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原创 C#SendMail

 using System.Web.Mail;MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();msg.Fields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate"] = 1;msg.Fields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/

2009-11-26 22:27:00 712

原创 money显示格式999,999,999

 DECLARE @mny moneySET @mny = 123456.16SELECT SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,cast(@mny as money),1),0,CHARINDEX(.,convert(varchar,cast(@mny as money),1)) ) as MONEY

2009-11-26 22:27:00 742

原创 HTML input autocomplete


2009-11-26 22:26:00 859

转载 9 Ways to Gain Your Visitors Respect

 The internet is filled with sites and they are good and bad. Some have been known for a long time and some still struggle to get the respect and fame they think they deserve. Although not all your

2009-11-26 22:25:00 499

转载 Is Your Website Color As Inviting as Your Home? Does Color Really Matter?

 Weve all read the countless publications about effective web site design, outstanding written content and the never ending need for search engine optimization. But often the importance of color for

2009-11-26 22:25:00 577

转载 Why Hire a Professional to Design Your Web Site?

 Creating an appealing, functional, and effective Web site is much harder than it looks. Its not simply a matter of taking a company brochure or catalog, converting the text to HTML, and throwing in

2009-11-26 22:24:00 567

转载 How To Shop for a Web Design Firm?

 While few companies can boast as we do that our first ten clients are still with us today, many companies often change Web design firms to get a new perspective on how their Web presence could look a

2009-11-26 22:24:00 564

转载 Website Design With Standards For Browser Compatibility

 There was a time when Internet Explorer was arguably all anyone needed by way of a browser. By being ubiquitous, Microsoft almost managed to quash its competition entirely, and other browsers were th

2009-11-26 22:23:00 432

转载 HTML - A Website Language Explained - For Over 35s

 This is a very perfunctory look at the website code HTML, for those who never did any kind of Computer Studies at school and have never had the need or opportunity to look under the skirt of your a

2009-11-26 22:23:00 612

原创 Why I moved from Prototype to jQuery


2009-11-26 22:22:00 440

原创 Why I still prefer Prototype to jQuery

 Posted By Glenn Vanderburg on January 12, 2009http://blog.thinkrelevance.com/2009/1/12/why-i-still-prefer-prototype-to-jquery

2009-11-26 22:22:00 457

原创 sql 数据里有换行符和回车

 select replace(field,char(13)+char(10), )

2009-11-26 22:22:00 1435

原创 模糊查询, ], [, 中括号, square bracket

 code:str.Replace("[", "[[").Replace("_", "[_").Replace("%", "[%").Replace("-", "[-").Replace("]", "[]").Replace("^", "[^"); sql:where field LIKE % + @vcparameter + % ESCAPE [

2009-11-26 22:17:00 825

转载 43 Web Design Mistakes You Should Avoid By Jay White

 The next step was to write a short description for each one, and the result is the collection of mistakes that you will find below. Some of the points are common sense, others are quite polemic. Most

2009-11-26 22:17:00 664

原创 BUG: Internet Explorer Fails to Set the innerHTML Property of the Select Object

 function fill_select1() {     for(var i=0; i             select1.options[i] = new Option(i,i);        }} function fill_select2() {         var sOpts = "";        for (var i=0;i        {        

2009-11-26 22:15:00 541

原创 overflow hidden td

 table-layout: fixed;border-collapse: collapse;">            white-space: pre; overflow: hidden;border: solid 1px black; ">hide the content of td           

2009-11-26 22:14:00 511

原创 BCP

 BCP "select * from dbCheck.dbo.tablename with(nolock)" queryout D:/tbl -S172.17.1.1 -Usa -Psa -N BCP dbname.dbo.tablename in "D:/tbl" -S172.17.1.1 -Usa -Psa -N

2009-11-26 22:13:00 449

原创 ActiveReports Error

 Failed to open the Default printer is not set. printer, System error number: 1801Printer does not support the given paper size Resolve: rpt.Document.Printer.PrinterName = string.Empty;rpt.PageSet

2009-11-26 22:13:00 1257

原创 Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site


2009-11-26 22:13:00 396

原创 ASP.NET Disable Submit Button on Click

 UseSubmitBehavior="false"    OnClientClick="document.getElementById(ibtn).disabled=true" OnClick="ibtn_Click" />

2009-11-26 22:12:00 581

原创 make the javascript to run in innerHTML


2009-11-26 22:12:00 404

原创 The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x80072746.

 1. set Page:Buffer="false" 2. in the .ashx set IsReusable = "false"3. set Response.BufferOutput = true;

2009-11-26 22:11:00 4787 1

原创 Switching from Prototype to jQuery


2009-11-26 22:10:00 363

原创 MooTools vs JQuery vs Prototype vs YUI vs Dojo Comparison Revised


2009-11-26 22:09:00 533

原创 Understanding session state modes + FAQ


2009-11-26 22:08:00 322

原创 How to size text using ems


2009-11-26 22:08:00 395

原创 How to Size Text in CSS by Richard Rutter


2009-11-26 22:08:00 370

原创 定义DLL文件的位置


2009-11-14 19:55:00 378



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