
1.     配置 tapestry
1)Web.xml 中配置 tapestry’s servlet
< servlet >
    < servlet-name > app </ servlet-name >
    < servlet-class > org.apache.tapestry.ApplicationServlet </ servlet-class >
</ servlet >
< servlet-mapping >
    < servlet-name > app </ servlet-name >
    < url-pattern > / </ url-pattern >
</ servlet-mapping >
Servlet mapping is associate with the file of hivemodule.xml
Note:first u couldn’t add the tapestry-spring.jar
2)config application file
<application >
       <meta key = "org.apache.tapestry.messages-encoding" value = "UTF-8" />
//encoding for tapestry
        <meta key = "org.apache.tapestry.page-class-packages" value = "tapestry" />
//html file is associate with java file in the “tapestry” package
And the application file name must be defined the same as the servlet-class name.if u dun do that,u must declare in the application file like this “<application name=’project name’>”
3)write your html file and java file
<input jwcid=”@insert” value=”ongl:name”>
Home.java:(must extends BasePage)
        Public absact String getName();
        Public abstact void setName(String name);
Note:absact is better for the project.
Now u can run and see!
2.    hibernate+spring configuration
1)write a orm file---User.hbm.xml whatever u like(include a PK and name/pwd property).and also do a javabean for it.named User.java in domain package.
2)First add tapestry-spring.jar,and add under context into web.xml:
< listener >
       < listener-class >
       </ listener-class >
    </ listener >
    < context-param >
       < param-name > contextConfigLocation </ param-name >
       < param-value > /WEB-INF/application.xml </ param-value >
</ context-param >
3)Then create application.xml file:
< bean id = "sessionFactory"
class = "org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean" >
           < property name = "mappingResources" >
              < list >
                  < value > hibernate/User.hbm.xml </ value >
              </ list >
           </ property >
           < property name = "hibernateProperties" >
              < props >
                  < prop key = "hibernate.connection.driver_class" >
                  </ prop >
//for oracle driver
                  < prop key = "hibernate.connection.url" >
                  </ prop >
                  < prop key = "hibernate.connection.username" > web </ prop >
                  < prop key = "hibernate.connection.password" > web </ prop >
                  < prop key = "hibernate.dialect" >
                  </ prop >
                  < prop key = "hibernate.show_sql" > true </ prop >
                  < prop key = "hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" > update </ prop >
//is the key word for auto create table in database by itself.
              </ props >
           </ property >
    </ bean >
4)and u can create a service interface and impl class files,one is in service.interface package and another in service.impl package.
public interface UserService {
    void create(User user);
    void update(User user);
    void delete(User user);
    Collection query();
    User load(Long id);
And UserServiceImpl.java must inject sessionFactory
public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {
        private SessionFactory sessionFactory ;
        public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
           this . sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
        public void create(User user) {
HibernateTemplate ht = new HibernateTemplate( this . sessionFactory );
Now u must add these into application.xml
< bean id = "userService" class="service.impl.UserServiceImpl">
    < property name = "sessionFactory ref = "sessionFactory" >
</ property >
</ bean >
5) add a table on html
< table cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" class = "grid" width = "100%"
    jwcid = "tableUser" >
        < tr jwcid = "@contrib:TableRows" >
           < td jwcid = "@contrib:TableValues" />
        </ tr >
</ table >
Then Home.java will change:
@InjectObject ( "spring:userService" )
    public abstract UserManager getUserManager();
//inject userService
@Component (id = "tableUser" , type = "contrib:Table" , bindings = { "columns=literal:!name,!pwd" , "row=currUser" , "source=userList" })
    public abstract IComponent getTableUser();
//for the tableUser component,see more on “http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry4”
    public Collection getUserList(){
       return this .getUserManager().query();
    //for source
    public abstract User getCurrUser();
public abstract void  setCurrUser(User user);
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
To make use of this library, you must include its JAR on the classpath (typically, by copying it into WEB-INF/lib), and extend your application specification, and add a <library> element :
<library id="contrib" specification-path="classpath:/org/apache/tapestry/contrib/
    Now u can add some data in database,and run . . .see the list loaded from database!
3.    spring 事务
define a form in new page---create.html
< form jwcid = "@Form" >
        NAME: < input jwcid = "@TextField" value = "ognl:user.name" />
    PWD: < input jwcid = "@TextField" value = "ognl:user.pwd" hidden = "true" />
        < input jwcid = "save" value = "save" />
</ form >
Add a method in create.java
public String save(){
       return "Home" ;
//can return a string type
And add these in application.xml:
< bean id = "txMgr" class = "org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager" >
         < property name = "sessionFactory" >
            < ref bean = "sessionFactory" />
        </ property >
    </ bean >
    <!-- the txInterceptor bean will get auto-wrapped around all beans matched with the combination of "txAdvisor"+"txAutoProxyCreator" -->
    < bean id = "txInterceptor" class = "org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor" >
        < property name = "transactionManager" >
            < ref bean = "txMgr" />
        </ property >
        < property name = "transactionAttributes" >
             < props >
                < prop key = "*" > PROPAGATION_REQUIRED </ prop >
            </ props >
        </ property >
    </ bean >
    <!-- the txAdvisor advises all matched methods in a given bean against its patterns with its interceptor -->
    < bean id = "txAdvisor" class = "org.springframework.aop.support.RegexpMethodPointcutAdvisor" >
        < property name = "advice" >
            < ref bean = "txInterceptor" />
        </ property >
        < property name = "patterns" >
            <!-- the patterns must match *fully qualified* method names, hence the .* -->
            < list >
                < value > .* </ value >
<!—- .* 的方法包括在 TRANSACTION -->
            </ list >
        </ property >
    </ bean >
    <!-- the txProxyAutoCreator automagically proxies all matched beans with its interceptors if they match any pointcuts -->
    < bean id = "txProxyAutoCreator" class = "org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy.BeanNameAutoProxyCreator" >
        < property name = "beanNames" >
            < list >
                <!-- managers -->
                < value > *Manager </ value >
                < value > *Service </ value >
<!—- 与以上命名的类文件匹配 -->
             </ list >
        </ property >
        < property name = "interceptorNames" >
            < list >
                < value > txAdvisor </ value >
            </ list >
        </ property >
    </ bean >
评论 6




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