
Run in new window

<!-- V1.30  by mostone.jiang 2008.04.15 mostone@hotmail.com-->
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<title> Convert RecordSet to Bean's Tool </title>
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var   currentPanelIndex   =   0 ;
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function   switchPanel ( index ){
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window.onload   =   function (){
document.forms [ 0 ]. input.value   =   document.getElementById ( "source" ). value ;
document.forms [ 0 ]. template.value   =   document.getElementById ( "demo" ). value ;  
if   (!!( window.attachEvent   &&   ! window.opera )){
// show Copy button when in IE
document.getElementById ( "copyButton" ). style.display   =   "" ;
document.forms [ 1 ]. input.value   =   document.getElementById ( "source1" ). value ;
panels   =   [[ "Source code maker" ,   document.forms [ 0 ]. input ],
[ "RegExp Test" ,   document.forms [ 1 ]. input ]];

<script   language = "javascript" >
var   sourceTool   =   {
validate :   function ( form ){
if   ( form.input.value == "" )   {
alert ( "Please input source." );
form.input.focus ();
return   false ;
if   ( form.template.value == "" )   {
alert ( "Please input template." );
form.template.focus ();
return   false ;
return   true ;

main :   function ( form ){
if   ( this.validate ( form )   ==   false ){
return   false ;
var   template ;
try {
templateText   =   "template = {"   +  
form.template.value.replace ( /""/g , "///"" )   +  
", content1: /"/", content2: /"/"};" ;
eval ( templateText );
} catch ( e ){
alert ( "template error!/n"   +   e );
return   false ;
var   tabWidth   =   parseInt ( form.tabWidth.value ,   10 );
var   src   =   form.input.value ;
var   reg   =   /^/s*(/S+)/s+(/w+).*?(?:--/s*(/S+)?)?/s*$/gm ;
var   fieldName ,   fieldType ,   fieldComment ;
var   javaName ,   javaMethodName ,   javaType ;
var   items   =   [];
var   index   =   0 ;
while   (( arr   =   reg.exec ( src ))   !=   null ){
fieldName   =   arr [ 1 ];
fieldType   =   arr [ 2 ];
fieldComment   =   ( typeof ( arr [ 3 ])   ==   "undefined"   ?   ""   :   arr [ 3 ]);
javaName   =   this.getJavaName ( fieldName.replace ( /(^")|("$)/g ,   "" ));
javaMethodName   =   this.getJavaMethodName ( javaName );
javaType   =   this.getJavaType ( fieldType );
items [ index ++]   =   { fieldName :   fieldName ,   fieldType :   fieldType ,   fieldComment :   fieldComment ,  
javaName :   javaName ,   javaMethodName :   javaMethodName ,   javaType :   javaType };
for ( var   i = 0 ;   i < items.length ;   i ++){
if   ( i   ==   0 ){
template.content1   +=   this.processTemplate ( items [ i ],   ( template.p1.first == null   ?   template.p1.content   :   template.p1.first ),   tabWidth );
template.content2   +=   this.processTemplate ( items [ i ],   ( template.p2.first == null   ?   template.p2.content   :   template.p2.first ),   tabWidth );
} else   if   ( i   ==   ( items.length   -   1 )){
template.content1   +=   this.processTemplate ( items [ i ],   ( template.p1.last == null   ?   template.p1.content   :   template.p1.last ),   tabWidth );
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} else {
template.content1   +=   this.processTemplate ( items [ i ],   template.p1.content ,   tabWidth );
template.content2   +=   this.processTemplate ( items [ i ],   template.p2.content ,   tabWidth );
with ( template ){
form.output.value   =   content1   +   content2 ;
processTemplate :   function ( item ,   content ,   tabWidth ){
if   ( content   ==   null ){
return   "" ;
var   result   =   content ;
result   =   result.replace ( //$fieldName/g ,   item.fieldName );
result   =   result.replace ( //$fieldType/g ,   item.fieldType );
result   =   result.replace ( //$fieldComment/g ,   item.fieldComment );
result   =   result.replace ( //$javaName/g ,   item.javaName );
result   =   result.replace ( //$javaMethodName/g ,   item.javaMethodName );
result   =   result.replace ( //$javaType/g ,   item.javaType );
result   =   this.replacePaddingComment ( result ,   item ,   tabWidth );
return   result ;
replacePaddingComment :   function ( value ,   item ,   tabWidth ){
var   arr   =   //$/[fieldComment/((/d+)/)/((.+)/)/]/ . exec ( value );  
if   ( arr   ==   null ){
return   value ;
if   (! item.fieldComment ){
return   value.substring ( 0 ,   arr.index )   +   value.substr ( arr.index   +   arr [ 0 ]. length );
var   tabString   =   "" ;
for ( var   i = 0 ;   i < tabWidth ;   i ++){
tabString   +=   "1" ;
var   result   =   value.substring ( 0 ,   arr.index );
var   currentLength   =   result.replace ( /[^/u0000-/u00FF]/g ,   "11" ). replace ( //t/g ,   tabString ). length ;
var   paddingLength   =   parseInt ( arr [ 1 ],   10 );
if   ( currentLength   >   paddingLength ){
paddingLength   =   currentLength   +   1 ;
for ( var   i = currentLength ;   i < paddingLength ;   i ++){
result   +=   " " ;
result   +=   arr [ 2 ]   +   item.fieldComment   +   value.substr ( arr.index   +   arr [ 0 ]. length );
return   result ;
getJavaName :   function ( fieldName ){
fieldName   =   fieldName.replace ( /(^_*)|(_*$)/ ,   "" );
var   result   =   "" ;
var   pos   =   0 ;
var   tmp ;
do {
tmp   =   fieldName.indexOf ( "_" ,   pos );
if   ( pos   >   0 ){
result   +=   fieldName.charAt ( pos ). toUpperCase ();
pos ++;
if   ( tmp   ==   - 1 ){
result   +=   fieldName.substr ( pos );
} else {
result   +=   fieldName.substring ( pos ,   tmp );
pos   =   tmp   +   1 ;
} while ( tmp   !=   - 1 )
return   result ;
getJavaMethodName :   function ( javaName ){
if   ( javaName.length   ==   1 ){
return   javaName.toUpperCase ();
return   javaName.charAt ( 0 ). toUpperCase ()   +   javaName.substr ( 1 );
getJavaType :   function ( fieldType ){
switch ( fieldType ){
case   "serial" :
case   "integer" :
return   "Integer" ;
case   "numeric" :
return   "BigDecimal" ;
case   "boolean" :
return   "Boolean" ;
case   "timestamp" :
return   "Date" ;
default :
return   "String" ;
setTemplate :   function ( templateId ){
if   ( templateId ){
document.forms [ 0 ]. template.value   =   document.getElementById ( templateId ). value ;
copyResult :   function ( value ){
if   ( value ){
clipboardData.setData ( "text" ,   value );
<script   language = "javascript" >
var   regexpTool   =   {
main :   function ( form ,   isReplace ){
if   ( this.validate ( form ,   isReplace )== false ){
return   false ;
var   outputString   =   "" ;
var   rowIndex   =   1 ;
var   arr   =   null ;
var   reg   =   new   RegExp ( form.regexpString.value ,   "mg" );             
var   lastIndex   =   0 ;
var   tmp   =   null ;
var   tmp1   =   null ;
while   (( arr   =   reg.exec ( form.input.value ))   !=   null ){
if   ( isReplace ){
outputString   +=   form.input.value.substring ( lastIndex ,   arr.index );
tmp   =   form.replaceString.value ;                  
for ( var   i = 0 ;   i < arr.length ;   i ++){
do {
tmp1   =   tmp ;
tmp   =   tmp.replace ( "$"   +   i ,   arr [ i ]);
} while ( tmp != tmp1 );
outputString   +=   tmp ;
lastIndex   =   arr.index   +   arr [ 0 ]. length ;
} else {
lastIndex   =   arr.index   +   arr [ 0 ]. length ;
outputString   +=   "No."   +   rowIndex   +  
//"/n/tinput=" + arr.input +
"/n/tindex="   +   arr.index   +
"/n/tlastIndex="   +   lastIndex   +
"/n" ;
for ( var   i = 0 ;   i < arr.length ;   i ++){
outputString   +=   "/t/t$"   +   i   +   "="   +   arr [ i ]   +   "/n" ;
rowIndex ++;
if   ( isReplace ){
outputString   +=   form.input.value.substr ( lastIndex );
form.output.value   =   outputString ;
validate :   function ( form ,   isReplace ){
if   ( form.input.value == "" )   {
alert ( "Please input source." );
form.input.focus ();
return   false ;
if   ( form.regexpString.value == "" )   {
alert ( "Please input regexp string." );
form.regexpString.focus ();
return   false ;
if   ( isReplace   &&   form.replaceString.value == "" ){
alert ( "Please input replace string." );
form.replaceString.focus ();
return   false ;
return   true ;

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<div   id = "titlePanel"   style = "width:60%;float:left;padding-top:10px;font-size:18pt;font-weight:bold;color:dimgray;" > Source code Maker </div>
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<div   id = "fn0" >
<legend> Fields List </legend>
<textarea   name = "input"   onfocus = "this.select()" ></textarea>
<legend> Options </legend>
<label> Template </label>
<select   onchange = "sourceTool.setTemplate(this.value)" >
<option   value = "demo"   selected = "selected" > Demo </option>
<optgroup   LABEL = "--------------------" >
<option   value = "insert" > Insert SQL </option>
<option   value = "update" > Update SQL </option>
<option   value = "insertSingle" > Insert SQL[Single row] </option>
<option   value = "updateSingle" > Update SQL[Single row] </option>
<option   value = "sqlCondition" > SQL Condition </option>
<optgroup   LABEL = "--------------------" >
<option   value = "set" > Set SQL Parameters </option>
<option   value = "get" > Read SQL Result </option>
<optgroup   LABEL = "--------------------" >
<option   value = "json" > JSON </option>
<label   for = "tabWidth"   style = "margin-left: 50px" > TAB width </label>
<input   type = "text"   name = "tabWidth"   id = "tabWidth"   value = "4"   size = "2"   maxlength = "1" />
<legend> Template </legend>
<textarea   name = "template" ></textarea>
<legend> Output source </legend>
<textarea   name = "output"   readonly = "readonly" ></textarea>
<div   align = "right"   style = "float:right" >
<input   type = "button"   value = "Run Make"   class = "submit_button"   onclick = "sourceTool.main(this.form)" />
<input   type = "button"   value = "Copy to clipboard"   class = "submit_button"   onclick = "sourceTool.copyResult(this.form.output.value)"   id = "copyButton"   style = "display:none" />
<div   id = "fnValues0"   style = "display:none" >
<textarea   id = "source" >
  cmpno character varying(4) NOT NULL, -- 公司编号
  deptno character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'etime-y'::character varying, -- 部门编号
  etno numeric(6) NOT NULL, -- 职务类别
  empno character varying(20) NOT NULL, -- 员工编号
  "year" character varying(4) NOT NULL, -- 年
  yearmonth character varying(6) NOT NULL, -- 年月
  date character varying(8) NOT NULL, -- 年月日
  plantime numeric(6), -- 计划时间
  planmoney numeric(8), -- 金额
  registtime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), -- 登录时间
  registuser character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'SYSTEM'::character varying, -- 登录者编号
  updatetime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), -- 更新时间
  updateuser character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'SYSTEM'::character varying, -- 更新者编号
<textarea   id = "demo" >
    first: "This is a Demo: /nThis is first leader:/n/t/tfieldName: ""$fieldName"",  fieldType: ""$fieldType"",  fieldComment: ""$fieldComment""      $[fieldComment(108)(// -- )]/n",
    content: "/t/tfieldName: ""$fieldName"",  fieldType: ""$fieldType"",  fieldComment: ""$fieldComment""      $[fieldComment(108)(// -- )]/n",
    last: "/t/tfieldName: ""$fieldName"",  fieldType: ""$fieldType"",  fieldComment: ""$fieldComment""      $[fieldComment(108)(// -- )]/n"
    first: "This is secend leader:/n/t/tjavaName: ""$javaName"",  javaMethodName: ""$javaMethodName"",  javaType: ""$javaType""       $[fieldComment(108)(// -- )]/n",
    content: "/t/tjavaName: ""$javaName"",  javaMethodName: ""$javaMethodName"",  javaType: ""$javaType""       $[fieldComment(108)(// -- )]/n",
    last: "/t/tjavaName: ""$javaName"",  javaMethodName: ""$javaMethodName"",  javaType: ""$javaType""       $[fieldComment(108)(// -- )]/n"
<textarea   id = "insert" >
    first: "INSERT INTO XXXXX($fieldName, $[fieldComment(88)(-- )]/n",
    content: "/t/t$fieldName, $[fieldComment(88)(-- )]/n",
    last: "/t/t$fieldName) $[fieldComment(88)(-- )]/n"
    first: "VALUES(?, $[fieldComment(88)(-- )]/n",
    content: "/t/t?, $[fieldComment(88)(-- )]/n",
    last: "/t/t?) $[fieldComment(88)(-- )]/n"
<textarea   id = "update" >
    first: "UPDATE XXXXX SET $fieldName = ?, $[fieldComment(88)(-- )]/n",
    content: "/t/t$fieldName = ?, $[fieldComment(88)(-- )]/n",
    last: "/t/t$fieldName = ? $[fieldComment(88)(-- )]/nWHERE "
    first: null,
    content: null,
    last: null
<textarea   id = "insertSingle" >
    first: "INSERT INTO XXXXX($fieldName, ",
    content: "$fieldName, ",
    last: "$fieldName)"
    first: " VALUES(?, ",
    content: "?, ",
    last: "?)"
<textarea   id = "updateSingle" >
    first: "UPDATE XXXXX SET $fieldName = ?, ",
    content: "$fieldName = ?, ",
    last: "$fieldName = ? WHERE "
    first: null,
    content: null,
    last: null
<textarea   id = "sqlCondition" >
    first: "WHERE $fieldName = ? ",
    content: "AND $fieldName = ? ",
    last: null
    first: null,
    content: null,
    last: null
<textarea   id = "set" >
    first: null,
    content: "/t/tpStmt.set$javaType(parameterIndex++, model.get$javaMethodName()); $[fieldComment(88)(// )]/n",
    last: null
    first: null,
    content: null,
    last: null
<textarea   id = "get" >
    first: null,
    content: "/t/tmodel.set$javaMethodName(rs.get$javaType(columnIndex++)); $[fieldComment(88)(// )]/n",
    last: null
    first: null,
    content: null,
    last: null
<textarea   id = "json" >
    first: "/tvar json = transport.responseText.evalJSON();/n/twith(document.forms[0]){/n/t/tif (json.$javaName) $javaName.value = json.$javaName; $[fieldComment(88)(// )]/n",
    content: "/t/tif (json.$javaName) $javaName.value = json.$javaName; $[fieldComment(88)(// )]/n",
    last: "/t/tif (json.$javaName) $javaName.value = json.$javaName; $[fieldComment(88)(// )]/n/t}"
    first: null,
    content: null,
    last: null
<div   id = "fn1"   style = "display:none" >
<legend> Source String </legend>
<textarea   name = "input"   onfocus = "this.select()" ></textarea>
<legend> RegExp </legend>
<input   type = "text"   name = "regexpString"   onfocus = "this.select()"   style = "width:95%"   value = "([/w-]+)/b/s*:/s*([^;/n/r]*)" />
<legend> Replace String </legend>
<input   type = "text"   name = "replaceString"   onfocus = "this.select()"   style = "width:95%"   value = "property='$1' value='$2'" />
<legend> Output source </legend>
<textarea   name = "output"   readonly = "readonly" ></textarea>
<div   align = "right"   style = "float:right" >
<input   type = "button"   value = "Excute"   class = "submit_button"   onclick = "regexpTool.main(this.form)" />
<input   type = "button"   value = "Replace"   class = "submit_button"   onclick = "regexpTool.main(this.form, true)" />
<div   id = "fnValues1"   style = "display:none" >
<textarea   id = "source1" >
    border:1px solid royalblue;
<div   style = "margin:3px 0px 0px 0px;width:150px;float:left" >
Power by mostone.jiang




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


