Halo2学习笔记——用户手册之Tips and tricks(1)

1. 引言

此文包含在写halo2 circuit时可能有用的各种想法和片段。

2. Small range constraints

R1CS circuit中,常用的constraint为boolean constraint: b ∗ ( 1 − b ) = 0 b*(1-b)=0 b(1b)=0,当且仅当 b = 0 b=0 b=0 b = 1 b=1 b=1时,该constraint才satisfied。

类似地,在halo2 circuit中,也可constrain a cell to have one of a small set of values。如,constrain a a a to the range [ 0..5 ] [0..5] [0..5],则可构建如下形式的gate:
a ⋅ ( 1 − a ) ⋅ ( 2 − a ) ⋅ ( 3 − a ) ⋅ ( 4 − a ) = 0 a\cdot (1-a)\cdot (2-a)\cdot (3-a)\cdot (4-a)=0 a(1a)(2a)(3a)(4a)=0
当constrain c c c 7 7 7 13 13 13时,可:
( 7 − c ) ⋅ ( 13 − c ) = 0 (7-c)\cdot (13-c)=0 (7c)(13c)=0

底层核心思想为将set内的所有值作为constraint多项式的根。在R1CS circuit中,支持的最大polynomial degree 为 2 2 2(因为所有constraints的形式均为 a ∗ b = c a*b=c ab=c)。在halo2 circuit中,可使用任意degree的多项式——但是,degree越高,使用成本也越高。

注意,此处并不限制根必须是常量,如 ( a − x ) ⋅ ( a − y ) ⋅ ( a − z ) = 0 (a-x)\cdot (a-y)\cdot (a-z)=0 (ax)(ay)(az)=0,将constrain a a a to be equal to one of { x , y , z } \{x,y,z\} {x,y,z},而 x , y , z x,y,z x,y,z可为任意多项式,只要整个表达式的degree不超过maximum degree bound。

3. Small set interpolation

可使用Lagrange interpolation来创建a polynomial constraint that maps f ( X ) = Y f(X)=Y f(X)=Y for small sets of X ∈ { x i } , Y ∈ { y i } X\in\{x_i\}, Y\in\{y_i\} X{xi},Y{yi}

如,将a 2-bit value map为 a “spread” version interleaved with zeros:

  • 首先,precompute the evaluations at each point:
    00 → 0000 ⇒ 0 → 0 00\rightarrow 0000 \Rightarrow 0\rightarrow 0 00000000
    01 → 0001 ⇒ 1 → 1 01\rightarrow 0001 \Rightarrow 1\rightarrow 1 01000111
    10 → 0100 ⇒ 2 → 4 10\rightarrow 0100 \Rightarrow 2\rightarrow 4 10010024
    11 → 0101 ⇒ 3 → 5 11\rightarrow 0101 \Rightarrow 3\rightarrow 5 11010135

  • 然后,构建the Lagrange basis polynomial for each point using the identity:
    l j ( X ) = ∏ i ≤ m < k , m ≠ j x − x m x j − x m l_j(X)=\prod_{i\leq m<k,m\neq j}\frac{x-x_m}{x_j-x_m} lj(X)=im<k,m=jxjxmxxm
    其中 k k k为the number of data points。(本例中对应 k = 4 k=4 k=4。)
    注意,Lagrange basis polynomial l j ( X ) l_j(X) lj(X) evaluates to 1 1 1 at x j x_j xj and 0 0 0 at all other x i , j ≠ i x_i,j\neq i xi,j=i
    从而可获得相应4个Lagrange basis polynomials:
    l 0 ( X ) = ( X − 3 ) ( X − 2 ) ( X − 1 ) ( − 3 ) ( − 2 ) ( − 1 ) l 1 ( X ) = ( X − 3 ) ( X − 2 ) ( X ) ( − 2 ) ( − 1 ) ( 1 ) l 2 ( X ) = ( X − 3 ) ( X − 1 ) ( X ) ( − 1 ) ( 1 ) ( 2 ) l 3 ( X ) = ( X − 2 ) ( X − 1 ) ( X ) ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) \begin{array}{ccc} l_0(X) &=& \frac{(X - 3)(X - 2)(X - 1)}{(-3)(-2)(-1)} \\[1ex] l_1(X) &=& \frac{(X - 3)(X - 2)(X)}{(-2)(-1)(1)} \\[1ex] l_2(X) &=& \frac{(X - 3)(X - 1)(X)}{(-1)(1)(2)} \\[1ex] l_3(X) &=& \frac{(X - 2)(X - 1)(X)}{(1)(2)(3)} \end{array} l0(X)l1(X)l2(X)l3(X)====(3)(2)(1)(X3)(X2)(X1)(2)(1)(1)(X3)(X2)(X)(1)(1)(2)(X3)(X1)(X)(1)(2)(3)(X2)(X1)(X)
    对应的polynomial constraint即为:
    f ( 0 ) ⋅ l 0 ( X ) + f ( 1 ) ⋅ l 1 ( X ) + f ( 2 ) ⋅ l 2 ( X ) + f ( 3 ) ⋅ l 3 ( X ) − f ( X ) = 0    ⟹    0 ⋅ l 0 ( X ) + 1 ⋅ l 1 ( X ) + 4 ⋅ l 2 ( X ) + 5 ⋅ l 3 ( X ) − f ( X ) = 0. \begin{array}{cccccccccccl} &f(0) \cdot l_0(X) &+& f(1) \cdot l_1(X) &+& f(2) \cdot l_2(X) &+& f(3) \cdot l_3(X) &-& f(X) &=& 0 \\ \implies& 0 \cdot l_0(X) &+& 1 \cdot l_1(X) &+& 4 \cdot l_2(X) &+& 5 \cdot l_3(X) &-& f(X) &=& 0. \\ \end{array} f(0)l0(X)0l0(X)++f(1)l1(X)1l1(X)++f(2)l2(X)4l2(X)++f(3)l3(X)5l3(X)f(X)f(X)==00.


[1] Halo2 book之Tips and tricks





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