AAL ATM适配层 ATM Adaptation Layer
  ABR 可用比特率 Available Bit Rate 
  ACR 衰减串扰比  
  ADPCM 自适应差分PCM  
  ADSL 非对称数字环路 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
  AMI   ATM Management Interface
  AMPS 先进型移动电话系统 Advanced Mobile Phone System
  ANS 高级网络与服务 Advanced Networks and Services
  ANSI 美国国家标准协会 American National Standard Institute
  APON 无源光纤网络  
  ARP 地址解析协议 Address Resolution Protocol
  ARQ 自动重发请求 Automatic Repeat Request
  AS 自制系统 Autonomous System
  ASIC   Application Specific Integrated Circuit(Chip)
  ASN.1   Abstract Syntax Notation One
  ATD 异步时分复用 Asynchronous Time Division
  ATM 异步传输模式 Asynchronous Transfer Mode


  BBS 电子公告板 Bulletin Board System
  BER 误比特率 bit error rate
  BGP 边界网关协议 Border Gateway Protocol
  BIP-8   Bit Interleaved Parity-8
  B-ISDN 宽带综合业务数字网 Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network
  BMI   Bus-Memory Interface
  BOOTP 引导协议 BOOTstrapping Protocol
  BRI 单一ISDN基本速率  
  BUS 广播和未知服务器 Broadcast/Unknown Server


  CAC 连接接纳控制 Connection Admission Control
  CATV 公用天线电视  
  CBDS 无连接宽带数据服务  
  CBR 连续比特率 Continuous Bit Rate 
  CCITT 国际电话电报咨询委员会  
  CD   Carrier Detect
  CDB   Configuration Database
  CDMA 码分多址 Code Division Multiple Access
  CDPD 蜂窝数字分组数据 Cellular Digital Packet Data
  CDV 信元延时变化 Cell Delay Variation
  CEC   Common Equipment Card
  CERNET 中国教育科研网  
  CIDR 无类型域间路由 Classless InterDomain Routing
  CLIP   Classical IP
  CLP 信元丢失优先级  
  CMIS/CMIP   the Common Management Information Service/Protocol
  CMOS 互补型金属氧化物半导体  
  CNOM 网络营运与管理专业委员会 Committee of Network Operation and Management
  CORBA 公共对象请求代理结构 Common Object Request Broker Architecture
  CPAN   Comprehensive Perl archieve Network
  CPE   Customer Premises Equipment
  CPCS 公共部分会聚子层 Common Part Convergence Sublayer
  CR   Carriage Return
  CS 会聚子层 Convergence Sublayer
  CSDN 电路交换数据网  
  CSMA/CD 载波侦听多路访问/冲突检测 Carrier Sense Multi-Access/Collision Detection
  DAC   Dual Attach Concentrator
  DAS   Dual Attach Station
  DCD   Data Carrier Detect
  DCE 数据电路端接设备 Digital Circuit-terminating Equipment
  DHCP 动态主机控制协议  
  DIME 直接内存执行 Direct Memory Execute
  DME 分布式管理环境 Distributed Management Environment
  DNS 域名系统 Domain Name System
DPI 每英寸可打印的点数 Dot Per Inch
  DQDB 分布式队列双总线 Distributed Queue Dual Bus
  DS-3   Digital Standard-3
  DSMA 数字侦听多重访问 Digital Sense Multiple Access
  DSP   Digital Signal Processing
  DTE 数据终端设备 Data Terminal Equipment
  DTR   Data Terminal Ready
  DVMRP 距离向量多目路径协议 Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol


  ECL 硅双极型  
  ECSRN 华东南地区网  
  EGP 外部网关协议 Exterior Gateway Protocol
  EIA/TIA   Electronic Industries Association and the Telecommunication Industries Association
  EMA 以太网卡 Ethernet Media Adapter
  E-mail 电子邮件 Electronic Mail
  EPD 提前舍弃分组数据包  

  FAQ 常见问题解答 Frequently Answer Question
  FCS 快速电路交换 Fast Circuit Switching
  FDDI 光纤分布式数据接口 Fiber Distributed Data Interface
  FDM 频分多路复用 Frequency Division Multiplexing
  FEC 前向差错纠正 Forward Error Correction
  FEMA 快速以太网卡 Fast Ethernet Media Adapter
  FEXT 远端串扰  
  FITL 光纤环路  
  FMA FDDI网卡 FDDI Media Adapter
  FOIRL   Fiber Optic Inter-repeater Link
  FTP 文件传输协议 File Transfer Protocol
  FTTC 光纤到楼群 Fiber To The Curb
  FTTH 光纤到户 Fiber To The Home


  GCRA 通用信元速率算法 Generic Cell Rate Algorithm
  GGP 网关-网关协议 Gateway-Gateway Protocol
  GSM 移动通信全球系统(全球通) Global Systems for Mobile communications


  HEC 信头错误控制 Header Error Control
  HCS 头校验序列 Header Check Sequence
  HDLC 高级数据链路控制(协议) High-Level Data Link Control
  HDTV 数字高清晰度电视 High Definition TeleVision
  HFC 混合光纤同轴 Hybrid Fiber Coax
  HIPPI 高性能并行接口 High Performance Parallel Interface
  HOL 队头阻塞  
  HTTP 超文本传输协议 HyperText Transfer Protocol
  Hub 集线器  


  IAB 因特网结构委员会 Internet Architecture Board
  IAP 因特网接入提供商 Internet Access Provider
  ICCB Internet控制与配置委员会 Internet Control and Configuration Board
  ICMP 因特网控制信息协议 Internet Control Message Protocol
  ICP   Internet Content Provider
  ICX 部件间交换 Inter-Cartridge Exchange
  IDP 网间数据报协议 Internetwork Datagram Protocol
  IDU 接口数据单元 Interface Data Unit
  IEEE 电子和电气工程师协会 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  IETF 因特网工程特别任务组 Internet Engineering Task Force
  IGMP Internet组管理协议 Internet Group Management Protocol
  IGP 内部网关协议 Interior Gateway Protocol
  IISP 间歇交换机信令协议  
  ILMI 过渡性局域管理界面(?)  
  IMP 接口信息处理机 Interface Message Processor
  IMTS 改进型移动电话系统 Emproved Mobile Telephone System
  IP 因特网协议 Internet Protocol
  IRC   Internet Relay Chat
  IRTF 因特网研究特别任务组 Internet Research Task Force
  ISDN 综合业务数字网 Integrated Services Digital Network
  ISO 国际标准化组织 International Organization for Standardization
  (或简称International Standard Organization)
  ISP 因特网服务提供商 Internet Service Proveder
  IT 信息技术 Information Technology
  ITU 国际电信联盟 International Telecommunications Union


  JPEG 图像专家联合小组 Joint Photographic Experts Group


  L2F 第二层转发  
  L2TP 第二层隧道协议  
  LAN 局域网 Local Area Network
  LANE 局域网仿真 LAN Emulation
  LAP 链路访问过程 Link Access Procedure
  LCP 链路控制协议 Link Control Protocol
  LE_ARP LAN仿真地址转换协议  
  LEC 局域网仿真客户端 LAN Emulation Client
  LECS 局域网仿真配置服务 LAN Emulation Configure Service
  LED 发光二极管  
  LES 局域网仿真服务器 LAN Emulation Server
  LF   Line Feed
  LI 长度指示  
  LIM 插件板  
  LLC 逻辑链路控制 Logical Link Control


  MAC 介质访问控制 Media Access Control
  MAN 城域网 Metropolitan Area Network
  MACA 避免冲突的多路访问(协议)
  (IEEE802.11无线局域网标准的基础) Multiple Access with Access Avoidance
  MAU   Medium Access Unit
  MIB 管理信息库 Management Information Base
  MIC   Media interface connector
  Modem 调制解调器  
  MOTD 当日消息 Message Of The Day
MPC   MPOA Client
  MPEG 活动图像专家组 Motion Picture Experts Group
  MRFCS 多速率快速电路交换 Multirate Fast Circuit Switching
  MPOA   Multi-Protocol Over ATM
  MPS   MPOA Server
  MRCS 多速率电路交换 Multirate Circuit Switching
  MSC 移动交换中心 Mobile Switching Center
  MTBF 两次故障间的平均时间 Media Time Between Faults
  MTOR 故障修复所需平均时间 Media Time of Repair
  MTP 邮件传输协议 Mail Transfer Protocol
  MTSO 移动电话交换站 Mobile Telephone Switching Office
  MTTD 故障诊断所需平均时间 Media Time to Diagnose
  MTU 最大传输单元 Maximum Transfer Unit各种CISCO认证的简单介绍
文章整理: 文章来源: 网络 去论坛 建我的blog

为了满足互联网的高速发展对专业工程师的需求,思科系统公司(CISCO SYSTEM INC) 于1993年设立了思科认证互联网工程师初级到高级的一系列课程,CCNA、CCNA为初级认证,同时有CCNP、CCDP、CCNP Specialization、CCDP Specialization等高级认证及CCIE最高级认证。整套认证主要致力于网络维护与网络设计两个方向。





  CCNP认证包括如下四门课程:构建可扩展的思科网络BSCN,构建思科多层交换网络BCMSN,构建思科远程访问网络BCRAN,互联网故障排除CIT. CCDP认证前三门课程都同CCNP认证,只有第四门为互联网网络设计CID。 学员在取得CCNA或CCDA资格后,通过以上课程的学习,可争取CCNP或CCDP职业认证。

  CCNP Specialization认证:
  课程包括六个方向的认证,分别是:网络安全,语音访问,网络管理, 局域网异步传输模式SNA/IP集成,SNA/IP网管。当取得CCNP或CCDP资格后,学员可以选修以下课程,园区网异步传输模式解决方案(CATM),企业管理解决方案(CEMS)多协议管理SNA设置(SNAM),管理思科网路的安全性(MCNS)

  CCIE认证包括四个不同领域的证书,可根据自身的需求和能力参加全部或其中一个领域的考试,这四个领域分别是: 路由与交换,广域网交换,ISP拨号,SNA/IP集成学员必须拥有专业性互联网技术,必须经过严格的笔试及实验测试,才能获得CCIE认证。笔试重点集中在网络的基础知识方面,实验测试则侧重于对思科公司产品与其他互联网产品的安装能力,实验考试时间为2天。 CCIE认证是业界最具挑战性的认证,CCIE LAB 通过实验,在实验室模拟各种真实的环境,让学员进行配置与排错,以此检验实际操作的能力。最近Cisco已经公布CCNA 640-801考试大纲,该考试已经在6月30日生效。为了给广大考生提供复习方便,以下收集全套CCNA IOS配置命令,希望对您的学习考试有所帮助!

?      给出一个帮助屏幕     通配符命令;作用与any命令相同

  access-class      将标准的IP访问列表应用到VTY线路

  access-list      创建-个过滤网络的测试列表

  any      指定任何主机或任何网络;作用与0.0.0.0命令相同

  Backspace      删除一个字符

  Bandwidth     设置--个串行接口止的带宽

  Banner      为登录到本路由器上的用户创建--个标志区

  cdp enable      打开-个特定接口的CDP

  cdp holdtime      修改CDP分组的保持时间

  cdp run      打开路由器上的CDP

  cdp timer      修改CDP更新定时器

  clear counters      清除某一接口上的统计信息、

  clear line      清除通过Telnet连接到路由器的连接

  clear mac-address-table 清除该交换机动态创建的过滤表

  clock rate 提供在串行DCE接口上的时钟

  config memory 复制startup-config到running-config

config network 复制保存在TFTP主机上的配置到running-config

  config terminal 进人全局配置模式并修改running-config

  config-register 告诉路由器如何启动以及如何修改

  copy flash tftp 将文件从闪存复制到TFTP主机

  copy run start copy running-config startup-config的快捷

  copy run tftp 将running-config文件复制到TFTP主机

  Copy tftp flash 将文件从TFTP主机复制到闪存

  Copy tftp run 将配置从TFTP主机复制为running-config文件

  Ctrl+A 移动光标到本行的开始位置

  Ctrl+D 删除一个字符

  Ctrl+E 移动光标到本行的末尾

  Ctrl+F 光标向前移动一个字符

  Ctrl+R 重新显示一行

  Ctrl+Shitf+6 then X 当telnet到多个路由器时

  Ctrl+U 删除一行

  Ctrl+W 删除一个字

  CTRL+Z 结束配置模式并返回EXEC(执行状态)

debug dialer 显示呼叫建立和结束的过程

  debug frame-relay lmi 显示在路由器和帧中继交换机之间

  debug ip igrp events 提供在网络中运行的IGRP路由选择信息

  debug ip igrp transactions 显示来自相邻路由器要求更新的请求消息

  debug ip rip 发送控制台消息显示有关在路由器接口上

  debug ipx 显示通过路由器的RIP和SAP信息

  debug isdn q921 显示第层进程

  debug isdn q931 显示第三层进程

  delete nvram 删除1900交换机-NVRAM的内容

  delete vip 删除交换机的VTP配置

  description 在接口上设置---个描述

  dialer idle-timeout number 告诉BRI线路如果没有发现触发DDR的流量

  dialer list number protocol 为DDR链路指定触发DDR的流量

  protocol permit/deny dialer load-threshold number

  inbound/outbound/either Dialer map protocol address

  name hostname number

  dialer string 设置用于拨叫BRl接口的电话号码

  disable 从特权模式返回用户模式

  disconnect 从原路由器断开同远楞路由豁的连接

dupler 设置一个接口的双工

  enable 进入特权模式

  enable password   设置不加密的启朋口令

  enable password level 1    设置用户模式口令

  enable password level 15 设置启用模式口令

  enable secret 设置加密的启用秘密口令

  encapsulation 在接口上设置帧类型

  encapsulation frame-relay 修改帧中继串行链路上的封装类型

  encapsulation frame-relay 将封装类型设置为因特网工程任务组
(IETF,Internet Enginering Task Force)

  encapuslation hdlc 恢复串行路由器的默认封装HDLC

  encapuslation isl 2 为VLAN 2设置ISL路由

  encapuslation ppp 将串行链路上的封装修改为PPP

  erase starup 删除startup-config

  erase starup-config 删除路由器上的NVRAM的内容

  Esc?B 向后移动一个字

  Esc?F 向前移动一个字exec-timeout 为控制台连接设置以秒或分钟汁的超时

  exit 断开远程路由器的Teln讨连接

  frame-relay interface-dlci 在串行链路或子接口上配置PVC地址

  frame-relay lmi-type 在串行链路上配置LMI类型

  frame-relay map protocl 创建用于帧中继网络的静态映射

  address Host 指定一个主机地址

  Hostname 设置一台路由器或交换机的名字

  int e0.10 创建一个子接口

  int f0/0.1 创建一个子接口

  interface 进人接口配置模式,也可以使用show命令

  interface e0/5 配置Ethernet接口5

  interface ethernet 0/1 配置接口e0/1

  interface f0/26 配置Fast Ethernet接口26

  interface fastehernet 进人Fast Ethernet端口的接口配置模式
也可以使用0/0 show命令   

  interface fastethernet 创建一个子接口 0/0.1
  interface fastethernet0/26 配置接口f0/26

  interface s0.16 multipoint 在串行链路上创建用于帧中继网络的多点

  interface s0.16 point-to-point

  interface serial 5 进人接口serial 5的配置模式,也可以使用show命令

ip access-group 将IP访问列表应用到一个接口

  ip address 设置一个接口或交换机IP地址

  ip classless 一个全局配置命令,用于告诉路由器当目

  ip default-gateway 设置该交换机的默认网关

  ip domain-lookup 打开DNS查找功能 (默认时打开)

  ip domain-name 将域名添加到DNS查找名单中

  ip host 在路由器上创建主机表

  ip name-server 最多设置6个DNS服务器的IP地址

  Ip route 在路由器上创建静态和默认路由

  ipx access-group 将IPX访问列表应用到一个接口

  ipx input-sap-filter 将输入型IPX SAP过滤器应用到一个接口

  ipx network 为接口分配吧X网络号

  ipx output-sap-filter 将输出型IPX SAP过滤器应用到一个接口

  ipx ping 用于测试互联网络上IPX包的因特网探测

  ipx routing 打开IPX路由

  isdn spidl 为ISDN交换机设置标识第一个DSO的号码

  isdn spid2 为ISDN交换机设置标识第二个DSO的号码

isdn switch-type 设置路由器与之通信的ISDN交换类型

  Line 进入配置模式以修改和设置用户模式口令

  line aux 进人辅助接口配置模式

  line console 0 进人控制台配置模式

  line vty 进人VTY(Telnet)接口配置模式

  logging synchronous 阻止控制台信息覆盖命令行上的输入

  logout 退出控制台会话

  mac-address-table permanent 在过滤数据库中生成一个永久MAC地址

  mac-addres-table resticted 在MAC过滤数据库中设置一个有限制的地

  media-type 在接口上设置硬件介质体类型

  network 告诉路由选择协议要发通告的网络

  no cdp run 关闭单个接口上的CDP

  no inverse-arp 完全关闭路由器上的CDP

  no inverse 关闭帧中继中的动态IARP

  no ip domain-lookup 关闭DNS查找功能

  no ip host 从主机表删除一个主机名

  No IP route 删除静态或默认路由

  no shutdown 打开一个接口

  o/r Ox2142 修改2501以便启动时不使用NVRAM的内容

ping 测试一个远程设备的IP连通性

  port secure max-mac-count 只允许配置的设备量连接并在一个接D上

  ppp authentucation chap 告诉PPP使用CHAP认证方式

  ppp authentucation pap 告诉PPP使用PAP认证方式

  router igrp as 在路由器上打开IP IGRP路由选择

  router rip 使用户进人路由器rip配置模式

  secondary 在同一个物理接口上添加辅助IPX网络
Service password-encryption
  show access-list 显示路由器上配置的所有访问列表   

  show access-list 110 只显示访问列表110   

  show cdp 显示CDP定时器和保持时间周期   
  show cdp entry * 同show cdpneighbordetail命令一样

  show cdp interface 显示启用了CDP的特定接口

  show cdp neighbor 显示直连的相邻设备及其详细信息

  show cdp neighbor detail 显示IP地址和IOS版本和类型
并且包括show cdp neighbor命令显示

  show cdp traffic 显示设备发送和接收的CDP分组数以及任何

  Show controllers s 0 显示接口的DTE或DCE状态

  show dialer 显示拨号串到达的次数、

  show flash 显示闪存中的文件

  show frame-relay Imi 在串行接口上设置LMI类型

  show frame-relay map 显示静态的和动态的网络层到PVC的映射

  show frame-relay pvc 显示路由器上己配置的PVC和DLCI号

  show history 默认时显示最近输人的10个命令

show hosts 显示主机表中的内容

  show int fO/26 显示抑/26的统汁  

  show inter e0/l 显示接口e0/l的统计

  show interface So 显示接口serial上的统计信息

  show ip 显示该交换机的IP配置

  show ip access-list 只显示IP访问列表

  show ip interface 显示哪些接口应用了IP访问列表    

  show ip interface 显示在路由器上配置的路由选择协议及
与每个路由选择 协议相关的定时器
  show ip route 显示IP路由表

  show ipx access-list 显示路由器上配置的IPX访问列表

  trunk on 将一个端口设为永久中继模式"

  usemame name password 为了Cisco路由器的身份验证创建用户名

  variance 控制最佳度量和最坏可接受度量之间的

  vlan 2 name Sales 创建一个名为Sales的VLAN2

  lan-membership static 2 给端口分配一个静态VLAN

  vtp client 将该交换机设为一个VTP客户

  vtp domain 设置为该VTP配置的域名

  vtp password 在该VTP域上设置一个口令

  vtp pruning enable 使该交换机成为一台修剪交换机

  vtp server 将该交换机设为一个VTP服务器

show ipx interface 显示一个特定接口上发送和接收的RIP

  show ipx servers 显示接口的IPX地址

  show ipx route 显示IPX路由表

  show ipx traffic 显示Cisco路由器的SAP表

  show ipx traffic 显示Cisco路由器上发送和接收的RIP和

  show isdn active 显示呼叫的号码和呼叫是否在进行中

  show isdn status 显示SPID是否有效、是否己连接以及和

  show mac-address-table 显示该交换机动态创建的过滤表

  show protocols 显示在每个接口上配置的被动路由协议和

  show run showrunning-config 命令的缩写

  show sessions 显示通过Telent到远程设备的连接

  show start 命令show startup-config的快捷方式

  show terminal 显示配置的历史记录 

  show trunk A 显示端口26的中继状态

  show trunk B 显示端口27的中继状态

  show version 给出该交换机的IOS信息以及正常运行时间

  show vlan 显示所有己配置的VLAN

  show vlan-membership 显示所有端口的VLAN分配

  show vtp 显示一台交换机的VTP配置   

  shoutdown 设置接口为管理性关闭模式

  Tab 为操作者完成命令的完整输入

  telnet 连接、查看并在远程设备上运行程序   

  terminal history size 改变历史记录的大小由默认的10改为256

  trace 测试远程设备的连通性并显示通过

  traffic-share balanced 告诉IGRP路由选择协议要反比于度量值

  traffic-share min 告诉IGRP路由选择协议要使用只有最小

  trunk auto 将该端口设为自动中继模式

文章整理: 文章来源: 网络 去论坛 建我的blog

Cisco Career Certifications Tracking System Users Guide


  The Tracking System Users Guide provides you with a step-by-step guide on how to use the Tracking System. This valuable tool provides access to our certified candidates, students and exam takers.


  The Cisco Tracking System allows you to view your certifications, test history, recertification status, the date your certification certificate was mailed, access to the certification logos and subscribe to receive notifications from Cisco. Also, the Tracking System provides you with a validation tool that allows you to provide access to employers, educational institutions and other third parties you choose to view and validate the certifications you hold with Cisco.


  How do I log on?


  Existing or returning users, go to the login page at


  ·Enter your Test ID or Cisco ID followed by your password and click on the Login button.


  If you are using the Tracking System for the very first time you will need to set up a password first for future access. Please click on the hyperlink under the Register for the First Time section to create your password.

  如果你是第一次使用思科追踪系统,您必须首先设立密码,以便将来访问使用。请点击新用户登录(Register for the First Time)的超级链接,以建立您的密码。

  ·Enter your Registration ID and Last Name exactly as it appears on the score report you received from the test center.


  ·Click on the Create Password button. The next page will ask you to create your password. Passwords are case sensitive and must contain a minimum of 4 English characters. After you typed your password, please click on the Create Password button.

  ·点击建立密码(Create Password)键。点击后显示的页面会请求您建立密码。密码区分大小写,至少包括四个英文字母。输入密码后,请点击建立密码(Create Password)键。

  ·You may create a Password Hint in case you forget your password in the future.

  ·您也可以建立密码提示Password Hint,以防遗忘密码。

·After you have created your password, login to the Tracking System. Enter your Test ID or Cisco ID and your password to log in.


  If you forgot your password, from the login page click on the Forgot Password link located below the Login and Need a Hint buttons.

  如果您忘记了密码,请在登录页面里的登录并需要提示键点击忘记密码链接(Forgot Password link)。

  ·Enter your email address and click the Submit button. If the address entered matches the database, your Login ID and your Password will be emailed to you.

  · 输入您的电子邮件地址,并点击提交键。如果输入的电子邮件地址与数据库里的相符合,系统会将您的登录ID与密码通过电子邮件给您。

  How do I update my personal contact information, change my password or sign up to receive notifications from Cisco?


  Go to the Personal Information section to update your contact information, change your password or subscribe to receive notifications from Cisco.

  在个人信息(Personal Information)区更新您的联系信息,改变密码或者登记接收思科的各种通告。

  To update your contact information:


  ·Type your current address, email address, company name, etc. and click on the Update/Verify button found at the bottom of the page.


  ·The system will not allow you to skip mandatory fields and will display an alert message to remind you to provide information on a mandatory field before processing your request to update your contact information.


  ·Candidates residing in countries who use double byte characters can provide their local information under the Localized Information section. The localized information (name and address) you provided can be used (if applicable) when we mail your certificate.

  ·使用双字节字符的国家的用户可以在本地化信息(Localized Information)区中输入本国文字的信息。如果可能,我们将在给您发放证书时使用您提供的本地化信息(名字与地址)。

  To change your password:


  ·From the Personal Information page click on Change Password

  ·在个人信息页面点击更改密码(Change Password)

  ·Once you have entered your password, click on the Change Password button.

  ·输入密码后,点击更改密码(Change Password)键

  To subscribe or unsubscribe to Cisco notifications:


  ·From the personal information page click on Opt In/Opt Out

  ·在个人信息页面,点击选择进入/选择退出(Opt In/Opt Out)

  ·Read the questions and click or answer Yes if your want to receive messages from Cisco. Click or answer No if you do not want to receive messages from Cisco.


  ·Select what format you would like to receive your email if you answered Yes to that question.


  ·Click on Update/Verify button.


  How do I review my test history or find out when my certificate was mailed?


  To review your test history or track an exam:


  ·Go to the Test History section

  ·到考试记录(Test History)区域

  ·Exams are recorded from the most recent exam taken to the oldest exam on record.


  ·Related certification(s) are listed if the exam is a requirement for a particular certification at the time when the exam was taken.


  ·Cisco Career Certification and Specialist exams are listed separately from Cisco Sales and Technical Expert exams

  ·思科职业认证与专家(Specialist)考试在系统中是和思科销售与技术专家考试(Cisco Sales and Technical Expert exams)分开列出的。

  ·The Tracking System does not display any CCIE written exam or lab information. For more information please go to


  To find out when your certificate was mailed:


  ·From the Test History page click on Certificate Status

  ·在考试记录(Test History)页面点击认证状态(Certificate Status)

  ·The Certificate Status page displays which certificate was mailed, when the certificate was mailed and if the certificate was returned by the postal service. If you did not receive your certificate and it has been more than 8 weeks from the date the certificate was mailed please use the Certifications Online Support tool at, to submit an online request.

  ·认证状态页面显示了哪些证书已经寄出,何时寄出,哪些被退回。如果您在证书寄出后八个星期还没有收到,请使 认证在线支持工具,提交在线请求。

  Be sure to verify your personal information including your address in the Tracking System by clicking on “Personal Information” to avoid further delays.


  How do I check my certification progress or when my certification(s) will expire?


  ·Go to the Certification Progress section.

  ·访问认证程序(Certification Progress)区域

  ·Click on the particular certification group you wish to review (i.e. Cisco Career Certification)


  ·Color coded boxes appear on each track to denote the current certification’s track status.


  Each certification you have earned displays the valid through date. If the certification is no longer active or has been decertified a box with an X mark will be displayed to denote that this certification has been decertified. The gray boxes with the arrow on the right- hand side of the certification track displays a table of exam requirements needed to complete the certification or to recertify this certification. If the gray box with the arrow is not displayed on the certification track you earned, the recertification requirement for this track is currently not available or no longer available.


  How do I allow my employer or third party to verify my current certification(s)?


  ·Go to the Validation and Logos section.

  ·访问确认与标识(Validation and Logos)区域

  ·Click on Certification Validation

  ·点击认证确认(Certification Validation)

  ·A validation ID is automatically displayed and ready to be sent.


  ·The email notification can be sent to 5 different individuals at the same time by typing the recipient’s email addresses in each box.


  ·To set the expiration date to less or more than 30 days, please type the expiration date desired on the Expires On box and click on the Update button.

  ·如果您想将有效日期设置为少于或者多余30天,请在过期日期(Expires On)处输入您希望的过期日期,并点击更新(Update)键。

  ·To make the current validation id inactive and prevent assigned third parties from viewing your current certifications click on the Disabled ID button.

  ·如果您希望取消当前有效的ID,防止您授权的第三方查看您当前的认证,请点击ID失效(Disabled ID)键。

  How can I get my Cisco logos?


  ·Go to the Validation and Logos section.

  ·访问确认与标识(Validation and Logos)区域

  ·Click on Certification Logos

  ·点击认证标识(Certification Logos)

  ·Read or download the Cisco Certification Agreement and click on the Yes, I Agree button to accept the terms and conditions of the Cisco Certification agreement.

  ·阅读或者下载思科认证协议,并点击是,我同意(Yes, I Agree )键,以表示接受思科认证协议的条款。

  ·Verify the email address we have for you and click on the Send Logos button.

  ·确认系统中您的电子邮件,并点击发送标识(Send Logos)键。

  ·If the email address we have is behind a firewall system please use an alternate email address to ensure that you will receive your certification logos


  ·You will be sent one email per certification complete with instructions on how to use our logo for each certification you have earned.


  How do I sign the Cisco Career Certifications Agreement online?


  - Go to the Certification Agreement section.

  - 访问认证协议(Certification Agreement)区域

  - Read or download the Cisco Certification Agreement and click on the Continue button.

  - 阅读或者下载思科认证协议并点击继续(Continue)键。

  - Confirm that you are 18 years old or older and click on the I am 18 years old button. If you are below 18 years, please follow the instructions listed on the page and fax your agreement signed by your legal guardian or parent to 408.525.5105

  - 请确认你已经年满18周岁,并点击我已年满18周岁(I am 18 years old)键。如果你未满18岁,请按照本页的指导,将您的协议交由您的监护人或者父母签字,并传真到408.525.5105。

  - Click on the I Agree button.

  - 点击我同意(I Agree)键。

  - If you have already signed the latest version of the Certification Agreement the system will display this notice and will not require you to sign this again.

  - 如果您已经签署了最新的认证协议,系统会显示提示,不会要求您重新签署。

  How do I combine two Tracking System records?


  If you received two different Candidate ID numbers or Cisco ID numbers from the Test Delivery Partners, Prometric and/or Pearson VUE you must have these records combined. Submit an online support request by visiting the Certifications Online Support tool at

  如果您从思科考试合作伙伴,Prometric与/或Pearson VUE收到了两个不同的用户ID或者思科ID,您必须将这些数据合并到一起。请访问认证在线支持工 提交在线支持请求。

  Please allow up to 10 business days for your exam files to be combined.


  How do I order a duplicate score report?


  Candidates may order a duplicate examination score report through the Test Delivery Partners Pearson VUE or Prometric. (A fee may apply)

  用户可以通过思科考试合作伙伴Prometric和/或Pearson VUE定购成绩单副本(需支付一定费用)。

   How do I report if my exam information is not listed on the Tracking System?


  If your exam information was not updated 10 business days after the date of your exam, please fax a copy of your concern and score report to 408-525-5105, attention Database Administrator.

  如果您的考试信息在考试后十个工作日还没有更新在网站上,请将您的问题与考试成绩单发传真至408-525-5105,收件人为数据库管理员(Database Administrator)。

  Please allow up to 10 business days for your examination score to be updated to the Tracking System.

  将您的考试成绩上载到追逐系统(Tracking System)需要10个工作日。

  If you still require further assistance on how to use the Tracking System or have other certification questions please use the Certifications Online Support tool at






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