Efficient Zero-Knowledge Arguments from Two-Tiered Homomorphic Commitments 学习笔记

1. 引言

Groth 2011年论文《Efficient Zero-Knowledge Arguments from Two-Tiered Homomorphic Commitments》,发表于Asia crypto 2011。


  • 基于double pairing assumption构建了two-tiered homomorphic commitments scheme 。

  • 基于本文的two-tiered homomorphic commitments scheme狗啊见的zero-knowledge argument,具有:
    – sublinear communication complexity
    – perfect completeness
    – perfect special honest verifier zero-knowledge
    – computational soundness

  • 将本文的zero-knowledge argument用于实现range proof时,如证明a committed value belongs to a specific N N N-bit integer interval,相应的communication cost为 O ( N 1 3 ) O(N^{\frac{1}{3}}) O(N31) 个 group elements。

  • 构建的circuit satisfiability argument的communication complexity为 O ( N 1 3 ) O(N^{\frac{1}{3}}) O(N31)个group elements,其中 N N N为gate数量。
    该argument具有quasi-linear computational complexity for the prover,同时具有very efficient verification。
    相关的对比见 如下表1和表2 :(其中Prover的computation保守估计为 O ( N log ⁡ 2 N ) O(N\log^2 N) O(Nlog2N),若借助FFT,可进一步reduce为 O ( N log ⁡ N ) O(N\log N) O(NlogN)。)
    – [8] Cramer等人1994年论文《Proofs of partial knowledge and simplified design of witness hiding protocols》,基于的是DLOG assumption。
    – [22] Groth 2019年论文《Linear algebra with sub-linear zero-knowledge arguments》,基于的是DLOG assumption。

  • 本文的zero-knowledge argument可实例化为in asymmetric bilinear group,在该group下computational double pairing assumption成立。而[6,7] 论文中的range proof是基于 q q q-SDH assumption in bilinear group。

  • 主要技术贡献是:batch product argument。已知 3 N 3N 3N个committed elements u i , v i , w i ∈ Z p u_i,v_i,w_i\in\mathbb{Z}_p ui,vi,wiZp,构建了zk argument 证明 u i v i = w i u_iv_i=w_i uivi=wi
    借助commitment 的同态属性,同时支持对committed elements的加法和乘法运算,从而允许the prover to commit to the wires in a circuit and prove that they respect the N A N D NAND NAND-gate。
    而对于range proof,将数值以 N N N个bit位表示 w 1 , ⋯   , w N w_1,\cdots,w_N w1,,wN,则可转为证明 w i w i = w i w_iw_i=w_i wiwi=wi, which can only be true if w i ∈ { 0 , 1 } w_i\in\{0,1\} wi{0,1}。然后利用commitment的同态属性计算 w = ∑ i = 1 N w i 2 i − 1 w=\sum_{i=1}^{N}w_i2^{i-1} w=i=1Nwi2i1,即可证明 w ∈ [ 0 ; 2 N ) w\in [0;2^N) w[0;2N)。也可扩展为证明 w ∈ [ A , B ) w\in [A,B) w[A,B)

2. 相关定义

2.1 two-tiered homomorphic commitment

本文涉及的commitment scheme 有:

  • Pedersen commitment
  • commitment scheme for group elements
  • Pedersen commitment + commitment scheme for group elements

(1) Pedersen commitment:
public key中包含the description of a group of prime order p p p和group elements g , h g,h g,h
commitment to a ∈ Z p a\in\mathbb{Z}_p aZp表示为:
c = g a h r c=g^ah^r c=gahr,其中 r r r为随机值。
具有加法同态属性,即 c ⋅ c ′ = ( g a h r ) ( g b h s ) = g a + b h r + s c\cdot c'=(g^ah^r)(g^bh^s)=g^{a+b}h^{r+s} cc=(gahr)(gbhs)=ga+bhr+s 为a commitment to a + b a+b a+b
commitment to vector ( a 1 , a 2 , ⋯   , a n ) ∈ Z p n (a_1,a_2,\cdots, a_n)\in\mathbb{Z}_p^n (a1,a2,,an)Zpn可表示为:
c = h r ∏ k = 1 n g k a k c=h^r\prod_{k=1}^{n}g_k^{a_k} c=hrk=1ngkak

(2) commitment scheme for group elements:
Abe等人2010年论文《Structure-preserving signatures and commitments to group elements

Groth 2009年论文《Homomorphic trapdoor commitments to group elements
中均提出了commitment scheme for group elements。
其中的一种commitment scheme是使用a bilinear with a pairing e : G × G ^ → T e: \mathbb{G}\times\hat{\mathbb{G}}\rightarrow \mathbb{T} e:G×G^T
其中 G , G ^ , T \mathbb{G},\hat{\mathbb{G}},\mathbb{T} G,G^,T均为cyclic groups of prime order p p p,将 G \mathbb{G} G G ^ \hat{\mathbb{G}} G^ 称为base group, T \mathbb{T} T称为target group。
该pairing应为efficiently computable, non-trivial and bilinear,即:
∀ x , y , a , b \forall x,y,a,b x,y,a,b均有 e ( x a , y b ) = e ( x , y ) a b e(x^a,y^b)=e(x,y)^{ab} e(xa,yb)=e(x,y)ab
对于specific non-trivial group elements v , u 1 , ⋯   , u m ∈ G ^ v,u_1,\cdots,u_m\in\hat{\mathbb{G}} v,u1,,umG^,a commitment to vector ( c 1 , ⋯   , c m ) ∈ G (c_1,\cdots,c_m)\in\mathbb{G} (c1,,cm)G 可表示为:
C = e ( t , v ) ∏ j = 1 m e ( c j , u j ) C=e(t,v)\prod_{j=1}^{m}e(c_j,u_j) C=e(t,v)j=1me(cj,uj),其中 t t t为random point t ∈ G t\in\mathbb{G} tG
以上commitment具有computationally binding under the computational double pairing assumption,即已知 u , v ∈ G ^ u,v\in\hat{\mathbb{G}} u,vG^,很难找到 s , t ∈ G s,t\in\mathbb{G} s,tG,使得 e ( s , u ) = e ( t , v ) e(s,u)=e(t,v) e(s,u)=e(t,v) 成立。
同时在Abe和Groth论文中证明了,the hardness of the computational double pairing assumption 与 the hardness of decision Diffie-Hellman assumption in G ^ \hat{\mathbb{G}} G^ 相当。
C ⋅ C ′ = ( e ( t , v ) ∏ j = 1 m e ( c j , u j ) ) ( e ( t ′ , v ) ∏ j = 1 m e ( c j ′ , u j ) ) = e ( t t ′ , v ) ∏ j = 1 m e ( c j c j ′ , u j ) C\cdot C'=( e(t,v)\prod_{j=1}^{m}e(c_j,u_j))( e(t',v)\prod_{j=1}^{m}e(c_j',u_j))= e(tt',v)\prod_{j=1}^{m}e(c_jc_j',u_j) CC=(e(t,v)j=1me(cj,uj))(e(t,v)j=1me(cj,uj))=e(tt,v)j=1me(cjcj,uj)
即为a commitment to the entry-wise product of the messages。

(3) Pedersen commitment + commitment scheme for group elements:
将Pedersen commitment scheme 和 commitment scheme for group elements结合,可实现commit to commitments。
即若 c j = h r j ∏ k = 1 n g k a j k c_j=h^{r_j}\prod_{k=1}^{n}g_k^{a_{jk}} cj=hrjk=1ngkajk C = e ( t , v ) ∏ j = 1 m e ( c j , u j ) C=e(t,v)\prod_{j=1}^{m}e(c_j,u_j) C=e(t,v)j=1me(cj,uj),最终可获得 a single target group element that is a commitment to m n mn mn values { a j k } j = 1 , k = 1 m , n \{a_{jk}\}_{j=1,k=1}^{m,n} {ajk}j=1,k=1m,n
因两种commitment scheme都是homomorphic the product of two commitments C ⋅ C ′ C\cdot C' CC 为 a commitment to the sums of the messages a j k + a j k ′ a_{jk}+a_{jk}' ajk+ajk

two-tiered commitment scheme包含3个算法 ( K , c o m , c o m ( 2 ) ) (\mathcal{K}, com, com^{(2)}) (K,com,com(2)),其中:
1) K \mathcal{K} K为key generator 输入为security parameter λ \lambda λ,数字 m , n m,n m,n,输出为public key c k ck ck。the commitment key specifies cyclic groups Z p , G \mathbb{Z}_p,\mathbb{G} Zp,G T \mathbb{T} T of prime order p p p。【一共有 m + n + 2 m+n+2 m+n+2个group elements in G \mathbb{G} G and G ^ \hat{\mathbb{G}} G^
2) c o m c k : Z p n × Z p → G com_{ck}:\mathbb{Z}_p^n\times \mathbb{Z}_p\rightarrow \mathbb{G} comck:Zpn×ZpG,即对应本文的Pedersen commitment。
3) c o m c k 2 : G m → T com_{ck}^2:\mathbb{G}^m\rightarrow \mathbb{T} comck2:GmT,即对应本文的commitment scheme for group elements.


  • 同态属性:当the maps c o m c k com_{ck} comck and c o m c k 2 com_{ck}^2 comck2 Z p \mathbb{Z}_p Zp-linear时,该two-tiered commitment scheme具有同态属性。
  • computationally binding 属性
  • perfectly hiding属性

2.2 Special honest verifier zero-knowledge arguments of knowledge


3. batch product argument (相当于Hadamard product argument)


  • public info:commitments C U 1 , C V 1 , C W 1 , ⋯   , C U M , C V M , C W M C_{U_1},C_{V_1},C_{W_1},\cdots,C_{U_M},C_{V_M},C_{W_M} CU1,CV1,CW1,,CUM,CVM,CWM
  • private info: { u i j k ∈ Z p , v i j k ∈ Z p , w i j k ∈ Z p } i = 1 , j = 1 , k = 1 M , m , n \{u_{ijk}\in\mathbb{Z}_p, v_{ijk}\in\mathbb{Z}_p,w_{ijk}\in\mathbb{Z}_p \}_{i=1,j=1,k=1}^{M,m,n} {uijkZp,vijkZp,wijkZp}i=1,j=1,k=1M,m,n 以及 相应的随机值 r i , j , s i , j , t i , j ∈ Z p r_{i,j},s_{i,j},t_{i,j} \in\mathbb{Z}_p ri,j,si,j,ti,jZp
  • relation:
    u i j k v i j k = w i j k u_{ijk}v_{ijk}=w_{ijk} uijkvijk=wijk
    c u i , j = c o m c k ( u i j 1 , ⋯   , u i j n ; r i j ) c_{u_{i,j}}=com_{ck}(u_{ij1},\cdots,u_{ijn}; r_{ij}) cui,j=comck(uij1,,uijn;rij) C U i = c o m c k 2 ( c u i 1 , ⋯   , c u i m ) C_{U_i}=com_{ck}^2(c_{u_{i1}},\cdots,c_{u_{im}}) CUi=comck2(cui1,,cuim)
    c v i , j = c o m c k ( v i j 1 , ⋯   , v i j n ; s i j ) c_{v_{i,j}}=com_{ck}(v_{ij1},\cdots,v_{ijn}; s_{ij}) cvi,j=comck(vij1,,vijn;sij) C V i = c o m c k 2 ( c v i 1 , ⋯   , c v i m ) C_{V_i}=com_{ck}^2(c_{v_{i1}},\cdots,c_{v_{im}}) CVi=comck2(cvi1,,cvim)
    c w i , j = c o m c k ( w i j 1 , ⋯   , w i j n ; t i j ) c_{w_{i,j}}=com_{ck}(w_{ij1},\cdots,w_{ijn}; t_{ij}) cwi,j=comck(wij1,,wijn;tij) C W i = c o m c k 2 ( c w i 1 , ⋯   , c w i m ) C_{W_i}=com_{ck}^2(c_{w_{i1}},\cdots,c_{w_{im}}) CWi=comck2(cwi1,,cwim)


  • 若引入challenge x ∈ Z p ∗ x\in\mathbb{Z}_p^* xZp,则可转换为证明:
    ∑ i = 1 M ∑ j = 1 m ∑ k = 1 n ( u i j k v i j k − w i j k ) x i ( m + 1 ) n + j n + k = 0 \sum_{i=1}^{M}\sum_{j=1}^{m}\sum_{k=1}^{n}(u_{ijk}v_{ijk}-w_{ijk})x^{i(m+1)n+jn+k}=0 i=1Mj=1mk=1n(uijkvijkwijk)xi(m+1)n+jn+k=0 …… (1)
    除非 u i j k v i j k = w i j k u_{ijk}v_{ijk}=w_{ijk} uijkvijk=wijk for all choices of i , j , k i,j,k i,j,k,否则对于randomly chosen challenge x ∈ Z p ∗ x\in\mathbb{Z}_p^* xZp,以上等式成立的概率可忽略。
    接下来的难点在于构建this polynomial 并convince the verifier that 方程式(1) 成立,我们实现了communication cost仅为 O ( M + m + n ) O(M+m+n) O(M+m+n)

  • 利用 c o m c K 2 com_{cK}^2 comcK2的同态属性有:

  • 利用 c o m c k com_{ck} comck的同态属性有:

  • 从而有:
    构建多项式 ∑ k = 1 n ( u k v k − w k ) x k \sum_{k=1}^{n}(u_kv_k-w_k)x^k k=1n(ukvkwk)xk展开为:
    里面包含了我们需要证明的方程式(1),同时也包含了一些cross-terms corresponding to i ≠ i ′ i\neq i' i=i or j ≠ j ′ j\neq j' j=j,使得以上多项式值可能为非零值。
    因此需要引入 a α a_{\alpha} aα b β b_{\beta} bβ值,用于cancel out the cross-terms,需要额外再引入变量 y , z y,z y,z,使得:【本文实现的最终communication cost为 O ( M + m + n ) O(M+m+n) O(M+m+n)。】
    1) j = j ′ , i = i ′ j=j',i=i' j=j,i=i
    2) j = j ′ , i ≠ i ′ j=j',i\neq i' j=j,i=i
    3) j ≠ j ′ j\neq j' j=j
    1)Prover先发送commitment { c a α } α ∈ { − M , ⋯   , − 1 , 1 , ⋯   , M } \{c_{a_{\alpha}}\}_{\alpha\in\{-M,\cdots,-1,1,\cdots,M\}} {caα}α{M,,1,1,,M}给Verifier。
    2)Verifier 发送challenge y ∈ Z p ∗ y\in\mathbb{Z}_p^* yZp
    3)Prover发送commitment { c b β } β ∈ { − m , ⋯   , − 1 , 1 , ⋯   , m } \{c_{b_{\beta}}\}_{\beta\in\{-m,\cdots,-1,1,\cdots,m\}} {cbβ}β{m,,1,1,,m} 给Verifier。
    4)Verifier 发送challenge z ∈ Z p ∗ z\in\mathbb{Z}_p^* zZp
    5)Prover发送相应的evaluation值 { u k , v k , w k } k = 1 n \{u_k,v_k,w_k\}_{k=1}^{n} {uk,vk,wk}k=1n和其它randomness R R R值发送给Verifier。
    6)Verifier 仅需验证:

以下为详细的zero knowledge batch Hadamard product argument协议:【引入随机commitments { c d k } k = 1 n \{c_{d_k}\}_{k=1}^{n} {cdk}k=1n 来实现hiding】

整个batch product argument :

  • communication cost为:3个 T \mathbb{T} T elements, 2 M + 5 m + n + 1 2M+5m+n+1 2M+5m+n+1 G \mathbb{G} G elements和 3 n + 7 3n+7 3n+7 Z p \mathbb{Z}_p Zp elements。
  • Verifier的computation为: 3 m 3m 3m个pairings and exponenetiations in the target group T \mathbb{T} T 5 M + 2 m + 4 n 5M+2m+4n 5M+2m+4n个exponentiations in the base group G \mathbb{G} G,可借助multi-exponentiation技术将其reduce为 O ( M + m + n log ⁡ ( M + m + n ) ) O(\frac{M+m+n}{\log (M+m+n)}) O(log(M+m+n)M+m+n) 个exponentiations。
  • Prover computation为: 3 m 3m 3m个pairings 和 O ( M + m + n ) O(M+m+n) O(M+m+n) 个exponentiations,以及 O ( N ( M + m ) ) O(N(M+m)) O(N(M+m))个multiplications in Z p \mathbb{Z}_p Zp,其中 N = M m n N=Mmn N=Mmn。可借助polynomial multiplication来reduce Prover的computation 压力。如以下协议第3步中:
  • 若部分witness值为public known的话,协议性能可进一步优化:


4. Inner product argument

∑ i = 1 M ∑ j = 1 m ∑ k = 1 n u i j k v i j k = ∑ i = 1 M ∑ j = 1 m ∑ k = 1 n w i j k \sum_{i=1}^{M}\sum_{j=1}^{m}\sum_{k=1}^{n}u_{ijk}v_{ijk}=\sum_{i=1}^{M}\sum_{j=1}^{m}\sum_{k=1}^{n}w_{ijk} i=1Mj=1mk=1nuijkvijk=i=1Mj=1mk=1nwijk

观察可发现,对于方程式(1)中的 x x x值不再由Verifier random select,而是固定为 x = 1 x=1 x=1即可。

∑ i = 1 M ∑ j = 1 m ∑ k = 1 n ( u i j k v i j k − w i j k ) x i ( m + 1 ) n + j n + k = 0 \sum_{i=1}^{M}\sum_{j=1}^{m}\sum_{k=1}^{n}(u_{ijk}v_{ijk}-w_{ijk})x^{i(m+1)n+jn+k}=0 i=1Mj=1mk=1n(uijkvijkwijk)xi(m+1)n+jn+k=0 …… (1)


5. arguments for circuit satisfiability

借助第三节的batch hadamard product argument,可构建a 7 7 7-move SHVZK argument for circuit satisfiability。
针对包含 N − 1 N-1 N1个 与非门的 boolean circuit,使得Verifier相信存在a satisfying assignment making the circuit ouput 1 1 1

假设circuit具有 N = M m n N=Mmn N=Mmn个与非门,每个与非门的两个输入和一个输出分别为 u i j k , v i j k , w i j k u_{ijk},v_{ijk},w_{ijk} uijk,vijk,wijk,Prover需要证明:

  • all the committed values are either 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 corresponding to truth values。
    可通过batch Hadamard product argument来证明 u i j k u i j k = u i j k , v i j k v i j k = v i j k . w i j k w i j k = w i j k u_{ijk}u_{ijk}=u_{ijk}, v_{ijk}v_{ijk}=v_{ijk}. w_{ijk}w_{ijk}=w_{ijk} uijkuijk=uijk,vijkvijk=vijk.wijkwijk=wijk,which can only be true if u i j k , v i j k , w i j k ∈ { 0 , 1 } u_{ijk}, v_{ijk}, w_{ijk}\in\{0,1\} uijk,vijk,wijk{0,1}
  • Prover可利用commitment的同态属性来计算commitments to 1 − w i j k 1-w_{ijk} 1wijk
  • 利用另一个batch Hadamard product argument来证明 u i j k v i j k = 1 − w i j k u_{ijk}v_{ijk}=1-w_{ijk} uijkvijk=1wijk,表示the committed values respect the NAND-gates。
  • 利用Groth 2009年论文《Linear algebra with sub-linear zero-knowledge arguments》中的inner product argument技术来证明all committed values u i j k , v i j k u_{ijk},v_{ijk} uijk,vijk w i j k w_{ijk} wijk corresponding to the same wire x l x_l xl are consistent with each other。【其中包含了permutation argument】

详细的arguments for circuit satisfiability实现为:
以上Boolean circuit 证明也可扩展至arithmetic circuit。

6. Range arguments


  • public info:commitment c c c,和 A , B A,B A,B
  • private info: w , t w,t w,t
  • relation: c = c o m c k ( w ; t ) , w ∈ [ A ; B ) c=com_{ck}(w;t),w\in[A;B) c=comck(w;t),w[A;B)


  • 利用commitment的同态属性,可转为证明Prover knows an opening of c ⋅ c o m c k ( − A ; 0 ) c\cdot com_{ck}(-A;0) ccomck(A;0) in the range [ 0 ; B − A ) [0;B-A) [0;BA)
  • N = ⌊ log ⁡ ( B − A ) ⌋ N= \left \lfloor \log (B-A) \right \rfloor N=log(BA)
    Prover构建a commitment c 0 / 1 = c o m c k ( b ; s ) c_{0/1}=com_{ck}(b;s) c0/1=comck(b;s),并show that it contains 0 0 0 or 1 1 1 using standard techniques。
  • 证明 KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \codt at position 22: … com_{ck}(-A;0)\̲c̲o̲d̲t̲ ̲c_{0/1}^{A-B+2^… 包含a value in the range [ 0 ; 2 N ) [0;2^N) [0;2N),即可使Verifier信服 w ∈ [ A ; B ) w\in [A;B) w[A;B)

w ∈ [ 0 ; 2 N ) w\in [0;2^N) w[0;2N)为例,相应的range argument实现为:

  • 1
  • 4
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  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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