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原创 Interactive between local repository and remote repository in git
Interactive between local repository and remote repository in git
2016-06-29 23:17:46 501
原创 MIT Introduction to Algorithms Record-8
Weakness of hashing: For any choice of hash function, it always exist bad set of keys that all hash to same slot. Idea: Choose hash function at random,independently from the keys. Universal Hashing D
2016-06-16 22:30:46 396
原创 Files and Directories
FHSThis article we will look around a GNU/Linux System. The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) defines the standard of directory configuration regarding Linux system. According to a file system using
2016-06-14 23:36:08 409
原创 Delete files or directories in bash shell
As a new user to study Linux, this blog will introduces the command that be used to remove files or directories under bash shell. Furthermore, I will specify a special circumstance that will use some o
2016-06-11 12:15:35 367
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