PVGeo-Examples 2.0 - PVGeo+Discretize

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This notebook demonstrates how to pair PVGeo and discretize for simple processing routines.

This notebook is outlined into four sections:

  1. Introduction to PVGeo
  2. Overview of new VTK interface in discretize
  3. Pairing PVGeo and discretize
  4. Examples of PVGeo in ParaView
%matplotlib notebook
import discretize
import PVGeo
import numpy as np
import pyvista
import vtk

print('NumPy Version: %s' % np.__version__)
print('PVGeo Version: %s' % PVGeo.__version__)
print('vista Version: %s' % pyvista.__version__)
print('vtk Version: %s' % vtk.VTK_VERSION)

NumPy Version: 1.18.5
PVGeo Version: 2.1.0
vista Version: 0.24.2
vtk Version: 9.0.0

1. Learn about PVGeo

To learn more about PVGeo, please refer to the first notebook: 1.0 - Welcome

2. Discretize VTK Mixin

This section demonstrates the VTK interface in discretize outlined in SimPEG/discretize#114.

Let’s check out how the new VTK interface can be used on simple mesh objects to create a VTK data object ready for VTK and/or PVGeo processing routines.

# Create a simple TensorMesh
h1 = np.linspace(.1, .5, 3)
h2 = np.linspace(.1, .5, 5)
h3 = np.linspace(.1, .5, 3)
mesh = discretize.TensorMesh([h1, h2, h3])
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>


<matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes3DSubplot at 0x27f71c1ceb8>

Now that we have a TensorMesh object, we can call the toVTK() method to yield the proper VTK data object.

# Get a VTK data object
grid = mesh.toVTK()
N Cells45
N Points96
X Bounds0.000e+00, 9.000e-01
Y Bounds0.000e+00, 1.500e+00
Z Bounds0.000e+00, 9.000e-01
Dimensions4, 6, 4
N Arrays0

An additional feature added in SimPEG/discretize#114 is the ability to specify rotated reference frames for any given mesh object. Let’s rotate our reference frame and then convert the mesh to a VTK data object. Note that we no longer have a vtkRectilinearGrid but a vtkStructuredGrid due to having that TensorMesh rotated off of the traditional reference frame (traditional being <1,0,0>, <0,1,0>, <0,0,1>).

# Defined a rotated reference frame
mesh.axis_u = (1,-1,0)
mesh.axis_v = (-1,-1,0)
mesh.axis_w = (0,0,1)

# Check that the referenc fram is valid

# At this time, the grid code in discretize is not updated to plot the rotated grid
# Yield the rotated vtkStructuredGrid
grid_r = mesh.toVTK()
N Cells45
N Points96
X Bounds-1.061e+00, 6.364e-01
Y Bounds-1.697e+00, 0.000e+00
Z Bounds0.000e+00, 9.000e-01
Dimensions4, 6, 4
N Arrays0

Here is a rendering of these two meshes to demonstrate the rotation:

# Note: you could also use vista.BackgroundPlotter() for interactivity
p = pyvista.Plotter(notebook=True)
p.add_mesh(grid, color='green', show_edges=True)
p.add_mesh(grid_r, color='orange', show_edges=True)


3. Pairing discretize+PVGeo

In this example, we load a discretize 3D model and a topography surface that generally covers that model in space. We then use PVGeo to provide a boolean array to describe whether any given cell is above/below the topography surface for the mesh.

This is a fairly simple example… we want you to focus less on the specific task of extracting the topography and more on the idea that discretize and PVGeo are able to talk to eachother and share their processing results.

The Data

Here we load in some data we’d like to process: the Laguna del Maule Bouguer Gravity example from the SimPEG docs.

This data scene is was produced from the Laguna del Maule Bouguer Gravity example provided by Craig Miller (Maule volcanic field, Chile. Refer to Miller et al 2016 EPSL for full details.)

Miller, C. A., Williams-Jones, G., Fournier, D., & Witter, J. (2017). 3D gravity inversion and thermodynamic modelling reveal properties of shallow silicic magma reservoir beneath Laguna del Maule, Chile. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 459, 14–27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2016.11.007

The rendering below shows several data sets and a model integrated together:

  • Point Data: the Bouguer gravity anomalies
  • Topography Surface
  • Inverted Model: The model has been both sliced and thresholded for low values

This rendering was created in ParaView using file I/O methods in PVGeo for UBC fomrats and general VTK filters available in ParaView. A ParaView state file is included in the data directory to recreate this scene.


#!head data/Craig-Chile/LdM_topo.topo
#!head data/Craig-Chile/craig_chile.msh

Let’s load the data files using a mixture of discretize and PVGeo for now to demo how PVGeo and discretize can talk to eachother.

# Load the TensorMesh and some already processed model data 
mesh = discretize.TensorMesh.readUBC('craig_chile.msh', directory='data/Craig-Chile')
models = {'lpout': mesh.readModelUBC(fileName='Lpout.mod', directory='data/Craig-Chile')}
mesh.plot_3d_slicer(v=models['lpout'], zslice=2350)
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>



Process the Data

Now let’s use the mesh from discretize and the topo surface in PVGeo to create a model array that describes whether or not any given cell in the model space is above/below the topogrpahy surface.

Also, let’s ignore the fact the given model data is already accounts for topography (NaN values). Let’s suppose for a moment that you are designing/inspecting your model space: Simply load the topography into a vtkPolyData object in PVGeo and feed it to the ExtractTopography algorithm.

Since the given topography file is in the 3D GIF Topography format, we can use the PVGeo.ubc.TopoReader file reader to read the file and automatically construct the vtkPolyData

# Load topography data using PVGeo
topo = PVGeo.ubc.TopoReader().apply('data/Craig-Chile/LdM_topo.topo')
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells381924
N Points381924
X Bounds3.550e+05, 3.720e+05
Y Bounds5.999e+06, 6.016e+06
Z Bounds2.050e+03, 3.104e+03
N Arrays1
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax
# Call the ExtractTopography algorithm and have it apply on the 
#    discretize mesh and the topography
extracted = PVGeo.grids.ExtractTopography().apply(mesh.toVTK(models), topo)
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells190440
N Points200900
X Bounds3.550e+05, 3.722e+05
Y Bounds5.999e+06, 6.016e+06
Z Bounds-5.250e+03, 3.000e+03
Dimensions70, 70, 41
N Arrays2
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax
active = extracted.get_array('Extracted')
models['active'] = active
mesh.plot_3d_slicer(v=models['active'], zslice=2350)
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

What about plotting those orthographic slices in 3D and showing the topography and creating a whole integrated scene?

slices = extracted.slice_orthogonal()
# And then we can add more features to the scene
p = pyvista.Plotter()
p.add_mesh(topo, opacity=0.5, 
           cmap='gist_earth', clim=[1.7e+03, 3.104e+03])
p.add_mesh(slices, cmap='coolwarm')


What about using a VTK algorthm?

Easy! Simply pass the VTK object to the VTK algorithm and use PVGeo’s top level functions to yield the output in NumPy or Pandas friendly data structures!

# Instantiate your algorithm
alg = vtk.vtkCellSizeFilter()
# Set the inputs
# Run the algorithm
# Yield the output on the 0th port
out = alg.GetOutputDataObject(0)

# Get the Volme array via PVGeo
counts = PVGeo.get_array(out, 'Volume')
# Use that arry to plot up the results!
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Or better yet, utilize vista's streamlined interface to VTK:

cell_sizes = mesh.toVTK(models=models).compute_cell_sizes()


4. Now What?

There are tons of awesome algorithms in ParaView/VTK and PVGeo that you could use to integrate datasets and produce meaningful visualizations. At this time, using those algorithms in a standard Python environment doesn’t really make sense… They should be used directly in ParaView or pvpython to create visualizations until we have a stable toolset for interactive VTK visualizations in Jupyter Notebooks.

Note that the new VTK interface in discretize enables PVGeo to build an interface for discretize directly in ParaView.

Use the UBC suite in PVGeo which has I/O functionality for discretize to create compelling 3D visualizations of all your data!

Some algorithms that might be of interest to you:







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