swift cartfile 依赖中 == >= ~=

== 1.0表示使用1.0版本

>= 1.0 表示使用1.0或者更高的版本

~>1.0 表示使用版本1.0 但是低于2.0的版本 如1.2    1.9

X-CART README Welcome! This file contains basic information about X-Cart. The more detailed informa- tion on how to use X-Cart you ll find in X-Cart Manual, which is coming soon. I. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS II. INSTALLATION III. COMMENTS FOR DEVELOPER IV. X-CART STRUCTURE V. X-CART FILES VI. DEFAULT ACCOUNTS VII. SETTING UP AND CONFIGURING VIII. BUG REPORT I. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS On details about system requirements, please refer to INSTALL file. II. INSTALLATION On details about system requirements, please refer to INSTALL file. III. COMMENTS FOR DEVELOPER First you need to read Smarty manuals for better understanding the idea of X-Cart architecture. Smarty documentation is located at: http://www.phpinsider.nul/php/code/Smarty/docs/ IV. X-CART STRUCTURE 1. PHP scripts: a) Customer related scripts are located in ./customer directory. b) Administrator related scripts are located in ./admin directory. c) Provider related scripts are located in ./provider directory. d) Common scripts are located in ./include directory. e) Newsletter Mail subsystem scripts are located in ./mail directory. 2. Configuration and Smarty class scripts are located in ./ directory. 3. CSS styles are described in ./skin1/*.css file. 4. Smarty configuration files are located in ./configs directory. 5. Templates directory: a) Common templates are located in ./skin1 and ./skin1/main directories. b) Customer related templates are located in ./skin1/customer directory. c) Administrator related templates are located in ./skin1/admin directory. d) Provider related templates are located in ./skin1/provider directory. e) Mail templates are located in ./skin1/mail directory. 6. Compiled templates (for cache and Smarty internal use): ./templates_c 7. Dump of MySQL database is in ./sql/*.sql file. 8. Website images are located in ./*images directory. 9. Shipping modules (integrated) are located in ./shipping directory V. X-CART FILES Top level files: ./README - documentation file ./INSTALL - documentation file ./skin1/*.css - CSS files ./config.php - Main configuration file with commonly used functions ./icon.php - Show category icon from SQL DB ./image.php - Show product image from SQL DB ./product_image.php - Show multiple product images from SQL DB ./install.php - Installation Wizard script ./smarty.php - Smarty class declaration VI. DEFAULT ACCOUNTS There are default user accounts in your copy of X-Cart system. You may easily change/delete them as usual users. a. Administrator account (valid in X-Cart Pro version only): Usertype: Administrator Username: admin Password: admin Interface URL: http://www.yoursite.nul/xcart-directory/admin/ b. Provider account: Usertype: provider Username: provider Password: provider Interface URL: http://www.yoursite.nul/xcart-directory/provider/ c. Provider account: Usertype: Provider Username: master Password: master Interface URL: http://www.yoursite.nul/xcart-directory/provider/ d. Root provider account: Usertype: Provider Username: root Password: root Interface URL: http://www.yoursite.nul/xcart-directory/provider/ VII. SETTING UP AND CONFIGURING X-Cart system configuration is separated into several files. Main configuration file - "config.php" - is located under main X-Cart directory. This file contains different type of variables: * SQL DB information * Single Store operation mode flag * Safe Administrator mode flag * Customer titles * Credit Card types accepted by your store * etc X-Cart also has ./configs directory, which contains template configuration file "skin1.conf". Configuration variables from this file are used inside templates and affect look and feel of your web store. VIII. BUG REPORT Please report bugs and suggestions to the developer at support@x-cart.nul X-Cart Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Ruslan R. Fazliev <rrf@rrf.nul> All rights reserved.




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