Is Your Website Color As Inviting as Your Home? Does Color Really Matter?

 We've all read the countless publications about effective web site design, outstanding written content and the never ending need for search engine optimization. But often the importance of color for a web site is overlooked. Yet it is a proven fact that physical changes take place when individuals are exposed to certain colors. Because colors have the power to stimulate, excite, or even depress, specific color combinations can possibly work to your advantage or to your detriment.

Is Your Web Site Color Sending the Right Message?

While we all have our own color preferences, when it comes to a web site, you may have to abandon your favorite color and consider what draws a person's eye, what feels inviting and mostly what says, "I'm someone you want to deal with." In fact, to one person the color yellow represents brightness while to another the yellow color seems repugnant. But no matter how you look at it, colors make the difference. Whether you are selling a product, offering a service or promoting a new business, your web site is your primary advertisement on the Internet. Therefore your job is to make everything about your site as inviting as you make your home. After all, this is how you represent yourself to millions of viewers. And just as you want people to feel at home and at ease when visiting your house, you want visitors to feel the same level of receptivity when visiting your online business.

How Can You Be Sure Of The Right Color For Your Website?

1. Have you ever noticed that on some days you feel more vibrant and alive simply by the color of clothing you're wearing? The color actually influences your mood. The same holds true of your web site. Based on the colors selected, it either comes across as vibrant, relaxing or depressing.

2. Visually, some colors elicit feelings of excitement, serenity, joyfulness, and even distress. Pay attention to what feelings are evoked when seeing a particular color, and then apply the same principle to your web site.

3. Do you think that people buy more often when they see a certain color? The truth of the matter is that when used correctly, you can encourage more buying and selling power when using the right colors. Colors emphatically stimulate a response, sometimes positive and sometimes negative.

4. You may think that when you look at an ad that you're attracted to the words or the style, but in fact, more than likely you're attracted to the color. If you like the color, you'll be drawn to buy whatever the ad is promoting. If the color doesn't appeal you may very well be turned off by the product.

5. White is always safe and easy on the eye as a background color for your site plus it lends itself to a feeling of trust. Although black does appear at first to create drama, it is not a good background color for your web site.

6. While any color blends well with white, all colors are not as appealing to the emotional eye. Red activates excitement while greens and blues leave a feeling of peace and calm. Dark colors evoke dense, heavy feelings. Yellow offers a feeling of brightness. Since all colors have different meanings and elicit different feelings it's important to choose a color that reflects your intended message.

7. When making a color choice for your web site, remember that colors on the red side are warm and stimulating, while blue/green colors are cool and relaxing. Review your site objectively and ask yourself if your site is sending the right message.

8. Darker colors may appear a bit somber but when mixed with some bright colors they can add a more cheerful tone and be very inviting. As an example, I recently reviewed a site that contained a lot of gray, but there were hues of rust and yellow intermittently dispersed which made it very attractive.

Colors and What They Suggest:

BLUE - suggests security, authority, faithfulness and dignity

BROWN - suggests affluence, effectiveness.

GRAY - suggests authority, practicality and creativity

GREEN - suggests health, freedom and tranquility - easiest color on the eye.

ORANGE - suggests pleasure, excitement and ambition

PINK - suggests femininity, well being and innocence.

PURPLE - suggests spirituality, wealth, and sophistication

RED - suggests excitement, strength and aggressiveness

WHITE - suggests purity, devotion, and truthfulness.

YELLOW - suggests warmth, sunshine and happiness - good accent color.


Charlene Rashkow brings 15 years of experience as a Freelance Writing Stylist. She has successfully helped countless numbers of companies and individuals reach their objectives by writing outstanding web site content, press releases, bios, articles of interest, letters and all other forms of marketing material.

Read what clients have to say at

You may contact Charlene at





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