own processing exceptions (OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_EVENT). int 3 at EP correctly removed if the stop at the point of the system failed. Added BlockInput interception. (WinXP only) Added own processing exceptions (C0000094). Added hide from GetStartupInfo. Fixed bug with the settings plug. Added protection from detection drivers. What’s New - 1.15 Several bugs. What’s New - 1.10 hook GetProcessTimes - moved to the driver. hook NtSetContextThread - moved to the driver. The bug and removing the “EP break.” Several bugs related to downloading options. In ini added “DELTARDTSC which will regulate the spread RDTSC. What’s New - 1.04 Fixed bsod while loading drivers. What’s New - 1.03 Fixed bug with windows. What’s New - 1.01 Fixed bug in the driver. What’s New - 1.00 Added protection OllyDbg windows. Now OllyDbg patchitsya regardless of ImageBase. What’s New - 0.60 Added own processing exceptions (C000001E, 80000001, C000001D). Added removal int3 with EntryPoint. Fixed bug with GetTickCount. Added methods in anti-detekta driver. What’s New - 0.58 Fixed bug with Hide from peb on some systems. What’s New - 0.57 Fixed bug with the attachment to the process. Added protection from GetProcessTimes. [-] Removed option Fake Windows version (at the time). What’s New - 0.55 Improved imulyatsiya GetTickCount. Added emulation RDTSC. Fixed bug with not zeroing ServicePack. A bit optimized code. What’s New - 0.53 Now the driver is in resources. NtSetInformationThread added protection. Fixed bug with Fake Windows version. What’s New - 0.51 Fixed bug in the GetTickCount Fixed bug with a patch PEB ‘and / / Notes: – if you have changed the settings in the plug, but you open any file in OllyDbg, necessarily have to restart it (Ctrl-F2) program. – plug-in displays debug messages Log (Alt + L), so the first run advised to put all the options and examine the Log for errors. – tested only on Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP2. – with the plug, it is recommended to turn off programs that can prevent loading drivers (Antivirus, PC). – incorrect in the work are encouraged to try to plug the “native” OllyDbg, without extraneous plugins.
### 回答1: 这个错误一般是因为GCC编译器缺少LTO插件导致的。LTO插件是GCC编译器的一部分,用于执行链接时的优化。 需要在安装GCC编译器时确保LTO插件被正确安装。 可能需要更新GCC版本或重新安装GCC编译器。 还可以尝试手动安装liblto_plugin-0.dll并将其添加到系统路径中。如果这些尝试都没有解决问题,可能需要进行更深入的调查,例如检查编译器和链接器的配置,以确定LTO插件被正确加载。 ### 回答2: 首先,gcc是GNU Compiler Collection的简写,它是一种开源的编译器套件,支持多种编程语言,包括C、C++、Objective-C、Fortran等。gcc可以在多种操作系统上运行,如Unix、Linux、Windows等。 -fuse-linker-plugin是gcc的一个编译选项,它会启用GCC的链接器插件机制。链接器插件可以在链接过程中对目标文件进行优化,以提高生成的可执行文件的性能。 然而,当使用-fuse-linker-plugin选项时,有时会出现如题所述的错误:fatal error: -fuse-linker-plugin, but liblto_plugin-0.dll not found。这是因为liblto_plugin-0.dll是GCC的一个插件,它用于链接器插件机制。当GCC编译器使用-fuse-linker-plugin选项时,它需要找到liblto_plugin-0.dll文件才能正确地执行链接器插件功能。 如果出现该错误,解决方法如下: 1. 确认GCC是否正确安装。如果GCC没有正确安装,则无法使用liblto_plugin-0.dll文件,并且编译器会显示该错误。 2. 确认系统是否有liblto_plugin-0.dll文件。如果该文件不存在,则需要重新安装GCC或手动安装此文件。 3. 设置合适的环境变量。如果您的系统中安装了多个版本的GCC,则需要设置合适的环境变量。以Windows系统为例,需要将GCC的bin目录添加到PATH环境变量中,这样系统才能找到正确的liblto_plugin-0.dll文件。 总之,当使用-fuse-linker-plugin选项时,需要注意当前环境是否正确安装了GCC以及是否有正确的liblto_plugin-0.dll文件。如有问题需要根据上述解决方法进行检查和修复。 ### 回答3: gcc: fatal error: -fuse-linker-plugin,但找不到liblto_plugin-0.dll。 这个问题通常发生在Windows系统上,并且是因为gcc无法在系统中找到所需的liblto_plugin-0.dll文件。该文件是用于链接器插件的库文件之一,可以优化程序的编译和链接。 为了解决这个问题,你需要在Windows系统中手动安装LLVM和Clang工具链。LLVM是一个开源的编译器基础设施,可以编写优化编译器,并生成高质量的可执行文件和库文件。 安装LLVM和Clang可以通过以下步骤实现: 1.首先,从LLVM的官方网站https://releases.llvm.org/download.html下载适用于您的操作系统版本的软件包。 2.解压缩下载的软件包,并将其添加到您的系统路径中。这可以通过在系统环境变量中添加LLVM的bin文件夹路径实现。 3.然后检查LLVM和Clang是否已成功安装。在终端中输入命令“clang -v”和“llvm -v”,如果成功安装,则会显示您所安装的版本号。 4.最后,重新编译您的程序,在gcc命令中添加“-flto -fuse-linker-plugin”选项,这将告诉gcc在编译和链接过程中使用LLVM的插件,以优化您的程序。如果一切成功,您将能够成功编译和链接您的程序,而不再遇到“liblto_plugin-0.dll not found”错误。 总之,解决此问题的关键在于安装和配置LLVM和Clang工具链,以便gcc可以找到所需的库文件,并使用插件优化程序的编译和链接。




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