tensorflow中optimizer minimize自动训练简介和选择训练variable的方法
















prediction_to_train(y) = w*x,其中初始值w=3,隐藏的锁死的x=1(也就是一个固定的训练样本)。


  1. import tensorflow as tf
  2. #define variable and error
  3. label = tf.constant( 1,dtype = tf.float32)
  4. prediction_to_train = tf.Variable( 3,dtype=tf.float32)
  5. #define losses and train
  6. manual_compute_loss = tf.square(prediction_to_train - label)
  7. optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( 0.01)
  8. train_step = optimizer.minimize(manual_compute_loss)
  9. init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
  10. with tf.Session() as sess:
  11. sess.run(init)
  12. for _ in range( 100):
  13. print( 'variable is ', sess.run(prediction_to_train), ' and the loss is ',sess.run(manual_compute_loss))
  14. sess.run(train_step)


  1. variable is 3.0 and the loss is 4.0
  2. variable is 2.96 and the loss is 3.8416002
  3. variable is 2.9208 and the loss is 3.6894724
  4. variable is 2.882384 and the loss is 3.5433698
  5. variable is 2.8447363 and the loss is 3.403052
  6. variable is 2.8078415 and the loss is 3.268291
  7. 。。。。。。。
  8. 。。。
  9. variable is 2.0062745 and the loss is 1.0125883
  10. variable is 1.986149 and the loss is 0.9724898
  11. variable is 1.966426 and the loss is 0.9339792
  12. 。。。。
  13. 。。。
  14. variable is 1.0000029 and the loss is 8.185452e-12
  15. variable is 1.0000029 and the loss is 8.185452e-12
  16. variable is 1.0000029 and the loss is 8.185452e-12
  17. variable is 1.0000029 and the loss is 8.185452e-12
  18. variable is 1.0000029 and the loss is 8.185452e-12










  1. #demo2
  2. #define variable and error
  3. label = tf.constant( 1,dtype = tf.float32)
  4. x = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32)
  5. w1 = tf.Variable( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  6. w2 = tf.Variable( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  7. w3 = tf.constant( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  8. y_predict = w1*x+w2*x+w3*x
  9. #define losses and train
  10. make_up_loss = tf.square(y_predict - label)
  11. optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( 0.01)
  12. train_step = optimizer.minimize(make_up_loss)
  13. init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
  14. with tf.Session() as sess:
  15. sess.run(init)
  16. for _ in range( 100):
  17. w1_,w2_,w3_,loss_ = sess.run([w1,w2,w3,make_up_loss],feed_dict={x: 1})
  18. print( 'variable is w1:',w1_, ' w2:',w2_, ' w3:',w3_, ' and the loss is ',loss_)
  19. sess.run(train_step,{x: 1})



  1. variable is w1: -1.4999986 w2: -1.4999986 w3: 4.0 and the loss is 8.185452e-12
  2. variable is w1: -1.4999986 w2: -1.4999986 w3: 4.0 and the loss is 8.185452e-12
  3. variable is w1: -1.4999986 w2: -1.4999986 w3: 4.0 and the loss is 8.185452e-12
  4. variable is w1: -1.4999986 w2: -1.4999986 w3: 4.0 and the loss is 8.185452e-12


  1. #define variable and error
  2. label = tf.constant( 1,dtype = tf.float32)
  3. x = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32)
  4. w1 = tf.Variable( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  5. w2 = tf.Variable( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  6. w3 = tf.constant( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  7. y_predict = w1*x+w2*x+w3*x
  8. #define losses and train
  9. make_up_loss = tf.square(y_predict - label)
  10. optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( 0.01)
  11. train_step = optimizer.minimize(make_up_loss,var_list = w2)
  12. init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
  13. with tf.Session() as sess:
  14. sess.run(init)
  15. for _ in range( 500):
  16. w1_,w2_,w3_,loss_ = sess.run([w1,w2,w3,make_up_loss],feed_dict={x: 1})
  17. print( 'variable is w1:',w1_, ' w2:',w2_, ' w3:',w3_, ' and the loss is ',loss_)
  18. sess.run(train_step,{x: 1})

  1. variable is w1: 4.0 w2: -6.99948 w3: 4.0 and the loss is 2.7063857e-07
  2. variable is w1: 4.0 w2: -6.9994903 w3: 4.0 and the loss is 2.5983377e-07
  3. variable is w1: 4.0 w2: -6.9995003 w3: 4.0 and the loss is 2.4972542e-07
  4. variable is w1: 4.0 w2: -6.9995103 w3: 4.0 and the loss is 2.398176e-07
  5. variable is w1: 4.0 w2: -6.9995203 w3: 4.0 and the loss is 2.3011035e-07
  6. variable is w1: 4.0 w2: -6.99953 w3: 4.0 and the loss is 2.2105178e-07
  7. variable is w1: 4.0 w2: -6.9995394 w3: 4.0 and the loss is 2.1217511e-07




ValueError: No variables to optimize.


NotImplementedError: ('Trying to update a Tensor ', <tf.Tensor 'Const_1:0' shape=() dtype=float32>)





  1. #demo2.2 another way to collect var_list
  2. label = tf.constant( 1,dtype = tf.float32)
  3. x = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32)
  4. w1 = tf.Variable( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  5. with tf.name_scope(name= 'selected_variable_to_trian'):
  6. w2 = tf.Variable( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  7. w3 = tf.constant( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  8. y_predict = w1*x+w2*x+w3*x
  9. #define losses and train
  10. make_up_loss = (y_predict - label)** 3
  11. optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( 0.01)
  12. output_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope= 'selected_variable_to_trian')
  13. train_step = optimizer.minimize(make_up_loss,var_list = output_vars)
  14. init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
  15. with tf.Session() as sess:
  16. sess.run(init)
  17. for _ in range( 3000):
  18. w1_,w2_,w3_,loss_ = sess.run([w1,w2,w3,make_up_loss],feed_dict={x: 1})
  19. print( 'variable is w1:',w1_, ' w2:',w2_, ' w3:',w3_, ' and the loss is ',loss_)
  20. sess.run(train_step,{x: 1})

  1. variable is w 1: 4. 0 w 2: - 6. 988893 w 3: 4. 0 and the loss is 1. 3702081e- 06
  2. variable is w 1: 4. 0 w 2: - 6. 988897 w 3: 4. 0 and the loss is 1. 3687968e- 06
  3. variable is w 1: 4. 0 w 2: - 6. 9889007 w 3: 4. 0 and the loss is 1. 3673865e- 06
  4. variable is w 1: 4. 0 w 2: - 6. 9889045 w 3: 4. 0 and the loss is 1. 3659771e- 06
  5. variable is w 1: 4. 0 w 2: - 6. 9889083 w 3: 4. 0 and the loss is 1. 3645688e- 06
  6. variable is w 1: 4. 0 w 2: - 6. 988912 w 3: 4. 0 and the loss is 1. 3631613e- 06
  7. variable is w 1: 4. 0 w 2: - 6. 988916 w 3: 4. 0 and the loss is 1. 3617548e- 06
  8. variable is w 1: 4. 0 w 2: - 6. 9889197 w 3: 4. 0 and the loss is 1. 3603493e- 06





  1. #demo2.4 another way to avoid variable be train
  2. label = tf.constant( 1,dtype = tf.float32)
  3. x = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32)
  4. w1 = tf.Variable( 4,dtype=tf.float32,trainable= False)
  5. w2 = tf.Variable( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  6. w3 = tf.constant( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  7. y_predict = w1*x+w2*x+w3*x
  8. #define losses and train
  9. make_up_loss = (y_predict - label)** 3
  10. optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( 0.01)
  11. output_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES)
  12. train_step = optimizer.minimize(make_up_loss,var_list = output_vars)
  13. init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
  14. with tf.Session() as sess:
  15. sess.run(init)
  16. for _ in range( 3000):
  17. w1_,w2_,w3_,loss_ = sess.run([w1,w2,w3,make_up_loss],feed_dict={x: 1})
  18. print( 'variable is w1:',w1_, ' w2:',w2_, ' w3:',w3_, ' and the loss is ',loss_)
  19. sess.run(train_step,{x: 1})


  1. var_list: Optional list or tuple of `Variable` objects to update to
  2. minimize `loss`. Defaults to the list of variables collected in
  3. the graph under the key `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`.

  1. #demo2.3 another way to avoid variable be train
  2. label = tf.constant( 1,dtype = tf.float32)
  3. x = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32)
  4. #w1 = tf.Variable(4,dtype=tf.float32)
  5. w1 = tf.Variable( 4,dtype=tf.float32,trainable= False)
  6. with tf.name_scope(name= 'selected_variable_to_trian'):
  7. w2 = tf.Variable( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  8. w3 = tf.constant( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  9. y_predict = w1*x+w2*x+w3*x
  10. #define losses and train
  11. make_up_loss = (y_predict - label)** 3
  12. optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( 0.01)
  13. train_step = optimizer.minimize(make_up_loss)
  14. init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
  15. with tf.Session() as sess:
  16. sess.run(init)
  17. for _ in range( 3000):
  18. w1_,w2_,w3_,loss_ = sess.run([w1,w2,w3,make_up_loss],feed_dict={x: 1})
  19. print( 'variable is w1:',w1_, ' w2:',w2_, ' w3:',w3_, ' and the loss is ',loss_)
  20. sess.run(train_step,{x: 1})






  1. #demo2.4 combine of ompute_gradients() and apply_gradients()
  2. label = tf.constant( 1,dtype = tf.float32)
  3. x = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32)
  4. w1 = tf.Variable( 4,dtype=tf.float32,trainable= False)
  5. w2 = tf.Variable( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  6. w3 = tf.Variable( 4,dtype=tf.float32)
  7. y_predict = w1*x+w2*x+w3*x
  8. #define losses and train
  9. make_up_loss = (y_predict - label)** 3
  10. optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( 0.01)
  11. w2_gradient = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss = make_up_loss, var_list = w2)
  12. train_step = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars = (w2_gradient))
  13. init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
  14. with tf.Session() as sess:
  15. sess.run(init)
  16. for _ in range( 300):
  17. w1_,w2_,w3_,loss_,w2_gradient_ = sess.run([w1,w2,w3,make_up_loss,w2_gradient],feed_dict={x: 1})
  18. print( 'variable is w1:',w1_, ' w2:',w2_, ' w3:',w3_, ' and the loss is ',loss_)
  19. print( 'gradient:',w2_gradient_)
  20. sess.run(train_step,{x: 1})


具体的learning rate、step、计算公式和手动梯度下降实现:





dl/dw = 2*w*x^2-2*y*x


w1 = w0-η*dL/dw|w=w0

w2 = w1 - η*dL/dw|w=w1

w3 = w2 - η*dL/dw|w=w2






所以,本例x=1,y=3,dl/dw巧合的等于2w-2y,也就是二倍的prediction和label的差距。learning rate=1会导致w围绕正确的值来回徘徊,完全不收敛,这样写主要是方便演示计算。改小learning rate 并增加循环次数就能收敛了。

  1. #demo4:manual gradient descent in tensorflow
  2. #y label
  3. y = tf.constant( 3,dtype = tf.float32)
  4. x = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32)
  5. w = tf.Variable( 2,dtype=tf.float32)
  6. #prediction
  7. p = w*x
  8. #define losses
  9. l = tf.square(p - y)
  10. g = tf.gradients(l, w)
  11. learning_rate = tf.constant( 1,dtype=tf.float32)
  12. #learning_rate = tf.constant(0.11,dtype=tf.float32)
  13. init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
  14. #update
  15. update = tf.assign(w, w - learning_rate * g[ 0])
  16. with tf.Session() as sess:
  17. sess.run(init)
  18. print(sess.run([g,p,w], {x: 1}))
  19. for _ in range( 5):
  20. w_,g_,l_ = sess.run([w,g,l],feed_dict={x: 1})
  21. print( 'variable is w:',w_, ' g is ',g_, ' and the loss is ',l_)
  22. _ = sess.run(update,feed_dict={x: 1})


learning rate=1

  1. [[ -2.0], 2.0, 2.0]
  2. variable is w: 2.0 g is [ -2.0] and the loss is 1.0
  3. variable is w: 4.0 g is [ 2.0] and the loss is 1.0
  4. variable is w: 2.0 g is [ -2.0] and the loss is 1.0
  5. variable is w: 4.0 g is [ 2.0] and the loss is 1.0
  6. variable is w: 2.0 g is [ -2.0] and the loss is 1.0


缩小learning rate

  1. variable is w: 2.9964619 g is [ -0.007575512] and the loss is 1.4347095e-05
  2. variable is w: 2.996695 g is [ -0.0070762634] and the loss is 1.2518376e-05
  3. variable is w: 2.996913 g is [ -0.0066099167] and the loss is 1.0922749e-05
  4. variable is w: 2.9971166 g is [ -0.0061740875] and the loss is 9.529839e-06
  5. variable is w: 2.9973066 g is [ -0.0057668686] and the loss is 8.314193e-06
  6. variable is w: 2.9974842 g is [ -0.0053868294] and the loss is 7.2544826e-06
  7. variable is w: 2.9976501 g is [ -0.0050315857] and the loss is 6.3292136e-06
  8. variable is w: 2.997805 g is [ -0.004699707] and the loss is 5.5218115e-06
  9. variable is w: 2.9979498 g is [ -0.004389763] and the loss is 4.8175043e-06
  10. variable is w: 2.998085 g is [ -0.0041003227] and the loss is 4.2031616e-06
  11. variable is w: 2.9982114 g is [ -0.003829956] and the loss is 3.6671408e-06
  12. variable is w: 2.9983294 g is [ -0.0035772324] and the loss is 3.1991478e-06














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