Practical Zero-Knowledge Protocols Based on the Discrete Logarithm Assumption 学习笔记 1

1. 引言

Stephanie Bayer 2013年博士论文 《Practical Zero-Knowledge Protocols Based on the Discrete Logarithm Assumption》。

1)Lagrange polynomials 具有如下关键特性:
l i ( X ) = { 1 m o d    X − w i 0 m o d    l ( X ) X − w i  for  i = 1 , ⋯   , m l_i(X)= \left\{\begin{matrix} 1 & \mod X-w_i\\ 0& \mod \frac{l(X)}{X-w_i} \end{matrix}\right.\ \text{for}\ i=1,\cdots,m li(X)={10modXwimodXwil(X) for i=1,,m
因此Hadamard product argument可转为证明:【相比于multi Hadamard product argument,在保持communication complexity不变的情况下,round complexity由 7 降为了 3 。】
( ∑ i = 1 m l i ( X ) a ⃗ i ) ∘ ( ∑ j = 1 m l j ( X ) b ⃗ j ) − ∑ i = 1 m l i ( X ) c ⃗ i = Δ ⃗ ( X ) l ( X ) (\sum_{i=1}^{m}l_i(X)\vec{a}_i)\circ (\sum_{j=1}^{m}l_j(X)\vec{b}_j)-\sum_{i=1}^{m}l_i(X)\vec{c}_i=\vec{\Delta}(X)l(X) (i=1mli(X)a i)(j=1mlj(X)b j)i=1mli(X)c i=Δ (X)l(X) (5.2)

for some Δ ⃗ ( X ) ∈ ( Z q [ X ] ) n \vec{\Delta}(X)\in(\mathbb{Z}_q[X])^n Δ (X)(Zq[X])n
其中 l ( X ) = ∏ j = 1 m ( X − w j ) l(X)=\prod_{j=1}^{m}(X-w_j) l(X)=j=1m(Xwj) l i ( X ) = ∏ j ≠ i ( X − w j ) ∏ j ≠ i ( w i − w j )  for  i = 1 , ⋯   , m l_i(X)=\frac{\prod_{j\neq i}(X-w_j)}{\prod_{j\neq i}(w_i-w_j)}\ \text{for}\ i=1,\cdots,m li(X)=j=i(wiwj)j=i(Xwj) for i=1,,m。还有:

  • l i ( X ) ≡ 1 m o d    X − w i l_i(X)\equiv 1\mod X-w_i li(X)1modXwi
  • l i ( X ) ≡ 0 m o d    X − w k  for  i ≠ k l_i(X)\equiv 0\mod X-w_k\ \text{for}\ i\neq k li(X)0modXwk for i=k
  • l ( X ) ≡ 0 m o d    X − w k  for  ∀ k l(X)\equiv 0\mod X-w_k \ \text{for}\ \forall k l(X)0modXwk for k
  • l i ( X ) ( X − w i ) ≡ 0 m o d    l ( X )  for  ∀ i l_i(X)(X-w_i)\equiv 0 \mod l(X)\ \text{for}\ \forall i li(X)(Xwi)0modl(X) for i

zero-knowledge proof允许prover来demonstrate knowledge of some information,如:

  • know an element is a member of a list or is not a member of a list, without disclosing any further information about that element。【其实即为membership proof和non-membership proof。】

由于communication complexity和computational complexity 的原因,目前暂无适于所有NP languages 的实用的zero-knowledge proof 构建,但是存在针对特定问题的实用zero-knowledge protocol实现。(如1988年的Guillou and Quisquater’s identification protocol 以及 1991年的Schnorr’s identification protocol。)

本文重点关注的是基于discrete logarithm assumption的相关实现。


  • 单变量polynomial的polynomial evaluation argument;
  • 多变量polynomial的polynomial evaluation argument;
  • a batch of 单变量polynomial的 batch polynomial evaluation argument;
  • 基于polynomial evaluation argument构建了实用的membership argument和non-membership argument。
  • 基于polynomial evaluation argument实现了shuffle证明。

以上实现从run-time 和 communication cost两个维度评估了其实用性。经过论证,对于中等量级的参数,本文的实现具有足够的实用性。

  • non-membership proof可用于blcaklist 黑名单证明;(如Tor 黑名单访问控制,避免粗暴的IP封锁影响其它无辜的users。)
  • membership proof 可用于whitlist access 白名单访问控制或 group signature schemes,也可用于电子拍卖 where users want to prove that their bids belong to a set of approved values,也可用于e-voting(选民需证明其their vote belongs to a certain set and therefore their vote is valid and be counted correctly。同时还需保证无法通过电子选票关联到相应的投票人,及保证选票的匿名性,通常的e-voting protocol都是基于mix-nets的。所谓的mix-net为a multi-party protocol,允许a group of senders to input a number of encrypted messages to the mix-net, which then outputs them in random order。)

通常构建mix-nets可通过shuffles来实现,let mix-servers take turns in shuffling the ciphertexts,即 a shuffle of ciphertexts C 1 , ⋯   , C n C_1,\cdots,C_n C1,,Cn is a list of ciphertexts C 1 ′ , ⋯   , C n ′ C_1',\cdots,C_n' C1,,Cn which contain the same plaintexts in permuted order。只要the shuffle为 permutation hiding的,则没有人可link input and output of a shuffle operation,从而可保证mix-net中的匿名性。
permutation hiding可通过re-encrypting the permuted ciphertexts来实现,但是这些ciphertexts存在无法探知是否被替换的问题。因此,需要保证the ouput ciphertexts包含了the same plaintexts as the input ciphertexts,目前实现方式主要有2大类:

  • 基于permutation matrices [FS01, Fur05, GL07, Wik09];
  • 基于the invariance of polynomials under permutation of roots [Nef01, GI08, Gro10]。

评估zero-knowledge proof system的维度有:

  • round complexity [FS89, BCY91];
  • computational complexity [Sch91];
  • communication complexity。

同时具有efficient communication complexity 和 efficient computational complexity 对于构建zero-knowledge proof systems是有挑战性的。

1.1 本文主要贡献


  • 1)基于 Groth 2009年论文《Linear algebra with sub-linear zero-knowledge arguments》中的zero-knowledge argument for linear algebra relation构建了a product arggument to show ∏ i = 1 N a i = b \prod_{i=1}^{N}a_i=b i=1Nai=b for secret a i a_i ai and public known b b b。这部分研究成果发表在Eurocrypt 2012年论文《Efficient zero-knowledge argument for correctness of a shuffle》。
  • 2)基于 Groth 2009年论文《Linear algebra with sub-linear zero-knowledge arguments》中的zero-knowledge argument for linear algebra relation构建了a product arggument to show ∏ i = 1 N a i = b \prod_{i=1}^{N}a_i=b i=1Nai=b for secret a i a_i ai and secret b b b
  • 3)实现了multi Hadamard product argument to show for secret vectors a ⃗ i , b ⃗ \vec{a}_i,\vec{b} a i,b that a ⃗ 1 ∘ ⋯ ∘ a ⃗ n = b ⃗ \vec{a}_1\circ \cdots \circ \vec{a}_n=\vec{b} a 1a n=b with sublinear complexity。这部分研究成果发表在Eurocrypt 2012年论文《Efficient zero-knowledge argument for correctness of a shuffle》。
  • 4)实现了an argument to show that for secret vectors a ⃗ i , b ⃗ i \vec{a}_i,\vec{b}_i a i,b i that ∑ i = 1 m a ⃗ i ∗ b ⃗ i = 0 \sum_{i=1}^{m}\vec{a}_i*\vec{b}_i=0 i=1ma ib i=0, for a bilinear map ∗ : Z q Z q → Z q *: \mathbb{Z}_q\mathbb{Z}_q\rightarrow \mathbb{Z}_q :ZqZqZq,with sublinear complexity。这部分研究成果发表在Eurocrypt 2012年论文《Efficient zero-knowledge argument for correctness of a shuffle》。
  • 5)实现了a zero-knowledge argument for committed vectors a ⃗ i , b ⃗ i , c ⃗ i ∈ Z q n \vec{a}_i,\vec{b}_i,\vec{c}_i\in\mathbb{Z}_q^n a i,b i,c iZqn 满足 a ⃗ i ∘ b ⃗ i = c ⃗ i \vec{a}_i\circ \vec{b}_i=\vec{c}_i a ib i=c i,其中 ∘ \circ 表示the entry-wise product。该Hadamard product argument是与Jens Groth一起完成的。
  • 6)实现的zero-knowledge polynomial evaluation argument 具有 logarithmic communication and computational complexity。这部分研究成果发表在Eurocrypt 2013年论文《Zero-knowledge argument for polynomial evaluation with application to blacklists》。
  • 7)指出了如何将单变量polynomial evaluation argument调整为适于多变量polynomial。相应的多变量polynomial evaluation argument具有polylogarithmic communication and computational complexity。
  • 8)实现了prove evaluation of L L L polynomials efficiently at the same time。即batch polynomial evaluation argument。与Jens Groth一起完成的。
  • 9)使用polynomial evaluation argument,实现了zero-knowledge non-membership argument to show that a secret value u u u is not contained in a list L L L。这部分研究成果发表在Eurocrypt 2013年论文《Zero-knowledge argument for polynomial evaluation with application to blacklists》。
  • 10)实现了zero-knowledge membership argument to show that a secret value u u u is contained in a list L L L。这部分研究成果发表在Eurocrypt 2013年论文《Zero-knowledge argument for polynomial evaluation with application to blacklists》。
  • 11)实现了batch prove non-membership or membership of multiple lists。
  • 12)实现了zero-knowledge argument for shuffle。这部分研究成果发表在Eurocrypt 2012年论文《Efficient zero-knowledge argument for correctness of a shuffle》。

1.2 安全假设

1)discrete logarithm assumption:
discrete logarithm assumption在现代密码学和密码学工具中有重要作用,如可用于EIGamal encryption、Pedersen commitment等。
discrete logarithm assumption 定义为:
group G \mathbb{G} G的order为 n n n,即存在a generator G ∈ G G\in\mathbb{G} GG使得 G = { G , G 2 , ⋯   , G n − 1 , G n = 1 } \mathbb{G}=\{G,G^2,\cdots,G^{n-1},G^n=1\} G={G,G2,,Gn1,Gn=1} G x ≠ 1 G^x\neq 1 Gx=1 for x < n x<n x<n。The discrete logarithm of H H H is an element x ∈ Z n x\in\mathbb{Z}_n xZn for which H = G x H=G^x H=Gx holds。


discrete logarithm assumption成立的group类型有:

  • certain prime order groups,如an order q q q subgroup of Z p ∗ \mathbb{Z}_p^* Zp where p p p and q q q are large primes。
  • a group of points on an elliptic curve or on a hyper-elliptic curve。

破解discrete logarithm assumption的算法主要有三类:

  • 第一类为generic alogrithms,即不区分具体待破解对象;【即暴力破解法,当group order n n n很大时,很难破解。Baby Step-Giant Step [Sha71] 改进了破解run time为 O ( n ) O(\sqrt{n}) O(n ),且需要 O ( n ) O(\sqrt{n}) O(n ) space;Pollard’s ρ \rho ρ method [Pol78] 则对space无要求,Pollard’s ρ \rho ρ can be set up with constant size space;Shoup [Sho97] 中指出the lower bound of group operations to perform 不少于 Ω ( p ) \Omega(\sqrt{p}) Ω(p ),其中 p p p is prime and divides the group order n n n and for all primes q q q, q ∣ n q|n qn and it holds q ≤ p q\leq p qp,即意味着for groups with prime order p p p it is not possible to improve on the runtime of Ω ( p ) \Omega(\sqrt{p}) Ω(p ) using genric algorithms。】
  • 第二类为适于具有smooth group order的group (即a group order is smooth if it is the product of small primes);【Pohlig-Hellman [PH78]的算法效率最该,需执行 O ( ∑ i = 1 k c i ( log ⁡ n + p i ) ) O(\sum_{i=1}^{k}c_i(\log n+p_i)) O(i=1kci(logn+pi)) 次group operations for n = ∏ i = 1 k p i c i n=\prod_{i=1}^{k}p_i^{c_i} n=i=1kpici。因此实际因避免使用order具有small prime factors 的group。】
  • 第三类为适于存在smooth group elements,即其可表示为products of primes smaller than a certain boundary α \alpha α。【具有subexponential run-time。】

2)Schwartz-Zippel Lemma:

1.3 一些约定

  • 本文的encryption scheme和commitment scheme可使用不同的underlying groups,但是要求这两个group具有相同的primer order q q q
    在本文,以 G \mathbb{G} G表示commitment scheme中的group,以 H \mathbb{H} H表示ciphertext space。

  • X ⃗ ∘ Y ⃗ = ( X 1 Y 1 , ⋯   , X n Y n ) \vec{X}\circ\vec{Y}=(X_1Y_1,\cdots,X_nY_n) X Y =(X1Y1,,XnYn) 表示the entry-wise product。
    X ⃗ z = ( X 1 z , ⋯   , X n z ) \vec{X}^z=(X_1^z,\cdots,X_n^z) X z=(X1z,,Xnz)
    x ⃗ π \vec{x}_{\pi} x π 表示the entries of vector x ⃗ \vec{x} x are permuted by the permutation π \pi π,即 x ⃗ π = ( x π ( 1 ) , ⋯   , x π ( n ) ) \vec{x}_{\pi}=(x_{\pi(1)},\cdots,x_{\pi(n)}) x π=(xπ(1),,xπ(n))
    x ⃗ ⋅ y ⃗ = ∑ i = 1 n x i y i \vec{x}\cdot \vec{y}=\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_iy_i x y =i=1nxiyi为标准的inner product。

2. Commitment scheme

commitment scheme通常由3个算法组成:

  • probabilistic key generation algorithm G \mathcal{G} G:输入为security parameter 1 λ 1^{\lambda} 1λ,输出为:
    – public commitment key c k ck ck
    – message space M c k \mathcal{M}_{ck} Mck
    – randomizer space R c k \mathcal{R}_{ck} Rck
    – commitment space C c k \mathcal{C}_{ck} Cck
    – opener space O c k \mathcal{O}_{ck} Ock

  • commitment alogrithm c o m c k com_{ck} comck:输入为 m ∈ M c k m\in\mathcal{M}_{ck} mMck r ∈ R c k r\in\mathcal{R}_{ck} rRck,输出为 c m = c o m c k ( m ; r ) c_m=com_{ck}(m;r) cm=comck(m;r),即为the commitment of m m m

  • opening algorithm o p c k op_{ck} opck:输入为 d ∈ O c k d\in\mathcal{O}_{ck} dOck和commitment c m c_m cm,输出为the original message m = o p c k ( c m , d ) m=op_{ck}(c_m,d) m=opck(cm,d)。在很多commitment schemes中,the opening d d d通常包含了the message m m m和the randomness r r r

要求commitment scheme 具有hiding和binding属性。
此外,commitment scheme也可具有trapdoor属性(如chameleon commitment),此时,probabilistic key generation algorithm G \mathcal{G} G 额外再输出 trapdoor t t t信息,从而允许open a commitment c m = c o m c k ( m ; r ) c_m=com_{ck}(m;r) cm=comck(m;r) to any message m ′ m' m。换句话说,就是 without knowledge of the trapdoor t t t the commitment scheme is binding, but given the trapdoor it is possible to cheat arbitrarily。

Pedersen commitment具有加法同态属性:

3. encryption scheme

public key encryption scheme 通常由3个算法组成:

  • key generation algorithm G \mathcal{G} G:输入为security parameter 1 λ 1^{\lambda} 1λ,输出为:
    – public key p k pk pk
    – secret key s k sk sk
    – message space M p k \mathcal{M}_{pk} Mpk
    – randomizer space R p k \mathcal{R}_{pk} Rpk
    – cipher space C p k \mathcal{C}_{pk} Cpk

  • encryption algorithm ε \varepsilon ε:输入为 M ∈ M p k , r ∈ R p k M\in\mathcal{M}_{pk},r\in\mathcal{R}_{pk} MMpkrRpk 和 public key p k pk pk,输出为 C = ε ( M , r , p k ) ∈ C p k C=\varepsilon(M,r,pk)\in\mathcal{C}_{pk} C=ε(M,r,pk)Cpk。以下表示为 ε ( M , r , p k ) = ε p k ( M , r ) \varepsilon(M,r,pk)=\varepsilon_{pk}(M,r) ε(M,r,pk)=εpk(M,r)

  • decryption algorithm D \mathcal{D} D:输入为 C ∈ C p k C\in\mathcal{C}_{pk} CCpk 和 secret key s k sk sk,输出为 M = D ( C , s k ) ∈ M p k M=\mathcal{D}(C,sk)\in\mathcal{M}_{pk} M=D(C,sk)Mpk or ⊥ \perp for failure。以下表示为 D ( C , s k ) = D s k ( C ) \mathcal{D}(C,sk)=\mathcal{D}_{sk}(C) D(C,sk)=Dsk(C)

encryption scheme应具有IND-CPA属性,即 indistinguishable under chosen plaintext attack (IND-CPA)。

EIGamal encryption具有乘法同态属性:

与SHVZK (special honest verifier zero-knowledge) 对应的是 malicious verifier,malicious verifier提供的是non-random challenges。

4. 相应实现

采用C++,基于NTL libaray provided by Shoup [Sho09] 和 GMP [GMP11] 做了相应的代码实现。

  • modular group 选型:
    – 不同primes p p p with different bit-sizes对用的安全等级:
    – group generation:
  • 乘法优化:
    在polynomial evaluation argument和blacklist argument中,需要multiply many big polynomials,可通过Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) [CT65] 实现性能优化。the multiplication of two degree D D D polynomials costs Ω ( D log ⁡ D ) \Omega(D\log D) Ω(DlogD) multiplications。
    而对于如下计算可通过binary tree来实现性能优化:
  • multi-exponentiation 优化:
    对于 c o m c k ( a 1 , ⋯   , a n ; r ) = H r ∏ i = 1 n G i a i com_{ck}(a_1,\cdots,a_n;r)=H^r\prod_{i=1}^{n}G_i^{a_i} comck(a1,,an;r)=Hri=1nGiai,若直接计算需要 n + 1 n+1 n+1个single exponentiations。当 n n n很大时,计算量很大,可借助Lim [Lim00]中提到的Brickell’s precomputation alogrithm [BGMW98] 来进行优化,当 n ≤ 1000 n\leq 1000 n1000时,可使用Lim-Lee’s algorithm [Lim00],当 n = 2 n=2 n=2时,可选择the sliding window algorithm [Lim00]。
    – Sliding Window Alogirhtm:
    n n n值很小时(2~4),sliding window algorithm可提供最优的性能。
    – Lim-Lee’s Pre-computation技术:
    n n n为中等规模大时,可使用Lim-Lee‘s pre-computation技术,其性能要优于 the sliding window technique和Brickell’s technique。
    – Brickell’s pre-computation algorithm:
    n n n很大时,适于用Brickell’s pre-computation algorithm来实现multi-exponentiation。

5. 基础协议

5.1 simple product argument

详细的证明思路与博客 基于Sigma protocol实现的零知识证明protocol集锦
中第 “2.9 knowledge of commitment opening product relation or multiplication relation”一样。


整个proof size为 3 group elements和 5 field elements。

  • Prover:需6次exponentiations in G \mathbb{G} G和6次multiplications。
  • Verifier:需9次exponentiations in G \mathbb{G} G和4次multiplications。

5.2 Invertible argument

详细的证明思路与博客 基于Sigma protocol实现的零知识证明protocol集锦
中第 “2.14 commitment to 非0”一样。

即commitment的值 v v v为非0值,存在倒数 v − 1 v^{-1} v1

5.3 product argument

在 Groth 2009年论文《Linear algebra with sub-linear zero-knowledge arguments》的基础上进行了改进,详细参见Eurocrypt 2012年论文《Efficient zero-knowledge argument for correctness of a shuffle》,针对的场景为:

  • public info:commitments c ⃗ A \vec{c}_A c A 和 value b b b
  • witness: A = { a i , j } i , j = 1 n , m = ( a ⃗ 1 , a ⃗ 2 , ⋯   , a ⃗ m ) A=\{a_{i,j}\}_{i,j=1}^{n,m}=(\vec{a}_1,\vec{a}_2,\cdots,\vec{a}_m) A={ai,j}i,j=1n,m=(a 1,a 2,,a m) r ⃗ = ( r 1 , r 2 , ⋯   , r m ) \vec{r}=(r_1,r_2,\cdots,r_m) r =(r1,r2,,rm)
  • relation: b = ∏ i = 1 n ∏ j = 1 m a i j = ∏ i = 1 n ( ∏ j = 1 m a i j ) b=\prod_{i=1}^{n}\prod_{j=1}^{m}a_{ij}=\prod_{i=1}^{n}(\prod_{j=1}^{m}a_{ij}) b=i=1nj=1maij=i=1n(j=1maij) c ⃗ A = c o m c k ( A ; r ⃗ ) = ( c o m c k ( a ⃗ 1 ; r 1 ) , ⋯   , c o m c k ( a ⃗ m ; r m ) ) \vec{c}_A=com_{ck}(A;\vec{r})=(com_{ck}(\vec{a}_1;r_1),\cdots,com_{ck}(\vec{a}_m;r_m)) c A=comck(A;r )=(comck(a 1;r1),,comck(a m;rm))

详细的证明思路可参见博客 Efficient Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle学习笔记(2)


  • Multi Hadamard product argument
  • zero argument
  • single value product argument

5.3.1 Multi Hadamard product argument

Multi Hadamard product argument针对的场景为:

Multi Hadamard product argument为:

5.3.2 zero argument

zero argument为:


5.3.3 single value product argument for public b b b

single value product argument for public b b b 为:

5.3.4 single value product argument for secret b b b

相比于single value product argument for public b b b,不再限制 δ n = 0 \delta_n=0 δn=0,需单独对 δ n \delta_n δn进行commit,并在验证环节中由验证 b ~ = x b \tilde{b}=xb b~=xb改为验证 c b x c δ n = c o m c k ( b ˉ n ; s ˉ ) c_b^xc_{\delta_n}=com_{ck}(\bar{b}_n;\bar{s}) cbxcδn=comck(bˉn;sˉ)

5.4 Hadamard Product Argument

knowledge for committed vectors
a ⃗ 1 , b ⃗ 1 , c ⃗ 1 , ⋯   , a ⃗ m , b ⃗ m , c ⃗ m ∈ Z q n \vec{a}_1,\vec{b}_1,\vec{c}_1,\cdots,\vec{a}_m,\vec{b}_m,\vec{c}_m\in\mathbb{Z}_q^n a 1,b 1,c 1,,a m,b m,c mZqn
a ⃗ i ∘ b ⃗ i = c ⃗ i \vec{a}_i\circ \vec{b}_i=\vec{c}_i a ib i=c i

若采用5.3.1节中的multi Hadamard product argument来证明的花,则需要7 rounds of interaction,详细见[Gro09] 博客 Linear Algebra with Sub-linear Zero-Knowledge Arguments学习笔记

本文改进为仅需要 3 round 且 communication complexity与Groth’s Hadamard product相同。

借鉴 [GGPR13] Gennaro等人2013年论文《 Quadratic span programs and succinct nizks without pcps》第4章中 quadratic arithmetic programs 的构建,本文使用了Lagrange interpolation polynomials。
针对a set of values Ω = { w 1 , ⋯   , w m } ⊂ Z q \Omega=\{w_1,\cdots,w_m\}\subset\mathbb{Z}_q Ω={w1,,wm}Zq,相应的Langrange interpolation polynomials为:
l i ( X ) = ∏ j ≠ i ( X − w j ) ∏ j ≠ i ( w i − w j )  for  i = 1 , ⋯   , m l_i(X)=\frac{\prod_{j\neq i}(X-w_j)}{\prod_{j\neq i}(w_i-w_j)}\ \text{for}\ i=1,\cdots,m li(X)=j=i(wiwj)j=i(Xwj) for i=1,,m

可定义 l ( X ) = ∏ j = 1 m ( X − w j ) l(X)=\prod_{j=1}^{m}(X-w_j) l(X)=j=1m(Xwj)。本文只要求 w 1 , ⋯   , w m w_1,\cdots,w_m w1,,wm为不同的,不过为了效率,通常选择为 n n n-th root of unity值。当为 n n n-th root of unity时,可借助FFT来加速相关计算。

Lagrange polynomials具有如下关键特性:
l i ( X ) = { 1 m o d    X − w i 0 m o d    l ( X ) X − w i  for  i = 1 , ⋯   , m l_i(X)= \left\{\begin{matrix} 1 & \mod X-w_i\\ 0& \mod \frac{l(X)}{X-w_i} \end{matrix}\right.\ \text{for}\ i=1,\cdots,m li(X)={10modXwimodXwil(X) for i=1,,m

( ∑ i = 1 m l i ( X ) a ⃗ i ) ∘ ( ∑ j = 1 m l j ( X ) b ⃗ j ) − ∑ i = 1 m l i ( X ) c ⃗ i = Δ ⃗ ( X ) l ( X ) (\sum_{i=1}^{m}l_i(X)\vec{a}_i)\circ (\sum_{j=1}^{m}l_j(X)\vec{b}_j)-\sum_{i=1}^{m}l_i(X)\vec{c}_i=\vec{\Delta}(X)l(X) (i=1mli(X)a i)(j=1mlj(X)b j)i=1mli(X)c i=Δ (X)l(X) (5.2)

for some Δ ⃗ ( X ) ∈ ( Z q [ X ] ) n \vec{\Delta}(X)\in(\mathbb{Z}_q[X])^n Δ (X)(Zq[X])n

以上证明内容具有knowledge soundness和completeness,因为:
for all k = 1 , ⋯   , m k=1,\cdots,m k=1,,m,由于 l i ( X ) ≡ 1 m o d    X − w i l_i(X)\equiv 1\mod X-w_i li(X)1modXwi l i ( X ) ≡ 0 m o d    X − w k  for  i ≠ k l_i(X)\equiv 0\mod X-w_k\ \text{for}\ i\neq k li(X)0modXwk for i=k,因此有:
( ∑ i = 1 m l i ( X ) a ⃗ i ) ∘ ( ∑ j = 1 m l j ( X ) b ⃗ j ) − ∑ i = 1 m l i ( X ) c ⃗ i ≡ a ⃗ k ∘ b ⃗ k − c ⃗ k m o d    X − w k (\sum_{i=1}^{m}l_i(X)\vec{a}_i)\circ (\sum_{j=1}^{m}l_j(X)\vec{b}_j)-\sum_{i=1}^{m}l_i(X)\vec{c}_i\equiv \vec{a}_k\circ \vec{b}_k-\vec{c}_k \mod X-w_k (i=1mli(X)a i)(j=1mlj(X)b j)i=1mli(X)c ia kb kc kmodXwk

由于 l ( X ) ≡ 0 m o d    X − w k l(X)\equiv 0\mod X-w_k l(X)0modXwk,因此对于公式(5.2)成立的条件为确实 a ⃗ k ∘ b ⃗ k − c ⃗ k = 0 ⃗ \vec{a}_k\circ \vec{b}_k-\vec{c}_k=\vec{0} a kb kc k=0 for all k = 1 , ⋯   , m k=1,\cdots,m k=1,,m

completeness的考量如下,若 a ⃗ k ∘ b ⃗ k − c ⃗ k = 0 ⃗ \vec{a}_k\circ\vec{b}_k-\vec{c}_k=\vec{0} a kb kc k=0 成立,则有:
( ∑ i = 1 m l i ( X ) a ⃗ i ) ∘ ( ∑ j = 1 m l j ( X ) b ⃗ j ) − ∑ i = 1 m l i ( X ) c ⃗ i ≡ a ⃗ k ∘ b ⃗ k − c ⃗ k m o d    X − w 1 (\sum_{i=1}^{m}l_i(X)\vec{a}_i)\circ (\sum_{j=1}^{m}l_j(X)\vec{b}_j)-\sum_{i=1}^{m}l_i(X)\vec{c}_i\equiv \vec{a}_k\circ \vec{b}_k-\vec{c}_k \mod X-w_1 (i=1mli(X)a i)(j=1mlj(X)b j)i=1mli(X)c ia kb kc kmodXw1
⋮ \vdots
( ∑ i = 1 m l i ( X ) a ⃗ i ) ∘ ( ∑ j = 1 m l j ( X ) b ⃗ j ) − ∑ i = 1 m l i ( X ) c ⃗ i ≡ a ⃗ k ∘ b ⃗ k − c ⃗ k m o d    X − w m (\sum_{i=1}^{m}l_i(X)\vec{a}_i)\circ (\sum_{j=1}^{m}l_j(X)\vec{b}_j)-\sum_{i=1}^{m}l_i(X)\vec{c}_i\equiv \vec{a}_k\circ \vec{b}_k-\vec{c}_k \mod X-w_m (i=1mli(X)a i)(j=1mlj(X)b j)i=1mli(X)c ia kb kc kmodXwm

由于 w i ≠ w j w_i\neq w_j wi=wj for i ≠ j i\neq j i=j,因此所有的 X − w i X-w_i Xwi为coprime的,根据Chinese Remainder Theorem有:
( ∑ i = 1 m l i ( X ) a ⃗ i ) ∘ ( ∑ j = 1 m l j ( X ) b ⃗ j ) − ∑ i = 1 m l i ( X ) c ⃗ i ≡ 0 ⃗ m o d    l ( X ) (\sum_{i=1}^{m}l_i(X)\vec{a}_i)\circ (\sum_{j=1}^{m}l_j(X)\vec{b}_j)-\sum_{i=1}^{m}l_i(X)\vec{c}_i\equiv \vec{0} \mod l(X) (i=1mli(X)a i)(j=1mlj(X)b j)i=1mli(X)c i0 modl(X)

这就意味着存在 Δ ⃗ ( X ) \vec{\Delta}(X) Δ (X),Prover可计算出来,从而证明了completeness。

为了证明公式公式(5.2)成立,Prover需发送commitments c Δ 0 , ⋯   , c Δ m c_{\Delta_0},\cdots,c_{\Delta_m} cΔ0,,cΔm to Δ ⃗ i ∈ Z q n \vec{\Delta}_i\in\mathbb{Z}_q^n Δ iZqn such that Δ ⃗ ( X ) = ∑ i = 0 m Δ ⃗ i X i \vec{\Delta}(X)=\sum_{i=0}^{m}\vec{\Delta}_iX^i Δ (X)=i=0mΔ iXi
On random challenge x ← Z q ∗ ∖ Ω x\leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_q^*\setminus \Omega xZqΩ the prover opens
∏ i = 1 m c a i l i ( x )   ∏ i = 1 m c b i l i ( x )   ∏ i = 1 m c c i l i ( x )   ∏ i = 1 m c Δ i x i \prod_{i=1}^{m}c_{a_i}^{l_i(x)}\ \prod_{i=1}^{m}c_{b_i}^{l_i(x)}\ \prod_{i=1}^{m}c_{c_i}^{l_i(x)}\ \prod_{i=1}^{m}c_{\Delta_i}^{x^i} i=1mcaili(x) i=1mcbili(x) i=1mccili(x) i=1mcΔixi


a ⃗ ˉ = ∑ i = 1 m a ⃗ i l i ( x )   b ⃗ ˉ = ∑ i = 1 m b ⃗ i l i ( x )   c ⃗ ˉ = ∑ i = 1 m c ⃗ i l i ( x )   Δ ⃗ ˉ = ∑ i = 1 m Δ ⃗ i x i \bar{\vec{a}}=\sum_{i=1}^{m}\vec{a}_il_i(x)\ \bar{\vec{b}}=\sum_{i=1}^{m}\vec{b}_il_i(x)\ \bar{\vec{c}}=\sum_{i=1}^{m}\vec{c}_il_i(x)\ \bar{\vec{\Delta}}=\sum_{i=1}^{m}\vec{\Delta}_ix^i a ˉ=i=1ma ili(x) b ˉ=i=1mb ili(x) c ˉ=i=1mc ili(x) Δ ˉ=i=1mΔ ixi

Verifier 仅需验证 a ⃗ ˉ ∘ b ⃗ ˉ − c ⃗ ˉ = Δ ⃗ ˉ ⋅ l ( x ) \bar{\vec{a}}\circ\bar{\vec{b}}-\bar{\vec{c}}=\bar{\vec{\Delta}}\cdot l(x) a ˉb ˉc ˉ=Δ ˉl(x) 是否成立即可。

以上证明过程不具有zero-knowledge属性,为了防止 a ⃗ ˉ , b ⃗ ˉ , c ⃗ ˉ \bar{\vec{a}},\bar{\vec{b}},\bar{\vec{c}} a ˉ,b ˉ,c ˉ 泄露信息,Prover会选择随机向量 a ⃗ 0 , b ⃗ 0 , c ⃗ 0 ← Z q n \vec{a}_0,\vec{b}_0,\vec{c}_0\leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_q^n a 0,b 0,c 0Zqn,然后定义:
a ⃗ ˉ = a ⃗ 0 l ( x ) + ∑ i = 1 m a ⃗ i l i ( x )   b ⃗ ˉ = b ⃗ 0 l ( x ) + ∑ i = 1 m b ⃗ i l i ( x )   c ⃗ ˉ = c ⃗ 0 l ( x ) + ∑ i = 1 m c ⃗ i l i ( x ) \bar{\vec{a}}=\vec{a}_0l(x)+\sum_{i=1}^{m}\vec{a}_il_i(x)\ \bar{\vec{b}}=\vec{b}_0l(x)+\sum_{i=1}^{m}\vec{b}_il_i(x)\ \bar{\vec{c}}=\vec{c}_0l(x)+\sum_{i=1}^{m}\vec{c}_il_i(x) a ˉ=a 0l(x)+i=1ma ili(x) b ˉ=b 0l(x)+i=1mb ili(x) c ˉ=c 0l(x)+i=1mc ili(x)

由于 a ⃗ 0 , b ⃗ 0 , c ⃗ 0 \vec{a}_0,\vec{b}_0,\vec{c}_0 a 0,b 0,c 0为随机选择的,以此以上求和操作不会泄露任何关于 a ⃗ i , b ⃗ i , c ⃗ i \vec{a}_i,\vec{b}_i,\vec{c}_i a i,b i,c i的信息,除非 l ( x ) = 0 l(x)=0 l(x)=0。而当challenges不在 Ω \Omega Ω内时, l ( x ) l(x) l(x)不可能为0。同时有 l ( X ) ≡ 0 m o d    X − w i l(X)\equiv 0\mod X-w_i l(X)0modXwi for all i = 1 , ⋯   , m i=1,\cdots,m i=1,,m 使得存在 Δ ⃗ ( X ) ∈ ( Z q [ X ] ) n \vec{\Delta}(X)\in(\mathbb{Z}_q[X])^n Δ (X)(Zq[X])n 使 a ⃗ ˉ ∘ b ⃗ ˉ − c ⃗ ˉ = Δ ⃗ ˉ ( X ) l ( X ) \bar{\vec{a}}\circ\bar{\vec{b}}-\bar{\vec{c}}=\bar{\vec{\Delta}}(X)l(X) a ˉb ˉc ˉ=Δ ˉ(X)l(X) 成立。

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